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SAP Training MM Training


Entering a Requisition

Changing a Requisition
Displaying a Requisition
Requisition Reporting
Requisition Approval

What is a Purchase Requisition?

A request or instruction to Purchasing
to procure a quantity of a material or
service so that it is available at a
certain point in time.
Requisitions may be created
manually by the user community or
they may be created by MRP when
inventory for an item falls below
reorder point.

What Information is Included in a Purchase

What is to be purchased?
How much is to be purchased?
How much does it cost?
Whos paying for it?
When is it needed?
Where does it go when it arrives?
What additional information is
needed, relative to this purchase?

What is To Be Purchased?
Determine if it is a material or a
If it is a material, is there a material
master for the item?
If it is a service, what activities are to
be included in the service?

How Much is To Be Purchased?

The user must specify the quantity to
be purchased, with the appropriate
unit of measure.
If a material master is used for the
item, the unit of measure defaults
from the material master; else, the
user must define.
For Services, the unit of measure is
always AU (activity unit).

How Much Does it Cost?

What is the unit price of the item?
This, together with the quantity
requested, will be extended to a total
cost of the requisition line item.
The total cost of the line item will be
a factor in determining who needs to
approve the purchase request.

Whos Paying for It?

What type of purchase is it?
What department is paying for it?
What fund is providing the money?
This information also becomes a
factor in determining who needs to
approve the purchase request.

When is it Needed?
An expected delivery date must be
This may be the date agreed to by
the supplier at the time contact was
made by the requisitioner or a
requested delivery date with no
contact with the supplier.

Where Does it Go When it Arrives?

If the material is to be received into
inventory, what plant and storage
location should it be received to?
If the material is non-inventory, to
what building/room number should it
be delivered and who should receive
If this is a service, only the plant
need be entered.

What Additional Information is Needed?

Requisitioner name of the person
creating the requisition
Desired Vendor vendor number for
the supplier from whom the material
or service is to be provided
Purchasing Group responsible buyer
for the purchase
Tracking number

How Can I Be Sure Theres Enough Money?

Requisitioners should first check
transaction code ZBUDSTAT_CF

How Can I Tell Theres Enough Money?

Select Overview -> Commitment Item

How Can I Tell Theres Enough Money?

You can only spend money where
money exists.

How Do I Create a Requisition?


In SAP, you can get to the requisition

create transaction two ways:
Use the menu path:
Logistics ->Materials Management ->
Purchasing -> Purchase Requisition ->

How Do I Create a Requisition?

-OR Type ME51N in the Dialog Box.



ME51N Create Requisition


Item Overview

Item Detail

How is a Supply Requisition Entered?


Since this requisition is for an item

with a material master, the user can
key in less information.
Enter all numbered fields (6

How Are Matchcodes Used?

When this symbol appears in a field:

this is an indication that a possibleentries list exists.

Click on the icon and the list appears.
Use the wildcard * to facilitate
searches in the list.

Example of a Search
For a purchase requisition, a vendor
may be proposed. If one exists in
SAP, it may be found, as below:

How Do I Enter Texts? And Where?

Sometimes, additional information is
needed on a requisition.
Free text can be entered either at the
header or line item level.
Depending on the type of
information, the user can enter texts
or notes
Texts are external; notes are internal

Example of Header Note

This information should not print on
the purchase order document

Example of new Vendor information

Example of Item Text

Since the requisition only allows 40
places for item description, the item
text can be used to supplement the

Do I Have to Type Everything In?

SAP provides a standard text option
Standard text allows for the
definition of frequently used text,
which can be used in multiple
These standard text objects must be
defined in advance
These objects can be included in
header notes or item texts.

How Do I Use Standard Text?

Double click in the white text box.
In the text box, go to Insert -> Text
-> Standard

Enter Z*. Choose the possible

entries button and press Execute.

How Do I Use Standard Text?

The list of possible entries is
displayed. Highlight the one you
want to use and press the green
check mark or Enter.

How Do I Use Standard Text?

In the pop-up window, click on
Expand Immediately. Press Enter.

How Do I Use Standard Text?

The text is displayed.

Press the green arrow back

When the Document is Finished..

The document MUST be saved.

How Do I Note Discounts or Surcharges?

Since the requisition is only a request
for purchase, the document does not
include pricing conditions.
The requisition entry should include a
header note for the buyer to include
the discount or surcharge, including
the value or percentage.

But What Happens If..


2 3

There are many items on the requisition, all

going to the same place with the same
account information???

But What Happens If..

But what happens if the information

isnt quite the same..?

Requisition Copied Account Assignment

Requisition Multiple Account Assignment

Multiple account assignment can
split the costs among multiple

When the Document is Finished..

The document MUST be saved.

Purchases Referencing Grants

Purchases for grant-funded activities will
use the same process as the other
requisition entries performed today.
Instead of providing a cost center and
general ledger reference, the user will
provide a general ledger and WBS Element

Changing Purchase Requisitions

Requisitions are changed using either
Logistics -> Materials Management -> Purchasing
-> Purchase
Requisitions -> Change

-ORTransaction Code ME52N

Changes to Requisitions
Prior to requisition approval or
conversion to purchase order, some
data on requisitions can be changed.

Any entry that is not grayed out may

still be changed.

What If Someone Wants to Review?

The user can either go to
Logistics -> Materials Management
-Purchasing -> Purchase Requisition ->

-ORUse transaction ME53N

What Kinds of Reports are Available?

Can I Print This Report?

Reports can be printed with this
menu path

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