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Ball Relay

Required: 15 sets of balls in various sizes, two ball bags and two hula-hoops
Players: Small to large groups

This game is great for a physical education teacher. Set up players in two teams.
You will need 15 balls for each team. The balls for each team should match in
size. You should use medicine balls, basketballs, soccer balls, footballs, kick balls,
volleyballs, etc. Each team should have the same size and amount. In front of
each team, place a hula-hoop filled with all their balls, the big ones should be on
the bottom with the little ones on top. All the balls should fit inside the hoop. At
the other end of the field will be a ball bag for each team (big enough to hold all
the balls for that team). The first person from each team is to grab a ball, take it
down the field, stuff it in the bag, race back and tag the next person who will do
the same. You keep doing this until the last ball is left. The person with the last
ball will take it down field, stuff it in the bag, bring the bag back to the front of
the line where the hoop is and place all the balls back into the hoop. Once all the
balls are out of the bag and placed in the hoop that team wins, but the trick is
they have to be stacked correctly to fit into the hoop. The big ones must be on
the bottom and the little ones on top.

Balloon Head Race

Required: Balloons
Players: Small to large groups
Organize players so that theyre into pairs and each team receives a partially
inflated balloon. When the game starts, teams must race to a finish line carrying
a balloon between their heads, remember dont use your hands. On hot days try
it with water balloons or through a sprinkler. You can even try an obstacle course.

Banana Olympics
Required: Bananas
Players: Small to large groups
Game of the Month 10/07

Divide the group into teams of 8-10 players and give each team a banana. Each
team will complete several series of different relays using their banana. Here are
some ideas for those relays.
The banana under your armpit and hopping on one leg down a field and back.
Place the banana between the knees and hop down a field and back.
Two teammates tossing the banana back and forth down the field and back.
Place the banana on the ground and each teammate must roll across the banana.
Teammates line up in leapfrog formation and first player hops over players while
holding banana and then tosses banana to next player in line to do the same.
Show the players all the relays that theyll have to complete for the Olympics. You
may have to write them on a large white board so that all players will know what
relay is next. Once a team has completed all these relays someone on the team
must eat the banana and the team that is done first is the winner. Use your own
ideas, add to the list or use only a few ideas. You can adjust this game to all types
of players including the disabled.

Beanbag Bowling
Required: 5 bowling pins and 5 bean bags
Players: Medium to large groups

Play on a smooth flat surface like a gym floor. Divide players into four teams.
Place one bowling pin exactly in the center of a 30ft - 40ft circle. The other four
pins will be placed evenly around the outside of the circle. One player from each
team will be on the outside of the circle standing next to their bowling pin but
slightly behind it. The player is given a FlingSock or beanbag to hold onto while
they run. When signaled the players are to run around the outside of the circle in
a clockwise direction. Once they make a complete circle they are to stand at their
bowling pin, toss their bag so that it will slide across the floor in an attempt to
knock down the bowling pin. If their bag misses they are to retrieve their bag and

return to their throwing position and try again until someone knocks down the
pin. The team that knocks down the pin receives 5 points. The next players on
each team will do the same until all players have had a chance to do the relay.
The team with the most points is the winner.
Big Foot
Required: Large rubber boots and grass play area
Players: Small to large groups

Set up teams with each team assigned one pair of large rubber boots. These
boots can be fishing waders and it would be helpful if the players could just slide
their shoes right into the boots without taking off their shoes. Have teams line up
behind the starting line. The first person on each team must put on the rubber
boots, race down grass course and back, take off the boots and the next person
on the team will do the same. When the last person on one of the teams crosses
back through the starting line first, they are the winners.

Blanket Carry
Required: One blanket for each team, cones
Players: Medium to large groups

Play this game in an open grassy area. Divide the group into teams of 10 players.
Each team will be given one blanket. Set out one cone per team at the end the
playing field for players to go around. Each team will need four players to carry
the blanket; one player on each corner and the corners will be numbered corner
#1, #2, #3 and #4. They will also need one player to ride in the blanket. The
players will rotate after each carry so that each player on the team has been at
all of the corner positions and the carried player. On go, the teams will race down
around the cones and back then rotate until all players have had a turn. If one
team is short on players that team will have to repeat some players so that all
teams take the equal amount of trips down and back. The first team to complete
the rotation is the winner.

Blinded Ball Retrieval

Required: Containers, balls and blindfolds
Players: Small to large groups

Separate into teams of 4-8 players and each team will have one container of balls
and one blindfold. Each container will have to same amount of balls about 3-5
depending on the size of the teams. The container of balls will be placed about
six feet in front of the teams. The first player will put on the blindfold and then
the balls will be dumped out. Each player will try to retrieve 3 balls and place
them back into their own container by following instructions given by the rest of
the team. Once they have done this they can remove their blindfold and return to
the next person in line. That person will put on the blindfold and the balls will be
dumped. They will also retrieve 3 balls for their container. The balls can be any
balls that they find but they have to go into their own container. If they put a ball
into the wrong container it will count for the other team. Caution the players not
to run because they can bump into the other players that are blindfolded. Its
best if only one person from the team tells the blindfolded player where to go. It
will take teamwork trying to keep quiet so that the player can listen for direction.
The first team done with the rotation is the winner.

Bucket Brigade
Required: 2 water bottles per team and small
(bathroom size) paper cups
Players: Small to large groups

Divide into teams of 5 to 10 players. Each team will be given two water bottles,
one full and the other empty. Each player will receive one cup. The teams line up
front to back in a row sitting on the floor. The person in front will hold the full
water bottle and the last person on the team will have the empty water bottle.
On go, the first person in line will pour water into his cup and then without
turning pour his cup of water into the cup of the player behind him. Each player
will pour his cup of water into the cup of the next player. The last player will then
pour his cup of water into the water bottle. As soon as the first player passes his

water he can refill the cup and start passing again. They will continue until all the
water is out of the first bottle. The team with the most water in the bottle at the
back of the line is the winner.

Chimp Race
Players: Small to large groups

Set up teams and play area. The first person on each team is to bend over with
feet apart and grab their ankles. On go, they are to race down the course and
back without letting go of their ankles. Each person on the team repeats the
relay. The first team done is the winner.

Fun-Attic Toys - Safe and Fun

Cracker Whistle
Required: Crackers, table or counter, cups and water
Players: Small to large groups

Set up 2-4 teams depending on the number of players. The first player on each
team will run to one main table, eat two crackers and then attempt to whistle.
Once a player has whistled they run back to their team and tag the next player.
That player will also do the same until everyone has completed the task. The first
team done is a winner. Make sure you have cups of water nearby just in case
someone needs a drink.

Cup Stack Relay Knock Down

Required: 8-10 paper or plastic cups and plates,
one Fun Gripper Team Handball per team
Players: Large groups
Fun Gripper Team Handball

Set up teams of 8-10 players in lines facing away from the middle of a circle
about 15-20 feet away. In the middle of the circle, somewhat lined up with each
teams position, is their pile of cups and plates to stack up.
Each team will be given one ball. The first player from each team will run down to
the middle where their equipment is, and stack the plates and cups alternating
them, having the cups face down, and then run to the next person to do the
same. The next person will run down and un-stack them and then re-stack them.
But anyone from another team has the option of using their ball to try to knock
down any other team's stacked pile to set them behind. This is done only by the
next person in line, on their turn, they cannot go do their task until the person
behind them has retrieved the thrown ball and brought it back to the group. If a
team's cups are knocked down, the person that stacked them has to return and
do it again. So the strategy becomes do you knock down someone else's stack or
focus only on your team's progress and play it safe. The first team done is the
winner of the game.
Submitted by R Scheel, Fun-Attic, Inc.
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Dizzy Basketball
Required: Basketballs, basketball hoop and baseball bats
Players: Small to medium groups
Kids Outdoor Games

Divide up players into teams. Give each team one basketball and one baseball
bat. One player at a time from each team will go to their baseball bat, bend over,
put their head on the end bat and circle it 5 times while in this position (They
should be vary dizzy at this point). Then they will go pick up their basketball
dribble down to the hoop and shoot a basket with the ball. Once they have done
this they return the ball to its position by the bat and tag the next player on the
team to do the same. The first team done completing this rotation is the winner.

Dress-up Torture
Rope, donuts, lipstick, marker, cups, sponge rollers, clip earrings, water bombs or
water balloons, nail polish, table, envelopes and chairs

Players: Small to large groups

Game of the Month 1/01

Heres a new game for the youth groups to play. Divide up into teams of eleven
and pick one person willing to go through the Torture. You can even have the
leaders go through the torture to show evidence of their courage and faith. If this
were the case then youd only need 10 players on each team. All players will line
up in a line and their tortured player will be placed in a chair about 6-10 feet in
front of them. On a table behind the seated player place items that their
teammates will use. For each team have 10 envelopes labeled from 1-10 and
place inside them the instructions as to the task they are to perform. Below is a
list of tasks for the Dress-up Torture and in parentheses will be helpful comments
to get you started.
Tie them to the chair. (For each team provide twine cut about 6-8 feet long,
instruct not the tie them too tight.)
Feed them a donut. (Donuts will not be too messy but just enough.)
Draw a happy face on their forehead with washable marker. (You can use lipstick
instead of marker if helpful.)
Put lipstick on their lips. (Make sure there are enough tubes so that everyone will
receive a clean tube, find someone that sells makeup and get sample tubes if
Give them a drink of water. (Have cups of water poured out ahead of time and
you can even make them drink from a straw.)
Place 4 sponge rollers in their hair. (You can use hair clips instead of sponge
rollers but the roller will be the most effective for a reaction.)
Place clip on earrings. (Go to a garage sale or second hand shop to purchase
cheap clip on earrings.)
Throw a water bomb or water balloon at them. (It must break.) (Dont aim for the
Paint all their fingernails on one hand. (Make sure you have nail polish remover
after this event.)
Kiss their check. (Hey, this could be the luck of the draw, just get it over with, win
it for the Gipper.)
These are just ideas, you can use your own and add to them if you have more
players on each team. The first person on the team will run to the table, open the
envelope number 1 and do what is written on the slip (Tie them to the chair).

After completing this task they will run back to their team, tag the next player
and they will complete the next numbered task. The first team done is the
winner. Make sure you have your camera's ready.
Created by R. Scheel, Fun-Attic, Inc.
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Egg Roll 500

Required: Eggs (cooked or uncooked), obstacle course
Players: Small to large groups

Set up an obstacle course with a start and finish line. If outdoors, players can do
this barefoot if weather permitting. The course could go through mud puddles
and/or water (sprinkler) if available. Divide into teams and each person is to go
through obstacle course pushing an egg with their foot.
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Flamingo Ball Relay

Required: Balls
Players: Small to large groups
Game of the Month 8/01

Set up teams of 8 - 11 players and each team will need one ball. Choose one
player on each team to toss the ball to their team players. The teams are to line
up side-by-side about one to two feet part from the other team players. The
players with the balls are to be facing the first player in line about 5-8 feet away.
On go, the first player is to stand on one foot (left foot) and the ball is to be
passed to them 5 times by their player with the ball. If they put their foot down
they are to start over with the count of 5 again. Once that player has completed
the 5 passes then the next player will complete the task. You do this all the way
down the line until the end. Once the last person has completed standing on the
left foot, they will now stand on the right foot for 5 ball passes. The next player
will do the same standing now on the right foot working your way back up to the
starting point. The first team to complete the ball passing while standing like a
Flamingo is the winner. This game idea came to me after reading the book called
The Gift of Dyslexia.

Created by R. Scheel, Fun-Attic, Inc.

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Flapjack Relay
Required: Stack of pancakes, pancake turners and plates
Players: Small to large groups

Ahead of time cook up enough pancakes so that each team will have about 10-15
pancakes. Have the same amount of pancakes for each team at the starting line
on a plate and another plate at the other end the course about 25-30 ft. The first
member of each team is to carry the stack of pancakes (all at once) very carefully
on the pancake turner to the other plate, lay them on the plate, then return to
the next player, and give them the turner. They are to go to the end of course
and return the stack back to the starting plate. Keep repeating until everyone has
had a turn. The first team done is a winner.
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Football Toss Contest

Required: Tire, rope, 4 or more Fun Gripper Footballs, place to hang tire (jungle
gym, tree, monkey bars)
Players: Small to large groups

Hang a tire at a level that all players can pass a football through. Divide up into
two teams and have them line up on both sides of the tire so that they are
staring at each other. Give the teams the same amount of footballs. The first one
in both lines is to throw all balls through the tire in hopes to block the opposing
players throw and/or receive one point per score. When done, that person is to
retrieve balls back to starting container and next person is to continue. The team
with the most points wins. Use Fun Gripper football to prevent injury from getting
hit or if you use hard footballs wear bike helmets.
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Four Leaf Clover Race

Required: Cut out two 5 inch clovers for each team

Players: Small to large groups

Game of the Month 10/12

Set up teams with first person on each team holding 2 four leaf clovers. On go
they are to place the clovers in front of them to step across course. When they
step to the second one, they are to pick up the first one while standing on one
foot. Once they pick up the first one they place that one in front and step on it.
The object is to go across the course stepping on only the clovers without
stepping on the floor. If they step on the floor they must return to the starting line
and start again. You can use different variations of this game. You could line a
gym up with everyone holding clovers and the first one across is the winner. This
also could be varied for the time of the year, Valentines, Crosses for Easter,
Bunnies, or Spring Flowers.
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Frosting Signature
Required: Frosting, tables, wax paper and decorating bags
Players: Small to large groups

For each team you need cake-decorating bags filled with frosting. Set up tables
with wax paper on them and one decorating bag filled with frosting for each
team. Each player on each team will race down to the table and write their name
on the wax paper with the frosting bag. You can have them write just their first
name or both. To make the game longer you could make them have to fill the bag
once they get down to the table. To lengthen the game writing their full name
would make them have to possibly fill the bag again. You could have a judge
make sure that the writing is legible. The first team to finish writing their names
is the winner.
Created by R. Scheel, Fun-Attic, Inc.
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Garden Bubble Gum Blow

Required: Packs of bubble gum and new garden gloves
Players: Small to large groups

Game of the Month 1/11

In large groups set up two to three teams. Have your teams line up and sit down
if possible. On go, the first person in each team puts on the garden gloves. They
will then open the package of gum, pull out a piece, unwrap it, chew it, blow a
bubble, and then pass the gloves to the next player. The first team to complete
the task wins. The winners can take home the garden gloves and all the used
chewing gum they can handle.
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Handicapped Kiss
Required:: Chocolate kisses, plastic bowls, applesauce or pudding, old clothes or
plastic trash bags as bibs, outdoors or kitchen/cafeteria area
Players: Small to large groups

Set up teams of about five to six. For each player there should be a bowl from
which they will retrieve one chocolate kiss out of the bottom, but the bowl will be
filled with some type of semi liquid like applesauce. These bowls will be placed
about 30 ft away from start line and you can mark players names on the bowls.
Each teams bowls should be grouped together. They can be placed on the
ground, floor or a table. Once set up, the object is for one team member at a
time, to race down to their bowl and retrieve the chocolate kiss with their mouth,
keeping their hands behind their back. They are to eat it while standing at the
bowls so they dont choke. They then run back and the next team member does
the same. You can use candy corn instead of chocolate kisses if your concerned
about the players chocking. This is a game that makes them aware what its like
not having the use of your hands or arms. Ask them if they learned anything from
this game.
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Fun-Attic Toys - Safe and Fun

Hang'em-Gang Relay
Required: 16 pieces of clothing, 16 plastic hangers, 2 wooden rods
Players: Small to medium groups

Select 2 teams of 10 players each. Pick 2 of the 10 players on each team (or use
adults) to hold the wooden rod. Select a starting point and line up the teams.
Take 8 hangers and 8 pieces of clothing. Mix them together in a pile. GO, 1st
player runs to pile finds a hanger and a piece of clothing, puts the clothing on the
hanger and hangs it on the wooden rod. Player then runs back to the starting
point and tags the next team member. The first team to successfully hang all the
clothing wins. To make it a little more difficult you can assign particular pieces of
clothing they must find to hang.
Submitted by S.T.A.T.I.K. Kids Church
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Hippie Shake Sweep Up

Required:: Wisk brooms, thin rope, tape and small items
Players: Small to large groups

Pick out an item that would be good to sweep into an area like miniature
marshmallows, peanuts or raisins (items that cause a slight resistance). Each
team will need one wisk broom (small handled broom), rope and items to sweep.
Attach a rope to the handle of the broom. Make it long enough to fit around any
players waist and still be able to just touch the ground. Have the rope and broom
hang down in the middle to the stomach of each first team player, so that it can
swing freely between their legs. Each team will have a square taped out on a
hard surface that would be divided in half by tape. The items to sweep will be on
one side the of divided area. Their job is to sweep the items to the other part of
the square, using a Hippie Shake motion making the broom swing back and forth
through their legs. Once that player is done the next person will do the same and
the first team to complete the task is the winner. Great game for youth groups or
could be used as a wedding shower game.
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Ice Fishing
Required: Roasting pan, ice cubes, and marbles
Players: Small to medium groups

Fill a roasting pan with ice and then put marbles in it. You can break the kids up
into teams and then have each person on the team come and try to fish out
one of the marbles with their bare feet. The first team done wins. Youll really like
watching everyones expressions when they stick their feet in the ice.

Submitted by Sean Macdonald, Bethel Brethren Church

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Required:: Paper cups and sand or water
Players: Small to large groups

This can be played as teams or individually. Mark off a starting point and finish
line. Players are to lie belly down, with cup filled with sand placed on their back,
crawl like an inchworm to finish line. If cup falls off and spills they are to start
over. The first team done is the winner.

Jelly Bean Relay

Required: Spoons, two dishes for each team and jelly beans
Players: Small to large groups
Each team has equal amount of jelly beans in one dish and one empty dish. Youll need enough spoons for
everyone that is playing. The object is for each team to have one person at a time, move jelly beans from one
bowl to the other. This is done with hands behind their back, spoon in their mouth and one bean at a time. The
first team to have all members complete this task is the winner. You can use items like lemon drops (my
favorite), heart candies or anything other than jelly beans.

Jingle Bell Relay

Required: Bells and various props
Players: Small to medium groups

Game of the Month 12/07

You will need about 6-8 1" round bells per team along with various props at each station. Set up an obstacle
course for the players. The course could be decorated for the holiday season. They might have to jump over
holiday garland, step through a holiday ornament mine field (plastic ornaments), kiss a picture of Santa (or
some other holiday figure) hanging under mistletoe, stack holiday cups and plates on a table and then put
them back in place for the next person, carry a stack of wrapped packages from one point to another and
back, wrap a package, at one station they might sing "I wish you a Merry Christmas" three times, and eat a
Christmas cookie. Get creative and come up with other ideas of your own. Then divide into two teams and
give each team 6-8 bells. Each person on the team will have to go through the course carrying all the bells (in
their hands, not their pockets or mouths). If they drop a bell they have to go back to get it. The bells can be
set down at a station if needed to complete the task. The first team to finish wins.

Knot Race

Required: Ropes or sheets

Players: Small to large groups
Set up two teams with a rope for each team. Tie as many knots as there are player in each team. On go, the
first person in the team is to untie a knot, then hand the rope to the next person and repeat. The first team to
untie all their knots is the winner. Variations: Have the teams send the rope down the line with them tying the
knots and then back up the line untying them. You could even have them use only one hand to untie the knots
which means they would have to use their teeth. Please use a clean rope or sheet for this variation.

Leaning Tower of Cheeza

Required: Tables, crackers, cans of spray cheese, and plates
Players: Small to large groups
Set up teams of 6 - 10 players and each team will need one table, one can of cheese, 1 or 2 packages of
crackers and one plate. The tables will be placed on the other side of the room. The teams will line up and the
first player on each team will go to the table, squirt cheese on the plate, add one cracker, run back. The rest of
the players on each team will do the same. You can do this as a timed game where the players have 3 minutes
to build their tower or the first rotation is done. The team that has the tallest tower and most crackers in their
tower is the winner. For another game with these items see Stuck On You - Relay Games section.
Created by R. Scheel, Fun-Attic, Inc.

Lemon Relay
Required: Lemons, pencils, and rolling course
Players: Small to large groups
Divide into two groups or more depending on participants and supplies. At starting line, teams are to roll
lemon using a pencil through a short course and back to starting point. Each person on team must complete
task until the first team complete is the winner.

Lily Pad
Required: Paper plates
Players: Small to large groups

Game of the Month 3/03

Divide the group into teams of 4 or more. They will have 2 fewer plates than the number of teammates. The
object of this game is to get all team members across a space (pond) by stepping on the plates (lily pads) only.
The number of people on the team will determine length of space. Since they are using 9" plates, a bit of
leniency should be practiced as far as stepping only on the plates. At least half of the players foot must be on
the plate. Each team must come up with a strategy for passing the plates back and forth in order to get all
teammates across the span. The first team to get all members across wins. After the teams try this, and think
they have it figured out, have them try again with these variations:
-No shouting out instructions; in fact, NO words at all. They can use stomps, grunts, snaps or whatever else
they can come up with, but no talking.
-Every 30-45 seconds, (moderator controlled), one plate is taken from the team, (moderators choice).
Whoever is on that plate must go back to the beginning, and the team has to come up with a strategy to get
that person back with the team.
Submitted by Merrily, Mary Nolte

M & M Toss
Required: Bags of M & M candies, plastic spoons and cups
Players: Small to large groups
You can play this game with two players per team or a whole team in a rotation. For two players per team
divide up into teams and have the players stand about six feet apart. The players should be standing face to
face with one player as the shooter and the other player as the receiver. If you have a large group, have them
stand in a line to monitor the six-foot separation point. All the shooters will be given one cup of M & M
candies and a plastic spoon. When signaled the shooter will try to shoot one M & M from the plastic spoon
into the mouth of the other player from the six-foot distance point. They must shoot the M & M past the
marking point in the air to be caught. The receiver cannot step ahead of the marking point to catch an M &
M. Once a receiver catches the M & M the cup will be given to them and then shooter will now be the
receiver. The first team done is the winner. For a larger teams simply rotate a new shooter in and rotate the
first shooter to be the receiver. The first team to finish the rotation wins.

Marble Noodles
Required: Vegetable oil, noodles, marbles, bowls or large container and plastic tarps
Players: Small to medium groups
You can play this game inside if you lay down plastic tarps and provide wipes to clean the players feet once
they have completed their task. If you play this game outside you won't need the plastic tarps. Pre-cook the
curly type of noodles and pour into bowls, add cup of oil, marbles and mix well. Divide players into teams
and each team player one at a time will go down to the container and pull out 3-5 marbles with their toes.
Then the next player on the team will do the same. The first team to complete the task is the winner. Youll
need a leader to add back the marbles within the noodles once the designated number has been pulled from
each turn.
Submitted by Susan Ford

Mellows On A Line
Required: Large marshmallows, goggles, line and skewer
Players: Small to large groups
String an even number large marshmallows on fishing line or clean string by poking a hole through the
marshmallows with skewer. Space them about 6" apart on the line with one marshmallow for each player. If
marshmallows are too soft you might have to set them on a cookie sheet and place them in a freezer for a
while before poking a hole through them. Make sure they are fully defrosted before playing the game. Secure
the line by tying it to trees or have players holding it. Set up 2 teams and each player one at a time will put on
a set of goggles, eat one of the marshmallows and then tag the next player to do the same. The first team done
is the winner.
Created by R. Scheel, Fun-Attic, Inc.

Mirror Throw
Required: Hand mirrors, hula-hoops, FlingSocks, Water Splash Bombs or small balls

Players: Small to medium groups

Divide into teams of 3 to 5 players. Each team will be given one hand mirror and a set of 3 chosen objects to
throw. Each team will have the same type of items to throw. One team member will start out holding the hulahoop about 10 feet away for his teammate. The first teammate must turn his back toward the hula-hoop and
use the hand mirror to view the location of the hula-hoop and throw his soft items through one at a time.
Once that player has attempted the tosses, he will rotate to holding the hula-hoop and the next player in line
will do that same. The hula-hoop holder will go to the back of the line. Once all players have attempted the
toss. The team that gets the most items through the hoop wins.
Submitted by Merrily, Mary Nolte

Required: Two noodle floats (the long floatation devices)
Players: 8 players
The first player places the noodle between their knees, goes around an obstacle course as they hop. After they
get back to the starting line they pick up another team member. They will both now hold the noodle between
their knees while the first continues to hop and the second runs. They go back to the starting line and pick up
the 3rd team member who must skip while the others continue to do their actions, all while the noodle
remains between the knees. Finally pick up the last team member who grabs the noodle (while facing the
opposite way as the rest of the team) and they do one of the three prior actions (Leader to choose).
Submitted by S.T.A.T.I.K. Kids Church

Oatmeal Raisin Relay

Required: Old clothes or swimsuits, two large pans of cooked oatmeal
and raisins
Players: Small to large groups

Game of the Month 4/09

Cook up two large pans of oatmeal and cool. Divide off half of oatmeal into a bowl and mix in raisins to the
oatmeal in the pan, then add separated part to cover raisins. Have pans lined up at end of course for each
team. Teams are to run down course one at a time, retrieve one raisin, run back to deposit raisin in container
and the next teammate does the same. The first team the complete task is the winner. Try this game again
after you add raisins back. Play outdoors on a warm day so at the end they can have an oatmeal fight.
Oatmeal is supposed to be good for the skin.

Orange Eating Race

Required: Oranges
Players: Small to large groups
Divide into groups depending on participants and supplies. The object is for each person to help peel the
orange and eat it. Start out with everyone washing their hands and the oranges. The first person from each
team is to peal one piece of skin then hand to the next person in line to peal one more piece of skin. Once the
orange is peeled teams are to take one section of orange pass the rest to next player and eat his section. First
team done peeling and eating their orange is the winner!!! (very appealing)Caution - dont choke on the

Orange Relay
Required: Oranges
Players: Small to large groups
Divide into groups depending on participants and supplies. The object is to pass the orange from one
teammate to the next from under the chin without using your hands. If groups are small, make them go
around twice.

Out of the Water

Required: Long rope (about 30ft), two sets of swimming fins, hula
hoops or balls for task to complete
Players: Small to medium groups

Game of the Month 7/03

Set up 2 teams with 3 to 6 players per team. The first 2 players will each be tied around the waist with
opposite ends of the same rope. They will be required to complete a task while wearing swimming fins and
while the other person is trying to do the same at the opposite end. Allow enough rope so that it will be short
and the competitors will have to pull against each other to reach the task. The task could be trying to shoot
balls into a trash can or loop hula hoops around a cone or trash can. You should mark off for each player the
position that they have to be in to receive a hoop or ball, and a player on their team can toss the object to
them so they can attempt to complete the task. Give the players 5-7 objects and the first player to accomplish
that task will receive a point for their team. The next two players now do the same. The team with the most
points is the winner.

Pass the Pretzels

Required: Bags of sticks pretzels and twisted pretzels
Players: Small to large groups

Set up teams, give each player one stick pretzel and have them put one end into
their mouth. The first player on each team is also given a twisted pretzel to be
balanced on the other end of the stick pretzel. They are to turn and pass the
twisted pretzel to their teammate that is standing next to them. That player will
turn and pass the twisted pretzel to the next player and so forth until the twisted
pretzel has be passed all the way to the end of the line. If the twisted pretzel is
dropped the person previous to them is to pick it up, place it on their stick and
pass it back to them. If it breaks or is not whole, an official is to give them a new
twisted pretzel. The team that is first to pass the pretzel down to the end of the
line is the winner. You could play this game on your next bus trip with your youth

group. Set up four teams and they have to pass the pretzel for one end of the bus
over the seats to the other end of the bus. Have official stand in the isles to
ensure that the isle seat players pass the pretzels over the seats.
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Pasta Trail
Required: Cooked spaghetti, outdoor area, and containers
Players: Small to large groups

Figure out how many teams youll have and thats how many containers of
spaghetti you need. Have teams line up outdoors at starting point. One person
from each team is to take three pieces of spaghetti, lay one piece down at a time
beginning at the starting line and where the first one ends the next piece will
start. The first team member should end up with three pieces of spaghetti laying
down in a row, heading down the course. Then the next team member will take
three pieces and start where the other team member left off. The first team to
reach the finish line is the winner!!
Note: When cooking spaghetti use cooking oil in water to prevent spaghetti from
sticking together.
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Pick Up Sticks
Required: Oven mitts, containers and toothpicks
Players: Small to large groups

Set up teams and one at a time they are to complete task. They are to put on
oven mitt and pick up toothpicks, placing them into a container. Ahead of time
you should count out the same amount toothpicks for each team participating.
The first team where each player has completed task is the winner.
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Ping-Pong Relay
Required: Buckets and ping-pong balls
Players: Small to large groups
Game of the Month 9/99

For each team, have one bucket and five ping-pong balls. The object is to have
players one at a time, run barefoot down the course to where bucket and five
ping-pong balls are on the ground. They are to sit on the ground and using only
their feet, pick up the ping-pong balls and put them into the bucket. Once they
have all the balls into the bucket, they are to dump them out, run back to the
team and have the next person do the same. The first team with everyone
completing the task is the winner. You could try water bombs instead of pingpong balls.
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Pinkie Link Race

Required: Balloons
Players: Small groups

Set up teams. Have the 1st two in each team stand back to back and then have a
3rd person on each team place a balloon between the 1st two people. They must
race down field, sit at end of field, stand back up and return to starting point.
Next two must do the same until everyone has completed task. Good luck, have
fun and don. t pop the balloon.
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Potato Picker
Required: Raw Potatoes, chairs and buckets
Players: Small to large groups
Game of the Month 6/01

Divide your group up into teams. Each team will need one chair placed in front of
them, a bag of potatoes and a bucket on the other side of the playing area. When
signaled, the first players on each team will pull out one potato from the potato
bag and place it on the chair in front of them. The potato should be placed close
to the edge so that they can sit down on the chair. The object is to try to sit down
and then stand up with the potato between their legs. They cannot use their

hands. Once they are able to stand with the potato they will carefully wobble
(walking backwards) over to the bucket and drop the potato into the bucket
without using their hands. They will race back to their team, tag the next player
and that player will do the same. The first team through the rotation will be the
winner. You might have to scrub a few potatoes if the players are not dressed to
possibly get dirt on them.
Submitted by Bob Brickner
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Roll-Ups On A Line
Required: Clothespins, Clothesline and Fruit Roll-Ups
Players: Small to large groups
Game of the Month 4/01

Hang a clothesline or have willing participants hold the clothesline if theres no

place to hang it. Unroll the Fruit Roll-Ups (assorted flavors to keep everyone
happy) so they will hang straight and attach one end of each roll-up to the
clothesline with a clothespin. Space the roll-up's about 6 to 8 inches apart on the
clothesline and make sure you have one Fruit Roll-Up per player. Set up 2-4
teams depending on the length of the clothesline or how many lines you have.
Different teams can work on the same line but on opposite sides of the line or
across from each other. The first team member on each team will run to the
clothesline and eat one of the Fruit Roll-Ups off the line with their hands behind
their backs, return to their team and tag the next player to do the same. The first
team to eat all of their Fruit Roll-Ups will be the winners. To add an extra twist for
those crazy youth groups you can blindfold the players as they attempt to
complete their task. Be very careful of the choking hazard.
Created by R. Scheel, Fun-Attic, Inc.
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Fun-Attic Toys - Safe and Fun

Rolling-Pin Race
Required: Ground markers or ropes
Players: Small to large groups

On grassy ground, mark out a starting point and finish line. Have players paired
off and each pair will lie on the ground opposite each other with heads toward
each other and feet pointing away. Lift hands above heads and hold hands with
partner to form a long rolling pin. When signaled, teams roll from starting point to
finish line together. You can probably only have a couple of pairs at a time race
depending on racing area available. Then have play-offs (roll-offs) of the winning
teams. Make sure you have play clothes on because MOM hates grass stains!
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Scarecrow Jump Rope

Required: Scarecrow from "Build A Scarecrow" and jump ropes
Players: Small to large groups

Each scarecrow team will become a relay team. The first two players on each
team will carry the scarecrow while racing to a large jump rope placed at the
other end of the playfield. One player will pick up the jump rope and the other
player will hold the scarecrow. They will attempt to jump all three of them in the
jump rope five times and then race back for the next two players to do the same.
The team that is done first is the winner. If your scarecrows are too tall for this
event, use larger jump ropes and have additional players at each end of the jump
rope. The team that completes a rotation of holding and jumping five jumps with
the scarecrow is the winner.
Created by R. Scheel, Fun-Attic Inc.
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Scarecrow Lift Relay

Required: Scarecrows from "Build A Scarecrow" and cones
Players: Small to large groups

Once the teams have their scarecrows built, have them participate in a few
games with their scarecrow. Place cones out in an open field. The fisrt two players
on each team are to carry the scarecrow over the top of their heads, with one
player holding the legs and the other holding the head or shoulders. Have the
scarecrow facing up to help keep it from falling apart. They are to race down the

field around the cone and back to the next two players on their team who will do
the same. The first team to finish with their scarecrow intact is the winner.
Created by R. Scheel, Fun-Attic Inc.
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Shoulder Grip
Required: Balloons
Players: Small to large groups

Set up 2 teams, you need one person on each team to be the middle man. They
stand at the other end of the room across from their team and can move about to
help teammates. Put a balloon in-between the shoulders of 2 teammates and
have them run down to the other end and back. The balloon carriers are not
aloud to touch balloon with their hands, only the middle man, at the other end
can. The middle man (which can touch the balloon), can put the balloon back
between shoulders if it falls to the ground. When they return to the starting line
they then pass off the balloon. First team to finish wins.
You can also use this game as a memory verse game. As each 2 teammates
finish across the line, before they hand off the balloon to the next 2, they must
say a memory verse. Hope you have fun. You can make this creative by using a
ball or water balloon or a raw egg. Just do what the kids like the best, they are
the ones that have to get wet, egged, or just have a good time.
Submitted by Taletha Walls
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Sled Race
Required: Winter weather, sleds and play area
Players: Small to large groups

Plan out a safe play area or course. Have one player be the rider and the other
player the puller. You can do this many ways like a relay where the person that
rode last gets to be the puller until all players have pulled the sled. The first team
done is the winner.
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Snake Pit
Required: Blindfolds and ropes
Players: Small to large groups

Divide the group up into teams of 8-12 players. Each team will need one blindfold
and the first person on each team will put it on. Lay out 3-5 ropes across the play
area that will have to be crossed over by the players with the blindfolds. The next
player in line will lead the blindfolded player across the play area and back by the
sound of their voice. If the blindfolded player touches the ropes or leader that
player will have to go back and start over. Once the blindfolded player has made
it back to the starting line, the leader will put on the blindfold and do the same.
The next person in line will now be the new leader. The first team to finish leading
all players across the Snake Pit by faith is the winner.
Created by R Scheel, Fun-Attic Inc.
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Snow Blowing Relay

Required: Paper towel tubes and ping-pong balls
Players: Small to large groups
Game of the Month 1/04

Set up each team with one ping-pong ball and one paper towel tube. If you wish
to, you can decorate the tubes by painting them or wrapping them with different
types of wrapping paper, but leave the two ends open. Set up the course with
confetti-like snowflakes, stars and so on. Each team member one by one will put
their ping-pong ball on the starting line, get on their hands and knees and blow
through the tube to move the ball while going down the course and back. The
next player will do the same after receiving the tube from the previous player.
The first team done is the winner.
Created by R. Scheel, Fun-Attic, Inc.
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Spaghetti Head
Required: Boxes of Spaghetti
Players: Small to large groups

Find willing participants with a lot of hair, for the best results make the recipients
the group leaders. Divide players into teams and for each team you must have a
hairy recipient that will receive uncooked spaghetti stuck through their hair. It
would work best if each recipient were sitting in a chair. Give each team one box
of spaghetti and each player receives about 3 pieces of spaghetti. The first
person on each team will race to their designated spaghetti recipient and
carefully stick the uncooked pieces of spaghetti through the recipients head.
They will return to the team and the next person will do the same. Remember to
carefully do this without drawing blood or brain tissue. The recipients can cover
their eyes to protect them, also point out that they should avoid poking around
the ears. When the first team has emptied their box of spaghetti they are the
winners. Make sure you have your cameras available, this game makes great
pictures. Great relay game for youth groups or youth events.
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Spin Relay
Required: Fun Gripper Baseball Bats
Players: Small to large groups

Set up 2 or more teams. One person from each team is to race down field, stand
up bat, bend their body forward with head on bat and quickly spin around the bat
10 times, then run back for next player to do the same. Be sure to do this on a
soft surface since they will be very dizzy and may fall down. The first team to
complete the relay wins.

Spoon Water Relay

Required: Tablespoons (for adults), large serving spoons (for children) - 1 per
team; 1 bucket per team, 1 large can per team (juice can works), water
Players: Medium to large groups

Divide your players into teams of 6-10. Place a bucket of water at one end of the
field and the jar or can about 10 feet away (20 feet for adults). Each team lines
up behind the bucket of water. The first person takes the spoon, fills it with water,
and empties it into the jar or can. He then runs back to the line and hands the
spoon to the next player. The first team to fill their jar or can wins!
Submitted by Janet Boileau
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Stuck On You
Required: Cans of spray cheese, boxes of crackers, plastic aprons and table
Players: Small to large groups

Divide into teams and each team will have one can of spray cheese and a box of
crackers sitting on a table near the recipient. Each team will need one person
willing to wear a plastic apron that will cover them from their neck down. The first
person from each team will race down to their table, squirt some cheese on a
cracker and press the cracker into the body of the covered participant. They will
race back to the next person in the line tag them and they will do the same.
When one team has completely emptied a box of crackers or one team has run
out of cheese the game ends. The team with the most crackers still attached to
their team member is the winner. So remember to do a great job of sticking those
crackers on and encourage the recipient not to move so that the crackers will
stay attached. Great relay game for someone in need of a family picnic game,
youth group or youth event.
Created by R. Scheel, Fun-Attic Inc.
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Suitcase Relay
Required: Suitcases, large silly clothes such as: pants or funny skirts, shirt, hat,
scarf, mittens & shoes
Players: Small to large groups
Game of the Month 11/09

Divide into teams depending on supplies. Have suitcase filled with same amount
of silly clothes for each team to put on. First teammate is to run and open
suitcase, put on clothes, clap three times, remove clothes, place back into
suitcase, close it and tag next teammate. The next person to do the same. First
team to complete task is the winner.
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Sweep Exchange
Required: Brooms
Players: Small to medium groups

This game can be played as teams or pair off if you have enough old brooms.
Divide into teams, giving each team an old broom. One player will sit on the
sweeping end of the broom, holding onto the handle. The other player will pull
him across the floor to the goal. As soon as they reach goal, they are to exchange
positions and go back to the starting point.
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Team Balloon Relay
Required: 10 Balloons per team, roped off area, blindfolds
Players: Small to large groups
Game of the Month 11/06

Players are divided into 4 teams with about 6 members each. 4 different colored
balloons are used where one color is assigned per team. About 10 balloons for
each team are blown up and all balloons (40) are placed in center area mixed
about. One player from each team is blindfolded and sent into the center near
the balloons from his side of a squared off wider area. On go, the blindfolded
members are instructed by their seeing members to collect a balloon. They must
choose one balloon of their teams color and return to their line. Another member
is blindfolded and sent in to retrieve a balloon. A referee can rearrange the
balloons once a member is blindfolded so that the player isn't using a visual
memory and must rely on directions of teammates. The first team to retrieve all
of their balloons wins.
Submitted by Rhonda Burgess, Bermuda
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Team Shuffle
Required: Large play area, (field, gym, or large room)
Players: Small to large groups

Divide all players into four teams. Have them line in the four different corners of
the field so that one whole team is at each corner, lined up one behind the other.
The object of this game is to get all of the teams from one corner through to the
opposite corner. This is done while all the other teams do the same so that they
all meet in the middle. They are to do this with both hands out to be used as
bumpers for protection, each player following one behind the other. Once they
get through the middle and reach the other side they are to sit down in a line up
formation. The first team sitting is the winner. You do this several different times
in several different ways, and never running, only walking. Some other ways of
doing this are by hopping, skipping, walking backwards, and wheel borrowing
(one person holds another persons feet).
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Cant catch?
Start with the FlingSock.

Three-Legged Race
Required: Scarf or pieces of cloth
Players: Small to large groups

Have each team break off into pairs. If you have adults playing, match each adult
with a child. Take one scarf and tie together the inside ankles of the pairs while
they stand hip to hip. Mark off a starting line and finish line for the players to race
through. The first team to cross the finish line is the winner. You could even plot
out a marathon or obstacle course for them to run through.
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Three Person Relay

Required: 5 bowling pins, 4 FlingSocks or batons to pass

Players: Medium to large groups

Game of the Month 5/01

You will need a flat surface play area like a gym floor or outdoor surface. Divide
players into four teams and you will use three players from each team to start
the game. Place one bowling pin exactly in the center of a 30ft - 40ft circle. The
other four pins will be placed evenly around the outside of the circle. Of the three
players from one team, two will be on the inside of the circle lined side by side on
the other side of the bowling pin. The other player will be on the outside of the
circle standing next to the bowling pin but slightly behind it. All four teams will be
lined up in this order within Three Person Relaythis circle. The outside person is
given a FlingSock or baton to hold onto while they run. When signaled to go, all
outside players are to run completely around the outside of the circle and pass
the baton to the next player that should be waiting to receive the baton. The old
runner will join the rest of the waiting team on the outside of the circle and
should try to stay away from the rest of the running players. The next player will
do the same pattern. The last of the three runners will run around the circle,
return to there starting point, and then run to the center of the circle to try grab
the bowling pin in the center. The team that retrieves the bowling pin will receive
5 points. For additional points you can place the bowling pin on top of a beanbag.
The second place team retrieves the beanbag and will receive 2 points. Once this
is completed set up the next three players from each team to do the same relay.
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Three Stooges
Required: Stripes of cloth, walkmans, obstacle course
Players: Small to large groups
Game of the Month 9/02

Divide up into the teams of three and have the three team members stand side
by side. They will tie their legs together so that the end players are attached to
the middle player. Make sure you use soft cloth stripes. One of the three players
will be blindfolded. One will be required to listen to music and not be able to hear.
And the other player will not be allowed to speak, you can use a gag if needed.
Once properly set up, all teams are to maneuver through the plotted course and
back. The plotted course could be crawling under ropes, over safe items like tires,

going around items and through them. The first team to return to the finish line is
the winner.
Created by R. Scheel, Fun-Attic, Inc.
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Tunnel Race
Players: Small to large groups

Teams race against each other while lined up in relay formation. All players
spread their legs in straddle position and the last player from each team crawls
through the legs. The next player follows in turn until the team is back into
original formation. As soon as a player has crawled through the tunnel, they are
to stand up so the next player can get through his legs. The first team that
completes the order is the winner.
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Whip Creamed Bubbles

Required: Small paper plates, whip cream, bubble gum and tables
Players: Small to large groups

Heres one of those messy games that the youth groups will love to play or you
can play this at the next family reunion at the lake. Divide into teams of 6 10
players per team. Set up tables with small paper plates one plate per player is
what youll need. On each plate place one piece of unwrapped bubble gum and
then scoop or spray whip cream into the plate to cover the bubble gum. The first
players from each team will run to the table place their face into the plate of whip
cream (keeping their hands behind their back) to find the bubble gum with their
mouth. They are to chew the bubble gum, create a bubble and then run to tag
the next player on their team. They are to do the same until all players have had
a turn. The first team done with this game is the winners.
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William Tell Race

Required: Apples and play area

Players: Small to large groups

Divide into teams. Have one person at a time from each team put an apple on
their head. They are to walk down the course and back, keeping the apple on
their head. The next person does the same; the first team done is the winner.
back to top

Cant catch?
Start with the FlingSock.

Winter Gear Shuffle

Required: Winter hat, mittens, boats, snow pants, and jacket
Players: Small to medium groups

All players should have the same items to put on to make the game fair. Once
you determined items that will be used, have players place those items in the
center of a room. Players are to step back about 10 feet away in a circle. You are
to nicely mix up the pile to make the game challenging. You can even have them
turn their backs, so that everyone has a fair chance. At your signal, the players
will race to the center, find their items and get dressed. The first player done is to
shout "All Dressed", and theyre the winner.
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Whistling Dixie
Required: Garden gloves and packages of crackers
Players: Small to large groups

Set up teams and play areas. The first person on each team is to put on the
garden gloves, run down the relay lane, take a package of crackers and open the
package with the gloves. Then put the crackers in your mouth and start to chew
them but DONT SWALLOW YET. Before you swallow the crackers you must
whistle loud enough for the judge to hear. Each person on the team repeats the
relay. The first team done is the winner.
Submitted by Linda Hunsaker

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What's on your heart?
Required: Construction paper, marker, & scissors
Players: Small to medium groups

Cut out paper hearts for as many players as think you'll have plus a few extras.
Label each heart with a task and then place them upside down or fold each one
in half so the task is not showing. Here are some ideas for tasks to be labeled on
the hearts: jump, hop, skip, walk backwards, crawl like a snake, jump like a frog,
sing a song, say a poem, and whatever other creative ideas you come up with.
Place the pile or several piles at the opposite end of a player area. Divide up into
teams. One person from each team will run to the pile, select a heart and do
what is required of them while returning back to the team. The next player will do
the same. The first team done with their rotations is the winner.

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