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1. Which of the following statements is true concerning the medulla oblongata?
A. The upper half of the floor of the fourth ventricle is formed by the lower half of the medulla.
B. The central canal extends throughout the length of the medulla oblongata.
C. The nucleus gracilis is situated beneath the gracile tubercle on the posterior surface of the medulla.
D. The olives are situated anterior to the pyramids.

2. Which of the following cranial nerves emerges in the groove between the pons and the medulla?
A. abducens
B. occulomotor
C. trigeminal
D. trochlear nerve

3. The principal sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve is situated medial to the motor nucleus.
A. True
B. False

4. The structure that divides the posterior aspect of the pons into symmetrical halves:
A. sulcus limitans
C. median sulcus
B. medial eminence
D. middle cerebellar peduncle

5. Which of the following statements is true concerning a transverse section of the pons at
the level of the facial colliculus?
A. The facial nucleus lies anterior to the medial lemniscus.
B. The tegmentum is the part of the pons lying posterior to the trapezoid body.
C. The facial colliculus is produced by the winding of the fibers of the abducent nerve around the facial
D. The trapezoid body is made up of fibers derived from the vestibular nuclei.

6. Which of the following is the correct source of axons for the posterior white column?
A. substantia gelatinosa
C. intermediolateral group of nerve cells
B. posterior root ganglion
D. nucleus dorsalis

7. The spinal lemniscus is formed by the following tracts, EXCEPT:
A. lateral spinothalamic tract
C. anterior corticospinal tract
B. anterior spinothalamic tract
D. spinotectal tract

8. The axons that innervate the muscles of the neck are derived from:
A. intermediolateral group of nerve cells
C. nucleus propius
B. medial group of cells in the anterior gray horn
D. lateral group of cells in the anterior gray horn

9. A patient with a traumatic lesion of the left half of the spinal cord at the level of the eighth cervival
segment might present with which of the following signs and symptoms?
A. right sided lower motor paralysis in the segment of the lesion and muscular atrophy
B. impaired tactile sense on the left side
C. loss of vibration sense of the right leg
D. loss of pain and temperature sentations on the right side below the level of the lesion

10. A patient who failed to recognize a key placed in his hands when his eyes are closed would most
likely have a lesion involving:
A. spinocerebellar tract
C. posterior white column
B. lateral spinothalamic tract
D. corticospinal tract

11. The corticospinal tract descends and passes through the following structures, EXCEPT:
A. internal capsule
C. crus cerebri
B. midbrain tegmentum
D. medullary pyramids

12. Cutting all the righ anterior rootlets in the cervival and thoracic spinal cord would cause a decrease
in the ability to:
A. move the right arm
C. feel hot/cold in the right hand
B. move the left arm
D. feel hot/cold in the left hand

13. The following are components of the superior vermis, EXCEPT:
A. central lobule
B. uvula
C. culmen
D. declive

14. The lingula of the vermis is continuous to which part of the cerebellar hemispheres:
A. semilunar lobule
B. quadrangular lobule C. alae
D. none of the above

15. The tuber and the inferior semilunar lobules are collectively known as:
A. lobus tuberus
B. lobus semilunaris
C. monticulus
D. flocculonodular lob.

16. The following structures are components known to control fine voluntary movements, EXCEPT:
A. pyramid
B. declive
C. tuber vermis
D. folium vermis

17. The parallel fibers from the granular cells synapse with which structure in the cerebellar cortex?
A. axons of golgi cells
C. mossy fibers
B. dendrites of golgi cells
D. dendritic spines of Purkinje cells

18. The following is true regarding the granule cells:
A. dentrites form synaptic connection with mossy fibers
B. possess dendritic spines
C. axons does not pass beyon the Purkinje cell layer
D. none of the above

19. The corticopontocerebellar pathway is being conveyed by which of the following:
A. superior peduncle
B. middle peduncle
C. inferior peduncle
D. none of the above

20. The following structures form the anterior lobe of the cerebellum, EXCEPT:
A. lingula
B. central lobule
C. culmen
D. declive

21. The efferent extrinsic fibers from this nucleus mainly leaves the cerebellum via the inferior
cerebellar peduncle:
A. dentate
B. emboliform
C. globose
D. fastigial

22. The following may be used as test for dysdiadochokinesia:
A. Ask the patioent to walk over a straight line
B. Ask the patient to alternately supinate and pronate both forearms as quickly as possible
C. Rombergs test
D. All of the above

23. The cavity between the central portion of the cerebellum and the brainstem is the:
A. lateral ventricle
B. third ventricle
C. fourth ventricle
D. iter

24. Vermis counterpart of the tonsils:
A. nodule
B. uvula
C. pyramid
D. tuber

25. The following cells are found in the molecular layer of the cerebellar cortex, EXCEPT:
A. basket cells
B. stellate cells
C. Golgi cells
D. neuroglial cells

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