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: 27Februari 2013
: 07.00 09.00

Listening Section
In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English.
There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.
Question 1 to 4
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues and questions spoken in English. The questions
and the dialogues will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen
carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you listen to the dialogue and the question
about it, read the five possible answers, and decide which one would be the best answer to the question
you have heard. Now listen to a sample question.
You will hear:
: We are almost out of cereal.
: I know, I will go to the grocery store to buy some more. I will also get some milk,
bread and fruit.
: Would you get me some instant noodles?
: Sure.
What does the man want the woman to buy?
A. Fruit.
B. Milk.
C. Bread.
D. Noodles.
E. Cereal
The best answer to the question is Noodles. Therefore you should choose answer (B)
1. A. Offering help.
B. Expressing gratitude.
C. Visiting the public library.
D. Asking for direction.
E. Going to the town hall.
2. A. Indian
B. Arabic.
C. French.
D. Russian.
E. Japanese.
3. A. Diving in the sea.
B. Fishing at Wakatobi.
C. Being different.
D. Planning for the holidays.
E. Finding a place.
4. A. Expressing pleasure.
B. Expressing pride.
C. Expressing happiness.
D. Expressing gratitude.
E. Expressing satisfaction.

Questions 5 to 7
In this part of the test, you will hear some incomplete dialogues spoken in English, followed by four
responses, also spoken in English. The dialogues and the responses will be spoken twice. They will not
be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.
You have to choose the best response to each question.
Now listen to a sample question.
: May I taste the caramel pudding you just made?
: Of course you may. How does it taste?
: .
: What is the most appropriate response for the man to reply?
A. It is very expensive, I think.
B. Its very delicious. I really enjoy the taste.
C. I think I will cook it myself.
D. I dont think Ill come with you.

: The best answer to the question Its very delicious. I really enjoy the taste. is choice
B Therefore, you should choose answer B.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (D)

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (C)
Mark your answer on your answer sheet. (A)

Questions 8 to 11
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or monologues spoken in English. The dialogues
or monologues will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen
carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you listen to the dialogue or monologue,
look at the five pictures provided in your test book, and decide which one would be the most suitable
with the dialogue or monologue you have heard.
8. A.


9. A








10. A.


11. A.








Question 12 to 15
In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will be spoken twice. They
will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are
saying. After you hear the monologue and the question about it, read the five possible answers and
decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
12. A. The screening of major Hollywood blockbusters in Indonesia.
B. The premier of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2.
C. The premier of Transformers: Dark of the Moon.
D. The protest of Indonesian people on governments policy about foreign films.
E. The coming back of film released from major Hollywood studios into Indonesia.
13. A. The Finance Ministry.

B. The Indonesian Importers.

C. The Major Hollywood Studios.
D. The Motion Picture Association.
E. The Culture and Tourism Minister.

14. A. Fish life.

B. The plank.
C. The blue whales.
D. Ocean life in brief.
E. The largest animals in the ocean.
15. A. 6 feet.
B. 10 feet.
C. 1.000 feet.
D. more than 100 feet.
E. 60 feet.
This is the end of the listening section.

This text is for question 16.
My name is Justin. I live in Boston in USA, and I want to have a pal around the world. Let me tell you
about myself. I'm fifteen years old. My birthday is on December 16th. I can speak English and French.
I have a brother George and a sister Yumi. They have some pals from Brazil and England. I like
swimming, playing badminton and playing games. My favorite school subject is computer. It's fun. I
want to be a technician. If you want a pal in USA, then write to me.
Boston, USA
16. Instead of introducing himself publicly, the main intention of the writer in exposing his letter to
others is
A. to introduce his family to the new pals.
B. to promote his school publicly to the world.
C. to get the best acquaintance around the world.
D. to get good friendship from other countries.
E. to announce a good partnership building.
The following text is for questions 17 and 18.
BEIJING (AFP): China denied yesterday that any dispute existed between itself and Indonesia
over the South China Seas Natuna Island, said it was willing to hold talks with Jakarta to settle
There is no dispute between China and Indonesia on possession of the Natuna Islands, said
foreign ministry spokesman Chen Jian, when asked about reports of growing concerns in Jakarta over
Chinese interest in a gas-rich zone near the archipelago.
Were willing to hold talks with the Indonesian side to settle demarcation of this area. Chen
added, without elaborating. China is one of the six nations which claims all or part of the Spartly island
in the South China Sea and its interpretation of that claim includes part of the large Indonesian
maritime zone of Natuna, between Borneo and the Malaysia, Peninsula. United States oil giant Exxon
signed a contract in November with the Indonesia state owned firm Pertamina to exploit a natural gas
fields, 250 kilometers northeast of Natuna, in a zone apparently claimed by China. China has lodged no
official protest over the deal. Indonesia has sent a diplomatic note to Beijing expressing it condemns
the latest Chinese official map showing Natunas within dotted line of its boundary.
17. Why has Indonesia sent a diplomatic note to Beijing?
A. Natuna has been claimed by six nations in Asia.
B. China and Indonesia have disputed over the possession of Natuna islands.
C. Exxon Oil signed a contract with Pertamina to exploit a natural gas field.
D. China has included Natuna in the boundary line in its latest official map.
E. China has claimed all the islands in the South China Sea.
18. From the text, we can infer that
A. China rejects the possession of Natuna by Indonesia
B. The South China Sea is a strategic and rich zone
C. Spratly islands are parts of Indonesia
D. Natuna islands belong to six nations
E. China cooperated with Exxon to mine minerals in the Natuna zone.
The text is for questions from 19 to 21.
On Saturday night, we went to the Town Hall. It was the last day of the year and a large crowd
of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. It would strike twelve in twenty minutes time.
Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped. The big minute hand did not
move. We waited and waited, but nothing happened. Suddenly someone shouted,Its two minutes past
twelve! The clock has stopped!
I looked at my watch. It was true. The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. At that
moment, everybody began to laugh and sing.
19. Why did the people gather under the Town Hall clock?
A. To welcome the New .


To see the newly bought clock.

To strike the laughing people.
To stop people who shouted.
To celebrate the special moment.

20. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the text?

A. The writer was waiting to celebrate the New Year.
B. The writer brought a watch.
C. The writer was very unhappy.
D. The writer was very curious.
E. The writer celebrated the New Year.
21. It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock.
(Line 2). What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?
A. Mass
B. Huge
C. Many
D. Lot of
E. Big
This text is for questions from 22 to 23.
House Husbands Health Risk
Most people assume that life in the rat race is bad for your health. But reversing the traditional
gender roles, being a house husband is a stressful business, according to the latest research by
American scientists. By giving up their jobs in order to become house husbands, men increase their risk
of heart attack or coronary disease by as much as 82% according to research based on 10 year study of
2.500 people in Boston, USA.
According to Dr. Elaine Eaker, the key to the problem is that some men became stressed about
performing a role not traditionally assigns to them by society. Men who stay at home tend not to have
the same levels of support from friends and family women do the same.
Jack O'Sullivan, of the Father's direct group, was quoted as saying: "Society expects the main
career should be a woman and society is structured around that. Day care is called mother and toddler
groups and some men feel awkward about belonging to those groups.
Profesor Gary Cooper, a psychologist at the University of Manchester, said many men tend to
underestimate the task of caring for a family. He said 'Most men think being a house husband involves
putting on a bit of washing, taking the kids to school and then putting their feet up with a cup of coffee.
They are crazy. Most men are not used to performing a variety of activities simultaneously - the kind of
multi-tasking which is second nature to most women.
It is estimated that men have taken over the main homemaker's role in one in seven homes, as
increasing numbers of women become the main breadwinner. The study also found that women in
high-powered jobs were more likely to develop heart disease than those in more junior positions.
22. The main idea of the first paragraph is
A. People living in the rat-race tends to have heart attacks.
B. The research on house-husband health involved 2500 people.
C. Scientists did some research on the people's health living in Boston.
D. House husbands have understandable reasons why they gave up their jobs.
E. The result of the research showed that house husbands tend to have heart attacks.
23. The purpose of the text is
A. to describe what a house husband is.
B. to persuade readers not to become a house husband.
C. to report the result of a research carried on by DrElainEaker.
D. to explain to readers why house husbands are subjects to heart attack.
E. to inform readers that 82% of house husbands suffer from heart attack
This text is for questions from 24 to 26.
The sense of taste is one of a person's five senses. We taste with the help of taste-buds in the
There are four main kinds of taste: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. All other tastes are just
mixtures of two or more of these main types.
The surface of the tongue has more than fifteen thousand taste-buds (or cells). These are
connected to the brain by special nerves which send the so-called 'tastes messages.

When the tongue comes into contact with food of any kind, the taste-buds will pick up the taste.
The nerves then send a message to the brain. This will make us aware of the taste. All this happens in
just a few seconds.
There are four kinds of taste-buds, each of which is sensitive to only a particular taste. These
four groups are located in different parts of the tongue.
The taste-buds for salty and sweet tastes are found round the tip of the tongue and along its
sides. Sour tastes can be picked up only at the sides of the tongue. The taste-buds of the bitter taste are
found at the innermost edge of the tongue. There are taste-buds at the centre of the tongue.
The senses of smell and sight can affect taste. The good smell of food increases its taste.
Similarly, attractive colors can make food appear tastier and more delicious. If food does not smell
good or is dull-colored, it will look tasty and may not taste good at all.
Very hot or cold sensations can make the taste-buds insensitive. Food that is too hot or too cold,
when placed in the mouth, will have no tastes at all.
24. We can taste any kind of food because of
A. the good smell of food
B. the four main kinds of taste
C. the taste-buds in the tongue
D. the senses of smell and sight
E. the taste-buds round the tip of the tongue
25. When we eat very hot or cold food
A. the food will lose its taste
B. the food won't smell good
C. the taste of the food increases
D. the taste-buds will be sensitive
E. the taste-buds will be very responsive
26. The senses of smell and sight
A. increase the taste of the food
B. affect the taste of the food
C. make food more delicious
D. make the food look good
E. make the food attractive
The following text is for questions 27 to 28.
Flooding in Jakarta
Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. It is a big city that has many buildings, offices tower,
real estates and skyscrapers which make Jakarta as a beautiful city especially in the night.
Flooding is one of natural disasters in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta beside earth quake. And it
is one of serious problems due to flood.
One of the problems is, there are many citizens who like throwing away the garbage in the
street, rivers, or we can say garbage is in every corner of the city. They do not care about cleanliness.
So, it makes looks a dirty city. It is a dark side of Jakarta.
The other problem is illegal house. Many people from central or east java move to Jakarta just
looking for a job and they bring their family but they do not have house for their living. So they make
an illegal house in the side of river in Jakarta and it makes more flooding in Jakarta.
There are many ways to decrease the flood. First of all, we must aware of flood. Do not try to
throw away the garbage. And the last but not least, keep the cleanliness, because the cleanliness is a
part of belief in Islamic religion.
27. Real estates and skyscrapers (First Paragraph). The italic word means
A. The space above the earth
B. Where we see sun, stars and moon
C. Outline of the earth
D. Very high building
E. Building of the sky
28. One of serious problems due to flood... (Second Paragraph). The italic word means
A. Use to
B. Used to
C. Have to
D. Cause of
E. Turn off

The following text is for questions 29 to 33.

It was the dawn of science and technology. Anything seemed possible even the creation of life
itself. Victor Frankenstein becomes obsessed with this idea and works relentlessly to prove his theories;
but the glory he imagined becomes a living nightmare not only for him, but for his friends and family
Mary Shelleys gothic horror story- Frankenstein-was first published in 1818 and has been the
inspiration behind numerous stage productions and films many of which strayed a long way away
from her original masterpiece. Classical Comics presenting a full-color graphic novel remains true to
this classic tale, bringing the original story to life which has never been created before.
This graphic novel is available in two versions: Original Text and Quick Text editions. The
Original Text stays faithful to Shelleys original text, while the Quick Text brings the story up to date
by presenting the text into a more simplified style so that the tale is accessible to all readers.
The Quick Text edition will allow you to soak up a general feeling for the characters and
locations, while the Original Text version will help you easily slip into the language in which the novel
was written.
Even if youre not studying the original, this graphic novel is worth buying. Its a great story,
and should be one that everyone has the chance to read. Now, thanks to this release, even those who
dont particularly like to read too much are given the chance to find this tale and hopefully it may
encourage them to search out the original book too.
As with previous Classical Comics, the presentation is first class. The best grade glossy paper
really helps to set this graphic novel head and shoulders above the usual comic book releases on the
market. Not only that, you also get a pretty comprehensive biography of Shelley; Mary Shelleys
Family Tree; a feature that explains what life was like in the year of the books release; and a brieflook
on how Frankenstein has been adapted to many different formats over the years.
29. The text is about
A. the quick text and original text of Frankenstein story
B. the simplified text of the up dated horror story
C. the horror story written by Frankenstein
D. the original text of the authors novel
E. the updated of classical horror story
30. The simple way to understand the story is to read
A. the original text
B. classic comics
C. the quick text
D. the original book
E. the authors biography
31. The main idea of the third paragraph is
A. Victor Frankenstein wrote his story with gothic horror style
B. there are two versions of the graphic novel to enjoy
C. recognize the different life of Frankenstein story
D. have the inspiration to put the story to a film and drama products
E. remind the life of Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein
32. The original text of Frankenstein graphic story makes the readers
A. understand the style of writing in its era
B. curious about the historical background of story
C. recognize the different life of Frankenstein story
D. have the inspiration to put the story to a film and drama products
E. remind the life of Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein
33. many of which strayed a long way away from (Paragraph 2).The word strayed can be
replaced with
A. Wandered
B. Changed
C. Directed
D. Pointed
E. Avoided

This text is for number 34.

A sunny holiday paradise embedded in the Alps of the Allgu. Welcome to
Oberstdorf. Holidaymakers can look forward to a romantic village, a tranquil idyll,
a magnificent natural landscape stretching as far as the eye can see and a
mixture of modern life and age-old traditions.

(Taken from:

34. The following sentences indicate about the beauty of the nature and the comforts shown on the
brochure, except
A. Oberstdorf offers just as many leisure options as it does friendly hosts.
B. Accommodation comprises everything for a relaxing wellness stay.
C. Oberstdorf is the perfect place to spend the most beautiful days of the year.
D. It is an ideal base for active walking holidays.
E. The cozy guesthouses are expensive enough for a long weekend stay.
This text is for questions 35 to 38.
For the first in two decades, an Indonesian citizen has joined the prestigious Miss Universe
contest, held in Bangkok Thailand. The participation of Artika Sari Devi in the beauty contest,
however, has drawn protests at home. The country had previously prohibited contestants in local beauty
pageants in predominantly Muslim Indonesia from competing in international pageants as it was said to
be a disgrace to Indonesian culture and woman.
Instead of condemning Artika, we should be proud of her and consider her our representative in
the international arena. It is hypocrite for people who condemn her as they are silent on many other
immoral acts in the country.
She is joining the contest for a good reason, and wearing a swimsuit at a beach or swimming pool
is normal. There is nothing pornographic about it.

Why did some people reject the Indonesian participation in Miss Universe contest? Because .
A. it was a disgrace to the Indonesian culture and woman.
B. it was prohibited by the predominant Indonesian Muslims.
C. it has drawn protest in the country itself.
D. it was held in Bangkok, Thailand, the neighbour country.
it was not the culture of Indonesia.


Based on the information provided on paragraph two, it is stated that Artikas joining the
prestigious Miss Universe contests
A. causing a hypocrite group on specified society.
B. giving the pride to the mother land country.
C. helping the country to be well-known in Tourism sector only.
D. pioneering the Indonesian women to be more modern.
E. representing Indonesia in International arena.


What has become the controversy in Miss Universe contest for Indonesian people?
A. the place where Miss Universe contest was held
B. the participants obligation to wear a swimsuit
C. the participation of Indonesia in Miss Universe contest
D. the pornographic issue in Miss Universe contest
E. the immoral act in Miss Universe contest

38. It is hypocrite for people who condemn her as they are silent on many other immoral acts in the
country. The closest meaning of the underlined word is...
A. Accuse
B. Sentence
C. Attack
D. Commend
E. Rebuke

The text is for questions 39 to 43.

The Island of Wingo is by the island of Singa. In the water around Wingo Island, there are
hundreds of sharks. They are so many that the water bubbles like a whirlpool. People can only get to
Wingo Island by boat.
There is no television on Wingo Island. So is the The boat has a rocket on it. The rocket takes
people over the sharks and onto the island.
Wingo Island has no sand but it has green moss. At night the moss sparkles like stars. Tall stars
called Fruji grow everywhere The Fruji tress have purple leaves at the top and yellow fruit all over
them. When a fruit falls off, another tree grows in a minute.
The Weather on Wingo Island is very hot but at twelve oclock, everyday, it rains. Sometimes, there are
windstorms. They happen when too many animals fly around at the same time.
People who stay on Wingo Island sleep in a big-gloo. It is like an igloo but it is on long poles. It
has a ladder to get up and a slide to come down. The big-gloo has a moss bed, chairs, and tables that are
made of Fruji tress.
Telephone and computer. It is place to listen to the leaves whispering. It is a place to lie on soft
green moss and look at the clouds. It is really a place to dream.
39. What causes windstorms at Wingo?
A. Moss
B. The sand
C. Animals
D. The sea around Wingo
E. The island itself.
40. Where do the people of the island live in?
A. In the houses
B. In the forest
C. In the tree holes
D. In the big-gloos
E. in the tree home
41. According to passage, which of the following is not true?
A. Wingo is an island.
B. Many sharks are in Wingoisland.
C. The weather in Wingo Island is tropic all the time.
D. Rain always falls in Wingo Island
E. Wingo is not an interesting island
42. People can only get to Wingo Island by boat. The sentence implies that Wingo Island is .
A. Near to other islands
B. Close to another island
C. Near to another island
D. Far from other islands
E. Easy to catch
43. It is place to listen to the leaves whispering. (last paragraph).The closest meaning of the
underlined word is .
A. Talking in a soft way
B. Singing enchantingly
C. Laughing brightly
D. Makes a soft sound
E. calling in a soft way
The text is for questions 44 to 45.
Roni, sorry I cant come to your house tonight to do the wall magazine project as we have planned. My
grandmother has just come and she wants me to accompany her to my aunts house. I will meet you at
school tomorrow.
44. What is Erika and Ronisplan ?
A. To say sorry.
B. To meet Ranis aunt.
C. To accompany her grandmother.

D. To do the wall magazine project.

E. to do her own personal business.
45. From the short message we know that Erika will be ... tonight.
A. In her grandmothers house.
B. In her aunts house.
C. In her own house.
D. In the guesthouse
E. In Ranis house.
This text is for number 46 to 49.
Ki HajarDewantara (46) three important principles. His principles were IngNgarso Sung
Tulodho (in front giving example), IngMadyoMangunKarso (in the middle building up the spirit),
andTutWuriHandayani (from behind supervising).
Up to now, these (47) principles are still the guiding principles and orientation of Indonesian
education. He was (48) the title as BapakPendidikan Indonesia because of his ideas in the world of
education. His ideas were modern (49) he lived in colonial times (difficult times). He was chosen as
a Minister of Indonesian Education under President Soekarnos administration.
A. introduces
B. introduced
C. introducing
D. has introduced
E. had introduced
A. wise
B. kind
C. eager
D. humble
E. mean
A. regarded
B. called
C. rewarded
D. awarded
E. prized
A. meanwhile
B. as though
C. although
D. despite
E. even
50. (1) As a queen, she was very intelligent, and as a politician she had a great charisma.
(2) She had brown eyes and they were shaped like cat eyes. Her skin was in fact an olive shade.
(3) She became queen of Egypt in 51 B C. at the age of eighteen.
(4) She was famous not only for her breathtaking beauty but also for her great intellect.
(5) She was the last Pharaoh of Egypt.
(6) One of the most famous women in world history was Cleopatra VII.
The best arrangement of sentences above is
A. 6 1 2 4 3 5
B. 6 2 5 1 3 4
C. 6 5 3 4 2 1
D. 6 4 5 1 2 3
E. 6 5 4 3 1 2


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