Status Flow

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Status Flow

Status Flow
Table of Contents

Status Flow .............................................................................................................................................. 2

Creating a Status Flow ............................................................................................................................. 2
Status Flow Profile ............................................................................................................................... 2
Trigger Assignment .............................................................................................................................. 4
Status Flow Creation ............................................................................................................................ 5
Status Flow Preview......................................................................................................................... 7
Status Flow Assignment ................................................................................................................... 8
Multiple Status Flow Assignment ..................................................................................................... 8
Activities............................................................................................................................................ 10
Activity Type .................................................................................................................................. 10
Activity Template........................................................................................................................... 11
Adding Table Fields to Activity Template........................................................................................ 12
Adding Links to Activity Template .................................................................................................. 13
Adding Attachments to Activity Template ...................................................................................... 16
Assigning an Activity to Status Flow Step ....................................................................................... 16
Assigning an Activity to Step Outcome ........................................................................................... 18
Status Profile Assignment .................................................................................................................. 18
Status Flow Use ................................................................................................................................. 19
Status Tab ...................................................................................................................................... 19
Status Tab - Trigger Section............................................................................................................ 20
Status Tab Step Section ............................................................................................................... 21
Status Flow Activities .................................................................................................................. 22
Status Flow Activity Review......................................................................................................... 22

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Status Flow

Status Flow
New with Release E is the ability to create a status flow in many of the Vistex modules. Status flow is
similar to the SAP workflow functionality, in that the status flow functionality allows users to create an
approval process when creating or changing a Vistex object. The status flow process has the ability to
contact the appropriate parties responsible for approving the object. However, unlike the workflow
functionality, the status flow does not require much configuration and can be set up or changed by a
companys super user at any time. In addition, the status flow functionality can be used in conjunction
with SAPs Business Rules Framework functionality (BRF) to automatically switch the status flow to
another based on the information entered into the object.

Creating a Status Flow

Set up

Set up SAP


Set up
status flow
and Steps)

Set up

activities to

In order to utilize the status flow functionality there are several steps to properly create and assign the
status flow to a Vistex object. Most of these steps are handled in Vistex transactions, while only a few
others require configuration. The creation of a status flow requires a status profile to be setup, along
with triggers, steps, outcomes, and activities. Once the creation process is completed the profile can be
assigned to the object type and used.

Status Flow Profile

The Status profile is first defined on the SAP system following a set of guidelines. To create the profile,
enter the SAP transaction BS02.

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Status Flow

From here, a new status profile can be created by clicking the create button. The system will require a
profile name and description, as well as, a maintenance language to be established in the pop up
window. Once this information is provided, a new screen will be displayed in which the statuses are
defined. The status number is used to define the sequence of the user statuses in a status profile.
Statuses with a lower number are usually activated earlier than statuses with a higher number. These
statuses will be utilized in the status profile as the possible steps the profile will follow. Any steps that
the status flow will possibly follow need to be entered into this screen in the proper order.

After the status steps have been created, the object type and transaction control must be assigned. The
object type assignment will determine where the status profile can be assigned to and the influence of
each step.

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Status Flow

To assign the transaction control, double click on the first status. A new screen will be displayed where
the control for each available business transaction for each step will be defined one at a time. The
business transactions are automatically determined based on the object assigned to the status profile.
The available influences are No influence, Allowed, Warning, or Forbidden.

The No Influence control setting indicates that the current status will not have any influence on the
corresponding business transaction. If the setting is set to Allowed, then the current status will be able
to carry out the business transaction. A Warning setting will still allow the business transaction to be
carried out, but the system will issue a warning during this process. Finally, a Forbidden setting will not
allow the business transaction to be carried out.
Once the profile is created and assigned to Vistex objects, the process of creating the Vistex portion on
the status profile can begin. To do this, navigate to the transaction /IRM/GSPM and select the Status
profile created on the drop down.

When the profile is selected, the system will automatically determine the object category, as it was
already assigned in the allowed object types.

Trigger Assignment
Now that the status profile has been selected, the triggers will need to be created. The triggers will
determine which status flow the object will follow. One or more triggers can be defined for each status
profile. If creating more than one trigger, one of the must be marked as the default trigger. The user
entry flag indicates when user action is required for the trigger.

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Status Flow

Status Flow Creation

The status flow will determine the steps the system will follow when approving the creation or change
of an object. These steps are assigned to a trigger from the status profile.

Accessing the status flow workbench to create a status flow can be done two different ways. The first is
to select the corresponding trigger from the status profile and click the create button on the bottom of
the screen. The other way to access the status flow workbench is to enter the transaction /IRM/GSFM.
If the status flow workbench is accessed through the status profile, the system will automatically

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Status Flow

identify the status profile for the status flow. However, if the transaction is used, the user will have to
select the correct status profile from the dropdown menu.

In either method, a status flow name and description will have to be established. Afterwards, the steps
for the status flow must be created.

These steps will determine how the system progresses through the status flow. The steps require a step
number, description, and level to be established, as well as a status to be entered. The level is the
number used to indicate the status flow step level sequence. This will help determine which step is next
in the sequence. However, it is possible to assign the same level to the more than one step. This will
indicate that these steps will be completed in parallel. This may come about when two managers have
to approve of the same contract before it moves forward. Parallel steps allow each manager to review
and approve of the contract at the same time instead of one waiting on the other to finish reviewing and
approving the contract.

The status selection indicates the status of each step. As mentioned earlier, these statuses are
established in the transaction BS02 when creating the status profile.

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Status Flow

Once the flow steps have been created, the outcomes for each step can also be created. The outcomes
will identify which actions are available to a user when the status flow step is reached and which status
flow step will be next based on the outcome selected.

Multiple steps can be listed as the next step for an outcome by clicking the Next Steps button and
entering all the relevant steps, provided all steps are the same level.

With each step in the status flow, an activity can be assigned. Activities are communications between
the system and users to indicate information regarding the object and any actions that are required. For
more information regarding activities, please see the section entitled Activities.
Status Flow Preview
The preview tab provides a visual representation of the status flow as it is created. The preview tab
displays the steps and sequence in which the steps are arranged in the status flow.

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Status Flow

Please note, in order to use the chart functionality, the charts must be downloaded to the SAP work
directory. This can be done by executing the transaction /IRM/GCHDL.
Status Flow Assignment
Once the status flow has been created, it must be assigned to its corresponding trigger. This is done in
the status profile workbench, transaction /IRM/GSPM, and is as simple as clicking on the desired trigger
and selecting the status flow.

Multiple Status Flow Assignment

Multiple status flows can be assigned to each of the triggers and the defined flows can be set to activate
or deactivate, as required. This is used when creating a status profile with multiple triggers. The status
flows not used in the specified trigger need to be deactivated in order to prevent any interference
between the active status flow and the inactive status flows.

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Status Flow

Having more than one trigger and status flow will create additional flexibility of being able to choose a
different status flow. The additional trigger and status flow be used to create an accelerated flow. In an
accelerated flow, certain steps can be skipped in order to reach the completed status quicker. Using the
diagram earlier in this document as the standard approval process, one can see there are several steps
in the approval process to reach a completed status.

However, in an accelerated flow, some steps can be skipped. These steps can be skipped for a variety of
reasons. For example, the Regional Director is currently on vacation or the contract is of high priority
and needs to be approved as soon as possible. Therefore, a new status flow will bypass the unnecessary

The new trigger can be chosen by the user at the time of input or, using the BRF, it can automatically be
determined by the system. For example, if a contract is larger than a particular amount, the system can
automatically change the trigger and the status flow, so the approval process will follow a new path.

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Status Flow

Activities are communications that can provide users information or require action by a user. These
activities can be assigned to each status flow step or each step outcome based on when the information
should be provided.
Activity Type
In order to utilize the activities functionality, an activity type must first be created. To create an activity
type enter the transaction /IRM/IPSPRO and follow the node Incentive and Payback Module > Basic
Functions > Activities > Define Activity Types.

There are four categories of activity types, Action, Alert, Notification, and Record Event. Action activity
types typically indicate that an action is required; for example, an approval is needed. While alert
activity types are similar to action activity types, usually alert activity types are used as a reminder that
an action is needed. Notification activity types indicate that an event happened, but no outcome is
required; for example, a notification to a sales rep that their contract has been approved. Though
similar to notification activity types, record event activity types are used to document events happening
in the system.

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Status Flow

In addition to the activity category, the duration of the activity can also be set up to create a start date
and end date for the activity. This is done by entering the information into the Days, Hours, and
Minutes section of the activity type. This will indicate when the activity must be carried out by.

Activity Template
An activity template is the communication that is performed during the status flow process. The activity
template can be sent either when a step in the status flow is reached or when an outcome from a step is
selected. To create an activity template, enter the transaction /IRM/GACTPM. In this transaction the
activity template name and description must be defined, as well as, the medium, how the message will
be sent out, and the object type. There are three choices for the medium selection, email, SMS, and fax,
which the system will automatically generate a message using the template information entered and
send it out using the medium selected.

The Object Type will determine which Vistex module the activity template will be used for. This will also
determine which fields can be added to the message that is sent out. Based on this selection, the IP
Application may also need to be entered. For example, if agreements object type is chosen as the
object type, the IP Application will have to be chosen to specify which type of agreements this template
will be used with.

After entering the header information, the message is ready to be created. In the text tab, select the
language the message will appear in, type the subject, and the message to be sent out. In the message
section, the user has the ability to format the message in any way desired, including changing the font,
the justification, indentation, or adding bullet points.

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Status Flow

Adding Table Fields to Activity Template

In addition to sending the message entered, the dynamic information about the object can also be
included. This information can be pulled from the list on the right hand side of the screen and included
in the message by selecting a field and clicking the add field button

When information from one of the tables is added to the message text, the system will display the table
and field name between a set of two dollar signs ($) on each side. For example, the agreement field
from the Sales Rebate table will be displayed as $$/IRM/S_IPCRASP-KNUMA_AG$$.

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Status Flow

The system automatically includes fields from select tables based on the selections made in the object
type. To switch between the tables, click the table button
needed information.

and select the table with the

Adding Links to Activity Template

In addition to the fields from the corresponding object tables, the system also provides a list of links that
can be added to the message. These links are also located on the right hand side of the screen, under
the links tab. These links are added to the message text in the same way that the table fields are added,
select a link and click the add link button

When information from one of the tables is added to the message text, the system will display the link
name between a set of two at symbols (@) on each side. For example, the agreement field from the
Sales Rebate table will be displayed as @@OUTCOMES@@.

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Status Flow

The default links the system provides include, outcomes, in process, redirected, deferred, and comment.
The outcomes link, when added to the message text, will display separate BSP links for the recipient to
click on to set an outcome for that step of the status flow. For example, if the status flow step has two
outcomes, Approve and Reject, the body of the email that is sent out will contain two clickable links, one
for Approve and the other for Reject.

The additional default links In Process, Redirected, and Deferred, allow activity status to be set without
furthering the approval process. Typically these statuses are used to indicate that the approver is
reviewing the object, sent the approval process to another, or delayed the approval process at the
moment. When these links are included in the message text, they appear as hyperlinks. Like with the
outcome links, they will direct the recipient to a BSP screen in which the status for the object will be set.

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Status Flow

Finally the comment link will create an option for the user to enter a comment when setting the status
in the BSP page after clicking either of the outcome buttons or the activity status links.

The default links are not the only links that can be added to the message text. Additional links can be
created and added. The additional links first must be created as part of a workspace otherwise the
system will not be able to pull the link. Any type of workspace link can be added to the activity
template, whether it is a BSP link, GUI link, or a webpage link. To add a link to be used in the template,
enter the name and description of the link, select the user defined link category and enter the
workspace and item number corresponding to the link desired.

Then, once all of this has been completed, the link is available to add into the message text like any
other link.

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Status Flow
Adding Attachments to Activity Template
The activity template also contains the functionality to add an attachment to the message using either
Smart Forms or Adobe Forms.

In the Attachment enter the information for the corresponding form to be attached to the message.

Assigning an Activity to Status Flow Step

Once the activity type and activity template are created, they can be assigned to steps in the status flow.
This will indicate to the system that when the status flow reaches the step, the message created in the
activity template must be sent out. To do this, first select the desired step and then click the activities

A new window will be displayed, in which the desired activity type, activity template, and medium are to
be chosen from dropdown menus.

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Status Flow

Multiple activities types and activity templates can be assigned to a step. Even though, the same activity
template can be assigned more than once to the status step, the activity type can only be assigned once
per step.

Furthermore, the Processors section will include all intended recipients. These recipients can be
selected based on the processor type. The processor type includes User name, Created by, Changed by,
External Person, and Partner, as well as, the different organizational objects. More than one processor
can be selected for the activity. Please note, for a processor to be able to receive an email, their email
information must be entered in the corresponding processor type. For example, if the processor type is
a user, then in the user maintenance, their email address must be entered.

The final option on this screen is for sender. This is utilized if the company wants a message is to be sent
from a fixed sender whenever the step is reached in the status flow. In this section the choices include

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Status Flow

User, External Person, and Employee. If this section is kept blank, then message will be sent from the
person responsible for initiating the step.

Assigning an Activity to Step Outcome

An activity can also be assigned to a particular outcome for a step in the status flow. The assignment is
the same as assigning an activity to a step, except when assigning an activity to an outcome click the
status button
corresponding to the preferred outcome. This will display a similar window
that appears when the activity is assigned at the step, with the only addition being the status selection.

In the status selection of this screen select the current status for the step outcome. Then proceed to
selecting the necessary activity type, activity template, and medium, as well as, the processor and
sender sections of the screen.

Status Profile Assignment

Once all of the steps for creating a status profile have been completed, the profile must be assigned to
the necessary object. This is done by entering the correct configuration transaction, for example
/IRM/IPSPRO for IP related objects, and then assigning the status profile to the object type.

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Status Flow

Status Flow Use

The principle functionality of the status flow process is consistent regardless of which module it is
assigned to. When employing the status flow functionality, users will be able to remain informed on the
current progress of an object and its position in the status flow process.
Status Tab
The information for the status flow is maintained in the status tab in the workbench of each object. For
example, the status information for a claim document can be accessed by entering the claim workbench,
transaction /IRM/GCRM, and clicking on the status tab. Prior to the assignment of the status profile, the
status tab will not contain any options.

However, once the status profile is assigned to an object, the object will contain a new layout with new
options in the status tab.

The new screen on the status flow tab can be broken down into two sections. The top section will
contain all the information regarding the current trigger implemented. While the bottom section of the

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Status Flow

screen will contain the information regarding the steps of the status flow. Both sections will contain
information on when and who set the trigger or the outcome for the step.

Status Tab - Trigger Section

As stated earlier, once a status profile is assigned to an object several new options will appear in the
status tab. There are several options that are universal with other areas, such as, sort, search, filter,
export, and change layout. However, the main options for the status flow functionality are the Trigger
Set, Active Only/All, and the chart display.
Earlier in this document, it was mentioned that multiple triggers could be assigned to a status profile. In
order to select which trigger will be used by the current object the system provides the Trigger Set

. With this button, the user is able to switch from the default trigger to a different one.

This is useful when a different status flow is needed to approve a particular object.
Another option in the trigger section is the Active Only/All button
. This button switches the display
for the section from only showing the active trigger or step to a display of all the triggers and steps that
have been used in the approval process.
The final option of the trigger section is the chart display. Unlike the other options, the button for this is
in the trigger information line of the display. The chart display will provide a visual representation of the
status flow assigned to the trigger.

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Status Flow

Please note, in order to use the chart functionality, the charts must be downloaded to the SAP work
directory. This can be done by executing the transaction /IRM/GCHDL.
Status Tab Step Section
In addition to the additional options for the trigger section, the assignment of the status profile object
will create additional options for the step section. As with the trigger, several options are universal
across other modules, but several options are unique to the status flow functionality. These options
include Outcome Set, Active Only/All, and charts.
The Outcome set button allows the user to set the outcome for the current step. The outcomes are
determined based on the setup done previously in the status flow workbench.

As in the trigger section, clicking the Active Only/All button

switches the display for the section from
only showing the active step to a display of all steps that have been used in the approval process.
The charts button offers a visual representation of the current step and all the previous for the status
flow as well as the information regarding the start, finish, outcome set, and any activities that were sent.

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Status Flow

Please note, in order to use the chart functionality, the charts must be downloaded to the SAP work
directory. This can be done by executing the transaction /IRM/GCHDL.
Status Flow Activities
As stated earlier in this document, the outcomes can be set in the object workbench in the status tab or
they can be set through the messages sent using the activities functionality. When an activity template
is created with the outcome links the recipient can use those links in order to continue the status flow
without entering the object workbench.

Clicking on either outcome buttons or the activity status links will open a new BSP page displaying the
information on the object and the desired outcome. From here the outcome can be set and submitted.

Status Flow Activity Review

Whenever an activity is sent, the system automatically assigns a number to it. This number can be used
to review the information regarding the activity, including the activity category, the object type, the
object key, the start and end information, the outcome, the message sent, and the processors. The
activity number can be obtained in the status tab of an object.

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Status Flow

Once the number is obtained, the information can be reviewed in the Activities transaction,
/IRM/GACM. In this transaction the header section will display the activity number, the type, the
category, and the activity status.

Details tab will contain all the information regarding the object type, object key, and start and end date
of the activity.

In addition, the Details tab contains an Outcomes selection, which will display the status flow step,
possible outcomes assigned to it, and, if an outcome has been set, when and who set the outcome.
Outcomes can be set in this workbench, provided the activity has not yet been completed.

The Communications tab will display the exact message the activity sent out along with any

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Status Flow

Finally the Processor tab, will display to whom the message was sent. This tab will also show if a specific
sender is assigned to this activity type.

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