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Leo Club of Kolej Tun

Datu Tuanku Haji Bujang


Fiscal Year 2015-2016

FISCAL YEAR 2015 2016

FISCAL YEAR 2015 2016


1. Award Presentation and Official Handover
Ceremony (1st July 2015)
2. Environment Project Long-term Recycling
Project (9th & 13th July 2015)
3. Fellowship Gathering in Conjunction with Hari
Raya Aidilfitri Celebration (17th July 2015)
4. Handover of Family Trees (24th July 2015)
5. Participation in Schools Hari Raya Celebration
Rimup Raya (29th July 2015)

Award Presentation and Official Handover

Ceremony (with Newspaper publicity)
An award presentation and handover ceremony was held

during our schools assembly and was witnessed by all the

teachers and students. Our principal, Miss Hasimah gave
away the award certificates to the award receivers and Past
President Cielyne handed over the Excellent Club Award
banner to Miss Hasimah. The immediate past key officers
handed over the clubs files to the new key officers.

Borneo Post, 11th July 2015

Environment Project
Long-term Recycling Project
This project is aimed to encourage students, teachers and

staffs of Kolej TDTH Bujang to recycle the recyclable items as

habit in their daily life to save the environment. Leos sorted
and recycled all recyclables donated by students and
teachers. We managed to raise RM 92.00 by selling the used
books, papers, newspapers and boxes to the recycle centre.

Fellowship Gathering in Conjunction with

Hari Raya Aidilfitri Celebration
On the first day of Hari Raya celebration, teachers,

faculty advisors and Leo President Colin visited

the schools principal, Lion Hasimahs house.

Handover of Family Trees

The past key officers handed over the family trees to the new

key officers. This is another form of giving responsibilities to

the key officers in continuing the success of our Leo Club
and to achieve the objectives of the club.

Participation in Schools Hari Raya

Celebration Rimup Raya
A celebration was held at school to celebrate Hari Raya

together with all the school communities. Everyone

participated in the activities held and had a great day as
we all wore the baju melayu and baju kurung in
conjunction with the celebration that day.

1. Participation in School Level Sports Day 2015 (19th 20th
August 2015)
2. Leadership Development and Partnership with
Sponsoring Lions Club- Joint Initiation and Installation
of new Leos and BODs for Leo Clubs (21st August 2015)
3. Leadership Development and Partnership with
Sponsoring Lions Club - Joint Initiation and Installation
of new Leos and BODs Banquet Night (21st August 2015)
4. Participation in schools Ambang Kemerdekaan (30th
August 2015)

Participation in School Level Sports Day 2015

Our schools Sport Day opening ceremony was held at

Stadium Miri on the 19th August 2015 .The second day

and closing ceremony was held at our own school Kolej Tun
Datu Tuanku Haji Bujang, Miri. Teachers and students
had fun and it was a great way to build a good relationship
among the schools community.

Leadership Development and Partnership with

Sponsoring Lions Club- Joint Initiation and
Installation of new Leos and BODs for Leo
Clubs (with newspaper publicity)
This ceremony was held at Imperial Hotel Ballroom, Miri where

Lions and Leos were officially initiated and inducted. Our

Guest of Honour was DG Dato' Lawrence Ting. Leo Club of Kolej
TDTH Bujang have total of 29 newly inducted members and
installed 22 BOD members for the fiscal year 2015/2016.

Sinchew Newspaper, 23rd August,


United Daily Newspaper, 8th September


Leadership Development and Partnership with

Sponsoring Lions Club - Joint Initiation and
Installation of new Leos and BODs Banquet Night
The Joint Initiation and Installation of new Leos and BODs

Banquet Night was held at Imperial Hotel Ballroom, Miri.

20 Leos attended the banquet dinner after Joint Initiation
and Installation ceremony.

Participation in schools
Ambang Kemerdekaan
Our Leo Club participated in the schools Ambang

Kemerdekaan and helped out during the event. Leos managed

to strengthen the bonds between them with the teachers and
students of Kolej Tun Datu Tuanku Haji Bujang during the
event. The event was held at the schools hall to celebrate the
Malaysian Independence Day.

1. 1st Zone Meeting (2nd September 2015)
2. Joint Leo Event: A Movie Day with Kids (5th September
3. Lions Club International Children's Dignity Week cum
annual Merdeka Cheer Project (5th September 2015)
4. Promote Literacy Annual book donation to the
schools library in conjunction with the World Literacy
Day (9th September 2015)

5. Help To Wrap Gifts for Majlis APC Kolej TDTHB (14th

September 2015)

1st Zone Meeting

The three Key Officers of Kolej Tun Datu Tuanku Haji

Bujangs Leo Club attended the meeting and presented their

reports respectively. The meeting was held at Gymkhana
Club, Miri.

Joint Leo Event: A Movie Day with

Kids (with newspaper publication)
In conjunction with Childrens Dignity Week, Leo Club of Curtin

University had coorganized A movie day with kids with Lions Club
of Miri Host, Leo Club of SMK Baru, Leo Club of SM Pei Min, Leo Club
of SMK St. Columba, Leo Club of Kolej Tun Datu Tuanku Haji
Bujang and Leo Club of SMK Chung Hua. A total number of around
90 orphans from Miri Methodist Children's Home and Hamidah
Orphanage Complex joined the project.

United Daily News,

6th September 2015

Sinchew Daily,
6th September 2015

Lions Club International Children's Dignity

Week cum annual Merdeka Cheer Project
(with newspaper publicity)
This Merdeka Cheer project is aimed to bring cheer and happiness to 21

underprivileged hostel students of Kolej TDTH Bujang in conjunction

with the Merdeka Celebration Month and Malaysia Day. The selected
students were sponsored a meal each at McDonalds, Bintang Megamall
and a few games of bowling at Megalanes East Miri, Bintang
Megamall and some amount of donation in cash to lessen their

Borneo Post, 12th September 2015

United Daily, 11th September 2015

Sinchew Daily, 8th September 2015

Promote Literacy Annual book donation to

the schools library in conjunction with the
World Literacy Day (with newspaper publicity)
This project is aimed to add more variety of books in the

school library and inculcate reading culture among the

students. Therefore, in conjunction with the World Literacy
Day, Leo Club of Kolej Tun Datu Tuanku Haji Bujang
donated books to the school library. The organizing
chairperson, Leo Vivian presented books worth RM 488.40
to the school principal, Miss Hajah Hasimah binti Abang
Zen.The book donation project was witnessed by the
faculty advisors and the treasurer of the Leo Club of Kolej
Tun Datu Tuanku Haji Bujang.

Utusan Borneo, 12th September 2015

Borneo Post Online,

15th September 2015

Help To Wrap Gifts for

Majlis APC Kolej TDTHB
In conjunction for our schools annual Anugerah Pelajar

Cemerlang ceremony, Leos helped the teachers to wrap the

gifts that would be given away during the ceremony.

Be kind, be honest, be loving, be true and

all of these will come back to you.

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