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April 2011Volume 15, Issue 2, Pages 167172
Sexuality and quality of life of breast cancer patients post mastectomy
Adriana Manganiello
Luiza Akiko Komura Hoga
Luciana Magnoni Reberte
Carolina Morais Miranda
To evaluate the sexual functioning of breast cancer patients post mastectomy and its
association with their quality of life, the personal characteristics of women and their partners,
breast reconstruction, cancer staging and adjuvant therapies.
A cross-sectional study was carried out in a University hospital located in the SouthEast of
Brazil. A total of 100 women were included in the study. The parameters evaluated were
sexual functioning, which was assessed based on the Sexual Quotient Female Version (SQF), quality of life (QoL), evaluated by the Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short Form (SF36), cancer staging, breast reconstruction, adjuvant therapies and the personal characteristics
of patients (age, years of study and years of marriage) and their partners (age, years of study).
The majority (40.48%) of women had an unfavorable to regular SQ-F score. A significant
positive correlation (p<0.05) was found between the SQ-F score and years of education
(p=0.03), and the following SF-36 domains: functional capacity (p=0.03), vitality (p=0.06),
emotional limitations (p=0.00) and mental health (p=0.03). A significant negative correlation
was found between SQ-F score and the age of the partners (p=0.03). SQ-F mean value was
significantly higher (p=0.04) among women who underwent breast reconstruction.

Women with low educational level, who have older partners, and who did not have a breast
reconstruction should receive special attention with respect to their sexuality, and the effects
of mastectomy on the sexuality of patients should be assessed. Oncology nurses are best
qualified to recognize issues related to sexuality and quality of life, and can offer specific and
meaningful support for breast cancer patients.
Factors predicting sexual functioning in patients 3 months after surgical procedures for breast
cancer: The role of the Sense of Coherence
Women with breast cancer may have significant problems adjusting to the disease and
therapy, due to the significant changes in body image and sexuality associated. The aim of
this study was to 1) assess sexual functioning 3 months after surgical procedures for breast
cancer, and 2) prospectively investigate the usefulness of a Sense of Coherence (SOC) and
beauty treatment as predictors of sexual functioning.
One hundred women with breast cancer were randomly assigned to a group receiving beauty
treatments during hospitalization or a control group. SOC subscales were assessed the day
before surgery. Psychological distress and body image were assessed on day 6 after surgery
and sexual functioning was assessed at three months.
Patients with breast cancer seem to experience significant issues in sexual functioning 3
months after surgery. Half of them declared no sexual activity and 42% had no interest for
sex. In terms of Sense of Coherence, only the perception that resources were available to face
the disease (i.e. manageability) had a positive influence on sexual functioning. Beauty
treatment was also associated, but the most statistically significant predictor of sexual
functioning was a younger age.
This study provides evidence that coping resources, and especially the perception that
resources are available to face disease-related disturbances (i.e. manageability), have a
positive influence on sexual functioning. Interventions aimed at improving patient perception
of available resources might be useful to improve sexual functioning among patients with
breast cancer

Kanker payudara merupakan gangguan payudara yang paling ditakuti perempuan dan angka
kejadiannya terbanyak kedua di Indonesia. Salah satu efek panjang yang dirasakan pada
pasien yang mengalami kanker payudara nyeri. Nyeri yang dialami oleh pasien kanker
payudara merupakan nyeri kronis yang bersifat nosiseptif yakni nyeri secara fisik dan juga
nyeri yang diakibatkan karena pengalaman emosional pasien. Nyeri tersebut sifatnya
berkepanjangan dan dapat membuat pasien tidak nyaman Eratnya keterkaitan antara nyeri
dengan emosi memberikan suatu peluang bahwa pendekatan yang dapat dilakukan untuk
mengurangi nyeri tidaklah semata hanya mengandalkan pengobatan atau terapi secara kimia
saja tetapi juga dapat menggunakan metoda komplementer lain seperti terapi modalitas
berbasis energy. Salah satu terapi berbasis energy yang mudah dan cukup simple digunakan
adalah Quantum Touch yang di Indonesia dikembangkan menjadi sentuhan spiritual quantum.
Penelusuran literatur digunakan menggunakan kata kunci Quantum-Touch, Therapeutic
Touch, Healing Touch dan Biofield dengan biofield atau terapi sebagai variabel independent
dan nyeri, nyeri kronis, nyeri kanker payudara sebagai variabel dependent. Penelusuran
dilakukan pada website Proquest, Ebscohost maupun website lain yang menggunakan
bantuan google Scholar. Dari hasil penelusuran di dapatkan sebanyak 13 jurnal yang terkait
dengan tema tersebut. Dari ke-13 jurnal tersebut 6 jurnal merupakan sitematik review atau
meta analisis, 5 jurnal penelitian klinis dan 2 penelitian cross sectional, Hasil literatur review
didapatkan bahwa dalam hal efektifitas terapi, dari 12 jurnal menyebutkan bahwa quantum
touch memiliki kemampuan dalam menurunkan nyeri pada pasien kanker payudara. Selain
aspek fisik, ternyata quantum touch pun dapat menyentuh aspek spiritual pasein tanpa
menimbulkan efek samping. Kata kunci : ABSTRACT Breast cancer is the most feared breast
disorder of women with the second highest incidence in Indonesia. One of the long-term
effects experienced by breast cancer patients is chronic pain. Handling pain in breast cancer
using Opioid analgesics and non - Opioids are currently having negative impacts adverse to
the patient's medical condition. The close relationship between the emotional pains is
believed to provide opportunities complementary therapies to reduce pain. Complementary
therapies that have been widely used in nursing practice are based Biofield energy therapy
such as Quantum Touch as in Indonesia developed into Spiritual Quantum Touch. Literature
search was conducted to determine the effects of biofield energy -based therapies against
pain. Search using keywords Quantum - Touch , Therapeutic Touch , Healing Touch and
Biofield . Biofield energy -based therapy as independent variables and pain, chronic pain,
tenderness of breast cancer as the dependent variable. Searches performed on the website
Proquest , EBSCOhost and other websites that use the Google 1 Perawat RSUD dr Slamet
Garut 2 Staf Pengajar PSIK Stikes Faletehan Serang Banten Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Indonesia Vol. 10. No. 1 Maret 2014 912 Scholar aid . From the search results obtained 13
related articles, 6 journals are review either systematic review or literature review and metaanalysis, 5 clinical studies (three studies with RCT design , one comparative study with other
methods and one study using a placebo) . Two is a survey research using cross-sectional
approach. The r

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