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Production Brief

Project Name
This is the name of our piece because it relates to the feelings of the
characters without revealing too much of our storyline.
Our film is only two minutes long as it is only the opening sequence.
The deadline for our completed film is the end of October as it allows us to film, edit and add
sound within an appropriate time scale.
Group members & their roles

Director Elise Thompson

This is because Elise is good at organising and managing tasks related to filming, also she is
able to make good decisions beneficial to our group.

Camerawoman Paige Edwards

Paige has previous experience with the camera and will therefore be able to capture suitable
angles and shots for the type of production we are trying to achieve.

Editor Chloe Lashley

Chloe has taken an interest in editing and has familiarised herself with the editing software
that we are using as she used it during the Preliminary Task.
All members of our group will share responsibility for sound
Overview of content
Our opening sequence consists of a girl who is a virgin hoping to get intimate with her
boyfriend for the first time, but things get rough between them both and she attempts to
Target audience
Our aim is to attract teenagers or those belonging to the younger generation. This is
because some viewers may be able to relate to the content or would be more interested in
viewing our opening sequence than those of the older generation. Our specific range is
teenagers of both genders from the age of 15 to young adults.
Comparable products
The TV Drama My Murder inspired our storyline in terms of the transition of feelings
between our characters; from love to aggression. This example showed a gradual change
whereas we are going to show a rapid and more drastic change to emphasise the impact on
the female character. This also links in with the genre as we plan to execute a TV Drama.

The rationale behind this text is that people should be careful with who they love and trust
because all is not as it seems. This is shown in our tag line, Hate is a four letter word but
love is a four letter lie.
We will represent our characters in this way:

White Female protagonist attractive, desirable, innocent, weak, scared, inferior,


Black Male antagonist aggressive, strong, dominant, controlling, masculine,


This is because the media often represents these types of people in this way and doing this
makes it easier for our target audience to comprehend our storyline. In addition to this, in our
comparable product the characters were portrayed in this manner which emphasised the
message of the story as the characters related to stereotypes.
Testing the successfulness of our final product
We plan on creating questionnaires prior to the completion of our product which will inform
us on any knowledge of TV Drama that our target audience already knows as well as what
they like to watch relating to the genre of TV Drama. Therefore, when our product is finally
completed we can refer back to the responses given to our target audience to see if we have
met their needs.
To add, we will post our video on YouTube. The amount of views, likes and comments in
addition to any subscribers will give us an insight to the level of success that our production
has achieved.
Generic codes and conventions


In order to create meaning, we are going to have limited dialogue and focus on the nondiegetic sound that plays throughout, this contributes as a technical and symbolic code. We
chose to do this as music tends to awaken emotions within our audience and help them
sympathise for a specific character in this case, feel sorry for the female protagonist as she
is presented as a victim.
As our production will contain limited dialogue, we plan to really strengthen the characters
actions as well as our camera angles in order to convey the correct messages. If possible,
we will use dim lighting as it connotes romance and seduction however, the audience will be
unaware that the protagonist is in danger until violent actions are shown from the male


People normally watch TV Dramas because the characters are relatable. We hope to create
the same experience for our target audience because we have interpreted media
representations within the personas of our characters.

On the other hand, many TV Dramas prove to be predictable but as our opening sequence
has a twist; it will be unexpected.
Obvious messages

Be careful who you trust

Be precautious

Hidden messages

Love is blind
Expect the unexpected
Nothing is impossible; anything can happen to anyone

Resource restraints and hopes for our production

As we are only students we do not have a budget containing thousands or even millions to
produce a big scale production. Therefore, we wont be able to provide our actors with the
most expensive costumes or use the latest film technology in terms of cameras, tripods and
software. The lack of funds also restricts our choice of location as it means that we would
have to film locally.
In addition to this, we have to meet a tight deadline. We do not have enough time to reshoot
multiple times in case anything goes wrong with the camera or the footage is not of good
quality. This encourages us to ensure that everything runs smoothly on the day/s of
To add, there will be no support of a Human Resources Department. Usually, the HR
department are there to maintain the work environment as well as handle any disputes that
may occur. This motivates us all to keep good relations within the group in order to achieve
our goal which is to produce a high quality opening sequence for a TV Drama.

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