Avantika Birth

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Billions of years ago, the earth took form.

If Charles Darwin is to be believed, earth

underwent The Theory of Evolution. First came the stone age man as one of the first
peculiar human shape. Then the Neanderthal Man and the later forms.
In the Indian subcontinent, particularly in the southern part of India. There existed the
Maharshis, Rushi Munis. These were the hyperbole of intelligence and abreast with
utmost sensibility, extremely observant, and hyper sensitive towards the forces and
energies of Nature and Space. They studied every happening in the space and
surrounding with precise observations. They existed like they meditated.
They had a very strong urge to explain these forces of nature to the normals around. The
masses around. Thus, they started explaining them all that was observed by them. All
that was felt by their hyper sensitivity.
But these Rushi Munis gradually observed that the masses were not able to grasp the
actuality, were not able to understand the concepts. The Rushi Munis and Maharshis tried
their level best to explain it to the masses. They sincerely believed that everyone around
should understand the happenings of nature. But couldnt help the masses with the
As time passed, these Rushi Munis were well convinced that they should come up with a
new methods and ways to make their knowledge flow to the people around. Thus, they
came up with a new methodology of teaching, This methodology can be termed as The
Yes , The Personification, They started creating human figures and forms which
personified the forces of nature, the nature of nature. They coined these human figures
and penned them down for the benefit of future generations. Gradually, people started
understanding the Rushi Munis. They were now understanding their own nature and the
nature around.
The Rushi Munis explained the creative forces of nature by imaging a person whose
appearance parameters indicated and explained about the creative forces. He had a well
shaped stomach indicating that a good stomach helps in creative thoughts, and one can
inculcate natural creativity by meditation focussed on the stomach. The Rushi Munis
named this Creative man as the Brahma. Lord Brahma.
Then they explained the maintenance, transformation forces of nature. They personified
the peace loving elements, the dynamism adoring elements. The elements of
satisfaction. The positive energies. The energies which poke. The ones which trouble.
To convince the eternity, serenity and divinity of knowledge. They personified the pure
knowledge to Goddess Saraswati. She is beautiful, pious, centred, adorable and adoring.
Similarly, They created the beautiful goddess Lakshmi. She personified the spiritual
wealth. All that which fulfilled need. She is very generous.
They personified each and every force of nature, each and every element.
But still something was missing. An element which of nature which was ultimate source
of love, serenity, knowledge, divine wealth. This was the element which incorporated in
itself the Goddess Lakshmi, Saraswati, Parvati, The Gauri, The dynamic Durga, and all the
positives and pious peaks of the universe. This element had to be graciously beautiful to
the core of the universe, beautiful at appearance, beautiful at adorability, beautiful at

everything. These qualities were beyond the scope of the Rushi Munis, and they could
not Personify them.
Gradually time passes. Years. Decades. Centuries. Millenniums. Ages passed...
Then took birth a divine to core human. A saint. A messiah of love and peace...
Once he attained a very deep stage of meditation, Very deep....
And in this deep meditative state of mind, The universe revealed something to him. The
universe revealed to him the form of the ultimate element of universe. The form which
the first Rushi Munis were not able to personify ages ago.
Now this Saint was going to give the world the Personified form of the ultimate element
of the universe. The element which incorporated in itself The divinity of goddess
saraswati, her beauty, serenity of goddess Lakshmi, Dynamism of Goddess Durga,
creativity of Brahma, Liveliness of Shiva, The precision of Parvati, her lively beauty.
This saint gave the world the human form of this element. The Rushi munis penned down
the human figures. Explained through images.
But this saint, with the utmost powers, gave the world An actual human which
personified all the pious peaks of THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE.
He created a goddess, The serene goddess, the living piousity, She was his creation.
The world calls this goddess as Avantika She was gifted birth in the Tyagi family in the
northern part of pure land, The India.
The world calls this Goddess as Avantika Tyagi.
And saint which crafted her birth is known His Holiness Sri Sri Ravishankar.

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