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Course Code : CPIS-352
Course Coordinator: Dr. Adnan Albar

King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah
Saudi Arabia

IntroducDon to the Architecture Development Method

Key Points Explained
What is the ADM cycle?
What are the typical sets of steps within a phase?
What is the versioning convenDon used for deliverables?
What is the purpose of the supporDng guidelines and techniques?
What is the dierence between guidelines and techniques?
What are the key points of the ADM cycle?
Why would I need to adapt the ADM to my enterprise?
Why does the ADM process need to be governed?
What are the major informaDon areas covered by a governance repository?
What are the reasons for scoping the architecture acDvity for my
What are the possible dimensions for limiDng the scope?

The Architecture Development Cycle

Phases and

Key Points of the ADM Cycle

The TOGAF ADM is iteraDve. New decisions have to be taken at each iteraDon:
1. Enterprise coverage
2. Level of detail
3. Time period
4. Architecture asset re-use:
Previous ADM iteraDons
Other frameworks, system models, industry models, . . .
Decisions taken should be based on competence and/or resource availability,
and the value accruing to the enterprise.

The ADM does not recommend the scope of acDvity; this has to be determined
by the organizaDon itself. The choice of scope is criDcal to the success of the
architecDng eort. The main guideline is to focus on what creates value to the
enterprise, and to select horizontal and verDcal scope, and project schedules,
accordingly. This exercise will be repeated, and future iteraDons will build on
what is being created in the current eort, adding greater width and depth.
Where necessary, use of the ADM should be tailored to meet the needs of the
organizaDon. This means that some phases may be omi`ed, modied, or even
addiDonal procedures added.

How to Adapt the ADM to your Enterprise

There are a number of reasons for wanDng to tailor the ADM to the
circumstances of an individual enterprise. Some of the reasons are outlined as

1. An important consideraDon is that the order of the phases in the ADM is to some
extent dependent on the maturity of the architecture discipline within the enterprise
concerned. For example, if the business case for doing architecture is not well
recognized, then creaDng an Architecture Vision is essenDal; and a detailed Business
Architecture needs to come next to dene the business case for the remaining
architecture work, and secure the acDve parDcipaDon of key stakeholders in that work.

2. The order of phases may also be dened by the business and architecture principles
of an enterprise. For example, the business principles may dictate that the enterprise be
prepared to adjust its business processes to meet the needs of a packaged soluDon, so
that it can be implemented quickly to enable fast response to market changes. In such a
case, the Business Architecture (or at least the compleDon of it) may well follow
compleDon of the InformaDon Systems Architecture.

3. An enterprise may wish to use or tailor the ADM in conjuncDon with another
enterprise architecture framework that has a dened set of deliverables specic to a
parDcular verDcal sector: Government, Defense, e-Business, TelecommunicaDons, etc.

4. The ADM is one of many corporate processes that make up the corporate governance
model for an enterprise. The ADM is complementary to, and supporDve of, other standard
program management processes. The enterprise will tailor the ADM to reect the
relaDonships with, and dependencies on, the other management processes.

5. The ADM is being mandated for use by a prime or lead contractor in an outsourcing
situaDon, and needs to be tailored to achieve a suitable compromise between the
contractors exisDng pracDces and the contracDng enterprises requirements.

6. The enterprise is a small-to-medium enterprise, and wishes to use a cut-down
version of the ADM that is more a`uned to the reduced level of resources and system
complexity typical of such an environment.
7. The enterprise is very large and complex, comprising many separate but interlinked
enterprises within an overall collaboraDve business framework, and the architecture
method needs to be adapted to recognize this. Such enterprises usually cannot be treated
successfully as a single enDty and a more federated approach is required.

The ADM process can also be adapted to deal with a number of dierent use scenarios,
including dierent process styles (e.g., the use of iteraDon) and also specic specialist
architectures (such as security).

The Need for Architecture Governance

The major informaDon areas managed by a governance repository should
contain the following types of informaDon:

Reference Data (collateral from the organizaDons own repositories/
Enterprise ConDnuum, including external data; e.g., COBIT, ITIL): Used for
guidance and instrucDon during project implementaDon. This includes the
details of informaDon outlined above. The reference data includes a descripDon
of the governance procedures themselves.

Process Status: A record of all informaDon regarding the state of any
governance processes; examples of this include outstanding compliance
requests, dispensaDon requests, and compliance assessment invesDgaDons.

Audit Informa?on: A record of all completed governance process acDons. This
is used to support:
Key decisions and responsible personnel for any architecture project
that has been sancDoned by the governance process
A reference for future architectural and supporDng process
developments, guidance, and precedence

Scoping the
Architecture Ac?vity
for your Organiza?on

Integra?ng the Architecture Domains for your


There is a need to integrate the architecture domains idenDed by the

phases of the ADM. This can be done by using an enterprise framework
such as the TOGAF Architecture Content Framework to posiDon the various
domains and arDfacts, or by using a meta-architecture framework (i.e.,
principles, models, and standards) to allow interoperability, migraDon, and
conformance between federated architectures.

The purpose of this meta-architecture framework is to:

Allow the architect to understand how components t into the framework

Derive the architectural models that focus on enterprise-level capabiliDes

Dene the conformance standards that enable the integraDon of
components for maximum leverage and re-use

The ADM - Summary

It denes a recommended sequence for the various phases and steps involved
in developing an architecture. It is an iteraDve method.

A number of inputs and outputs are recommended for each phase.

It draws on other parts of TOGAF for assets and processes.

The ADM can be used with other deliverables from other frameworks.

The ADM does not recommend a scope; this has to be determined by the
organizaDon itself. The choice of scope is criDcal to the success of the architecDng
eort. The main guideline is to focus on what creates value to the enterprise, and
to select horizontal and verDcal scope, and project schedules, accordingly. This
exercise will be repeated, and future iteraDons will build on what is being created
in the current eort, adding greater width and depth.

Where necessary, use of the ADM should be tailored to meet the needs of the
organizaDon. This means that some phases may be omi`ed, modied, or even
addiDonal procedures added.

Test Yourself Ques?ons

Q1: Complete the sentence: Phase H ___________________

A. Prepares the organizaDon for successful TOGAF architecture projects
B. Develops Baseline and Target Architectures and analyzes the gaps
C. Prepares and issues Architecture Contracts
D. Ensures that the architecture responds to the needs of the enterprise
E. All of these

Q2: Which of the following is typically the nal step in development of the Business Architecture
in Phase B?

A. Conduct formal stakeholder review
B. Create Architecture DeniDon Document
C. Perform gap analysis
D. Select reference models, viewpoints, and tools

Q3: Which one of the following does not complete the sentence: When execuDng the ADM, the
architect is not only developing a snapshot of the enterprise, but is also populaDng the

A. Architecture Repository
B. Architecture Capability Framework
C. Enterprise ConDnuum
D. FoundaDon Architecture

Recommended Reading

FoundaDon Study Guide of TOGAF Version - 9

Chapter - 05 ( Complete )

Provided as a .pdf document

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