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Not only the great forest of Mirkwood, but also smaller woods like The Old Fores
t, the Chetwood and the Trollshaws.
1 - Treacherous Ground: The guide has brought the company into an area where the
leaves and undergrowth hide especially treacherous ground. The Guide makes a Tr
avel roll. Failure = all companions must roll a feat die and lose Endurance equa
l to the result due to falls, stumbles and the like; "Eye" = wounded.
2 - Thick Canopy: The guide has brought
ick you can barely see. The Guide makes
slowed by a day as it tries to find its
s must make an additional Fatigue roll.
is considered to take place in the dark

the company into an area of forest so th

a Travel roll. Failure = the company is
way through the forest and all companion
If the latter causes another hazard, it
for the purposes of Task/Test resolution

3 - Abandoned Settlement: The guide brings the company to where he thought there
was a friendly settlement, but it has been abandoned/destroyed. The Guide makes
a Travel roll. Failure = the reason for the abandonment/destruction is still th
ere and notices the company.
4 - False Trail: The guide finds an old trail that leads away from where the com
pany wants to go. The Guide makes a Travel test. Failure = the company loses two
days, as it has to double back.
5 - Slow Progress: The strange light of the forest leads the Guide to err on the
side of caution when deciding when to rest. On a failed Travel roll, this leg t
akes half as long again (round up), but Fatigue losses are halved as the compani
ons get a lot of rest.
6 - Unseasonable Weather: The weather is worse than expected. The Guide makes a
Travel test. On a failure, the company is not prepared and Fatigue Tests are to
be taken one day more frequently than usual.
1 - Maze of Webs: The scout leads the company into an area thickly spun with web
s. All Scouts must make Explore Tests. If none succeeds, the company are lost in
the maze until the spiders return.
2 - Washed-Out Camp: It rains heavily, making finding suitable shelter more diff
icult. All Scouts must make Explore Tests. If none succeeds, the company's gear
is soaked and companions' penalties for failed Fatigue tests are doubled for the
rest of the journey.
3 - Separated!: The scout becomes separated from the company. One scout must mak
e an Explore Test. If he fails, he takes Endurance damage equal to the feat die
roll or is Wounded if he rolls an Eye. The company must stop until another scout
rolls a successful Explore Test each day to find the lost scout again. If there
are no other scouts in the company, another companion must spend a Hope point t
o take on the role.
4 - Dying Elf: The company moves past an place where Wargs and Elves have fought
. One scout must make an Explore test. If he succeeds, he encounters a dying Elf
who has been attacked by Wargs. The Elf can warn the company so that they avoid
the Wargs and if they successfully heal the Elf, they gain a +1 Tolerance bonus
when dealing with Mirkwood Elves. Failure = he doesn't find the Elf and the War

gs ambush the company.

5 - Vampire Nest: The company moves past a nest of Vampire bats. One Scout must
make an Explore test. If he fails, the company is attacked by a swarm (3d6) of G
reat Bats.
6 - Desecration: All Scouts must make an Explore test. If none succeed, they lea
d the company through an area considered holy by the local population. The compa
ny suffers -1 Tolerance when dealing with them until amends are made.
1 - Poached Quarry: The hunter pursues the same quarry as a group of Elves. One
Huntsman makes a Hunting Test. If he succeeds, he has killed a particularly fine
stag that was being stalked by a group of Elves and they are not happy.
2 - Foul Water: The river and streams of the area are corrupted. All Huntsmen ma
ke a Hunting Test. If no one succeeds, the company are Poisoned.
3 - Magic Mushrooms: The mushrooms in the area are unfamiliar. All Huntsmen make
a Hunting Test. If no one succeeds, the companions are plagued by nightmares an
d do not recover Endurance for one leg of the journey.
4 - Scarce Game: The company moves through an area of scarce game. All Huntsmen
make a Hunting Test. If no one succeeds, the company are Weary until the next le
g of the journey.
5 - The Luck of the Chase: One Hunter has especially bad luck tracking game. He
makes a Hunting Test and if he fails, the company adds two days to the length of
the journey as they wait around for him to return from various hunting trips.
6 - Broken Traps: One Hunter makes a Hunting test. If he fails, he discovers his
traps are all broken. He suffers +2TN to further Hunting tests until journey's
end. The LM decides who or what is breaking the traps.
1 - Scavengers: The company has attracted the attention of scavenging animals, w
ho follow them on their journey. All Look-Outs must roll Awareness. If none succ
eed, the scavengers have looted the company's provisions and the companions coun
t as Weary until they reach a safe place.
2 - Lost Boys: All Look-Outs must make an Awareness test. If any succeed, they d
iscover the party being followed by a group of children, survivors of an attack
on their settlement.
3 - Jumping at Shadows: In a dark and sinister part of the wood, there are many
noises and movements that look threatening but may not be. One Look-Out makes an
Awareness Test. If he fails, he puts the rest of the company on high alert. No
one gets proper sleep for this leg of the journey and therefore does not recover
4 - Dashed Hope: One Look-Out climbs to the top of a tree to see how far there i
s to go. If he fails his Awareness check, he reports that it's longer to go than
it actually is and everyone in the company loses a Hope point each.
5 - Trapped!: All Look-Outs roll Awareness tests. If none succeed, the companion
s are hoisted into the air in nets set to catch game. The LM determines who set
the trap.

6 - Hungry Like The Wolf: All Look-Outs roll Awareness tests. If none succeed, t
he company is ambushed by ravenously hungry wolves. Use the Wild Wolf stats on L
M82, but reduce the Endurance to 8, raise Hate to 2 and add the Savage Assault S
pecial Ability.
All Companions
1-2 - False Friends: The company meets a group of Woodmen who seem friendly. All
companions must make an Insight test. If no one succeeds, they do not realise t
hat these Woodmen have fallen to the Shadow and will seek to ambush and rob them
at the first opportunity.
3-4 - No Way Out: The companions feel like they are going round in circles. All
companions must make a Wisdom test. If fewer than half succeed, the company lose
s one Fellowship Point as bickering saps the company's trust.
5-6 - Riddle Me This: The company meets a forest spirit who poses a riddle for h
is permission to go further. All companions must make a Riddle test. If none suc
ceeds, the forest turns against the company. Add +2 to the TN of Fatigue Tests f
or the rest of the leg or the next one.

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