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Report of Special Investigators 1822 “All government, of right, originates with the peopl, is founded upon their will ony, and is instituted solely for the goad of the whole. Public officers are the trustees and servants ofthe people ‘and are at all times amenable to them.” Georgia Constittion Article I, Section I, Paragraph DeKalb County Special Investigators: Michael J. Bowers Richard L. Hyde September 30, 2015 This document is only an overview of some of ou findings upto the date this assignment ‘vas terminated by Interim Chief Executive Officer Lee N. May, Jr, on August 6, 2015. Its ot, the “final report” as envisioned when we were reine! and does not itu every document, wrote: need to getthe check. How do you ee aout these its? Ay preference? Ilene Watldortt Continent Server Coral. (fice of Commissioner Kathe Gannon Super District [Morus Maloof Cntee 1300 Cammeree Dive Decatur, GA 30030, a a0a 471.4909 Fax: 404.371.7008 ww nom -imageOO1 a> -mage002 o> From: essingerastamal com meto:ve'ssngsrtBgmcon}] On Behalf Of Aison WeSsinger ‘Sent: Hay, December 02,2013 9:14 at Tos Gannon, Kathe Subject Re: Conn Ganron aft Library Hi Michelle ‘Wow, that is wonderfull Would she like itt go for Tobi agin this year or another branch in ‘er district? Tae othr thing that comes to mind is possibly extra support for an outreach program we do each years the Chamblee Library. Is called PRIME TIME Fanily Reatiog ‘Time. | have pasted in a description ofthe program below. Ths is program created by the Louisiana Endo fr the KTumsrities that x eplcated by pubic braves all weras the ‘county. We usually apply for Funding from Georgia Public Library Service todo this program ‘ach year, bu i is nover enough to cover the entire cost ofthe program. We pall together the rest wo need Yom a variety of sources. In addition to paying for the scholar and storyteller, we five ses of books 6 each family, give them Mart tokens and fee them dinner, We er trying to remove all the barriers and encourage them to become regular Hicary users. We target ‘Spanish-speaking Families ond work withthe local elementary shoots to identi families tht ‘oul benefit from the program. ln any case, let me know ifthis might be of interest, Thanks so much! Dist. 6 P-Card Logs (Jan.2011-Mar. 2015) Page $23 of 431 Commissioner Gannon would like to give a gift othe Library this year. Can you make a suggestion? 1¢ wil be the sme a ast year for 1000.00. Last year's gift was wards & homework helper st Tobie Grant. Hove a happy Thanksgiving! Michelle Walidortt ovata Serves Coane LUpice of Commissioner Rathie Gannon Super District Manvel J Metoof Center 1300 Commerce Drive Decatur, GA 30030 It: 408.371.4909 PAX: 404.371.7004 wokathiegannon com -iesagoo0} pag - Dist. 6 P-Card Logs (an.2011-Mar. 2015) Page 324 of 431 DEKALB LIBRARY FOUNDATION December 23,2012 Krtie Ganson 1300 Commence Drive Deca, GA 3030 Dear Ms. Guanan, (On bel ofthe Deka Libary oupdain, hank you fOr your very gee donation oF $1000 0 sip. ‘ne DeKalb Coty Pull Libary. Your gi oth iar an nvestnet no omni, poidlag he ‘Dek County Public Library with she resource o fd terry mcd’ pops, Keres tthe book and mail cllcton Deka cizens a sing he Mary mov a evr with ove 4 fiom vss iehting nln series ‘chs drabst) an 3.6 lon book, books, aun books, CDs and DVDe checked tin 212. ee out ‘son through he work ofthe DeKalb ira Foundation o grow a mre elu, Here community. This Try is priner i eden in DeKalb County, wih a Toca oneal chidhocd and youth rsdn, programs. Your gf wil hve a get on thi rary, a prt latipes ingot in engin ue services, hark you for your support for astong publi rary. Shen, fis wl fide atl W. Pedr. Present Dekalb Library Foundation irr Receirr ‘noun: $1,000, Gin Type, 019 Gen Cott ot: tangs The DeKalb Litany Foudaton tne tsa 301()8orgonation Your git ta dtl the ett lowed bylaw. No god or series were receed in exhatge fer i orion, Dist. § P-Card bogs (Jon 2041 Mar 2006), Pas 215 Sycamore Stool | Decatu, Gevigie 30080-9479 | (mote 404 870.8450 "8238 | rx foundation @dokalibraryorg 395 ofa31 LFF aee Walldorff, Michelle M. From: foundation adetabayo79 Sent ‘Thursday, December 16,2018 9:11 PM te Gannon Kathe Subject ‘nna Bertin Confrmon ‘his onatl ds a confirwation that youn online entry at the site of DoKalb Library Foundation vas received, The following inforeation was recorded (ast name Ganson adress: 2368 Commerce Orive city: Decatur seater GA Dostal Code: 38830 Enall: kgannanddekalbcountyae. £00 Phove: 2083714909 ‘arount: $1,090,00 Fund: Serena Comments! This contelbution is for the Tobe Grant Honework Helper, Please consult with Alison ielssingar regarding this contsibution Gift Frequency! One-Tine Circle of ekving: Publishers Circle ‘gproach Hane: Foundation Website Canpaign Nane: General Donation YES! T want to make a General Contribution 1 any of your information 4s incorrect, or Jf you have any questions, please contact ekalb brary Foundation at 404-370-8650 x 2238 or foundot tongdekalbl brary ct. Thank you very much Dist. 6 P-Card Logs (an201‘-Mar. 2015) Page 926 of 431

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