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Report Title



Ready for testing (YYLTHES)

Graduands List

Term code,Display ID(Y/N), Faculty, Department

Term, ID (if Y), Name, Program desc, Major desc, Thesis Title, Supervisor(s), Home Department

on hold

Graduate Students Funding

on hold

Funding by Term

ID, Type, Source of Funding, Department/Area/Major ID, Name, Type, Source of Funding, amounts, term, program, contact email
ID, Name,Type,Source of Funding,Program , Major,Supervisor(s), Residence (Domestic,
Term Code
International, Permanent Resident)

Ready for testing(YYLWALK)

Email Search for registered students in current

Term start, Program
Walk Away Students Status Report( who registered
and was on Leave of absence in previours
semester, not registered in current semster, not
graduated, not on leave of absence)

Ready for testing(YYLASSR)

Registered Students Status Report


Anik is working on this(YYLLEAV)

Leave of Absence


Ready for testing(YYLSGSM)

SGS Membership Report

ID, Name, Program, Major, Faculty, Department, Enrolment status(PT/FT), Leave Start and End,
email address, Supervisor or Co-Supervisors
Name, Full or Associate, Term, Email, Faculty, Department, (Employee/non-Employee - or

Process to generate all the milestones based on the program(YYLMILE)

Set up milestones for initial and full thesis

proposals, progress reports, comprehensive exams,
request for defence, thesis submission - by
program, major, email address.
ID, program, major, individual milestones

Name, Initial thesis proposal, full thesis proposal, progress reports, comprehensive exam, request
for defence, thesis submission, email (will we see those that have outstanding milestones)

Ready for testing with out by program(YYLMILE)


Milestone Results i.e. Progress Report

recommends Probation
Milestones in Bridge

Name, Start Term, Program, Milestone, Submition Date, Completion Date, Result
Checklist of items completed and outstanding

Ready for testing(YYLEMAL)

ID, by program

ID, Name, Program, Major, Faculty, Department, Enrolment status(PT/FT), Start Term, email
Start Term, ID, Name, Major, Degree, Term Registered? Activity Title,Committee Members,Role,
Start Term, ID, Name, Major, Degree, Term Registered? Activity Title,Committee Members,Role,
RCVD List - sorted by program and major

Guy needs to add this on to web submission(YYLCOOP)

List of students on Co-op
MA, MSc, MFA, Mmus, MSc Management, Full time is 6 terms, part time is 12 terms. PhD Students Who are at the end of their time limit for
is 12 terms. Not including coop terms.(YYLEOTL)

ID, Name, Program, Degree, Major,

longer than their terms allowed to be in the program(YYLGTTL)

List all the ccommittee and members, currently active members list and inactive

Students Extension is to expire

Supervisor and Committee student list - current
and history

Id, Status of the members (AC for Active, IN for

ID, Name, Program, Major, Degree, Supervisor (Is expected end date a field in Banner?)

Admission is working on a code students who accept conditional offer, once this is done,
the report will be created.(on hold Jing needs some information)

Applicants' decision, by degree, term start,


ID, Start

ID, Name, Program, Major, Degree, Supervisor, Application Decision

The holds that will stop them from registering, hold type is in STVHLDD with reg hold
indicator 'Y' (YYLHOLD)

ID, Name, Program, Major, Degree, Supervisor

ID, Name, Committee, term

ID, Name, Program, Major, Degree, Program Start,


Report of Students with Holds

ID, Name, Start,
Final Thesis has been approved, but not applied to

Anik will work on this(Have to talk with GUY to upload this)

Milestone Status

ID, Name, Program, expected milestones not met - by date

milestone type, program

Anik is working on this right now and hopefully will be done soon.(There is a report
"SALAPPL" which did the same thing, previously it was for undergrade student, now I put Email Search for students who have accepted their
another parameter level code. So it will work for all level of students )
offer for a particular Term
Term start, Student Status (code = 16)

ID, Name, Program, Major, Milestones met

ID, Name, Program, Major, Start Term, email address

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