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Put the verbs in the Past Simple or the Past Perfect.

Last week I 1(have) a funny experience. I 2(be) on my own in the house. My 1.
husband 3(go away) on a business trip.
The first evening I 4(be) rather tired as I 5(spend) the day shopping and cleaning. 4.
supper I 6(watch) television and then 7(decide) to go to bed early. I 8(feel) quite 6.
safe because I 9(lock)
all the doors and 10(close) all the windows securely. I was just going to sleep 10...
when I 11(hear)
the sound of mens voices, talking quietly. I 12(be) terrified. I 13(get) out of bed 12...
and 14(creep) downstairs.
The voices were coming from the sitting room. I 15(open) the door, trembling, and 15...
then 16(laugh) with relief.
In my tiredness I 17(forget) to turn off the television!

Write the sentences putting one verb in each sentence into the past
simple, and the other verb into the past perfect:
1. When the police (arrive) the car (go). When the police arrived the car had gone.
2. When I (get) to the shop it (close).

3. They (eat) everything by the time I (arrive) at the party.

4. When we (leave) the beach the rain (already start).
5. I (try) telephoning her several times but she (leave) the country.
6. When I (find) my purse someone (take) the money out of it.
7. The car (go) when I (look) into the street.
8. The patient (already die) by the time I (see) her.
9. All the garages (close) by the time we (cross) the border.
10. (You already leave) when the trouble (start)?
11. I (not finish) getting off the train when it suddenly (start) moving.
Write one sentence with the past perfect simple and because.
e.g Nick forgot his key. He couldn't get in. Nick couldnt get in because he had forgotten his key.
Jane went to the police station. Someone stole her bike. Jane went to the police station because
someone had stolen her bike.
1. Tom spent all his pocket money. He couldn't buy a pen.
2. Ben ate four packets of crisps. He felt ill.
3. Jenny didnt have breakfast. She felt very hungry.
4. Mr. Bell couldn't read his letters. He broke his glasses.
5. Nick couldn't play basketball. He hurt his thumb.
6. Ben didn't turn off the tap. The bath overflowed.
7. Mike forgot his wallet. He couldn't pay the restaurant bill.
8. Jenny got sunburned. She forgot to put on some sun cream.
9. Jane couldn't go out. She didn't do her homework.
10. Sue failed the test. She didn't revise for it.
1. I (feel).. a little better after I.(take) .. the medicine.
2. I was late. The teacher (give, already) a quiz when I (get) to
3. It was raining hard, but by the time class (be) over, the rain (stop)
4. Class (begin, already) by the time I (get) ............ there, so I (take, quietly)
a seat in the back.
5. Millions of years ago, dinosaurs (roam).. the earth, but they (become)
extinct by the time humankind first (appear) ..
6. I (see, never). any of Picasso's paintings before I (visit) .the art
7. I almost missed my plane. All of the other passengers (board, already) the
time I (get) ........ there.
8. Yesterday at a restaurant, I (see).. Pam Donnelly, an old friend of mine. I
(see, not) .. her in years. At first, I (recognize, not) her
because she (lose).. at least fifty pounds.
Put the correct tense: Past Simple or Past Perfect
1. I arrived late at the stadium and the match (start).
2 The team had a good season in 1995. They . nearly all their matches. (win)

3 My legs ached after the match. I . tennis for over five years. (not play)
4 Before the Olympic Games few people . of synchronized swimming. (hear)
5 We invited Geoff to our party but he .. to go away that weekend. (arrange)

Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits
in the space in the same line.
The life of a supermodel
Tweetie de Leon-Gonzalez broke into the competitive world of
modelling at the age of fourteen. Advertisers noticed her '...
but she was determined to continue her 2 .., which she
valued highly. This 3 ..student finished school, went
to university and 4.. gained a degree in philosophy.
After 5 .., Tweetie looked for normal work, but modelling
jobs continued to come her way. She made the 6.. to
become a full-time model after winning an important competition.


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