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Only a few more weeks till exams...

Hi Everyone,
Above: Atawhai residents exemplify
Teamwork at their Hall Event
Below: Amazing Baking by Moginie
Taken from the WD vs Moginie Bake-Off


Get ready for Exams with CTL

Important notices from Campus Living
Gumboot Ladder Board
Keeping HappyCounselling Services
A Message from Chaplaincy
Positive Steps to Wellbeing
International Student Support Office
Massey EventsAg Awards Dinner
Suicide Prevention and Mental Health
Awareness Day
Residents of the MonthSeptember
Hall Events Been and Coming
Useful tips from Massey Careers
Important reminders

Level 2, The Student Centre

Time has flown pretty fast this year, it is hard to believe that we are
almost at the end of the academic year. I hope that you have all
enjoyed living in the Halls this year and have made meaningful
connections, learnt a lot about yourself as well as the other people
around, whilst at the same time balancing all this with your
Thank you for your contribution this year- youre attendance at our
events, activities, Open days, it has been an exciting year and we
hope you have enjoyed them thoroughly. During the study break
week, we will be having an academic management session tied in
with a BBQ for all our residents at the beach volleyball pit by Kanuka
Commons- day and time TBC. We will be announcing our Resident
of the Year here and will have agencies from town such as the
Police talking to students to help make your flatting experience next
year a more positive one. There will also be a beach volleyball game
between the Police and the residents. I hope that you can all come
All the best for upcoming exams. There is plenty of
support for all students to cope with the pressures of
exams. Make sure you access them if you need to. Have a look at
your noticeboards in the halls and around campus for more information.
Koli Sewabu
Acting Accommodation Manager

Centre for Teaching and Learning

With the semester coming to a close its time to think about exams. Exams can be stressful but with
good planning and the right strategy, you can manage that stress, focus your revision and be successful
with your studies.
StudyUp Seminars
Next week we have our final two StudyUp seminars. StudyUp seminars are presented live, online. You
can log in to the sessions at
Preparation makes perfect. This seminar covers planning your study time, collecting and summarising
information and memory strategies.

Tuesday 6 October, 7:30 am and 12:00 pm

Wednesday 7 October, 7:00 pm

Surviving the Exam. This seminar covers exam protocol, the six steps to surviving the exam and strategies for answering different types of questions.
Presented Wednesday 7 October, 7:30 am and 12:00 pm
Thursday 8 October, 7:00 pm.
If you miss the seminars or the presentation times dont suit, dont worry, you can find the PowerPoint
hand-outs for these topics at
Come in and see us
In the last weeks of semester many of you will also be completing your final assignments. Dont forget
you can still make an appointment to talk with our Writing Consultant. We can help you with unpacking
the assignment question, improving your writing style and referencing skills.
Finally, if youre still not sure about your studies or concerned about your exams, make an appointment
to see our Student Success Advisor. He can offer advice and tips on how to get through these final
weeks and bring your academic year to a successful conclusion.
Contact to make an appointment or call extn 83548.
We have enjoyed working with you this year. We would like to wish you a fantastic Christmas and great
summer break and we look forward to seeing you again next year.



Academic Management Session

Halls vs Police Volleyball


Resident of the Year Announced


End of Year Information

In the next few weeks you will receive and email
explaining the end of year check out procedures for 2015.
Attached to this will be your accommodation statement with
charges to the end of your agreement (15th November 2015),
and a bond refund form. Please ensure that your fees are paid
and are up to date. You will also need to ensure that you have
completed the Bond Refund form so that we can process your
All accounts must be paid to the end of semester and Bond
refund forms returned to the RSO by Friday the 13th Nov, 2015.
Please note that bond refunds can take up to six weeks to
process after the end of semester. If you have any questions,
please come and see us at the RSO.

Please make sure you update your

address, if you are completing your
qualification, returning home for summer,
or moving into different accommodation.
The ISS Pizza Night Info Session about
exam rules will be on Thursday 15
October 2015. Details will be sent to you
closer to the date. If you are unable to
attend, it is your responsibility to make
yourself familiar with the rules.
Good luck with your exams.
Best wishes from ISS

Summer Semester
Summer semester runs from the 15th November 2015 31st
January 2016. We will be using Kairanga Court this year. You
can apply to stay with us during the summer by using the
Maintenance Portal and selecting 2015-16 Massey Manawatu
Storage will also be available during the summer semester,
please come to the RSO to enquire.
Mail and Parcels
Please ensure that your mail/parcels are forwarded to your
home address as all mail/parcels received will be returned to
sender after the 31st January 2016.
Good luck with your exams and enjoy your break!

Congratulations, you have almost made it through your first year at university! No doubt things are busy at the moment
getting assignments finished prior to exams. By now you will probably feel like a seasoned university student, and it
may be hard to remember the newness of everything when you first arrived. At this point you may be looking for a
summer job, or a flat for next year. Hopefully you manage to find what you are looking for, and that these experiences
turn out to be good ones.
We have really enjoyed meeting many of you who have either hung out at The Centre during the day, or at our
Pancake Nights. We really aim to make The Centre a home away from home, and we enjoy providing a space where
you can relax, study, and eat J in a peaceful atmosphere.
Just to keep in mind for next year, we offer a range of activities here at The Centre for people who are interested in
learning more about the Christian faith. These include: Learning English through the Bible (Fridays @ 3pm); Bible
Storytelling group; Catholic Mass (Wednesdays @ 12:05pm); International Students Group ; Student Alpha, and;
Christian Mindfulness (Developing the Art of Noticing God course). We also hope to run a series of talks on science
and faith so look out for this.
We wish you all the best for your final exams; we hope your hard work will be rewarded, and you have some fun and
restful time off over the summer.
We look forward to seeing more of you in the future. - Rebekah (on behalf of the Chaplains)

Keep Happy In The Last Few Weeks
This time of the year can be a difficult one for many of us although it is warming up and there is (much) more sunlight we
can still be cooped up indoors and struggling to focus on exams now only a matter of a few weeks away.
Have I done enough study? What will they ask me? What will I do in the holidays? What about next year? Flatting?
It is quite important to find ways of keeping positive and focussed at this stage it can slip so easily and we can end up
feeling out of control and overwhelmed. There are a few things we can do relatively easily which can make a significant
difference at any time but are really useful to do at this time! Just as our Olympic athletes know, the skill does not develop
overnight and we need to practise and rehearse the skills to become competent let alone expert, but the effort is worthwhile
in the end!
So try a few of these things:
At the end of each day take a few moments to reflect on the day, paying particular attention to the things that have gone
well the cool experiences. This might be a chat to a friend, warm sunshine, the plum trees in blossom, a lecture you
enjoyed, a good session in the gym or just a peaceful walk across campus looking at the blue sky. Try to jot down three
things each day.
Each day look for something you can do for another person! It may just be holding a door open for them, picking up
something they have dropped, a compliment, a prayer, or noticing they look tired and creating an opportunity to sit with
them and listen as they off load to you.
Reflect on the good or kind things other people have done for you. Your friends, your parents, or even an academic. If
you have an opportunity, smile and thank then as they give you your coffee or hand out notes. If you dont have that
opportunity take a moment quietly to acknowledge how they have supported you, cheered you up, or helped you.
Practise the art of stillness. Walk more slowly, talk more quietly, breathe more slowly. Notice your body in space, look at
the colours around you, listen to the sounds, try to be in the present for just a few moments at the time without all the
thoughts and worries and interruptions crowding in. Avoid being busy all the time find a moment or two in time when
you can simply stop the rushing and the thinking.
Learn to breathe with your diaphragm and not your chest.
Spend time in nature. We are fortunate on our campus to have the green spaces all around us. Utilise them regularly.
If necessary seek help and support before you become overwhelmed! Talk to a friend, and RA, a chaplain, a
counsellor, a lecturer, your parents or a learning consultant.
The Student Counselling team can offer short term interventions to teach you some of the essential skills to manage that
last minute panic.
Attend the last minute workshops run by the Centre for Teaching and Learning and by Student Counselling Service.
Dont wait until melt down as it will be harder to change things then. The Centre for Teaching and Learning runs Study
Up session throughout October and Student Counselling continues with regular Thursday midday mindfulness sessions.
You may like to look at the website where you will find a vast array of self-help materials to assist
you do these things, as well as the links to the WoW workshops which has recorded seminars on useful topics.
Make the most of the final week and look for ways of enjoying exam time. Notice how things are different and what is
enjoyable about it. Think about how good it will feel at the end rather than paying too much attention to the struggles in
between that journey will be very with you as you study!

Hall Events

Rotary Hall Laser Tag

City Court Paintball

Craig Lockheart & Bindalo Pampering

Massey Careers
Congratulations on reaching (nearly) the end of your first year at Massey University.
Did you know that you have 21.5 weeks holiday a year so what are your plans for the summer?
Some of your will be doing the practical requirements of your degree and if you are in the process of looking for
work make sure you check out on a regular basis. Roles will close once they are
filled and they are filling fast!! Others have a nice long holiday in front of them but future employers are expecting
you to do something with it!!
You could:
Volunteer for a good cause. Summer is definitely the time to focus on getting some me time, but you can help
both yourself and others by offering your services as a volunteer. Whatever your cause, doing a bit of good will not
only enhance the lives of others but could also help your CV.
Get work experience. Think about your dream job after university and apply for work experience to help make it a
Do an online course. There are many free
online courses available on the web! Online
course have become so popular and it is one of
the easiest way to gain knowledge about subject
that you are interested in. Anytime, anywhere
(with internet connection of course). In fact, many
of these Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
are certified from a number of prestigious
universities around the world!
Take this summer to pick up something useful
outside your major and to boost your CV! Before
you know it you will be back at University
starting your second year of study.
Organisations start recruiting for their Summer
Interns (that start work in November 2016) and
their Graduates (starting work in February 2017)
before you are even back at university. So make
sure you take some time over summer to research these employers. Follow them on
Facebook and MasseyCareerHub so you can
know when their recruitment begins!
Good luck with your exams and have a fun, safe
and productive summer!
Massey Careers


Last Wednesday MUSA, along with the support of various clubs

and services both within and outside Massey, hosted this years
Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Awareness event. While the
weather forced us indoors it was a fantastic event, enjoyed by
Along with great performances from the Massey PI Club, The IPC
Drummers, and Manawatahi, the highlight of the day was guest
speaker Mike King. What a wealth of knowledge and experience he
has in this arena, and such a grounded outlook. Below are some
stand out points he raised:
What we need is positive societal change - that is, that its OK to
feel down and its even more OK, cool in fact, to talk about it.
How do we move from last years 569 suicides in NZ to Zero? By
looking out for those around us - friends, whanau, hall neighbours...
If someone shares suicidal feelings with you, listen. Encourage
sharing, ask them what they need from you, just be there. Walk
with them as they seek help - literally, walk them to a counsellor if
that is the next step.
As a follow up from this event, Massey Counselling held a
Workshop for how to support someone who is feeling
suicidal. The same message was reinforced. There a many services both on campus and off who can help both the
person struggling and/or the support person.
If you are worried about someone please seek support and
guidance for yourself so that you can best support them.

Massey Counselling
06 350 5533 (or xtn 85533)
MUSA AdvocateKerry Howe
Local Mental Health Emergency
0800 653357
Lifeline (24/7)
0800 543 354
Cantonese and Mandarin
0800 888 880
Youth Line (24/7)
0800 376 633
Free Txt 234
Samaritans (24/7)
0800 726666

Smoke Free Policy Reminder

It is our aspiration to be a healthy campus where staff and students are not affected by other peoples smoking.
Our plans for 2015 have been: Ongoing education of staff and students about the smoke free policy
If you are a smoker and you need to have a smoke while on campus, please be reminded of the following rules:

All buildings (including stairwells and balconies) and MU vehicles are smoke free
Smoking is prohibited on the Concourse
Smoking is prohibited within 10 metre of buildings
Please respect all No Smoking signs
Please extinguish your cigarette butt into the cigarette butt canisters provided around campus
If you are seen smoking in an inappropriate area, please do not be offended if you are politely asked to
move on


To those who have made it your New Year resolution to quit,
congratulations on your decision and we wish you well during this
time. Here are some links to smoking cessation support services:

h p://


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Congratulations to the following residents who have been
selected as residents of the month for September 2014
for their respective halls.

This award is given based on the following criteria:

The purpose of this award is to acknowledge the

significant contribution that a resident has made within
the hall during the last month.

Each will receive a coffee voucher for their contributions

to the community.

General behaviour is exemplary

Respectful of others
Actively participating in hall events
Actively encourages a clean and tidy
Encourages and motivates others in the all
Active involvement in resident committees


Sam Perko

Daniel Vessakoar

Zhi Zhang

Robbie Eivers

Laura Foy

Leanne Leelo

Leonnie Auwi

Josh Blatchford

Carrie Fynn

Aaron Stevens

Sam Christian

Jason Kershaw

McKenzie Henderson

PNG student Leonnie Auwi is studying a

Bachelors degree in Business Management.
Leonnie Auwi and her daughter Maggie epitomise
the meaning of Atawhai which means to be big
hearted and caring. Somewhat of a mother-figure
in our village, many of our residents seem to
gravitate towards their home which is always
open and filled with big smiles and laughter. She
always has an open ear to listen, an open heart to
care, and courage to act if needed.
Leonnie is a keen volleyball player and was
instrumental in helping to organise Saturday
volleyball games for Atawhai residents at
Fergusson Hall. Having a young daughter shes
always been mindful of the other children at
Atawhai ensuring their inclusion where possible.
We're so happy to be able to recognise Leonnies
contribution to our community by awarding her as
resident of the month.

Alex Chan

Charlotte Gordon

Paul Meech

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