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Assignment No-1

Arjun Kataria



Roll No-9
Beauty, a change or result of progress
Beauty can be defined as a feeling of amuse and pleasure. It is that pure sense
of feeling which takes a person into semi unconscious state. Definition of beauty
itself is a riddle as one cannot describe it in true words and gets puzzled upon
thinking. It is experienced and judged by our senses. It is not only experienced
by looking but also by hearing, touch, smell and taste. Beauty is a perception of
ones mind to feel pleasured. It may vary from person to person but to an extent,
it may be considered as universal.
A baby, newly born baby is beautiful in itself and is considered as the most
beautiful gift for parents, but is it only beautiful for parents? A baby is found
beautiful by everyone, even if the baby is black or white, boy or a girl, belongs to
rich or poor family. A newly born baby is naturally pure, unexposed to
materialistic things in world and brings a broad smile to ones face. Its the
nature and its components that may define beauty to an extent.
Beauty may also be considered as a spark required to light a candle. It is
important in ones life to make him feel relaxed in any stage of life. Beauty can
also be defined as a change. A change may be minor or major. For example, if a
person works throughout a week and suddenly he has no work to do, that
moment is beautiful for him. Also, people living in metropolitan cities find
mountain and hill stations beautiful whereas people living in mountains find
metropolitan cities more beautiful. Its the change in environment and living
conditions that is beautiful but if the same person from the metropolitan city
lives more than a month in mountains, he may no more find it beautiful.
Similarly, a gamer playing a game with different people will always find that
game beautiful as the gameplay keeps changing according to different players.
Whereas, the same game will no longer be beautiful to him if he keeps playing
with same players. A small child may find a toy beautiful but after he is an adult,
the same toy will become a normal object for him. The definition of beauty keeps
changing for a person as his mind changes with his age.
Taking architectural movement references, classical architecture was the
beginning of great architectural era. The main emphasis was on monumental
design, symmetry and geometry. The buildings were monumental but were
neither simple nor highly ornamented. The same era subdivided into other
movements but later came the gothic period in which the main emphasis was
upon sharp and linear objects and buildings were more ornamental. This major
change came because the world found the classical buildings to be less beautiful
as the same typology was used repeatedly for years. But soon, ornamentation
was no more considered as a beauty of building and then came Renaissance
where the simplicity of buildings was considered beautiful. The same process
continued in the Rococo and Neo Classical movements. The change was
necessary with each passing generation to refine the definition of beauty.

Beauty is appealing whereas the things that disturb a person is considered ugly.
Ugly is something that can never appeal a person and creates a negative aura.
Something is said to be ugly if a person try to compare it to something that is
beautiful for him. Ugly is the result of comparison. Humans tend to compare
things to what they find beautiful. Not everything can be find beautiful and the
things which even lacks essence of beauty are considered ugly. Both beauty and
ugly exists due to comparison and change. Both are differently perceived and

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