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The Dartmouth at 12:44 A.M. on March 12

Joe vs Dartmouth: Asch’s Own Words

 Joe Questions Jim Kim's Qualifications
 Is this the Way to Motivate the Staff?
 An Advocate of the Lawsuit Against Dartmouth
 Against Pell Grants & Federal Support?

This website has been created by Dartmouth alumni who believe Joe Asch‘s actions
and approach to Dartmouth issues make him unable to be a constructive member of
the Dartmouth Board of Trustees. Read his words and those of his supporters and
detractors, and decide for yourself.

Others on Joe
 “Asch will say whatever it takes to get himself elected”
 The Favorite of the Dartmouth Review
 Victim of Minority Conspiracy?
 An Unrelenting Critic of Dartmouth
 Asch Uses Personal Attacks and Charges without Evidence – The Dartmouth
 "Asch Denigrates 'the strongest advocates for Greeks at Dartmouth'”
 W hy does the leadership of Joe’s own class (’79) support John Replogle?
 Alumni Worry Asch’s Criticism Damages Dartmouth
 Asch from the Perspective of an Alumnus of Color
 The Asch Writing Program

Asch Hides Business Past

From The Dartmouth (3/9/10):

―Board of Trustees petition candidate Joe Asch ‘79 has … been repeatedly reticent to
fully disclose his own professional experience.‖

―In previous interviews with The Dartmouth, Asch has stated that he founded a
paramedical products firm based in Europe that manufactured and sold internationally
medical supplies of Asch‘s own design, but declined to disclose the name of the
company. Legal documents recently obtained by The Dartmouth, however, tie Asch to
Arand Ltd. and, later, Ballet Technologies, two paramedical supply companies
specializing in electrolysis needles…‖
―In an interview on Monday, Asch said that he did not share the name of his company
because he did not want industry outsiders to know how profitable the industry is.‖

―A French court document obtained by The Dartmouth that links Asch to Arand reveals
that in 2004, Arand was investigated for ―une fraude fiscale,‖ a French legal term that
translates as fiscal or tax fraud." More

“Against Pell Grants & Federal Support?”

By Joseph Asch ‘79 on February 20, 2010 -

―…JOE MALCHOW offers a thought: Cornell‘s pricing is inflated by government

subsidy—monies paid by the New York public to the university, vanishing into the maw
of the party of the second part, and being merrily paid once again by hapless parents. The
buoyant effect on tuition of public aid is well documented, but Cornell suffers not only
from the Stafford effect but from Albany‘s generosity too. Cornell also faces the
unfortunate position of being run, in part, by public employees, with all of the languid
labor, bad bidding processes, and ruinous employment restrictions attending same. ―

―Our Obama has a solution for these sad circs, of course. He has proposed expanding
federal ―Pell‖ grants for college students, supposing that a transfer of money from
taxpayers to universities will prompt the universities to charge commensurately less for
their product. Although this line of reasoning is opposed to the gravitational forces of our
world, one must have faith in the president.‖

Questions Jim Kim’s Qualifications

When Jim Kim was named President of Dartmouth, Joe said to

the Valley News that he ―would have preferred a president who was a world-class
scholar‖, and criticized his administrative experience, explaining ―I would not hire as a
CEO of a major corporation someone who has never run a company before.‖ [Valley
News, ―Some Dartmouth Alumni Have Reservations About New President‖ 3/15/09]
Now Joe argues that he can fill in the ―gaps‖, saying in his all-alumni mailer that ―I look
forward to working closely with [President Kim] – but more importantly, I anticipate
helping him better understand the College via my wide range of independent contacts…‖

Is this the Way to Motivate the Staff?

Joe blogged about the format of staff time sheets under the headline ―The Dark Satanic
Mills of the Dartmouth Bureaucracy.‖ Dartmouth‘s staff is overseen by the Trustees.

J oe's Classmates Support John

"We, the undersigned, want you to know that Mort Kondracke '60 and John Replogle '88
have our full support in the election for the Dartmouth Board of Trustees that begins on
March 10, 2010. Both candidates were selected by the Dartmouth Alumni Council's
Nominating and Alumni Search Committee in a thorough review of dozens of qualified
candidates. We believe in this method of candidate selection since it gives dedicated
alumni from diverse backgrounds ample opportunity to assess the abilities of candidates
to both add compelling value to the existing Board of Trustees and effectively work with
the existing Trustees and President..."

Read more »
Asch Denigrates “the strongest advocates for Greeks at Dartmouth”
The advisers to 15 Dartmouth fraternities, sororities and coed houses took out an ad in
The Dartmouth on February 24 to demand an apology from Joe for a ―gratuitous and
disconcerting [blog post]. Joe, who aspires to a seat on the Board of Trustees, and who
claims to have a deep understanding of student life at Dartmouth, cheers the departure of
[Deans] Deb [Carney] and Marty [Redman]…. who have been among the strongest
advocates for the Greeks at Dartmouth…. He characterizes these departures as ‗heading
out to pasture as President Kim reorganizes another cobwebbed part of the
administration.‘… We, the undersigned fraternity, sorority and coed house advisors,
believe that such an uninformed attitude does a grave disservice to two outstanding
administrators, and that Joe Asch owes them an apology.‖ 2/24/10 [not available online]

Asch from the Perspective of an Alumnus of Color

―What a mistake it would be to let Joe Asch ‘79 anywhere near
the Dartmouth College Board of Trustees. A man who makes public fun of acting dean
Sylvia Spears by always referring to her Narragansett tribal name... writes that dean Carol
Folt (a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science) is
‗imagination free‘ and claims that black students need more remedial academic support
than other students is an embarrassment to the school.‖ Uriel Barrera-Vasquez ‘98, The
Dartmouth, 2/3/10

Joe and the Office of Diversity and Equality:

 ata/2009/11/008809.php
 ata/2009/09/008640.php

The Asch Writing Program

Joe offers as a central element of his qualifications for Trustee his sponsorship of a
writing program he funded, but which the College declined to underwrite when Joe
decided to curtail his financing. Asch‘s motives, and the program‘s efficacy, were widely

 /05/30/news/asch
 http://hillw
 ut-rwit-
 /10/16/news/dept

Victim of a Minority Conspiracy?

In a 2/10/06 article bemoaning Asch‘s unsuccessful Association of Alumni candidacy
(part of a petition slate that was organized around the plaintiffs who sued Dartmouth), his
supporter the Dartmouth Review blamed the results on sinister forces: ―In an interesting
twist, this weekend coincides with the annual ‗Affiliated Alumni Groups‘ meetings. The
Affliated [sic] Groups, composed of at least 100 members who share a common
identification as ‗under-represented‘ alumni, include the Black Alumni of Dartmouth,
GLBT alumni, etcera.[sic]‖ This article was recently deleted from the archives of Joe‘s
site, Dartblog

Letter to the Editor

Waste of Space by William Montgomery '52

The following letter to the editor was taken from The Dartmouth:
"The Dartmouth published a full-page ad paid for by Joe Asch ‘79 calling on his
opponents in the upcoming trustee election to cooperate with him, campaign together,
save money and donate the excess to the College. What a saint!

This is so self-serving it is beyond comprehension..."

To view the full article, please click here.

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