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Daniel Medvedov



For children interested in the World Visinvisible


Parallel Botany has been explained by Leo Leonni a famous book with the same title.
Here are some facts about the latest discoveries in this unknown field here.
An Introduction
Plants belonging to the parallel botanical plants are parallel. Remain unchanged over time
- have "inside", i.e. showing a single surface, they are visinvisibles and can not be
touched. Its appearance can sometimes take mineral aspects. Just his world and its forms
are emerging. They are not green because it is not based on chlorophyll processes. They
love the darkness and silence, although some species emit sounds. In some places there
has been some phosphorescent specimens, collected only in the ash moonlight. I have
forty parallel plants unknown to the people here. They are the ones that will introduce
you to the world of botany and hides are 40 because this is the number of weeks that
every child waiting in the placenta, with her mother, the day of his birth.
No doubt it will help you understand a new and real as the sweets that are on the table or
the fruits of the trees world. Exists!...
What is Ardenta?
On the beach, the explorer found lying on the sand, a curious word: Ardenta. His sense
accompanied a few steps. It was a natural luminescence, small algae plankton, with its
cold and phosphorescent light that appears on nights cinerea light on the first day of the
moon, when her round gray body is perceived, bluish, in the contrast of the sky almost
black and the thread of light blue horn. Ardenta is the light of fireflies, fireflies, of
almateria. I remember that on the night of the hammocks in the city of the Amazons, the
bodies of the women sparkled in the dim light of the ardenta. I understand that light is
not land, is angelic, comes from parallel worlds. It is light parallel plants. In short, the
ardenta shines discreetly, not ostentatious, suggests light, and projects it evokes
discreetly to the Self, to feed. In Cariaco Gulf of Cumana, in Guacarapo, I lay on the
beach next to this beautiful word. The silence was bright and the music of the waves was
quiet, like a flash of insects. Who can understand the Ardenta without ever seeing it? I've
been told in the book 4 of Virgilio; it's posible. What it is that now, right next to me, the
word Ardenta is awakening, and his secret shine lights my face.
The Watcher is one who, mounted on sticks high chair, sees fish stocks and fishermen
warned the distance of your ride. I am the Watcher of words.
People know what it is visible and assumes the existence of the invisible. But know what
"visinvisible". The VISINVISIBLE is subtle: it is both visible and invisible. It is visible
to those who can see and at the same time, it is invisible to those who do not see. All
things are VISINVISIBLES: beings, facts, objects. All beings have their "reality" and
also his "mystery."

If only you perceive your reality and mystery escapes you, you lose half of what beings
are. The same applies to the facts and objects. All these are called "things".
If you can not see the mystery of things, it is "considering" their existence and, therefore,
his "presence" that comes along with "reality." You should assume that there is
"something" that comes along with reality, in the same package and it is intrinsic to
things. The subtle with reality composed the "truth" of everything. So what is the mystery
VISINVISIBLE Truth of things. Reflect. . .
Questioning is a way of knowing. Sometimes, you know, question, as if unsure. Other
times, who knows, also question. Fools do not ask, think they know. The answer is a notill diamond, a precious stone sliding on your hands and often, you yourself do not know
what to do with it. What you need to do is contemplate, so that one day you will know.
To know is to know everything. Not knowing is not knowing everything. To know
everything there is to know before and know little bit, you must first know a lot. It's what
all the sages say when asked about knowledge. Knowing is not reached with the study
and research: is achieved with silence and contemplation of things, with the renunciation
of own knowledge and discretion.
He who knows he is discreet and often seems crude, simple, simple. No matter who asks
matter who answers. No matter what is answered, matter what he is asked. When all
questions have been answered, happens a great silence in which the music of knowledge
and motor stillness of not-doing is heard. This "do" is to see the action in non-action and
non-action in action. Do not ask anyone: only the wise know how to respond. At the same
time, only the wise know how to ask. Ask and answer are the two wings of knowledge.
The mystery of bird flight is walking on the ground. . . The mystery of the soil is the sky
and flying bird, then walk in freedom, on the ground. . .

A Parallel Plants Catalogue

1. Calmaria RHEA
4. would love Trivia
Viridian 5. HIGH
6. Taisia PRIMA
10. Arturia BRANA
12. altaria DELFI
13. caladria PIRI
14. ISSUED almateria
15. Ardenta CLARA

16. Syria FANTA

18. dare GRATA 1
20. cinerea DORA
21. Craia MERA
24. Tanat KRHSIA
32. Asteria Solita
33. Soria STRANA
34. Daria VANA
35. Feralia KUNTA
36. SANA Cumbria
38. STRAIGHT Serenia
Brief desription
1. Calmaria RHEA
This parallel plant is very useful for those who contemplate. A minute of attention to her
figure and suddenly a visible fluid is instilled in your heart, by a sort of transparent tube
that directs the fluid through your body. Which is not noticed he is scared and the plant is
not ready to understand that snub. In his world there is nothing dam come naturally and
spontaneously. The plant name means "River of Serenity". The Calmaria specializes in
ceremonial greetings and bows that may seem coincidental with the wind blowing.
This parallel plant is very difficult to see exemplary. In the twilight, their bulbs emit a
faint light, yellow and only in a certain angle can be captured her image. However one
can trip over it and touch it to your body shudders as it has something like tickles. The
reason is a defibrillator component which reacts with human skin and sends the
information back to the cortex focus. Its name means "wonder of wonders" and their
appearance is almost the same as a sign. Each of the angles out a phosphorescent light, as
in most plants parallel.

This plant is parallel giant. His body, invisible in the day but noticeable during the full
moon, is as high as a cathedral. The name refers to the first law of life, that is, to birth and
pregnancy. The shape of the plant is very similar to the iliac bones of the mother. The
stem is separated into small nodules but has not inside but just an outer surface. This
plant has the capacity to regenerate all things broken or destroyed. Your cellular cohesion
is so powerful that permeates every object or a living being with its magnetism cell that
helps the reformulation of tissue. It is the ground of the alchemists.
4. would love Trivia
It is a parallel plant that bears some resemblance to Traveller's Palm but is much higher
and wider than that. It heads north-south axis and from the upper few vegetables antennas
that are able to capture those who get too close and generate some small explosions side
capsules are filled with so many small darts stand hallucinogens. His name means "who
loves the simple things" and refers to the fact that you can find about things the poor and
simple people.
Viridian 5. HIGH
This plant has a parallel flash shine like jade sword blades. Hence it is his name. The
image of the plant is as visible as invisible, their appearance seems to beat. Such
pounding intensifies in the vicinity of St. John's Day. When a person walks through the
city and is suddenly face to face with this plant occurs a feeling of intense fear, perhaps
because of its resemblance to a dragon coiled. Since the plant disappears at the same
moment, the subject believes it is only an illusion when in fact it is very real and
palpable. It is a very high level.
6. Taisia PRIMA
It is a parallel plant that looks like a big book open state of levitation. The wind is not
moved and the stem produces a continuous vibration as a metal structure. The name
means "The First World's Largest down". When it rains, it closes up and the end of the
rain accumulated in the stem and limbs shakes drops. You can shelter from the sun and
casts a shadow over a distance of twenty-meters. Formerly, some people used the Prima
Taisia to the roof of their houses. Since the inner zone has a replica of the starry sky with
phosphorescence and everything else, the natural roof was a charm for those who slept
there under. He is currently very low.
This parallel plant has a very awkward appearance and if anything can be said of a plant.
Notwithstanding fumble refers to its slow way to raise and lower the stems when struck
by an animal or moved by the wind. The name means "Centella Escondida" and refers to
the curious fact that this plant emits sparks when someone in your area say a word
especially poetry. It looks rough but the plant has a pronounced taste for poetry.
Whenever a poet approaches you, the Cynthira components and straight stretches and
becomes lean, in an almost erectile form. Only a poetic phrase returns to its initial state. It
is the ground of poets.

This plant has parallel rudimentary organs of vision through which is able to perceive
shades. Therefore its name refers to a certain potential internal knowledge and means
"The Knowledge Almighty." It is a very small but extremely hard and sharp plant. It is
impossible to escape unscathed if you walk barefoot on your field that has Panrgias
Learned. Therefore it is not in the graces of the shepherds and pilgrims, although hunters
say their presence tells them a vein of gold in depth, to the same height as its first branch.
Considered almost a fungus, this parallel formless plant has the quality to move several
kilometers around drawing a sort of maze. Its name means "Plant Labyrinth". Once
arrived in the center of labyrinth built for herself, the Delbala stand still until someone
comes to replace it. It is obvious that it is mazes that can not be seen with the naked eye.
Coming out of the maze, the Delbala about scoring the way back with a long root and
vine, she carefully deposited at a certain height of the right wall. It is the plant of
10. Arturia BRANA
This parallel plant is related to the mystery of the Grail. Each of their cocoons gladiolus
plant has a sort of sphere that houses a small cup. If someone tries to remove that element
of flowering, the plant gently biting the intruder. There does not pass over the threat. The
plant name refers to King Arthur, but Arturia means "Big Dipper". For its part, BRANA
is "Stone" In the Pelasgian language in which we give the names of the 40 parallel stories
that we yet know.
This parallel plant has a name that means "anyone's way." It is night at the crossroads and
usually lights the way for those who have gone astray. It is a very friendly plant as it can
to cherish that comes close. This plant has a sort of pockets where people who want to
travel far, you can find various minerals objects like rings very vital for orientation, as
living stones are about jumping into the path you should take.
12. altaria DELFI
This parallel plant is invisible to ordinary eyes. It only appears like a mirage in the
twilight and why connoisseurs call "Lupercana" with the name Light lubricated, the
moment of the afternoon in which things are very faint and almost invisible. In fact the
kingdom which belongs DELFI altaria is VISINVISIBLE kingdom, that space that lies
between the visible and the invisible. The mean particle DELFI "Matrix". By looking
closely at the elements that form, we discover something like a kind of buzzing bees,
personal sleeping bags. The plant loves grow alongside the trees Yagrumo.
13. caladria PIRI
It is a parallel plant with spherical elements, no interior, no blooms or petals. It may be
originated in ancient times. Not age nor dry but turns to dust if an animal touches.
Therefore it emits certain whistles that are audible over long distances and when a subject
about all sound stops abruptly and then explode with thundering vibrations. Its name
means "The Joy Of Fire" and comes from the fact that you often hear laughter-like sound
they make the flames of a burning tree. Children's spy but was not close.

14. ISSUED almateria

This fascinating parallel plant is seen only on the first day of the bright moon, now called
Latin LUX cinereum or Light Ash. Its color is bright gray opacities have an
imperceptible heartbeat. Lifelike and therefore called almateria, that is, "Living matter".
ISSUED means "Told", "Transmitted", "Legacy", "Tradition". Within the areas there is a
void that manifests when touched, through a mathematical cones and endless array of
facets. The text you have on surface areas is impossible to decipher.
15. Ardenta CLARA
This parallel plant is phosphor. His light is cinerea, as firefly and therefore called
Ardenta. At the brightness you can see the lines of the palm and veins, as if we looked at
the body in an ultraviolet light. It is a spectacular plant since vibrates with all its elements
l same time and leaves the impression of seeing a throbbing macroorganism. No bird
perches on its branches and animals will flee. At its base there is always dew and its use
is wonderful for sore memories. It is drunk by touching it with your finger and then you
have to wipe the tongue.
16. Syria FANTA
This parallel plant looks like a lighthouse on moonlit nights. However, its light pales
when someone speaks in your area. Not resistant human speech. It's called Syria for
being bright and FANTA because sometimes it concluded in the shadow disappearing
altogether. The hunters looking for about hares to meet their monthly orgies. With eyes
full of tears, these little animals fornicate contemplate while, quietly and with a gesture
discretion would produce a state of grief to more cautious human.
As a parallel plant, ORONRIA has in the pantheon of botany hide his special place. In
his presence, the human individual feels the need to urinate. When you look closely you
urinate, man discovers that his urine has a glow of amethyst and all kinds of hidden pain
is drained and removed. We must be cautious and not urinate into the bush but his back to
her, as only this happens the effect described above. It is VERA for being "True". The
plant was known by rebel and Paracelsus. Nostradamus also met; the three were
18. dare GRATA
This plant has many very slow movements that resemble exercises Tai Chi Chuan. All
the dynamic postures adopted may reach the number of 384. Occasionally, stems shake
and emit a bright pumpkin-shaped seed, which rotates on the ground and consumes itself
in less than 8 minutes. The animals are enthralled with that element and sometimes the
cats play with him as with a mouse or like olive returning crazy cats. It is GRATA as
"Pleasant" and dare because small bones pumpkins have very bright light that can be seen
in the body for transparency if the animal swallows them.
This curious kills has that name for being able to paint with light and ash into the air
stops moving long strips tails as if they were shooting stars. It does not move from where
you are but light travels long distances. It is a shock that really like the moles and
beavers. Each year, on the day of San Juan, large groups of these animals gather around
her and contemplate in silence.

20. cinerea DORA

This parallel plant is named for wholly gray. But that gray is brilliant and sometimes it
takes a golden hue. Not age and has inside and all parallel plants. If one of the elements
in your body is kept in a notebook, the leaves turn acquire plant and ribs. Notebook
guards become wings and the back of the notebook begins to grow back hair.
21. Craia MERA
The Craia is a parallel plant that is considered the first (Craia) the navel of the world.
"Grows" or rather "Live" only in the navel of the world and their presence is discovered
by the steam emanating from the site, to large distances. Craia MERA is a very
ceremonious plant. Every time someone passes in front of her, she leans over and exudes
a subtle fragrance that is like a gift to the casual visitor.
Parallel Botany is a separate but immersed in this our visible world and casual world.
Individuals who are defined as parallel plants with other plants coexist without
interference, without chlorophyll, timeless, seeds or flowers. They are looking glass or
stone but the plant kingdom. Sutra means "thread" and therefore CRISTALIA SUTRA is
like a thread of streaky glass. It is a transparent floor and has a mirror-like fragrance.
The parallel plant is an old one. It comes from an ancestral sentiment has become hard
substance and plant many years, centuries. Human beings are the creators of all that
unusual kingdom, even though they do not know. Not that the plant has evolved. Not that
evolve. It's perfect. As it is, it has a permanence of glass. It has no inside, like a bottle of
Klein. If you want to look inside you lose on a black abyss. The ARGONRIA is so
named because it is a ray of light manifested in the human visible. URAOR means
primordial light gold.
24. Tanat KHRISIA
The Tanat KHRSIA is named after a curious phenomenon that occurs when someone
touches it. The moment in which it is played, the plant expels a fine gold dust that
surrounds the subject's body and illuminates for a slight moment. If the person or animal
is not far, it is embalmed and can not move for several days. It is not dangerous but it
produces a certain fear of death, which is valuable to convene this feeling that all of us
will ever have, the symposium growth.
The plant called parallel and has a spectacular appearance. It seems suspended at a small
distance from the ground and rises sharply in a straight line and then down again in the
same place. If you get under it, by lowering the plant enters your body and for an instant
have the curious sensation of being about you too high above the ground. After that
experience you need to move quickly on the sides to the right or left or forward or
backward. It is appropriate to continue in the same place even if it is unpleasant.
The ARGNTIA ROA is very small, like a drop of dew (ROA) Silver. For more trampled
underfoot, the ARGNTIA not lose its shape. If you lower your gaze to the microcosm,
you become -for a moment - very small and you can walk through the woods as if they
were ARGNTIAS tall eucalyptus trees. To return to the initial height must close your
eyes and touch the top of the head and eyebrows. At the same moment you will recover
your dimensions. Then walk away without looking back.


The LUGIA is named very yellow. You must look at it with eyes closed. Only thus it
becomes clear. She penetrates the curtain of your own eyelids and presents before our
eyes, pure and pristine as a source. It has, of course, similar to the noise emitted by water
from a mountain spring sound. Children intend to drink but she gently pushed away. It is
a very maternal kills.
This killing is a mirror as the name implies. A two-way mirror as it has before. However,
If you look at it you'll see the opposite of how you are and it can embarrass you. That is,
you'll see if you're old child and child if you're old. Only those who have 33 years of age
in the same year of his contact with the plant, are as they are. Being're that age. It is a
shock that reflects, but must seek the 33 years.
This killing seems to have separated into pieces if you touch it and then meets quickly to
settle back into the initial figure. If the charges in the pocket multiply the money you
have in the form of coins, but burning paper tickets. It is advisable not charging. VIVA is
the MERCURIA plant thieves. Open all lock and lock. However, we must leave it alone
because it can get even with excrement and then you can urinate incessantly and leave
droppings everywhere. Care...
This kills needs special care. You do not want to be seen. If you meet her by chance you
turn your head and cover your eyes with your hands. So she understands that "you do not
want to see or look." If you make this gesture, she comes to you and brings you into a
pocket as a small seed that seems jadeite. With this seed you can stay without food for a
week. It's called ARAVIRIA because it is very painful.
This plant consists of many light particles that rise into the sky and mingle with the stars.
Its name means "Firefly lighting the way." If you are walking at night, something that
should not happen, it can help you, sending you messengers bright light you the steps.
The way of thanking is throwing lashes of your eyelids in the direction of your site. Will
thank all night.
32. Asteria Solita
This parallel plant looks like a star, despite being spherical. Its glow is faint but increases
with the new moon. He likes human company but must be silent. You can pet her and
shake gently. In the points that can and should become luminous give a gentle massage
with your fingers. There is nothing that you like better. Then you can go without saying
33. Soria STRANA
This kills like a wake. It is very high as 16 meters. Next to it you become giant for an
hour. When you feel that you start to grow, you must raise your arms as if to touch the
sky and rotate clockwise on your toes. Hug her. You are at the same height as her. To
stay embraced, suddenly you will become small, so you can slide on the stem as far down
as firefighters training through the tube. Then go without saying goodbye. Thus silently
they greet parallel plants. The name of this shrub means "The Sun Hidden".
34. Daria VANA

The DARIA VANA is simple and very loving. You need your love. Love is a loving look
and sometimes a gesture. In front of her, repeats everything you see: he leans towards
you - lean. He turns aside - turn to one side. Salta - Salta ... opens like a flower in bloom open your arms as if you were a flower. Your turn - touch it. You jump in your lap - and
also jumps you embrace it. So she knows that you understand. Its name means: The
Giving Love for nothing. "
35. Feralia KUNTA
This capital plan and people are highly sought after by ferocious animals. They are
become warm and cozy in his province and that lasts for a month. Kunti is the "wind" and
Feralia means "of animals" The plant has the knowledge of the language of birds and is
the only one that comes into conversation with their songs. If he sees you believe you're a
bird, and so do not panic if it emits strange sounds.
The boy or girl who reads it or the adult who falls on these sheets have to take them
seriously. Why? For there are many things which are not seen and others which are not
36. SANA Cumbria
The Cumbria SANA is named because it takes the Cima visinvisibles understanding of
things without lifting a finger. With just stare for a second, enough: you will understand
and understand everything. . .
The ARNIA is a normal plant. It looks somewhat like a meatball but his consistency is
stone. You can press it, you can touch it. It does not happen as with other parallel plants
that turn to dust at the slightest touch. It's called pristine because ARNIA be seen by
almost all beings, whether angelic or human animals. Do not panic when you'll say Boo!
It's his way of greeting.
38. STRAIGHT Serenia
It is a highly sophisticated parallel plant. When the find will not let you pass. Then sit and
meditate for a while with his eyes open. She will present you a show never seen. Of their
balloons will quickly small semitransparent threads weave a carpet-ray versus TI not say
anything. Only notes with a smile. When everything is finished, the Serenia away and let
you through. Do not let go again. Get up and go, with secret contentment viewer who has
seen things that few can witness.
The MENTLIA has a heavy body. It looks like a mast. If you find you're traveling
through the air around the place again and will land on the site where it took you. You
must kiss goodbye to the three sheets as if they were hands. You will consider it. How?
As will rise again, this time beyond the moon and see for a moment the Earth surrounded
by a blue light. You can dismiss that phrase BLUE LIGHT ME, I AM BLUE LIGHT. Do
not look back, as usual ...
Finally we reached the end of this catalog. The summary is a plant that meets goodbye
parallel world of botany. Will embrace you strongly like a little child and you will have
well over one hour. Do not move. Do not Cry. Nothing will happen. Your bones become
stronger and brighter. At the end of that time, Just take yourself and say goodbye walking
backwards without turning FACE. I mean that you should go looking well, walking
backward as if you went back to church, until she decides to disappear in a light fog ...


Index of Plants - Just pick one if you feel that you are one

1. Calmaria RHEA
4. would love TRIVIA
Viridian 5. HIGH
6. Taisia PRIMA
10. Arturia BRANA
12. altaria DELFI
13. caladria PIRI
14. ISSUED almateria
15. Ardenta CLARA
16. Syria FANTA
18. dare GRATA
20. cinerea DORA
21. Craia MERA
24. 23 KHRSIA tanat
25. placental ARTI
32. Asteria Solita
33. Soria STRANA
34. Daria VANA
35. Feralia KUNTA
36. SANA Cumbria
38. STRAIGHT Serenia



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