" .And Now Gentlemen, You Must Have A National Hero" " The Final Choice Was Rizal. and So History Was Made."

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Governor William Howard Taft

Suggested to the Philippine Commission the naming of a national hero for


Andres BoniFacio
Emilio Aguinaldo
Jose Rizal

.and now gentlemen, you must have a national hero

the final choice was Rizal. And so history was made.

December 08, 1946

Rizal, never advocated

Act No. 137
organized the politico-military district of Morong and named it the Province of
Rizal (in honor of the most illustrious Filipino and the Most illustrious Tagalog
the islands have ever known)
Act No. 243
Authorized a public subscription for the erection of a monument in honor of
Rizal at the Luneta
Act No. 346
Set aside the anniversary of Rizals death as a day of observance

closeall, clear all

closeall, clear all

closeall, clear all

t = 0:0.02:2*pi;
plot(t, sin(t))
title('CT signal plot')
xlabel('t (second)')

t = 0:0.02:2*pi;
plot(t, sin(t))
title('CT signal plot')

xlabel('t (second)')
axis([0 2*pi -1.2 1.2])

t = 0:0.2:2*pi;
plot(t, sin(t), t, sin(2*t))

t = 0:0.2:2*pi;
plot(t, sin(t), '.')

t = 0:0.2:2*pi;
plot(t, sin(t), t, sin(t), 'r.')

Q1. What does r do ?

r colors the line of graph by red or the indicator by red (or the dots and line in the
graphs will turned to color red)
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By FilipiKnow | 06/19/2014

25 Amazing Facts You Probably Didnt

Know About
Jose Rizal
I know what youre thinking. Jose Rizal.again?!
Well, we all know that hes our national hero, and his name is all over
the place. Perhaps
1,901 23 1
you hated him in high school or college, and
even bragged that you already knew
everything about him.
But today is his 153rd birthday, and theres no
better way to celebrate it than to learn lesserknown
facts about his life, works, and death.
After all, we dont want our national hero to
be buried by the urry of social media trends
and technological innovations.
So whether youre an anti-Rizal or not, please remember this great
patriot on his special
day. Here are 25 of the most amazing facts you should know about our
Jose Rizal:
1. There are three animals named after Rizal. These species of animals
were the ones he
collected while he was an exile in Dapitan and include Apogonia Rizali
(Heller), a type of
small beetle; Draco Rizali (Wandolleck), a species of ying dragon; and
Rizali (Boetger), a species of toad.
Spec imens c ollec ted by Rizal in Dapit an. Photo
c redit : www.joserizal.ph

2. Contrary to popular belief, the Rizal monument in Luneta was not

made by a Filipino

artist. The design was the work of Swiss sculptor named Richard
Kissling who won
second prize in an art competition that was held in 1907 to nd the
best scale model for
the future Rizal monument. The rst prize went to Italian sculptor Carlo
Nicoli of Carrara
but for some reason, the contract to build the monument was given to
the second-prize
Bozeto No. 9 ent it led Mot to Stella by t he Swiss sc ulptor Ric hard
Kissling. Photo c redit : Dennis Villegas

3. Rizal cured himself of tuberculosis, and was later recognized as a

tuberculosis expert.
4. He was already a terric sculptor even at a very young age. In fact,
Rizal carved a 9inch statuette of the Sacred Heart out of batikuling wood when he was
only 14 years old.
The Jesuit fathers brought this statuette in Fort Santiago when they
visited Rizal in
December 1896. Aside from wood sculptures, Rizal also carved 40
amazing masterpieces
out of plaster, terra-cotta, wax, and clay.
Photo c redit : joserizal.info

5. When he was studying in Spain, Rizal had to pawn a ring owned by

his sister Saturnina
just to pay for his exams. But he didnt want his family to get worried,
so he only
mentioned his victories and excellent grades in the letters addressed
to his family.
6. Mi Retiro, the name of his place of exile in Dapitan, was inspired
by his favorite park
in Spain, the Parque del Buen Retiro.
7. He left specic instructions on how he wanted to be treated after his
death. Here are
some of his last wishes:
via GMA News

8. Rizal is regarded by many as the Father of Philippine Comics

because of some
humorous illustrations he made in Germany. The said drawing, entitled
The baptism of
two brothers, was inspired by the German cartoon Max and Moritz
and was made by

Rizal to entertain the children of his landlord, Pastor Ulmer. The original
copy is now
preserved in the National Library of the Philippines.
The bapt ism of t wo brot hers by Jose Rizal. Photo
c redit : Dennis Villegas

9. Rizal had psychic abilities. On his journal entry dated January 1,

1883, he shared about
a frightful nightmare he had two nights before (i.e. December 30). In
this dream, Rizal
was imitating a dying actor and felt his breath was failing and his
vision became very dim.
Interestingly, Rizal would be executed 13 years later at the exact same
date. Austin
Coates, Rizals biographer, also underscored that there were many
incidents written in
both Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo that eventually happened to
Rizal in real life.
10. According to Faustino Tinong Alfon, Rizals former cook in
Dapitan, our national
heros favorite fruits were lanzones and mangoes. His meals back then
usually consisted
of three kinds of ulam. Rizals breakfast, on the other hand, was usually
comprised of hot
chocolate, rice, and sardinas secas, commonly known now as simply
11. Rizal was widely featured in cigarette wrappers. Most of these
wrappers, made
with Art Deco or Art Nouveau designs, were produced in Binondo
during the turn-of-thecentury.
An old cigarette label, Las Delicias, even went to the extreme by
featuring Rizal
smoking a cigar.
Photo c redit : pinoykollektor.blogspot .c om

12. Rizal was exceptional and prolic in a wide range of subjects

except music. This is
because he already realized early in life that his singing sounded like
the braying of an
13. Vital statistics: Rizal was about ve feet three inches tall and had a
waistline of
about 25 to 26. He also had a big head: His hats were 6 1/2 across
and the interior

measures 8 from front to back. He didnt look odd, though, as his

broad shoulders and
developed neck compensated for it.
14. Rizals original execution photo features a dog, the mascot of the
ring squad. It is
said that the dog ran around the corpse whining after a soldier red
one last shot in
Rizals head to make sure he was dead.
Fusilamiento de Jos Rizal (The exec ut ion of Jose Rizal)

15. It was rumored that both Adolf Hitler and Mao Zedong were the
illegitimate sons of
Jose Rizal. Read more: 8 Mind-Boggling Myths About Jose Rizal
16. Only one of Rizals skeletal remains was not buried under the
monument in Luneta.
A vertebra or a piece of the backbone where Rizal was allegedly hit by
the bullet was
claimed by his family and is now displayed in Rizal Shrine, Fort
Rizals bac kbone c urrent ly displayed in Fort Sant iago. Photo c redit :
Camille Eva Marie Conde

17. During Rizals execution, a total of 8 Filipinos armed with

Remingtons formed the
ring squad. There were also 8 Spanish soldiers with Mausers behind
them, ready to
shoot the Filipino soldiers if they refused to execute Rizal.
18. A descendant of one of the executioners, Adolfo Pastor Quetcuti,
revealed that
the captain of the guards put only one live bullet in one of the ries,
while placing
blanks in the others. He explained that this is to ease their guilt as they
already knew in
the beginning that Rizal was innocent.
19. Rizal stued unknown papers in his pockets and shoes on the eve
of his
execution. He did this, assuming that his corpse would be turned over
to his family after
the execution. But as we all know, his body was dumped by Spanish
ocials in an
unmarked grave in Paco cemetery. The papers had since deteriorated,
the contents of
which were never identied.
20. Rizal had a third, unnished novel. Known among historians as
Makamisa, this

unnished work was started by Rizal in Hongkong in 1892. Makamisa

was not actually the
title of Rizals work, but only the title of a single chapter of the
unnished Tagalog novel.
21. Rizal once sent a love letter written in invisible ink to Leonor
Valenzuela, a tall girl
from Pagsanjan. The message could only be deciphered if you put the
letter over a lamp or
candle. Leonor Valenzuela was one of Rizals rst sweethearts.
Unfortunately, they parted
ways when Rizal had to leave for Spain.
Leonor Valenzuela. Photo c redit : www.joserizal.ph

22. A la Senorita C.O. y R., one of Rizals best poems, was dedicated
to Consuelo
Ortiga y Rey, a pretty daughter of Don Pablo Ortiga whom Rizal fell in
love with when he
was in Madrid. However, Rizal backed out of the blossoming
relationship because he was
good friends with Eduardo de Lete who was in love with Consuelo. He
also wanted to
remain loyal to Leonor Rivera who would eventually marry Englishman
Henry Kipping.
23. Rizal composed a farewell song for Leonor Rivera just before his
departure for
Europe. The song, entitled Leonor, became very popular that many
were heard singing
it in the streets and during social gatherings. The moment they saw
Leonor, the children
would sing the song. Here is the English translation of the song:
And so it has arrived: the fatal instant,
the dismal injunction of my cruel fate;
and so it has come at last: the moment, the date,
when I must separate myself from you.Goodbye, Leonor, goodbye! I
take my leave,
leaving behind with you my lovers heart!
Goodbye, Leonor: from here I now depart.
O melancholy absence! Ah, what pain!
24.Rizal played a key role in the identication of Oncomelania
cuadrasi, a Philippine
snail that harbors the parasite that causes schistosomiasis. The said
snail was named
after a certain Mr. Cuadrasi, a known naturalist in Manila and to whom
Rizal sent his

specimens of animals and insects for identication.

Numerous Onc omelania quadrasi. This diminut ive snail is t he c ommon
host for Sc histosoma japonic um in Leyte, Philippines. Photo c redit :
workforc e.c alu.edu

25. While in Dapitan, Rizal wrote an extensive written discourse on

kulam. Entitled La
curacion de los hechizados (The treatment and cure of the
bewitched), this lesser-known
work of Rizal explores the psychological treatment for kulam and even
explained that
witches were not always women who are old or ugly. He also discussed
the dierence
between hiloanon of the Visayas, who gives poison to her victims, and
the manggagaway, the traditional witch who uses rag doll and pins.
Illust rat ion t hat ac c ompanied Jose Rizals The t reatment and c ure for
t he bewitc hed. Photo c redit : Dennis Villegas

About the Author: Luisito E. Batongbakal Jr. is the founder and editorin-chief of
FilipiKnow. He has a fetish for local trivia, unsolved mysteries, and all
creepy. Follow him on Instagram.


abs-cbnNEWS.com, (2011). Jose Rizal was a sculptor, too. [online]

Available at:
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CUPIN, B. (2014). The hero and the human that is Jose Rizal. [online]
GMA News Online.
Available at:
ents/the-heroandthe-human-that-is-jose-rizal [Accessed 19 Jun. 2014].
Fernandez, R. (2009). Little known facts on Rizal as an agriculturist.
Asianjournalusa.com. Available at: http://asianjournalusa.com/littleknown-facts-on-rizalasan-agriculturist-p5353-87.htm [Accessed 19 Jun. 2014].
Himig.com.ph, (2014). Rizals Verses for Leonor and Maria Clara.
[online] Available at:
http://www.himig.com.ph/features/47-rizals-verses-for-leonor-andmaria-clara [Accessed
19 Jun. 2014].

Joserizal.ph, (2014). Jose Rizal [Di_erent Characters]. [online] Available

http://www.joserizal.ph/ch01.html [Accessed 19 Jun. 2014].
Joserizal.ph, (2014). Jose Rizal [Love Life]. [online] Available at:
http://www.joserizal.ph/lv01.html [Accessed 19 Jun. 2014].
Myrizal150.com, (2011). The story of the Rizal Monument | MyRizal150.
[online] Available
at: http://myrizal150.com/2011/06/the-story-of-the-rizal-monument/
[Accessed 19 Jun.
Ocampo, A. (2012). Looking Back 5: Rizals Teeth, Bonifacios Bones.
1st ed. Mandaluyong
City: Anvil, pp.9-10.
Ocampo, A. (2012). Rizal Without the Overcoat. 2nd ed. Mandaluyong
City: Anvil, pp.61, 64,
77, 155, 157.
Ocampo, A. (2014). Things you wont ever know about Rizal. [online]
Newsinfo.inquirer.net. Available at:
E2%80%99t-ever-know-about-rizal [Accessed 19 Jun. 2014].
Philstar.com, (2014). Rizals execution: Little known facts | Headlines,
News, The Philippine
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[Accessed 19 Jun. 2014].
PULUMBARIT, V. (2014). 10 little-known facts about Dr. Jose Rizals life
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GMA News Online. Available at:
http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/story/341828/pinoyabroad/news/10little-knownfactsabout-dr-jose-rizal-s-life-in-spain [Accessed 19 Jun. 2014].
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