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“ You must be the change you wish to see in the world… “

by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Jan— Feb, 2010
By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by
imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. - Confucius

Since its inception in 2005, with AID Prayas and Shik- tion and calls for implemen-
E PRATIBIMB, has success- sharth respectively. Kanika tation. Updates on our dif- A
fully reflected upon initia- Kohli narrates an alarming ferent projects viz. Jaagriti, R
tives and opinions that are incident she witnessed, and Pehal, Shiksharth, and
M continuously trying to col- questions the confinement of Prayas communicate efforts T
lectively embed a social existing youth campaigns to by our volunteers towards I
change in our society. Ac- urban areas. Dr. Prachi Ag- making a better world.
M knowledging the efforts of garwal, proudly pens down C
our team members, namely her Republic Day experi- In addition, we have a spe- L
E Ankur Rohatgi, Nitisha ence at project Pehal, based cial section dedicated to
M Jain, Pratik Gandhi and in Shalimar Bagh. Abhinav demonstrate AID NCR’S six E
Varun Verma, and our ef- Gupta acknowledges the year journey since its birth.
fort to continue with the impact of the session by
trend, we proudly release AID members on Individual We hope Pratibimb, as al-
our newsletter for the Environmental Responsibil- ways, proves to be an inter-
months of Jan and Feb, ity in IIT, Delhi. Selva Ga- esting read and inspiring
2010. napathy puts forth his dis- enough for you to reflect Y
comfort in current teaching upon.
Our efforts would have norms and stresses on the
been in vain, if it weren’t for ‘need’ to show love to im-
our contributors. In this edi- part effective education. In
tion: solidarity, a volunteer
Charu and Mathangi R, our from,
AID volunteers, share their Pragnya Mohanty, tries to
profoundly inspiring and reiterate government initia-
encouraging experiences tives towards water pollu-

edItorial team Zulaikha Urooj Rahman and Smita Singla

What's Inside...
Shiksharth Republic Day at Pehal Pain On the Go
Mathangi R from
Time Line Preclude Water
Pollution; A neces- Page 7 PEHAL Page 9
Page 3 Page 5 sity for life

Page 4 Page 6 Page 8

Show love when My experience with AID Donate to AID

needed! Prayas…
PRAYAS Watering down a
JAGRITI Page 11 titanic crisis
Page 15
Page 13
Page 10 Page 12
Page 14
SIX years of commitment, courage and compassion. Come; let’s have a look at AID NCR’S trip so
far in its continuous Endeavour of Sangharsh, Seva and Nirmaan.

Here we go….

AID Delhi’s first CSH on Republic Day, January 26, 2004

AID Delhi’s first collaboration with Parichay, Bhajanpura
First CSH at IIT Delhi
AID Noida’s first collaboration with Nai Disha, Noida
Initiation of the "Meal a Month" program
Regular CSH at AIIMS that played a crucial role in laying a strong foundation for AID Delhi
AID Delhi’s first Relief and Rehabilitation Campaign: Fund-raiser and material collection drive for Tsunami relief
AID Delhi gets a CMS based website
AID Delhi Starts its first Project: Prayas, Noida
AID Gurgaon chapter initiated
First newsletter released.
AID India conference held at AIIMS
Indo- Pak peace march

First AID Delhi Campaign: RIGHT TO INFORMATION Campaign

Restructuring of AID NCR. 2o06
Unnati project started by AID Gurgaon
AID wide candle light vigil to support our farmers 20o7
AID Delhi volunteers participated in global day of action to show solidarity to Bhopal gas
tragedy survivors
Bihar flood relief work. 2o08
AID Delhi's 5th birthday celebrated with children from all AID NCR projects
Project Jaagriti, Disha, Prerna, Pehal, Shiksharth and Learning Inq. initiated all over NCR.
Solar lamps installed in the village of Munsiari.
Green Gurgaon campaign
I AM NO LAB RAT Campaign
AID India conference hosted by AID NCR- Delhi chapter

Reach us at:

AID Delhi on Facebook: http://

AID Delhi on Twitter:

AID Delhi on Wikipedia:

Page 4

Mathangi R from Shikshaarth says…

"I am only one, but still I am one; I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and just
because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do." -- Helen Keller

With this thought in my mind and a hope in my heart, I stepped out to do my little bit… a hope to
be able to make a difference in someone else’s life, and now that hope has turned into a motto,
one for a lifetime. For most part, the credit for this goes to the kids I interact with at Shiksharth. I
have been a part of this project right from day one and it is a very good feeling when I see the
school running successfully and flourishing day by day.

For me, it all started on a calm Saturday morning. How an unplanned day’s impromptu activities
by a bunch of volunteers paved the first steps to setting up this school, was indeed extraordinary.
A casual visit to the place we had discovered for the school and a little bit of walking around the
village spreading the word about the same, turned into a full-fledged episode by the sheer enthu-
siasm of the villagers. The turn-out of kids next day, when the school was officially flagged-off, was
more than overwhelming.

Spending the past two months day in day out with these kids, I realized that some of them are
probably more diligent than the brightest of kids I’ve ever seen. Every morning, they get up-and-
ready and come to study beating a number of odds. Every kid has a story to tell. I could go on writ-
ing pages relating such stories; I choose, instead, to share here a few profound ones.

I stepped out to
Deepika, a girl of 10 years, was one of the brightest as well as the most knowledgeable kids we do my little bit…
identified on the first day of the school. She came up to the front of the class and said out poems a hope to be
to keep the kids engaged. Despite being a bright child and having the desire to study, she is quite able to make a
irregular to school. Reason being she has a younger brother, Mohit, who is mentally not as sound difference in
as considered normal. She stays behind most often to tend to him, but at times she brings Mohit someone else’s
along to school so she can gather a day’s knowledge. life, and now
that hope has
Madhu has to cook meal every morning before she comes to school. She cooks, cleans and turned into a
washes for her entire family but makes sure that she never gets late for school. Her youngest motto, one for a
sibling is 2 years old and since no one is home during day time to take care of the toddler, she lifetime.
brings her along to the school. Madhu is another one of the brightest children of the school and
studies hard every day, all the while taking care of her kid sister too. She is all but 8 years old.

Hrithik is the most regular student at the school. He was awarded a prize during the Republic Day
celebration for having 100% attendance. All through the end of December and the start of Janu-
ary when the winter winds and the dense fog were playing havoc, the daily turn-out at the school
had dropped quite low. Hrithik, however, walked in every single day of the freezing winter, in his
uncharacteristic shorts that he has to wear every day.

These are just a few of the countless demons these children defeat, to get the least of what they
deserve. They deserve to be educated, they deserve to be able to take care of themselves when
they grow up, and they deserve, more than anything else, to shape their own destiny. All we need
to do is hand them the tools and they will carve their way through the toughest of walls to reach
out and grab what they most deserve.
Page 5

Shiksharth ( )
Project Shiksharth is now 3 months old. We are leagues from the home for orphans –
going strong in our drive to do our bit towards ‘Sukarna Ka Aangan’. The experience was
the welfare of kids from the slums in Kahnai both heartening and joyful!
village, Gurgaon. With almost 40 kids coming
to the school regularly, it is overwhelming to The flag hoisting ceremony and the national
witness a drastic improvement in the academic anthem were followed by a patriotic song pre-
performance of these kids. This has instilled sented by students in tandem with a couple of
confidence in us and has motivated us to plan volunteers. This was followed by a talent show
ahead. wherein children presented poems and songs
to laud adulation from their parents and vol-
unteers. Post the talent show, it was time for
some sports activities that were greatly en-
Events & Fun times joyed by both participants and the audience.
Jan— Feb, 2010

Our humble event pulled a huge crowd from

On 26th January, Shiksharth celebrated its first the adjoining Ram-Lila ground where the vil-
Republic Day. This celebration was the first lagers were celebrating the Republic Day in
event ever hosted by Shiksharth since its in- their own 'a little too loud' spirit. :)
ception. In addition to the guests, parents and
volunteers, we welcomed few friends and col-

Currently First drive towards Self-sustainance to firms, housing societies and educational
Last month we started a ‘Donate your News- institutions.
individuals are the paper’ campaign at Shiksharth for the
purpose of fund raising and creating
main donors but in awareness for the cause.
future we plan to
The main objective of this campaign is to
Looking to sell old newspapers to the local raddiwala ??
extend our reach raise funds for the other livelihood pro- This time donate instead !!
grams that we plan to start in the not-so-
to firms, housing distant future and the other objective is “Donate Your Newspaper” is a campaign being run to support a
school for underprivileged children. The school, named Shiksharth is
to sensitize people towards making small located in Kanhai Village (near Ardee City) is a collaborative effort of
societies and donations and hence make a difference Zariya and AID Gurgaon.
in the lives of the underprivileged.
educational You can contribute towards the education and
Currently individuals are the main donors welfare of these children by donating
institutions. but in future we plan to extend our reach old newspapers, magazines, books and waste papers.
• Contact ------ at ------ to make a contribution!

Other Planned Initiatives

The plan for the half year ending June’10 is to
start a ‘vermi-compositing and garden-
ing’ (nursery) option at the Shiksharth prem-
ises as part of our Livelihood programs. This
will indirectly serve as an environmental pro-
ject too! We have collaborated with ‘Advit Foun-
dation’ for this initiative. Our volunteers visited
the foundation and as an outcome, it will send
us the cost estimates and the proposed effort
involved in Vermi-composting.
Page 6

Preclude Water Pollution; A necessity for life

by: Pragnya Mohanty,

“A very peculiar thing about human nature is we destroy what we are dependent upon.”

A press release on 20th July 2009 stated the said direction after the press release. However,
setting up of ‘National Ganga River Basin Author- the situation there in the month of December
ity’ (NGRBA) by the Central government for pre- 2009 did not corroborate any of my assumptions.
vention of pollution in the Ganges and its conser- The sight was a disappointment to me. The view
vation. Crores of rupees are spent for the purpose at different ghats of river Ganga in the stretch of
every year. As per a PIB press release the total Rishikesh and Haridwar is terrible. The pollutants
expenditure on phase I & II of the GAP (Ganga that are discharged into the ghats on a daily basis
Action Plan) was Rs. 816.47 crores. The amount leave fatal effect on the aquatic life. With high
to be invested by NGRBA is yet to be decided. The levels of water pollution, the water plants and
press release is no doubt a good step forward by animals in those areas have reduced significantly.
the government to protect Ganges, provided the Since there is a life cycle on which we and aquatic
decision is not made only in papers and the life are interdependent, it will be a foolishness to
money is not transferred from the government’s ignore the havoc and think that these changes in
account to the personal accounts. the aquatic life will not affect us.
I assume some work must have started in the

Of various pollutants that are discharged into the to motor boats only; the sight is more dishearten-
sanctimonious river, one of the most dangerous ing at the Har-ki pauri ghat where one can see
is the pollution created by the diesel motor boats people cleaning clothes with detergents, bathing
plying on it. These boats give joy rides to hun- using soaps, throwing in all kind of dirt, sweeping
dreds of pilgrims that throng this holy place. I am in plastics, washing utensils, and what not.
sure the authorities are well aware of these boats
as well as the harmful chemicals and toxins that
these boats release into the river and damage the
life therein. The damage is visually despairing as
well. If one moves a few meters beyond
Lakshman Jhula in Rishikesh, the colour of the
water changes significantly which makes the
damage quite evident. The pollution is not limited

The pollution of the water by these agents, both constantly decreasing water level and the change
human & chemical, not only makes life miserable in climate, the day is not far off when we will have
but also destroys all the natural elements of wa- to pay hugely for the damage we have caused. It is
ter, thereby making the water from such places high time we realized that the natural resources
unfit for human consumption. I believe we are not are scarce and that there is an alarming need to
unaware of the water-borne diseases that we protect them from extinction.
suffer from regularly. These days every house has
a case of some form of allergy directly or indi-
rectly related to water.
Our non-chalant attitude causes so much of dam- If you have any questions, please send them
age. Isn’t this worth thinking through? With the to
Page 7

Republic Day At Pehal

by Dr. Prachi Aggarwal, PEHAL

Usually a late riser, I got up at 7 am on organized drill and March past which was
26th January’10 and was bubbling It was a foggy morning and sun was the highlight of the day.
with excitement to celebrate Republic nowhere to be seen. After idling around
day at Pehal. After I had finished for some time, we decided to start the Everyone was then seated and the cul-
schooling, I never paid much heed to decorations at around 10am. More vol- tural events began. The children sang the
national holidays. Thus Republic Day unteers and children along with their patriotic song “Saare jahan se accha,
and Independence Day were just like parents poured in and within an hour, Hindustan hamara” to perfection. Next
any other holiday for me. However, the stage was set. At 11:30 we started was role playing, where 6 children from
this year I went through a fantastic our program. Our teacher, at Pehal, was basic elementary level enacted as free-
experience. the chief guest. Sir addressed the par- dom fighters. The last act in this segment
Jan— Feb, 2010

ents and children and spoke to them was a dance performance on another
We had spent almost 2 weeks prepar- about the importance of Republic day. patriotic song by the children and volun-
ing the children for different activities. This was followed by a prayer, flag hoist- teers.
As most of them are of Bengali origin, ing and rendition of the Indian National
it had been a constant fight for last 3 Anthem. The children saluted the Na-
months to make them learn Hindi. tional Flag and then performed a well

..We had spent

Next in line were two plays per- age group 4-7 years. Three students award for their dedica-
almost 2 weeks formed by the children. The first legged race between boys of tion, regularity and discipline.
preparing the was a funny act and the second age group 8 and above was In the end, volunteers spoke to
was to communicate the mes- sheer fun. Some fell, some the parents about the impor-
children for different
sage - ‘how to stay away from cheated, but Debashish and tance of education. They urged
activities addiction’. There were poem Ayub emerged as clear winners everyone to send their children
and story recitations by the as they finished the race with to school regularly. Also, they
children from beginners level. no hassles. Book balancing advised them not to carry out
...As most of them
The audience enthusiastically race between girls was another any activities that may nega-
are of Bengali origin, applauded each act. hit. tively influence their children.
it had been a
Then came the much awaited It was then time for the Prize
constant fight for last
sports event! It started with the Distribution ceremony. Two
3 months to make Frog race between children of students were given the best
them learn Hindi….

Pehal volunteers were happy 3 months, we have

with the positive response from been able to achieve
the community. The families much more than we
were really happy watching their expected. We all
children perform. The feeling to walked back beaming
give to the society is always from ear to ear. May we
pleasant, however, the feeling is always stand united for
unmatched when the society our cause.
gives back. We, at Pehal, today
are proud that within a span of
Page 8

A vow to keep them warm @ in need. These included sweaters,
Pehal warm caps, gloves, socks and jack-
ets. The children
In the months of December and are now safely
January, with a cold wave hitting protected from
Delhi, our concerns about the the cold. We suc-
wellness of the kids of Pehal ceeded in giving
rose. For the same, a drive was them what we aim
initiated, where warm clothes for- good health
were collected for the children. and a reason to
After successfully collecting smile.
enough clothes for the children
and their siblings, Pehal volun-
teers distributed the clothes to
the children and also to the ones

Planning Parenthood @ Pehal We prioritized CuT, Male Vasectomy and Tubal

Pehal, on the 30th of January, 2010, witnessed Ligation over pills due to the long lasting side ef-
an immensely successful family planning session fects of pills. Women who had already used per- We prioritized
held within the construction community. A posi- manent methods of birth control interacted with
tive feedback and non hesitant approach by the other women encouraging them to go ahead with CuT, Male
parents took the participating volunteers by sur- it. Vasectomy and
prise. On the basis of the community connect
report, a datasheet consisting of number of chil- This resulted in a few women willing to get perma- Tubal Ligation
dren in each family was prepared. In our commu- nently operated though they asked for time to over pills due to
nity the average number of children turned out to discuss the same with their husbands. It was ob-
be three per family. We individually interacted served that some women wanted to get them- their long lasting
with each parent. Men and women were briefed selves operated; however, they feared that their
side effects.
on the importance of having a small family. husbands would not agree. Volunteers interacted
with them and were able to partially convince
They were explained how having a small family them.
could prove more financially viable and efficient.

Updates on the Regular non formal education regular checks on their notebooks, monthly tests
Program at Pehal and quarterly exams. We have continuously been
emphasizing on improving their reading skills,
Pehal has been successfully implementing a hence, special attention is given to that area. An
regular non formal education program. Our morn- after-school nutrition program has also been initi-
ing school consists of regular four hour classes ated wherein the children are given nutritious food
for the children. To segregate, the students have items that cater to their nutritional deficiencies.
been divided into a beginners and an elementary
group. Based on their performance, we have iden- Our journey with Pehal is reaching new milestones
tified 7 children, who would be admitted to regu- and we aim to continuously make it more enrich-
lar schools in April, 2010. ing with our Pehal change makers.

The kids are continuously assessed, through

Page 9

Pain On the Go
by kanika kohli

We talk of lead India and India shining today but riding on a bike on the backseat of a man (I guess
have we ever paid any heed to the ground reali- should be her father). She was in her school uni-
ties of this country? Many would say yes! I have a form. As they rode, I saw another motor bike with
story to narrate here and then could we all re- three young boys who should be between 19-24
think if we see the root cause of issues such as years, one of the guys was making obscene ges-
rape, molestation and others? I witnessed some- tures to the girl and waving to catch her attention.
thing that provoked thoughts in my mind about The first thought that came to my mind was they
the status of women and children in our country! I could be related to her and may be playing cute
was amazed to see the levels at which child mo- stuff but then I realized “No”, that was not one of
lestation works here! those gestures to the child; that guy could only
acknowledge the gender that the child was born
It was around 11 am on a Saturday and I was self with! All the three were laughing and making ges-
-driving alone in my car heading towards my tures to the little girl! The agony was, I was driving
home town in Haryana. On the two way single right behind and was a spectator to this scene,
road to home, I reached a small village which is helpless! Then this came to an end when the bike
about 15kms from Kurukshetra (off the GT road). the girl was riding on, took a turn to a by-lane. The
A little girl who should be around 7 years was five minute drive was horrible for me!

By this time the guys had seen me driving behind guys ever realize what my aggression towards
them in aggression against what I had just wit- them meant? What was I trying to protest against?
nessed. Now, it was me that they had to race with The glands in my eyes became active on thinking
or try to use as a mockery for their pleasure. I had a painful “No”! I feel sorry for our campaigns like
to literally outsmart them in driving and get them Lead India where we expect the youth of our coun-
to a point where they had no choice but to get off try to act and decide for the country without realiz-
the road to save their lives. I had the fear- what if ing what the youth in the rural India stand for!,
they followed me and tried to stop the car? The what psyche do they carry and operate on?! Is it
thoughts that they may have friends around this really worth being an activist when we are not able
area gave me jitters. In my aggression and re- to bring about that respect for each other? Is it not
venge towards their disgusting act I had taken important that we respect ourselves and our fel-
that plunge without fearing the consequences! lows first and then look for support for our coun-
Thankfully I could reach home safe! try? A “Jaago Re” campaign by Tata would just be
When I reached home, I thought to self, will those a promotional stuff for many.

Is it not important for us to work towards this? Is it not

important for every mother to teach their children what
“respect” means? How many mothers spend time in actu-
ally educating their children and teaching them the real
meaning of respect? We teach rules, manners, rituals but
never such subtle things! I believe, the day we are sensi-
tized to this need, everything else will follow the suit! Let
us join hands to bring this difference today! Let us work
towards building a home where each one respects the
others’ presence and honors their existence!
Page 10

New Year Celebrations sion on the day’s importance. in the first and second
New Year was celebrated at Both children and volunteers standards. Volunteers
Jaagriti in an innovative manner played many games. Snacks have taken the responsi-
as children learnt how to make and fruits were distributed to bility to regularly track
paper bags. The children ear- children by our guests of honor - the performance of the
nestly picked up the skill and Mr. Saharan and Dr. Goel, who children, to guide the
made the bags. This was fol- have regularly donated to the children in their school
lowed by an interactive story project. Children received lots of studies and to address
telling session by the volunteers. prizes and the celebrations any concerns that the
The children’s sincerity was came to a close with the Na- children face. The volun-
rewarded by distributing old tional Anthem. teers interact with the
Jan— Feb, 2010

clothes, goodie bags and gifts. children every week and

School Students Performance the performance records
Republic Day Celebrations Tracking are shared online with
Republic day was celebrated at From our project in Sector-13, the entire team.
Jaagriti with great enthusiasm. Dwarka, 14 children have
Following the flag hosting cere- started attending the nearby
mony, was an interactive ses- government school. Majority is

Launch of Mobile Library visit the projects every week,

“….there is a need At Jaagriti, we understand that issue books to the children and
there is a need to hone the teach them how to read. jects as regular volunteers. As
to hone the
reading skills of the children its first initiative with Jaagriti,
reading skills of and develop an interest for Association with NSIT Rotaract the club collected old clothes
books in them. With this goal in Club and stationary from students
the children and
mind, a Mobile Library concept Jaagriti has collaborated with and faculty and distributed
develop an has been introduced at Jaagriti the Rotaract Club of Netaji Sub- those within the communities
that comprises 50 books con- hash Institute of Technology, targeted by our projects. Many
interest for books taining short stories in Hindi Dwarka. The Rotaract club initiatives such as social entre-
in them…” and English for different age members were impressed by preneurship club, youth leader-
groups. Two volunteers are Jaagriti’s activities and this led ship workshop, and dance
coordinating this initiative. They many students to join our pro- classes for children are also
being planned in future.

Sadbhavna 2010 lunch, a confidence building

Sadbhavna-2010 was organized session was organized. Each
by NSIT Rotaract Club and Jaa- child was asked to come in front
griti at NSIT in Dwarka on 21st and tell his/her name and cite
February 2010. It was a great one’s interests, something
day filled with lots of fun, frolic about their family, what they like
and learning for about 80 chil- and what they want to become
dren and more than 20 volun- in future. This was followed by a
teers at Jaagriti. In the first half, dance session for chil-
sports activities such as 3 leg dren and volunteers.
race for boys and lemon spoon Everyone enjoyed and
race for girls were organized children from both our
where children received many projects gelled with
prizes. After the sumptuous each other.
Page 11

Show love when needed! By selva ganpathy

Disclaimer: This article is not to unparalleled profession and I make them sit
hurt anyone who is a teacher or firmly admire those who teach outside the class.
is associated with the teaching or are contributing to educating I agree that chil-
profession. The article purely children through various means. dren are prone to
quotes the author’s stance upon These volunteers deserve a committing mis-
the subject and does not gener- million pats on their backs for takes but I regret
alize any perception. taking up this daunting task. to say that this
attitude of volun-
The aforementioned disclaimer However, my recent observa- teers is unethical
could alone trigger a contro- tions [specifically at Prayas, and uncalled for.
Jan— Feb, 2010

versy. Frankly, I would appreci- which I often visit] suggest a Children under-
ate if that happens as confron- different picture altogether. stand the lan-
tations are always a better and Most of the volunteers, who guage of love and
a healthier way of moving things teach at these venues, use a affection more
forward. As we all know, a major domineering tone to control the than they do of
chunk of the AID-NCR volunteers children in the class. They warn aggressiveness.
teaches children across various the children, scold them and for
projects. Teaching to me is an a matter of punishing them even

I, therefore, humbly
With teaching comes the noble reprimanded in the open. many of us who are teaching
request all the
responsibility of imparting children try to learn about child
teaching volunteers moral and ethical values. And Some might ask as to what I psychology? Not essentially all
to use the trump-card being an AID teaching volunteer should do if a child disturbs my and we don’t feel that we
is no exception. As a practice I class, should I appreciate that should know it all. It’s just that
called love to deal
always deal with children with a by showing more affection to we want to teach the children
with the kids. And dose of care. After all, we all him / her?! The answer would to grow and get good marks in
just in case things go have experienced such situa- be plain “Yes”. Let me quote their schools.
tions in our schools and that’s one of the instances that a
out of hand, just
why we all hate [if not all, most volunteer wrote a long time
remember one thing - of us] our schooling system. back about a child who used to
you were once a child Just imagine how drastic an disturb the class at Aashayein
impact a scolding will have on a and how he made him co-
child’s intellect when he/she is operate with the class. How

Children are the future of tomor-

row. Inculcating correct values
in the correct manner will thus
go a long way in helping them
grow and succeed. I, therefore,
humbly request all the teaching
volunteers to use the trump-
card called love to deal with the
kids. And just in case things go
out of hand, just remember one
thing - you were once a child
Page 12

AID-Prayas is running regular was to reach out to more people Prayas team is currently working
classes for three batches in the community, and also to on making I-cards for every child
(Senior, Eureka and Freshers apprise the community mem- enrolled at the centre. Also, the
batch) on both weekdays and bers of how the children have team plans to perform a survey
weekends (evenings). faired post enrollment in Prayas. to collect socio-economic back-
The show was hosted and pre- ground-related information of all
26th January celebrations within sented by the children them- families within the community.
the community selves. An encouraging achieve-
Continuing with its tradition, the ment was that more children
AID-Prayas team celebrated from the community enrolled for
Republic Day within the commu- the next year’s batch after the
nity with utmost zeal. The motive celebrations got over. The AID-

Family Planning session would strive hard to exploit the Sabha”, which is a regular
The family planning awareness existing government channels, monthly meet that attracts vol-
session witnessed an over- through which we earlier man- unteers and kids to perform
whelming participation from the aged a clean-up drive. some stage activity such as
community. We would only know dancing, singing, poetry-
whether the session was a suc- recitation, speeches etc. Bal
cess, if we execute the follow-up Regular Baal Sabha/Activity Sabha serves as a platform
plans in the months to come. classes where kids get a chance to
Nevertheless, 35+ women Activity classes were started for leave their academics and show-
openly discussed their issues the senior kids who were given a case their talent.
with the lady doctor (it was lot of lessons to tap their crea- It is the combined effort of both
rather disappointing on the male tivity quotient. children and volunteers that we
side), and many even expressed Within a period of 8 months, have been able to come up with
keen interest in availing contra- after crossing a milestone for a pool of students who are able
ceptives and other birth control senior kids, this session is now to face the crowd and stage
measures. This time, the doc- being extended to Eureka and without fright and can converse
tors were arranged via an NGO Freshers batch as well. We are in both Hindi and English.
“Noida Lok Manch”, but we also continuing with “Bal

New Centre within the commu- Admission of Freshers batch most complete; only formal document
nity children work is pending. K.G. children have
Due to certain unavoidable con- The admissions drill for the been registered and on the basis of a
straints we have decided to shift Freshers batch of 31 kids has screening test in the month of March,
our centre within the community begun for the new session. It school authorities shall give admission
for better communication and involves hunting for good, pref- to the eligible lot. The team is still
outreach. It would allow us to erably free, schools that impart looking for genuine and affordable
support more kids with the quality education. We have schools to accommodate students of
money saved through cheaper been preparing our students class 1 and 2 from the Freshers batch,
rent, and also enable us to live for the enrollment tests of for the new session.
closer to the community. The these schools for several
new centre would also grant us months, as we hope to sustain To sum up, all volunteers are working
ample opportunities to interact quality education for these less as individuals and more as a
with the community people and children. At a school named, team to achieve a common goal – to
understand other pertinent is- “Om Foundation”, in sector 51, have a better tomorrow.
sues than just education. Hoshiyarpur village, Noida,
Nursery kids’ admission is al-
Page 13

My experience with AID Prayas… by charu, volunteer, AID prayas

to get them admitted to school.
As part of PRAYAS, when I first and that their eyes brightened During my teaching, I observed
entered one of our target com- when they saw him. I wished I that two kids- Seefat and
munities, I was taken by sur- could earn the same respect as Parveena neither uttered a word
prise. I saw half-naked kids that garnered by Darshan. While nor performed well in class. I
drenched in mud-water mean- I was busy relishing the atmos- strived hard to find a reason
dering amongst goats and phere, the students soon asked behind their demeanour but
breathing all but fresh air. I was “What is your name”. I an- couldn’t. I was against promot-
accompanying Darshan and swered with a smile and their ing them to the 1st standard but
soon we entered a place where smiles got bigger-something that eventually worked hard to help
the children shouted “How did wonders to my motivation to them realize their poten-
Jan— Feb, 2010

are you Darshan Sir” – After all, teach. tial. One year hence, all the kids
their favourite sir had come to whom I taught passed and were
class. To start with, I never knew why admitted to good schools. The
we were teaching these kids. best part was that Seefat and
I was exhilarated to sense that Only when I started teaching Parveena were also part of this
Darshan was so dear to them them did I realize that we have lot.

Today, Seefat and Parveena are made me earn their respect. take on new challenges and
best friends. They are confi- What I taught the kids was helps me contribute to the com-
It has been 2 dent, optimistic and are doing much less than what they munity in my own little way.
well in academics. As their taught me- to live life with ut-
years to my
mentor, I feel proud and hon- most zeal and enthusiasm,
affiliation with oured to have made a differ- whatever be the circumstances.
ence to their lives. On my birth-
PRAYAS and the day when I visited the place It has been 2 years to my affilia-
motivation refuses again, the kids screamed my tion with PRAYAS and the moti-
name and wished me- I waited vation refuses to die out. First it
to die out. for this day for long. It was were the kids and now it is the
eventually my hard work that volunteer group that keeps me
Page 14

Watering down a titanic crisis by Abhinav Gupta, IIT D

It is very rare for a bunch of 90 uphold one's Individual Environ- water during brushing or bath-
odd IIT Delhi students to assem- mental Responsibility [IER], with ing, resisting disposables such
ble and acquaint themselves special emphasis on saving as tissue paper, paper and plas-
with social change agents; but it water. The AID volunteers led by tic cups as well as curtailing
is rarer for them to be able to example and substantiated meat intake.
relate to a speaker more than steps that every individual
they did at a session organized should incorporate to both nur-
by the team from the Delhi ture and respect the environ-
Chapter of AID. ment. The team shared issues
ranging from the most cele-
The AID team, with its youthful brated act of cycling/ bussing to
yet pragmatic attitude and argu- office to many non-glamorous
ments, drew a zealous response (but equally important) activities
from the audience for its call to such as economizing the use of

The highlight of the evening further the understanding of the prints of various food items, and
were the stirring 7-minute movie aforementioned concerns. we understood that by replacing While this issue is
clip ( chicken with vegetables, India being forwarded to
watch?v=BBCL7RWrQT4 - The Some of the most intriguing can save about 20 litres of wa- the college
youtube video is being modi- questions that came up were ter per day per person! Another administration, a will be shared at a later how vegetarian food is more alarming fact was the mammoth majority of students
date) and the enlightening slide resource-efficient than non- amount of water consumed to have signed up for
show (http:// vegetarian food and why paper make a small paper cup, which carrying their own cups are not green. In an effort is usually not bio-degradable as
mugs to tea
pulkitparikh/watering-down-a- to find an answer to these ques- it typically contains a plastic
shops in the
titanic-crisis) that opened the tions, students realized that resin. The team also highlighted
campus. Hopefully,
session absorbingly. I would 51% of the world's emissions how recycling is a highly re-
strongly recommend one to come from animal products. The source-intensive process, stress- this is just the
watch the You-Tube clip and AID team shared a paper by the ing on the need to re-use. beginning of the
the Slide-Share presentation to NIH, Roorkee on the water foot- sustainability

Apart from the general commit-

ment to a greener and water-
efficient routine, many students
suggested prohibiting the use of
disposable cups in the campus.
While this issue is being for-
warded to the college admini-
stration, a majority of students
have signed up for carrying their
own mugs to tea shops in the
campus. Hopefully, this is just
the beginning of the sustainabil-
ity movement!
Page 15

Donate to AID
All donations to AID Delhi are directed towards education, health & nutrition, skill- building/vocational training initia-
tives, campaigns and related activities. You can donate towards AID via the following routes:

> Meal a month: An initiative to donate an amount equivalent to one meal of yours to build future-India. Even a single penny counts! Rs 10, Rs 50,
Rs 100, Rs 500...Whatever a meal costs you, we’d like to share your platter.

> Donate Books: Donate academic books of your children after they’ve completed studying from them.

> Formal education of a child at our partner NGOs: These contributions are entitled to a 50% tax exemption under Section 80G of the Income Tax
Act. Donations to our partner NGOs may or may not get you 50% tax exemption and will be used by the partner NGO in its initiatives.

How to donate in India

ELECTRONIC Internet banking users can make electronic transfers to AID-India's ICICI Bank Ac-
Jan— Feb, 2010

Cheques can be drawn in favour of AID-India's ICICI Bank Account and can be ei-
ther mailed to or deposited at any ICICI bank branch.
Cash may be deposited at any ICICI bank branch quoting "AID-India" on the deposit

AID-India - ICICI Bank Details

Branch: Royapettah High Road (RHR) Location: Chennai
MICR code: 600229007 Account No.: 602201200299 (Savings)
Beneficiary address:
New No 34, Rathenam Street
Gopalapuram, Chennai - 600 086
Phone: +91-44-42106493, 28350403

To receive a receipt for your donation, please send the following details to
Your name and permanent address
Date , amount and mode (e-transfer, cheque, cash) of donation
Bank details together with the Cheque/Receipt number or E-transaction ID

If you are outside India and want to contribute to AID India’s Delhi chapter, then do mail us your cheque (in any cur-
rency), drawn in favour of "AID-India", along with a cover letter stating the purpose of donation.

AID-India – Mailing Address

c/o R. Selva Ganapthy,
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi - 110016
Phone : 9891358457, 9213797167

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