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1) Teracy and wiersma distinguish between three values disciplines operational

excellence,customer intimacy and prodcut leadership which value discipline

/strategy do u advise for orange line give arguments.
Based on Treacy and weirsema study for successful companies, I would choose
customer intimacy as a value discipline especially that the company is based on
providing service to customers. And the better way to increase the profit is by trying to
build an innovative service and try to reach their customers. As shown in the case
study, lately the orange line strated to implement a CRM were they have an
information system on all their customers which will render their accessibility to the
clients much easier. On the other hand, this value discipline targets customers needs
which are the basis on the orange line activity.
2) Tax legislations will have major complications for orange line
a) Formulate 5 criteria tactical recommendations for orange line to compensate for the
loss of business from tax free sale and /or to improve business in general
As written in the case study, the European tax legislation will have a big impact in the
companys benefits. Some criteria that can be used to compensate for the loss of
business are:
1- Try to increase the number of visits of the cruise to non-european countries
where the taxes cannot be applied.
2- Try to switch their services and their benefits to non-taxable products other than
the tobacco and beverages.
3- Try to find a motivation for their customers to use the on-taxable products by
offering some discounts on specific items during the trip.
4- Try to move the departure and the arrival of most of their ships to non-European
or to a tax free country
5- Try to benefit the most form the cabin and the transport and try to fill the empty
cabins with customers by offering them a discounts during the low season

b) Based upon your recommendations formulate related requirements for the CRM
Based on my recommendations, the requirement for the CRM is a complete
information system that would have the access to all the passengers that used the
orange line cruise and the number of times that was used in order to prepare a good
offer in order to fill the empty cabins.
Another recommendation for the CRM is to try to offer for the customers and intriguing
product that complements their prospects for a cruise trip and try to emphasize on the
service provided more than the selling of products such as tobacco and beverages.

3) Do u agree with the ceo intention to recognize the company into a customer centric
organization if so what changes in the organization structure would you recommend
for it to become a customer centric org if not argue why the current org structure is
I agree with the CEOs intention especially that the company is based in providing a
product to their customers, and this product depends a lot on customers satisfaction.
This service is much targeted to a specific group of customers who will use the service
of the orange line company.
In order to become customer centric, the orange line should re-orient their entire
operating model around the customer, increasing customer satisfaction and their own
profitability in the process. Also the company should shift from having a mindset of
selling products to solving problems, where the solutions replace products as the basic
element of the customer value proposition. As per the orange line they should look for
their customers satisfaction more than offering products. And this can be applied by
the E-marketing applied by the CEO where he can receive all the customerss
complaints and work on solving these problems

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