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Trill Styles
Transcribed by Mike Magatagan 2012 from Wikipedia

This guide is a reference for "Baroque" (not "Classical") style trills written prior to 1800.


Note that in Baroque music the note displayed is always the "fundamental" note (the note that appears
in the chord being played at the time the trill occurs). The trill is always the "upper neighbor" (the note
directly above the note written). The upper neighbor is always in the key of the piece.





(Doppelt-Cadence & Mordant)


(Accent Steigend)


(Accent &Mordant)



(Trillo & Mordent)


(Accent Fallend)


(Accent & Trillo)


Baroque Trill Styles Chart

Mike Magatagan ( or Mike Magatagan on http:\\

How to Create a Trill

Step 1

using the MuseScore "Hidden Voice" technique

(applies to MuseScore 1.3 and below)

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

1. Create a Fundamental note (the quarter-note 'C' in the above step 1 example)
2. Using voice 2 (green), create the trill sequence.
3. Using the Beam Properties pallette, remove the beams by using the 'No Beam' tool ( )
4. Right click on each of the trill sequence notes and choose Note Properties. In the "Chord Properties"
dialog check the "Small" as well as the "Stemless" checkboxes. Additionally, enter '-5.00' for both the
"Additional leading space" as well as the "Additional trailing space" (this will "squeeze the notes
together better).
5. Right-click on each of the trill sequence notes and choose Set Invisible. Right click on the original
fundamental note (the quarter-note 'C' in the above step 5 example) and choose Note Properties.
In the "Chord Properties" dialog check set "Velocity Type to "User" and "Velocity (0-127) to "0".
All done! Your trill should now play correctly during playback and your score should print normally.

Baroque Trill Styles Chart

Mike Magatagan ( or Mike Magatagan on http:\\

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