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of Saint Johns in Pine Meadow

Saint Johns mission is to nurture all people in their spiritual growth, in their Christian
education, and in their relationship with God.

Dear Friends,

October 2015

As the signs of autumn are now unmistakably making their presence known, I m drawn to reflect on the changes
that are all around us.
Autumn leaves are gathering around the Garden Dog that graces our church entry and welcomes visitors. While
Garden Dog will soon retire for the winter months, it will not be before the BLESSING OF ANIMALS this
Sunday, October 4th at the 10am service. Please plan to come and to bring your pets rain or shine!
The dedicated hard work of the PARTY IN THE PARK committee has come to fruition and the results of their commitment to this parish and our ministry is abundantly clear. Please join me in thanking the many members of the
committee for their hard work and their hospitality on behalf of St. Johns. Well done!
GODLY PLAY and the Christian Formation programs are now in full swing. The spiritual and moral development
of our young members is an important focus for all of us. When we promise at our baptism to continue in the
apostles teaching and fellowship we commit ourselves to ongoing growth in Christ. Thank you to Linda
Snyder and the Godly Play team members for helping us remember this promise.
This past summer we have worshipped together Sunday by Sunday singing songs selected by members of our parish. Thank you to all those who shared their favorite hymns and for HALYNA PETRONCHAK for accompanying us as we sing and pray.
On Sunday, October 25th we will gather for UNIFIED WORSHIP AND PARISH GATHERING at 10am. We will
gather for a lite lunch and discussion with our Priest in Charge consultant, the Rev. Donna Downs about our
hopes and dreams for St. Johns during this three year PRIEST IN CHARGE process. Please join us and add
your voice to this important discussion!
FLAT JESUS has found his way back from our vacations and has taken up residence on the bulletin board in the
parish hall. Please feel free to add your pictures to our collection. THE ST. JOHNS SCAVENGER HUNT was
an excellent way for all of us to work together to get to know St. Johns better. Congratulations to Cynthia
Welch for the winning entry!
Perhaps the most wonderful change I have experienced since my arrival at St. Johns is the THURSDAY EVENING
HEALING EUCHARIST. We have grown from a gathered two or three to a loving and caring community of 12
-14 souls who gather together to worship God, pray for others, and to care for each other. We would love for
you to join us in this time together as the Body of Christ.
Finally, there is another chance for you to do something new: Join us for HALLOWEEN AT ST. JOHNS. We will
give candy to the trick or treating children and gather names of those who have died for our ALL SAINTS DAY
service on November 1st at our 8am and 10am services. Please forward the names of your faithful departed to
the parish office for inclusion in our worship on All Saints Day.
In the midst of all these changes there is the certainty of Gods presence among us and the hope of a new and exciting life together. Thank you for the privilege of engaging in Gods Mission with all of you!
The Rev. Sandra L. Cosman

August 2015

August 2014

$ 11,753
$ 12,048

$ 11,067
$ 12,236

Operating Income:
Operating Expenses:


Operating Income:
Operating Expenses:

$ 104,521
$ 126,170


$ 103,311
$ 126,638

Larry Espinet, Treasurer

Church Office Hours Office hours are 8:30 a.m.

1:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday.
Prayer RequestsIf you wish to have prayers for
any reason, intercession, thanksgiving, etc., please
contact Anne Hall (, with the
names and all the information. Prayer is part of
our concern for one another. For pastoral emergencies, please contact the Parish office at (860)
379-3062 or
Flower Chart Posted in NarthexSign up for the
Sunday of your choice. Cost is $60.00. The office
will contact you about memorials.
Training for Liturgical Duties - Training for greeters, acolytes, torchbearers will be coming soon.
Please see Mother Cosman, if you are interested in
helping to lead our worship.

Next IngatheringOctober 4th

The total year to date is $170.27. Bring coins anytime. We will keep them safe.

SCRIP A way to help Saint Johns and simplify

your life! The Scrip Program is a simple way for
Saint Johns to benefit from your regular purchases
at select retailers at no cost to you. Here is how it
works: If you purchase a scrip card (gift card) here
at Saint Johns in the amount of $50. You receive a
gift card for $50 for that store and our parish receives a percentage of your card purchase. The gift
card is the full value of your purchase and we receive a donation from the retailer. It is that simple.
Stop & Shop cards are available on Sundays for purchase and a listing of many other retailers is also
available. Easter gifts, birthday presents and everyday expenses can all benefit Saint Johns and you
can save a trip to the store!

BaptismsNext scheduled baptisms are Sunday

November 1, 2015, January 10, 2016, April 3, 2015
& May 15, 2016. Please see Mother Cosman for
more information.
Winsted Food Pantry - Please dont forget to bring
in non-perishable food items for the hungry that live
among us.
Prayer ShawlsAfter the 10:00AM Service on October 4th, we will gather to knit/crochet for those
who would be interested.

(Broadly Defined)
Let the office know about happenings in your own
life and in the lives of other parishioners, especially
hospitalizations, so Rev. Sandra L. Cosman can
contact those in need of comfort.
Stanley Moraski Sr.
(Husband of Lois Moraski)
(Father of Stan Moraski & Gayle Moraski)
Patricia Cole

Rhythms of Grace
Worship for Families and
Individuals with special needs
Our monthly next worship will be on Sunday Nov. 1st
at 1:00PM. We are looking for worship leaders AND
participants. All people are welcome to join us in the
service. Rhythms begins with a gathering activity then
on to storytelling and response activities. We regather and process upstairs to gather around the table
for Eucharist and receive a blessing and then dismissal. Worship is around an hour. If you would like to
learn more about this experience speak with Linda
Snyder, visit the website:
If you may know of someone who might be interested
in joining us please take a brochure in the back of the
church or give them our contact information above.


Thanks to those who help.!

Once again it is time to plan for this ministry. We
take the fourth Saturday in all months, except November and December, because of Thanksgiving
and Christmas. The date of the next meal is October 24th, which will be hosted by Fran Frigon and
Cynthia Welch. Specials thanks to Mother Cosman
for hosting the August meal and Stan Moraski for
hosting the September meal. Please contact Laura
Wearne with a date that you would like to volunteer
for Peters Retreat. She can be reached at (860)3073031. Thank you!

Coffee Hour Hosts

10:00 AM Service
A sign up sheet will be posted in the parish hall.
This is an important part of our ministry of hospitalityto visitors, to children, to one another. Coffee supplies other than cream are available in the
kitchen. Baked goods are terrific, whether home
baked or purchasedwhatever works for you. All
parishioners who attend the 10 a.m. service are
requested to host at least once this fall/winter.

Special thanks to Ron Caine, Tom Chappell,

Bruce Wearne, Bob Osborne and Rick Smith for
cleaning the church.
Thanks to our Soup Kitchen Crew for their hard
Special thanks to Mac Wilson and his grandson
Jake for taking care of the lawn maintenance.
Special thanks to Gordon Ross and all the volunteers, Norma Pappalardo, Betty Castonguay,
Lou Martocchio, Rose & Bob Osborne, Jill &
Rick Smith and their helpers, Linda Snyder,
Garrett & Luke Healey, Laura Frey, Stan Moraski, Diane & Guy Hayes, Mother Cosman and
her son James, for all their hard work for the Peach
Thanks to everyone who helps with the mission
and ministry of St. Johns.

Party in the Park Auction Fundraiser October 3rd 6:00 PM

Berkshire Hall, Brodie Park
We have been anxiously waiting for this and now its
only days away! Come join the fun and fellowship!
There is something for everyone! Another sampling
of generous donations; many gift certificates to local
businesses and restaurants, 3 beautiful water color
paintings, Hartford Stage Rear Window tickets, 2
handcrafted Adirondack chairs, home heating oil,
case of wine. Questions? Contact Sue Hall 860-3791943 or
November 1st
Following the 10 AM Service
Bring a rake and work gloves. Call the office (3793062) with questions. Many thanks to the following
people for helping with the Gill Memorial Garden
this year:
Norma Pappalardo
John & Reid Gargiulo
The Healey Family
The Truss Family
Barb Henri
Ann Atwood
Ellen Childs
Holly Hall
Margaret Stull
Gordon Ross
Ruth Grobe
Nancy Gibson

Godly Play Training Event

St. Johns is cosponsoring a one day training event
for all leaders and anyone interested in learning
more about Godly Play. See Linda Snyder for
more information This training will be:
Saturday, October 24, 2015
9:00 am 3:30 pm
The First Congregational Church
184 Cherry Brook Rd. Canton, Ct.

Pageant News: Yes we are talking about the

Epiphany pageant in August. Diane Hayes has
offered to be our director this year and has some
very exciting plans in the works. More to come in
early fall but we are looking for people now to
sew costumes. If you are willing to help with
very simple costume sewing please contact Diane
as soon as possible. Her number is 860-379-7612.

P. O. Box 27
Pine Meadow, CT 06061
Phone: 860 379-3062

Address Correction

The Episcopal Church

Were Here For You
Sunday Holy Eucharist
8:00 a.m. & 10 a.m.
Thursday Holy Eucharist
With Healing Prayers 6:30

Godly Play has begun with a great many of our children and youth returning to hear our core sto
ries and a few new ones. Our welcome back ice cream sundaes during coffee
hour were a hit with
all ages. We even had some adults ask for seconds!!!
We have a new member of our primary group, Liam McCoubrey, who is in Kindergarten and two
returning members who have been away for awhile; Catherine Sepples (granddaughter of Carol
Wilson) who is in 2nd grade and Nicholas Lukiwsky (brother of our nursery staff, Molly) who is in Kindergarten.
We a very excited to have you join our group! When you have a chance please welcome their families to our community. October will begin with all children participating in our 10:00AM service celebration of St. Francis Day.
We will be blessing our animal friends that join us in the service in the courtyard. Our younger class will continue
the next week hearing the stories of; The Great Family (Abraham
and Sarah), The Ten Best Ways (10 Command.
ments), The Exodus, and the Ark and the Temple during Oct. If your family is planning to be away any Sunday and
you would like the Parents Papers and/or a sight to see a Youtube video by Godly Play trainers of that weeks story, please let me know by calling 860-738-9029 or email and I can get you that information.
Later in October, the 24th, St. Johns is cosponsoring a Godly Play workshop for leaders, parents, or anyone wanting to know more about our stories and program. The workshop will be held at First Congregational Church in Canton as they have three rooms of Godly Play which will accommodate the workshop. Anyone who might be interested in attending (there is no cost for us) please let me know and I will add you to our list. Looking to All Saints Day
just a little teaser..we will be decorating Saint Cookies during coffee hour!

October 2015
St. Johns ChurchCalendar of Events
Anniversaries in Italics


Holy Eucharist
8 & 10 AM

Blessing of the
Animals at 10AM





Holy Eucharist
8 & 10 AM
Terry & Lou



Bobbie & Ken


Jennifer & Brian


8:00 PM AA

6:30 PM
Holy Eucharist

Paula & Mark


10:00AM Al-Anon
8:30 PM AA
1-4PM HomeSchooling Group

Fundraiser at
Brodie Park

10:00AM Al-Anon
8:30 PM AA
Susan & Donal
1-4PM HomePhillips
Schooling Group
Suzi & Stan

Rhythms of Grace




Columbus Day
Office Closed




8:00 PM AA
Jill & Michael

Sally & Donald


6:30 PM
Holy Eucharist



10:00AM Al-Anon Open Door

8:30 PM AA
1-4PM HomeSchooling Group
Sherri & Mel


Holy Eucharist
8 & 10 AM





8:00 PM AA

6:30 PM
Holy Eucharist
Meg & Joe Toro


Holy Eucharist
10AM Service Only





8:00 PM AA

Parish Meeting with

Rev. Donna Downs

6:30 PM
Holy Eucharist
7 PM





10:00AM Al-Anon Peters Retreat

8:30 PM AA
1-4PM HomeGodly Play
Schooling Group Training Event

10:00AM Al-Anon
8:30 PM AA
1-4PM HomeSchooling Group

October Birthdays

Susan Jones
Lauren Espinet
Peter Hinman
Christian Carrier
Howard Martin
Maureen Prelli
Crystall Case


Sally O'Neill
Gabrielle Riberdy
Dale Lemp
Richard Bartram
Anthony Case
Alexander Case
Brittany Atwood
Bob Osborne


Diane Hayes
Barbara Henri
Alan Lawson
Sam Read
Beth Coates
Kristina Espinet
Rose Osborne
Lenore Case


Barbara Freigant
Don O'Neill
Nancy Linton

Flat Jesus had a great time with

The Bremers at The Baseball Hall of Fame

Flat Jesus at a Blue Jays Game with The


visit our

Peach Festival Volunteers

Preparing for Sunday

Morning Service!!

Blessing of the Backpacks

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