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Homework 1 - Take Home Practice - Footnotes and Bibliography

DUE in Hardcopy. PRINT IT OUT and bring it to class. (Worth double quiz grade points.)
1. Go to Blackboard under Content in Suggested Articles for Outline and Research Paper and choose
the article by Staiti. Locate a great quote in the article that you will use for your outline. Introduce the
quote, use the quote, footnote it properly, then write a bibliographic entry. See the example below.
The second focal point, the tiny orchid hanging over the landscape, is secluded and alone symbolizing
inaccessibility. According to Albert Boime who wrote, A Landscapist for All Seasons for The Burlington
Magazine, the artist "draws attention to the menacing character of the world by pitting microscopic flowers
against the overwhelming forces of the natural environment reflecting a mood of anxious isolation and t a world
looming up with awesome remoteness and incomprehensible magnitude.1 (See the example footnote entry at
the bottom of the page.)
Example Bibliography entry for a PERIODICAL or ARTICLE
Boime, Albert. A Landscapist for All Seasons. The Burlington Magazine, vol. 112, no. 803 (February,
1970): 124-128.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. See the PDF of Lloyd Goodrich. Winslow Homer. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1944 book I
placed on Blackboard. Download it. (If you just view it you cannot see it.) Locate a great quote in the
book that you will use for your outline. Introduce the quote, use the quote, and footnote it properly then
write a bibliographic entry.
Discussing the proliferation of memorial walls photographer and documentarian Martha Cooper states,
Hundreds of New York City-area memorial murals were created, most of them commissioned by friends and
family of young African-Americans and Latinos who have fallen victim to everything from gang violence to
asthma attacks. 2 (See the example footnote entry at the bottom of the page.)
Example Bibliography entry for a BOOK
Cooper, Martha, R.I.P. Memorial Wall Art. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1994.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Go to this link on the MET website . Locate a
great quote that you will use for your outline, introduce the quote, use the quote, footnote it properly,
then write a bibliographic entry. See the example below.
The artist was born in Washington State. According to George P. Landow who wrote Victorian and
Victorianism for the website Victorian Web, the artist "was born in Walla Walla on April 8, 1960 to Mary and
Richard Smith."3 (See the example footnote entry at the bottom of the page.)
Example Bibliography entry for a WEBSITE,
Landow, George P. Victorian and Victorianism. Victorian Web. Last modified August 2, 2009.

Albert Boime, A Landscapist for All Seasons, The Burlington Magazine, vol. 112, no. 803 (February, 1970): 123
Martha Cooper, R.I.P. Memorial Wall Art (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1994) 7.
George P. Landow, Victorian and Victorianism, Victorian Web, last modified August 2, 2009,

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