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Sentence Variety

Peer Review
Maybe caps

Sentence Variety
Use a variety of sentence structures
subject, verb, complete thought
I like to read.

independent clauses joined by a

coordinating conjunction
I like to read, and I also like to write.

Sentence Variety
Use a variety of sentence structures
Has an independent clause joined by one or
more dependent clauses

always has subordinators such as because, since,

after, although, when,
Or has relative pronouns such as that, who, or which

prefer to read books that are bestsellers.


one of words in complex AND contains two

independent clauses joined with a conjunction.

Although I prefer to read books that are bestsellers, I

do like to read old Agatha Christie mysteries, and I
also like some science fiction.

Sentence Variety
Use a variety of sentence structures
Move adverbial modifiers
Adverbs usually end in ly and describe a verb
A few drops of sap eventually began to trickle into
the bucket.
Eventually a few drops of sap began to trickle into
the bucket.
Move adjectives and participial phrases
Adjectives describe nouns
Edward, dejected and withdrawn, nearly gave up
his search for a job.
Dejected and withdrawn, Edward nearly gave up his
search for a job.

Sentence Variety
Invert sentences
Move the dependent clause in front of the
independent clause.

The cork broke his nose when Morgan opened the

bottle of wine.
When Morgan opened the bottle of wine, the cork
broke his nose.

Grammar Tasks

to a pen pal using each type of

sentence variety (7 varieties) (could make a blog,
series of texts, email, FaceBook message or

*All sentences are wrong
and need to be corrected

Always capitalize the first word in a direct
Betty exclaimed, there is something wrong
with the cheese!
When a quote is broken, the second part is
not capitalized unless it is a new sentence.
Lets not, he stated, Make any quick
decisions about the cheese.

A quotation is not capitalized if it is
not a complete sentence and is
part of the larger sentence.
I believe it was a Far, far better
thing" to have thrown away the
cheese (Dickens).

Capitalize a persons name (or initials) and any title
that comes before the name.
At that point professor Smith and t.j. Woods entered
the room.
Always capitalize the days of the week and months
of the year. Do NOT capitalize the seasons.
The cheeses expiration date was friday, october 2,
but it was already Summer.

Always capitalize the names of races, nationalities,
languages, and religions.
The african american man was a baptist and the
spaniard was a catholic. Neither of them would eat
the moldy cheese.
Capitalize words describing the Deity God, the
Savior, the Lord, Jehovah and holy books
Catholics study the bible.

Do not capitalize the nonspecific use of the
word god.
The word polytheistic means the worship
of more than one cheese God.
Always capitalize geographical areas, but
not directions.
He found the importance of cheese is
different in the south than in the north.
He was traveling South on the Wisconsin

Capitalize the first word and other important words
in the name of a book, play, poem, or song.
Bettys favorite book is this book is not a piece of
Capitalize the name of historic events and periods.
Do not capitalize century numbers.
It is often said that the second world war ushered in
the atomic age and created a generation of
people who disliked cheddar cheese. Betty was
born in the Twentieth Century.

Capitalize the names of specific
buildings, specific places,
specific organizations, and
specific things.
The kraft corporate office is
located in northfield, Illinois.

Grammar Tasks

one sentence illustrating each

capitalization rule (there are 11).

Critique Peer

In groups

the criteria for a good critique

Read essays
Rank from best to worst
Write order on board

Peer Review Critiques

On peer review sheet, write
Reviewed by: (insert your name)
Summary author: (peers name)

Exchange essays.
Read the essay and complete the
peer review sheet.
Give both to author (your peer).

Critique final copy due
submit rubric, final copy, prewrite, plan,
rough draft, peer review
Summary mulligans due
Read Chapter 6 Analysis writing (pgs.174-195)
Read about arguments on weebly (12 pages)

*Reminder Grammar Portfolio #1 due Thurs 10/8

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