Olutobi Osinowo-qqwCommunication Audit Report

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Prepared for
Dr. Marguerite Joyce

Prepared by
Olutobi Osinowo, Process Engineer 1
Smith & Burgess

July 23, 2015



















Amid the months of June and July, reviews were circulated all through different offices in
the company to reveal compelling and non-powerful communication strategies at Smith
& Burgess. There was a sum of fifteen representatives studied for fluctuated results.
The reason for the study was to assess representatives' responses to focus the
adequacy of communication and give input for changes.
The examination of the study results was imparted to the General Vice President of
Smith & Burgess and in addition the director of Human Resources at Smith & Burgess.
The greater part of the data gave in this report is from the reviews that were directed.
Business articles examining viable communication in companies were utilized for
auxiliary data.
The survey results provided the following information:
Employees are happy with the current communication structure.
Communications within in the company are ninety five percent by e-mail.
Telephone is five percent of the communication.
Internal E-mail is 9/15 (60%) of the managers form of communication and
face to face is the remaining forty percent.
Least used mode of communication would be the telephone.
Recommendations for improvement in communications are as follows:
Semi-Annual review of communication channels and effectiveness during major
project periods
Annual review of communication channels and effectiveness during down project
Mandatory new hire training on effective communication
Mandatory management training on effective communication
Continue current communication process



Communication inside of a company is a basic piece of its prosperity. "Without
workplace communication, nothing would be accomplished. (Conrad, 2014) so as to
advance effectively as a company, its representatives must be on one agreement. To
guarantee this advancement happens, the company's motivation, mission and
objectives must be unmistakably characterized through viable correspondence.
The Human Resources department is frequently alluded to as the "heart of the
company" all through Smith & Burgess. It is a piece of the company that touches each
division, along these lines the absence of viable correspondence from HR to the
distinctive offices and business gathers inside of the company can be unfavorable. To
guarantee that communication is viable inside of the company, intermittent audits of the
present structure are essential. This gives upper administration an understanding to
what should be changed or what works best concerning the interior communication
process. The motivation behind this report is to examine and assess the viability of the
company's inward correspondence and to give my suggestions to change in light of the
overview results.
Surveys were sent to fifteen managers June 29th, 2015 and they were returned to me
no later than July 18th, 2015. These surveys were utilized as the essential wellspring of
my data. Out of the fifteen individuals interviewed, 12/15 (80%) were women and 3/15
(20%) were men. The education background of the fifteen employees was as follows:
8/15 (53%) had a Bachelors degree, 6/15 (40%) have Masters/MBA degrees and the
remaining seven percent (one out of fifteen), had other which he listed as a Doctorate
degree. The years of experience of the fifteen individuals varied. 9/15 (60%) of the
participants had twenty one plus years of experience, 3/15 (20%), had sixteen to twenty
years of experience and 3/15 (20%) had eleven to fifteen years of experience. Eighty
seven percent (thirteen out of fifteen) of the participants had direct reports that ranged
from one to twenty five employees, 1/15 (7%) of the managers had twenty six to fifty
direct reports and the remaining 1/15 (7%) had fifty one to one hundred direct reports.
9/15 (60%) of the participants were managers while the remaining 6/15 (40%) were in
Senior Management. My secondary source of information was articles relating to
effective communication.
The following is an exceptionally point by point posting of current communication
channels inside of Smith & Burgess which were utilized to focus the best channels of
communication inside of the company.

My analysis of communication was to include oral and written communications within
the company.
Oral Communication
Company trainings and phone utilization are the most widely recognized types of inner
oral communication at Smith & Burgess. We do use video conferencing, however that is
utilized for outer interchanges and the members were not studied on this channel of
Company Trainings
The results of my survey demonstrated a strong sense of importance for communication
training. Out of the fifteen surveys completed, there was a 15/15 (100%) response from
the managers stating that they have participated in communication training and also
recommended some form of communication training to their direct reports. In addition, a
15/15 (100%) of the managers felt that training, workshops and seminars on effective
communication was helpful to the leaders. Effective communication is essential in
planning and controlling an companies resources to accomplish the companys
objectives. The importance of business messages makes effective communication skills
a critical business tool and an essential employee attribute. (Nordmeyer, 2015)
From my study results, I presumed that phone utilization is the slightest utilized
communication channel as a part of the company. None of the members recorded
phone as the best type of communication. The greater part of the members recorded
that in a typical work day; they just make or get pretty nearly one to five telephone calls.
I accept this is entirely for documentation reasons. It is faster to make a telephone call
and get an answer however once the telephone bring is over yonder is no
documentation for future reference. Phone calls are not a compelling approach to get in
contact with representatives as they move all through the company and field
consistently. Email messages are utilized to get the message specifically to the
representative as soon as possible of a returned telephone call.
Face to Face
The aftereffects of the survey demonstrate 6/15 (40%) of the directors accept eye to eye
correspondence with their workers is the best type of communication. This can extend
from basic improvised discussions at a workers or supervisors office to booked
gatherings to examine certain points. Up close and personal communication was not the
greater part reaction to the best shape anyway it is a type of communication that all
troughs must utilize.

Written Communication
9/15 (60%) of the members recorded E-mail as the best type of communication. All
members expressed that they get/send ten or more messages a day. This is a critical
increment to the consequences of phone calls. Just fifteen members were over viewed;
I accept the little specimen size is an extremely precise representation of E-mail being
the best type of communication inside Smith & Burgess. Working in the field or being
restricted to every day gatherings, makes your entrance to phone calls and up close
and personal collaborations non-existent. The capacity to rapidly react to an E-mail from
your cell phone or portable PC amid a meeting or while in the field is a great deal more
probable than going without end to take a telephone call. It additionally gives you the
capacity to rapidly react to critical matters without needing to put various telephone
brings in the occasion the individuals you are attempting to achieve are not by their
Looking into the HR, I knew the significance of documentation extremely well,
particularly for lawful purposes. We need to consent to numerous SOX controls and
other review forms which require precise data. Once in a while a straightforward email
sent or got and printed to be set in records is adequate for review purposes. This may in
all likelihood be the thinking for the significance and powerful utilization of E-mail.
Figure 1 shows the percentage of effective communication from the survey results and
the overwhelming response for email being the most effective form.
Most Effective Forms of Communication


Figure 1

Drive for 35
Smith & Burgess utilized a new project entitled "Drive for 35" utilized through a few oil &
gas companies where we are trying to procure 35 billion dollars in resources before the
year 2020. This is a colossal task for our company and it obliges that HR assume a
noteworthy part in its culmination. HR will be in charge of guaranteeing that we draw in,
train and hold the best ability for the various ventures the company will experience to
achieve our objective. "Effective workplace communication requires good verbal and
listening skills. Employees should not merely hear your words -- they must also process
the underlying meaning and make a real connection." (Lucas, 2015) To guarantee that
everybody is mindful of their obligations and the fundamental part they have in the
"Drive to 35", powerful communication is crucial. After investigating the study comes
about, 15/15 (100%) of the members accept they have gotten successful
communication from the company for the "Drive to 35" campaign.
All participants surveyed were asked about their satisfaction with communication within
their department or team. 9/15 (60%) of the participants stated that they were extremely
satisfied while the remaining 6/15 (40%) stated that they were satisfied. All of the
participants that stated they were satisfied were also among the participants that listed
E-mail as the most effective form of communication. Although there is not direct
correlation, this suggests to me that they may want to review their departmental
communication effectiveness to see where the need for improvement may be to reach
the point of being extremely satisfied. 12/15 (80%) of the participants rated the overall
effectiveness of communication within Smith & Burgess as very good. The remaining
3/15 (20%) rated it as good.
Although there is a high rate of the members who felt the general communication inside
of the company was great, a 15/15 (100%) of the members felt that there was open
door for development in the company between their area of expertise and the rest of the
company. More than frequently we are made up for lost time in just what influences us
day by day. As being a director, the capacity to not just guarantee your message was
gotten successfully in your area of expertise additionally outside of your specialty is
basic to your cooperation all through the company.


Figure 2 shows the communication analysis within the departments. It demonstrates

the difference in the engineers overall feeling of internal communication within their
Departmental Communication Effectiveness

Figure 2

Explanation of Survey Questions Summary

In this study from the first question, the respondents for ladies were 12/15 (80%) met to
3/15 (20%) guys. Our administration positions are larger part ladies. Next inquiry that
was asked was what positions they held at the company. From the outcomes there were
6/15 (40%) individuals in the management position 0/15 (0%) individuals in supervisor
and 9/15 (60%) were in senior management positions or senior engineers. Moreover,
the work experience computed from the study was 3/11 (20%) had experience between
11-15 yrs, 3/11 (20%) had experience from 16-20 yrs and 9/15 (60%) had experience
from 21+ yrs, which indicated one-sided on the grounds that everyone I met had a great
deal of involvement in the range. Making headway, the following inquiry was the
education level, in which 8/15 (53%) individuals had a Bachelors in science and 6/15
(40%) had a MBA or Masters with 1/15 (7%) having a PhD. The following question that
was asked, if there is direct supervision over the employees, in which 15/15 (100%) said
yes 0/15(0%) said no. Out of those 15 who said 13/15 (87%) were ages between 1-25
yrs 1/15 (0.7%) was 26-50 yrs and 1/15 (7%) was 51+. Proceeding with, inquiry 6 that

was asked was the means by which would you rate your communication with the direct
results, where 9/15 (60%) said they were extremely satisfied and 6/15 (40%) said they
were satisfied and 0/15 (0%) said they were dissatisfied. Question 7 got some
information about the how compelling has the communication been for "Drive for 35"
campaign, where 15/15 (100%) said yes and 0/15 (0%) said no. Taking after, question 8
inquire if you received training in effective communication as a leader in which 15/15
(100%) said yes and 0/15 (0%) said no. Everyone at the company is obliged to have
preparing at the company. Next inquiry 9 that was inquire as to whether if you have
recommended your direct reports in any communication training where 15/15 (100%)
said yes and 0/15 (0%) said no. This was a piece of the preparation which gave the
reason of 100% outcome. Moreover, address 10 asks "Do you believe training,
workshops and seminars on effective communication are helpful to leaders"? The
respondents from yes was 15/15 (100%) and 0/15 (0%) said no. Advancing, question
11, just ask what might be the best type of communication, in which 9/15 (60%) said Email and 6/15 (40%) said Face-to-Face. The insane thing about it is that 0/15 (0%) said
no to phone. Question 12 ask "Do you believe there are opportunities for improving
communication between your department and the rest of the company?" where 15/15
(100%) said yes and 0/15 (0%) said no. The following question 13 how many emails do
you receive in a normal working day, where 15/15 (100%) said 10+. Taking after from
inquiry 14, asking what number of telephone calls do you get in an ordinary working day
and 15/15 (100%) said 1-5 messages a day. In conclusion, address 15 inquire how
might you rate the effective communication at Smith & Burgess where 12/15 (80%) said
Very good and 3/15 (20%) said Good and 0/15 (0%) said Needs change. This was a
talk of each of the Interview questions from the review that was asked to every
respondent to accumulate the outcomes.
The results of my review demonstrate that the members accept compelling
communication is being gotten and showed all through the company. They all accept
there are open doors for development in correspondence between their area of
expertise and the association in light of the fact that with a specific end goal to end up
effective or have proceeded with achievement, you can't get to be content. You must
have the capacity to develop with your company in all angles including communication.
As Mykkanen and Tampere stated, Companies have need for specific information and
feedback. But this means that companies have to be willing and able to communicate
efficiently internally. (Mykkanen and Tampere, 2014) E-mail was shown to be the most
effective form of communication while telephone use seems to be used at a minimum.
These survey results should be deemed as important as they give you an internal scope
of the direction you should take in revising if needed, any changes to the companys
communication process.


My proposal for the transient future is to survey the communication procedure and
viable channels semi-every year while experiencing significant ventures, for example,
the "Drive to 35" and every year when there are no real undertakings in progress. I
would prescribe an obliged preparing for new contracts that attention exclusively on
communication and its viability inside of the association. This preparation ought to be
executed inside of the year so it will be set up for the various new contracts that will be
on boarded for the "Drive to 35" undertaking. I additionally prescribe obligatory
communication preparing for all administrators or individual patrons who are traverse
into administration. It is basic they have these instruments after beginning their
administration parts as they will be obliged to encourage essential data to their specialty
and the association. The way in which they give the data is the way in which it will be
gotten. My last proposal is to proceed with the fruitful procedure of communication the
company is as of now on as it has been turned out to be successful from current



Conrad, D. (2014). Workplace communication problems: Inquiries by employees and
applicable solutions. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 5(4), 105-116. Retrieved
from http://ezproxy.pvamu.edu/login?
Mykknen, M., & Tampere, K. (2014). Organizational decision making: The luhmannian
decision communication perspective. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 5(4), 131146. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.pvamu.edu/login?
Lucas, K. (2015). About Overcoming Communication to Improve the Workplace. Global
Post. Retrieved from http://everydaylife.globalpost.com/overcoming-communicationimprove-workplace-35381.html
Nordmeyer, B. (2015). Keys to Building Effective Communication in the workplace.
Global Post. Retrieve from http://everydaylife.globalpost.com/keys-building-effectivecommunication-workplace-1575.html






Appendix A
Smith & Burgess
This is a graduate project for a class; all information will remain confidential and
anonymous. Your participation in this project indicates your informed consent.

1. What is your gender?

____ Female ____ Male

2. What is your position? ____ Manager ____ Supervisor


____ Sr.

3. How many years of professional work experience do you have?

____ 1 5
____ 6 10
____ 11 15
____16 20

____ 21+

4. What is your academic background? ____ B. S. degree

____ Hours
toward MBA/Masters degree
____ MBA/Master
________ Other
5. Do you have direct supervision of employees?
____ Yes
____ No
How many? ___1 25
___ 26 - 50
___ 51 100
___ 101 - 200
___ 201 300
___ 301+
6. How would you rate your communication with your direct reports?
___Extremely Satisfied ___Satisfied ___Dissatisfied
7. Do you believe effective communication has been given for the Drive for 35
___ Yes

___ No

8. Have you received training in effective communication as a Leader? ___ Yes

___ No


9. Have you recommended your direct reports to participate in any communication

trainings? ___ Yes ___ No
10. Do you believe trainings, workshops and seminars on effective communication
are helpful to leaders?
___ Yes ___ No
11. What would you consider to be the most effective form of communication? Email, telephone or face to face. _____________________________________
12. Do you believe there are opportunities for improving communication between
your department and the rest of the company?
____ yes ____ no
13. In a normal work day, approximately how many emails do you send/receive?
____1-5 ____ 6-10 ____10+
14. In a normal work day, approximately how many phone calls do you
____1-5 ____ 6-10 ____10+
15. How would you rate the effectiveness of communication at Smith & Burgess?
____ Very Good ____ Good ____ Needs Improvement

Please return by July 18, 2015

Thank you for your participation



Appendix B
Smith & Burgess
SURVEY (Tabulated Results)
This is a graduate project for a class; all information will remain confidential and
anonymous. Your participation in this project indicates your informed consent.

1. What is your gender?

12 Female 3 Male

2. What is your position? 6 Manager

____ Supervisor

9 Sr. Management

3. How many years of professional work experience do you have?

____ 1 5
____ 6 10
3 11 15 3 16 20
9 21+
4. What is your academic background? 8 B. S. degree
____ Hours toward
MBA/Masters degree
6 MBA/Master
1 Other (Doctorate)
5. Do you have direct supervision of employees?
15 Yes
____ No
How many? 13 1 25
26 - 50
51 100
___ 101 - 200
___ 201 300
___ 301+
6. How would you rate your communication with your direct reports?
9 Extremely Satisfied 6 Satisfied ___Dissatisfied
7. Do you believe effective communication has been given for the Drive for 35
15 Yes

___ No

8. Have you received training in effective communication as a Leader?

15 Yes ___ No
9. Have you recommended your direct reports to participate in any communication
trainings? 15 Yes ___ No
10. Do you believe trainings, workshops and seminars on effective communication
are helpful to leaders?
15 Yes ___ No
11. What would you consider to be the most effective form of communication?
E-mail, telephone or face to face. E-mail 9 Face to Face - 6
12. Do you believe there are opportunities for improving communication between
your department and the rest of the company?
15 Yes ____ No
13. In a normal work day, approximately how many emails do you send/receive?
____1-5 ____ 6-10 15 10+
14. In a normal work day, approximately how many phone calls do you
15 1-5 ____ 6-10 ____10+
15. How would you rate the effectiveness of communication at Smith & Burgess?
12 Very Good 3 Good ____ Needs Improvement

Please return by July 18th, 2015

Thank you for your participation



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