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W O M E N ’ S N E T W O R K

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. -.
Message from the Publisher
What will the Filipina American women be like
W H A T ’ S I N S I D E
in the year 2012?

A recent Google search of “Filipina” yielded 3,770,000

XII About FWN results. Yahoo yielded 5,530,000. yielded 565,800.
VIII FWN Members The search results listed hundreds of website links to dating
IV Kaibigan ng FWN (Community Partners)
sites, matchmaking, “bar” and “sexy” girls and personal ads.
IV FWN Sponsors
Yahoo did sneak in one link to the Filipina Women’s Network’s
site. These sites have defined Filipina women. We need to
Marily Mondejar
F E AT U R E S stop the perpetuation of this popular image. President
05 Remarkable Filipina Women of 2007 Filipina Women’s Network
12 Remarkable Filipina Women of 2006 Creating a powerful imagery is vital to establishing a
X Filipina Power 1898 presence in the public consciousness and in bringing about
XI 100 Most Influential Filipina Women in the U.S.
the acceptance of Filipina women as leaders and change
XIII Filipina Women are Changing the Face of Politics
advocates. We took action:

F IL I PI NA SU MMI T 1) At the 4th Filipina Summit (October 2006), we embarked

06 Report: 4th Annual Filipina Summit – on a future search with one task: How to Advance
FWN’s Future Search: Filipina Power 2012 Filipina Women in the U.S. workplace.
XI 5th Annual Filipina Summit: Washington D.C.
2) At the future search, we developed a game plan to
02 Time Capsule 2012: Pinay’s Wish List for all
elevate the presence and participation of Filipinas in
Filipina Women

leadership positions in corporate America, public service
03 Blown Away at the FWN Future Search and government.
11 Keynote Speaker: Tessie Guillermo
3) Imagery: FWN Magazine’s dual covers – two Filipina

11 Keynote Speaker: Mona Pasquil
women on two successful paths: Tessie Zaragoza, Board
Chair, takes a behind-the-scene role in helping guide
ON THE COVERS the growth of FWN. Justice Tani Gorre Cantil-Sakauye

VI Tessie Zaragoza of the California Court of Appeal, changes the face of
13 Justice Tani Gorre Cantil-Sakauye leadership in the legal field.

a. Nationwide Search of the 100 Most Influential

ADVERTISER LIST Filipina Women’s Network (FWN) is a nonprofit association
Filipina Women in the U.S.
V Allstate Insurance - Manny De Vera
V Assure Financial Realty b. Imagery: Remarkable Filipina Women for women of Philippine ancestry. FWN strives to enhance
V AT&T c. Imagery: Filipinas in Politics public perceptions of Filipina women’s capacities to lead;
II Ayala Foundation USA d. Imagery: Tessie Guillermo, President & CEO,
change biases of Filipina women’s leadership abilities;
V California State Automobile Association (CSAA) Community Technology Foundation of California
11 Clear Credit Exchange – Hazel Valera and foster the entry of Filipina women into positions of
04 CLO Funding Corporation – Ludy Corrales It is essential that our imagery convey Filipina women’s leadership in all sectors. For more info, visit
IX Fast Easy Divorce – Genevieve Dwyer
experiences and our political objectives. Our work is cut out.
V Girl Scouts, San Francisco Bay Area – Polly Cortez
04 Ihaw Ihaw It is a daunting task. Do your part – first, by joining FWN. How to reach the Filipina Women’s Network
04 Institute for Image Management Second, by putting yourself out there. As Justice Tani says, P. O. Box 192143, San Francisco, California 94119
05 Kabataang maka-Bayan USA / Pro People Youth “Get your name ‘in play’… as the face of leadership and
Phone: 415 / 278. 9410 | Fax: 415 / 840. 0655
05 Lorna Lardizabal Dietz – Media Kits competence.”
V Orientex - Ramar Foods Email: |
04 The Philippine Center, San Francisco The views and opinions of advertisers and contributors
04 Philippine News
expressed in this publication do not necessarily state or
IX TCB Consultant - Terry Bautista
reflect those of Filipina Women’s Network.


The FWN Editorial Team

“Kaibigan ng FWN” Community Partners . . . . y. . . .

DeVoted Publisher
DiVine Editor
Angel Art Director
. . . . y. . . .
LoVe Contributors


Women in the
San Francisco’s PA U L E T E N C H A V E Z
Consulate General Consulate General . . . . y. . . .
of the Philippines of the Philippines
Heart Photographers
in San Francisco in New York
Filipino American (Justice Tani)
Human Services, Inc. Rowena Mendoza Sanchez C e c i l i a B . Re b o n g

(Tessie Zaragoza)

FWN Sponsors I F Institute for

I M Management


. . . . y. . . .
FWN Board

© 2007 Filipina Women’s Network.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this
publication may be published without
the expressed written permission
of the publisher.
IV FILIPINA WOMEN’S NETWORK | w w w. f f w n . o r g
Manuel De Vera
Exclusive Agent

Allstate Insurance Company

4804 Mission Street, Suite 208
San Francisco, CA 94112

Phone 415. 469. 7333

Fax 415. 469. 0692

CA Lic. # 0706118

AAA Cares
Our Members and employees share a
tradition of caring for our communities.
Promoting a better quality of life is part
of our heritage and our business.

Maasikaso. Maaasahan. Mapagkakatiwalaan.

Polly S. Cortez
Board of Directors

Girl Scouts of San Francisco Bay Area

842 Navaronne Way
Concord, CA 94518
Home: 925. 676. 7465
Cell: 925. 876. 7695
California State Automobile Association Northern California, Nevada, Utah |


She Never Left the Philippines.
A Filipino Community Activist in the U.S.

W ÑHcnmÔsadkhdudhmdpt`khsx
hen Tessie Zaragoza was of process building brings people together in
approached to be part of a core their shared decision. “This experience makes
committee to restructure FWN, people accountable for the consequences of their
from an informal gathering of
Filipinas to an agent of change,
atshmsgddpths`akdchrsqhatshnm decision,” added Tessie.

with a strategic mission and concise goals,

she never hesitated. At that time, she was a
community outreach coordinator for the Filipino
neqdrntqbdr-Ò The third is from Alice Bulos, the matriarch of
the Filipino community, who taught Tessie the
importance of visibility and establishing the
community with the California Transplant Donor credibility of the Filipino community. “Visibility
Network (CTDN). Her outreach effort was informs elected officials and potential candidates
perceived as “You only come to us (minority depth. She is a dynamo of ideas founded on Upon her return she got involved in the anti- to approach the Filipino community hand-in-hand
communities) when you need something.” a strong sense of social justice and equity. fascist (anti-Marcos) struggle and the Filipino- with Filipino community leaders,” explained
“Yes,” Tessie says, “I was asking the Filipino American identity movement. She became Alice. Alice’s presence is felt on all levels of
community to become organ donors and rely Born and raised in the Philippines, the youngest an activist, joined The Katipunan ng mga government: local, state and federal and tirelessly
on their altruism to give.” The distrust was of nine children of a university professor mother Demokratikong Pilipino (Union of Democratic accomplished these achievements for the
prevalent. She developed her philosophy of a and a physician father, she joined her siblings, Filipinos, KDP); protested the martial rule community. “Alice does not drive a car but she
community outreach strategy. “You must be an who are all college graduates, when she earned of Ferdinand Marcos and took part in many puts her faith and reliance on the community to
active community participant in a symbiotic and her bachelor’s degree at U.C. Berkeley before her campaigns on issues of discrimination, bilingual bring her to places where she needs to be,” Tessie
reciprocal relationship.” She approached her 20th birthday. education, and the lack of Filipino teachers in adds with amazement.
manager at CTDN and FWN became part of her predominantly Filipino communities.
community outreach. “I became the organ donor “When I was in grade school, I placed second Her own brand of being a change agent is guided
and vagina (puki) lady. Though she is no longer honor in my class. You know what my father In 1983 a friend who was working with the by her belief in equity. “I don’t believe in equality
with CTDN, she continues to be actively involved said?” Tessie recalled, “He said, is that all?” Asian Law Caucus called to say that there was but in the equitable distribution of resources to
with FWN working behind the scenes to achieve Her father’s echoing words had the reverse a vacancy at Congressman Ronald V. Dellums’ ensure the quality of life for everyone,” explained
the goals of this nascent organization. effect. Instead of academic excellence, Tessie’s district office. She applied, was interviewed and Tessie. She elaborated that equality assumes that
achievement went beyond the classroom. In high was hired in a blink of an eye. She stayed until everything is equal while equity assumes that
Tessie did not consciously seek a particular school, she graduated with medals for essay Dellums retired in 1998. She continued with everything is not equal. Any decision that affects
career path but events in her life pointed her writing, dramatics, oratory, and citizenship. She Congresswoman Barbara Lee until 2000 and the quality of life of communities should be based
in the direction of community activism. She was on the school newspaper staff and wrote then joined CTDN. on equity.” She then tells a story when she was
brings together her many skills and talents as a an article challenging nepotism and preferential new on the Dellums congressional staff. “ Each
community educator and advocate. She rose from treatment. As a member of the National Union Tessie’s community activism as a change advocate staffer was asked to contribute $20 for a birthday
the ranks of administrative aide to senior staff in of High School Students, she went to her first were learned from each of her mentors.. Each gift pool. I was the lowest paid staffer and $20
the district office of former Congressman Ronald demonstration protesting U.S. military presence in represented by her mentors. The first, from was a lot of money for me then. So I suggested
Dellums (now Mayor of Oakland, California). the Philippines and Vietnam. Family and friends Congressman Dellums, merged her “leftist that the amount be based on a sliding scale. The
She was also a union recruiter, a community aptly described her as “a rebel without a cause.” perspective” with coalition, consensus politics. more you earn, the more you give; the less you
outreach coordinator, and now a certified Tagalog She makes every opportunity for sharing what she earn, the less you give.” That
interpreter and a bilingual project interviewer for An emerging activist when she arrived in the US, learned from Ron – “once an idea is articulated, is equity.”

the Life History Calendar Project of the Asian & she joined the anti-war movement. In 1972, she it belongs to everyone.” “The merits of an idea
Pacific Islander American Health Forum’s Institute returned to Manila. As Tessie recalls, “Knowledge bring people toward consensus,” n all of her endeavors, Tessie always seeks
on Domestic Violence (APIDV). “I have come full of western culture / values alone cannot shield says Tessie. the rationale behind everything. In order to
circle. In 1969 I left the Philippines to continue one from the greatest cultural shock – alienation. develop an effective community strategy,
my “colonial education” in psychology at U.C. It was a difficult stage in my life for I felt alienated The second came from a former Dellums’ staff, Tessie was intrigued with why people
Berkeley. I may have left the Philippines 38 in my own culture that I thought I knew. I Keith Carson, now Alameda County Supervisor. declined to be organ donors. “It’s not in my
years ago but I’ve never been away from the survived “alienation” in the US. But alienation At one time, Keith was the president of the culture to donate” and “Keeping the body
Filipino community.” in your home country was devastating for me. I Niagara Democratic Club. Under his tenure, the whole” were the common responses.
returned to the U.S. club supported a ballot measure that vilified “Modern technology of organ transplantation
Born Teresita Villanueva Zaragoza, she is a mother, in August, 1972 as a graduate student at him by the so-called progressives. He said that started only 50 years ago”, says Tessie, “therefore
community educator / advocate and a visionary. San Francisco State University – just three as president, he implemented three series of the practice of organ donation is not in anyone’s
She is the sort of person who invariably exceeds weeks before martial law was declared and all discussions on the ballot measure instead of culture. As for keeping the body whole, this
first impressions. Her low-key demeanor and travel banned for months. That was my life’s the usual one. In the end, he said, “I can only is a sentimental reason. No one argues with
petite, business-attired frame barely hints at her defining moment.” cast one vote.” Tessie believes that the integrity sentiments.”

VI FILIPINA WOMEN’S NETWORK | w w w. f f w n . o r g

Clockwise from far left: Tessie with Ron Dellums,
Mayor of Oakland; Tessie on a reflective pose;
with daughters Lilla, Monique and Danielle and
During her time at CTDN she became the Chair strengths, not avoiding excellence.” Reflecting conditions that are beyond our control,” Tessie husband Rich; Tessie with Alice Bulos; Tessie at a
of the Board of the Filipina Women’s Network. on FWN, the Chair of the Board sees the insists. “We need to make realistic plans and Peace Rally instilling her progressive values with
Tessie’s leadership was crucial in FWN’s direction. organization’s future growth as a virtual debunk the myth of ‘try hard and you will toddler Lilla on tow.
FWN was stuck in the business model that as community. “We must embed technology in succeed.’ We need to be smarter in our quest
a membership organization with yearly dues, process building for participatory democracy,” for success – partnering with organizations
the organization must provide member gifts says Tessie, who personally witnessed FWN’s that share our concerns, getting involved at the
and discounts. “Business models need to be evolution as an organizational leader in the global national level, speaking our voice. FWN will bring
transformed. Instead of what FWN can give to its outreach of Filipino women. She believes that forward the issues. Once we get these messages Tessie lives in Oakland. Her three daughters –
members, we shifted the thinking of encouraging FWN “will propel Filipina women into the midst into a global discussion, I think more Filipina Dr. Monique Zaragoza, 31, Danielle Zaragoza,
members to make an investment (dues and their of society’s need for conscious engagement.” women will think about the issues. They will step Esq., 29 and Lilla M. Zaragoza Carter, 15 – and
time) in Shaping the Filipina Image. This is what She warns, “World historical development has forward when the conditions are ripe for their their biracial heritages (Filipino, Belgian, and
propels FWN’s mission, goals and activities.” This made it impossible to isolate ourselves. participation.” African American) reflect a journey in diversity.

has become the mantra for FWN. With her second husband, they are raising a
iven recent political trends, Tessie Tessie is hopeful. “Filipina Power 2012 is a launch young teenager who is facing the challenges
Working closely together, she and FWN President believes the feminization of leadership pad for any destination we set, in any direction of living with older family members, having
Marily Mondejar feel they make a good team. will bring to the forefront the we want to go. By 2012, we will be more than
been born a generation later than her siblings.
They see the whole dynamic spectrum of differences in decision-making styles computer literate and truly become a virtual
women, from those who are without resources between men and women. “Women community with the internet as a critical part of Tessie enjoys the close bond she has with her
when it came to personal safety and security, to should run for elected office, because our lives and a major forum for discussions.” adult children and how they are able to share
those who have reached the top of their field our society needs women’s life experiences as equals. She is expecting her
and profession with no support network from perspectives in the national debate of issues that What excites Tessie is the coming together of first grandchild in August, 2007. Asked what her
their own Filipina community. At the Filipina matter to families especially women and children. Filipinos, clearly comfortable with their identity grandkids will call her, “Gorgeous Grandma!”
Summit held last October, 2006, FWN strongly Women need the national presence,” Tessie and heritage from the Philippines, proud of
emphasized that career and leadership are believes. She feels strongly that women in elected their nationhood, beyond regionalism. “Having Terry Bautista, founding member of FWN, is an
not exclusive of corporate America but indeed positions must use their positional power to move the ability to express your views as a people educator and cultural advocate in the Bay Area.
inclusive of community based-organizations, both issues beyond one’s own interests. They should and articulating your perspective with women Now retired from public service, Terry consults
for the profit and not-for profit sectors. use their platform to advocate for bigger issues globally, develops self- knowledge. The idea of
that improve the lives of women and children touching someone, especially in cyberspace,
on strategy and event planning, art and culture,
A petite, soft spoken leader, Tessie realizes that and the policies that affect the well-being of exponentially presents the opportunity for change, and the history of Filipinos living in the U.S. She
her life choices brought her to her current role communities. transcending our differences.” She adds, “The has made significant contributions on issues of
in FWN. “Being with FWN restored my more world is about ideas. Change happens when we language access and bilingualism, affirmative
genuine sense of self, capitalized on my true “As immigrants, we accept that there are some act on these germs of ideas.” action, and community organizing.


Briosos, May Datangel, Jane, RN Edralin, Stella M. Ilumin, Sarah Jane
General Manager Clinical Safety Associate Attorney at Law Vice President and Manager
Prime Image Media Group Genentech, Inc. Law Office of Stella M. Yashi Okita Design
Buell, Vangie De Castro, Socorro “Kit” Jallorina, Jessica
Abad, Debbie Aliyas, Kristal Author, Speaker, Performer Musical Director Escudero, Maya Account Manager
Senior Accountant Teacher Landsberg Productions Executive Director Telogy, Inc.
Buendia, Michele U. Ayala Foundation USA
Santa Clara County New York City Department Marketing Director / De Jesus, Jessica Jeanjacquet,
Fairgrounds of Education Financial Coach Director of Development Estoesta, Anna-Liza Christine-Marie
Abriam, Rosie Araullo, Vivian Z. World Financial Group Level Playing Field Institute Sales Representative Industrial Designer
Gura Realtor Farmers Insurance Group Sculptor
Bueno-Johnson, Beverly De Jesus, Melinda, Ph.D. Jeffrey Wong Insurance
Kamatauuran School of Kali Prudential Realty Supervised Released File Assistant Professor Jimenez, Jennifer S.
Engineering Applications Agency
Aroy, Marissa Analyst Asian Pacific American Registered Marriage &
Manager California Dept. of Justice Studies Fernandez, Nerissa Family Therapist Intern
New Focus, Inc. Media Producer
Media Factory Arizona State University Marketing Services Community Overcoming
Bustos, Ana Marie ABS-CBN International Relationship Abuse (CORA)
Afan, Susan Guinto, MPA De Jesus, Perla
Regional Vice President Asmundson, Ruth Uy, Ph.D
Mayor Business Owner Garcia, Cameron Jopanda, Genevieve
Robert Half International Caceres, Evelyn Perla’s Studio Accounting Associate General Manager
City of Davis, CA Senior Eligibility Advisor
Africa, Jei, Psy.D. Wal-Mart FlexCar
Atanacio, Shelene Medi-Cal Health Connections De Lena, Annalisa
Clinical Director City & County of SF Project Manager Garcia, Charina P. Juliana, Rachel Puno
Community Overcoming Actor
Student, San Francisco State Attorney Attorney
Relationship Abuse (CORA) Baal, Christina MSW Calub, Vicky Servillon University Cornerstone Law Group Trustee, Jefferson Union High
Social Worker Chief Financial Officer School District
Aglipay, Elaine Yan, MBA Hyatt Regency Subway De Vera, Myrna Gaspar, Arlene C.
Harvard Business School Cabrini Immigrant Services
Sandwiches & Salads Vice-Chair Realtor Kerwick, Christina
Kennedy School of Barbonio, Juvy B. Hercules Planning RE/MAX Accord, Danville Ocampo
Government Carrillo, Rochelle Commission President
Barton, Babe Magante Gibson, Kathleen Prado
Alagar, Mylisa Recreation Therapist Asean International
Financial Representative Delen, Sonia T. Office Manager
Vice President, Regulatory Center for Elders Northwestern Mutual Senior Vice President Real Estate Services Kocian, Jennifer Francia
Affairs and Business Financial Network Banc of America Leasing University of California Financial Consultant
IZoom Online, LLC Bautista, Helen Marte
Commissioner World Financial Group
Carrion-Di Ricco, Delen-Briones, Kai Golangco, Marsha Cosmetologist
Alegre, Jossie San Francisco Public Library Rosario L. “Puchi,” M.A. Amateur Golf, Student Cheung
Accounting Manager President / Owner Notre Dame de Namur President Laxamana, Leah
San Francisco Public Utilities Bautista, Terry
Principal Operation Wishing Star University MG Consultants Peace Corps
Commission Honduras, Central America
TCB Consultants Casteel, Edna Mabanes Dietz, Lorna Lardizabal Gonzalez, Byumi
Alcaro, Nanette President & Founder Strategy Business Consultant Fashion Designer Lazo, Myra Celeste
President Baysic, Emy
Actor Global LENC, LLC Entrepreneur, B’Yumi Couture Surgical Physician Assistant
Archipelago 7107, Inc. Pacific Laparoscopy
Ben, Kathleen Castillo, Thess Dooley, Sheila Luna Gruspe, Cynthia
Alikpala, Agnes, M.D. Research Associate Realtor Paraprofessional Teacher Legaspi, Liza
Office Manager
Aliyas, Kristal Avalon Global Asset RWD Executive Search Prudential CA Realty Galileo Academy of Science Account Executive
Teacher Management & Technology Intertrend Communication
Catolico Ashley, Ruthe Donnahoo, Owen
Department of Education Diversity Officer, Photographer Guillermo, Tessie Lim, Myrna
New York City Bernales, Barbara
Exclusive Designer External Affairs Owen Photographie President and CEO President
Almendral, Anne The Scrapping Garden CaLPERS Marketing Consultant Community Technology The Realty Group
Almendral Management Sun Microsystems Foundation of California
Boac, Thelma Choy, Carmen Lopez, Linda, RN
Services Monteclaro Driessler, Jessica Guingona, Dina Highland Hospital
Almquist, Joy Francia Silver Creek High School Executive Director Showroom Manager Accountant
Filipino Bar Association of Teknion LLC Lloren-Jungman, Connie
Registered Nurse San Jose, CA Guingona, Teresa Ferrer, MA Photographer,
Northern California
Ancheta, Susan Borromeo, Linda P. Dunham, Christina Filipino Task Force Senior Accountant, Xythos
Actor Director Corrales, Ludy Associate Publisher Community Overcoming Software
International Museum President & CEO Filipinas Magazine Relationship Abuse (CORA)
Angeles, Jessica Isabel CLO Funding Corporation Vice President Luluquisen, Evelyn
Student of Women Hagelgans, Jaji Human Resources Manager,
Atlantic Bancorp of America
CAL State Fullerton Brana, Mae Cortez, Polly S Realtor Communications & Network
Gemologist Regional Quality Assurance Dwyer, Genevieve Windemere Silicon Valley Services, UC Berkeley
Angeles, Marisa Manager President Properties
Gutierrez MBA Student, University Luz, Nana
of San Francisco Departmen of Treasury, Genevieve’s Corporation
Office Manager West Region Herreria, Genevieve President & CEO
Bonita House, Inc. Brion, Lilian Alcantara Dykwel, Sunny Executive Assistant Softype, Inc.
Vice President Crescini, Tess Real Estate Professional Levensohn Venture Partners
Apilado, Maria Broker / Owner Alain Pinel Realtors Mabanag, Marivic B.
Registered Nurse Labco Inc. Hipolito-Estilo, Eileen Executive Director
Regulatory Economist Realty World-Heritage Homes
& Investments Echavez, Rica Vice President, Manager California Partnership to End
Aquino, Remy Minnesota Public Utilities Mortgage Consultant Projects Banking Group Domestic Violence
Photographer, Model, Actor Commission Cua-Christman, Capital West Support, Northern California–
Remy Aquino Photography Florence, MS3, Ph.D. Nevada, Bank of America Macababayao, Imelda
Briones-Ubalde, Agnes Edar, Norma P. General Manager
Aquino-Layus, Vici Executive Director Christman, Cua Associates,
Radiation and Environmental Owner Hondrada, Maria 5th Avenue Financial
Financial Aid Consultant San Francisco Small Business Costless Maintenance President
San Jose State University Commission Protection Malay, Paulita L., MFT
Services, Inc. Island Huts, Inc

VIII FILIPINA WOMEN’S NETWORK | w w w. f f w n . o r g

Malonzo, Edna M.D. Murray, Edna Biscocho Pico, Giovannie San Juan-Geronimo, Tancinco, Lourdes Villanueva, Nicole
Veterinarian / Realtor Clerk, Alameda County Actor Laarni, RN Attorney, Partner Events & Public Relations
Assure Financial Realty Professional Massage Founder, “May K:” The Public Health Nurse Tancinco Law Offices Associate
Therapist Giovannie Pico Foundation San Mateo County Public Breathe California
Mamon, Anna Health Department Tantay-Wilson, Theresa
MBA Student Mutuc, Margarita Piñon, Loraine Abegaile Director of Health Promotion Villena, Anna RN, FNP-C, Ph.D.
Masagung School of Business Vault Supervisor Actor Sanchez, Maria Rowena Rutgers University – Newark ANA/MFP-SAMHSA Fellow
University of San Francisco Consulate Film Ltd. Mendoza UCSF School of Nursing
Querol Moreno, Cherie Consul General San Francisco Tintiangco, Virna
Mangahas, Elena Nery, Rowena Community Outreach Director, Business Villena, Maria
Co-Chair CoreMed Staff Coordinator Sandarusi, Vanessa Development Personal Banker
Little Manila Foundation Community Overcoming Administrative Director Jeeba Solutions Wells Fargo Bank
Program Analyst Nazareno, May Relationship Abuse (CORA) Miami Valley Hospital
San Joaquin County Worknet Actor, Playwright, Tomlinson, Celia Vistan, Jocelyne
Artistic Director Recto, Arianne Santos Yap, Bettina President & CEO Healthcare Ombudsman /
Mangahas, Minette Lee The Panama Theatre Project Actor Marketing Consultant Rhombus P.A. Inc. Engineers Mediator
Program Associate & Consultants Kaiser Permanente
Center for Art and Public Life Nocedal, Maria Lourdes Remigio, Lorraine Schmid, Maryann
California College of the Arts Educator / GP Case Manager Assistant Vice President Owner Tursi, Carmelita M. Walker, Grace
Bernal Heights Neighborhood Heffernan Insurance Brokers The Lodge at Blue Lakes Associate State Director CEO
Marania, Vilma T. Center (BHNC) AARP California Walker & Associates, LLC
Closing Coordinator Rivera, Jamie Sumabat-Graff, Joy
RREEF, Real Estate Infrastructure Nguyen, Stella Ng Marketing Director Attorney Uichanco, Christina Yuchengco, Mona Lisa
Principal QA Engineer AlmaVia Assisted Living Tyler & Wilson, LLP Fernandez & Associates, LLP Founder, Chair and
Marilla, Lovejoy Oracle Executive Director
Information Services and Rivera, Janice Susbilla, Lina Mesina Valencia, Perla Philippine International Aid
Data Processing Services Ocampo, Blesilda Owner Movie Producer
Child Support Officer Rivera-Yip, Marie Lena’s Flowers & Gifts Yulo, Asia
Maristela, Tricia San Francisco Department of Retired Commissioner Valera, Hazel B. Outreach Coordinator
CEO Child Support Services Commission on the Status of President Asian American Donor
Robertson, Chris L. Clear Credit Exchange
Futurity, Inc. Electrical Systems Operator Women, San Mateo County Program
Olympia, Fay
Mathias, Peachy Communication Specialist PG&E Sy, Cheely Ann Velasco, Stephanie M. Zaragoza, Tessie
Public Information Officer Secretary President, JMDIAA Director, Research & Director, Center for Asian President
Department of Public Works Little Manila Foundation Knowledge Management Pacific American Students Organ Donor Rights Network
Rodis, Edna Austria Pitzer College
Registered Nurse RWD Executive Search
Mausisa, Victoria Olszewski, Clarissa Zenarosa, Carmela
Project Manager Kaiser Medical Center Villahermosa Architect, Interior Designer
Kaiser Permanente Opaon, Theresa DeGuzman, Anne Marie Ted Moudis Associates
Activist Rupel, Rosalinda Medina
McBride, Melen, Ph.D., RN Technical Services Librarian
Associate Director Oppenheim, Imelda Clifford Chance Law Firm
Stanford Geriatric Education Personal Trainer Vice President
Excel Personal Training Philippine American
Medida, Genevieve Ordonio-Dixon, Linda S.
Senior Trial Attorney
Friendship Committee
Ruaza-Malby, Maida
Fast Easy Divorce
Morgan Stanley
Equal Employment Financial Services
Mendieta, Stella Opportunity Commission Professional 582 Market Street, Suite 1004
Manager New York Life Insurance
Law Office of Osmeña, Maria Luisa, M.D. Company San Francisco, CA 94104
Joseph Sacramento Pediatrician
LiveWell Medical Clinic Salas, Sharolyn 415. 822-2222
Mendoza, Hydra Children’s Tutor
Mayor’s Education Advisor Padilla, Christine Talk Line Family Support Email:
Field Representative,
City & County of SF
Liaison to the Filipino
Board Member
SF Unifitied School District Community Salazar, Mara LDA# 38-000017
Congressman Tom Lantos Event Planner
Mendoza, Kathryn Office Manager
Marketing Manager Pallas, Chelo Accounting Offices of
Avaya Inc. SEC and GAAP Compliance Pelzner & Associates
Mendoza, Tisa URS Corporation Salaver, Luna
Founding Partner and Senior Public Information
Visioneer Pangan-Specht, Dolly Officer Terry Bautista

BUZZLEDOM Owner Bay Area Air Quality CEO
Perfect Plus Professional Management District
Mesina, Charmaine Support
Attorney; Managing Director, Sales, Evelie Delfino 1122 East 21st Street
Corporate Legal Services Pariña, June Frances POSCH Founder
Applied Materials Senior Associate Babaylan Emerging Oakland, CA 94606
SparkPR Apprenticeship & Mentoring 510. 499. 3477
Millan, Imogen, RN CCRN
Nurse Manager,
Coronary Care Unit
Parmelee-Cabrera, Pearl
Loan Consultant
Sales, Nadia
Seton Medical Center Finance Bureau, Inc. Chief Executive Officer Art and Culture Advocate
Perez, Mary Jane Philippine Times of Las Vegas Event and Strategic Planning Community Organizer
Mondejar, Marily Asia Pacific Festival & Trade
Executive Director Director
Microsoft Show
Institute for Image


Filipina Power 1898

o you know what your great realize just how amazing my great
great-grandmother was like? grandmothers were. So were yours.
Or is she a mystery to you, her
faded photos eliciting more Think about it. They and their generation
questions than answers? managed to survive the Philippine
Revolution, the Philippine-American War
I never met any of my four great and World War II, raise their families and
grandmothers. They were all born in the make sure their children were educated
mid to late 1800s. The longest lived despite the limited resources of a war-
among them, my father’s Lola Cornelia, ravaged nation.
passed away in the early 50s, almost a
decade before I was born. My mother’s In Manila Envelopes, Lt. Telfer described
Lola Emiliana died even earlier, in 1944. the Filipina women he encountered in
Yet, my parents and other family members 1898. “The women are the heads of
kept their memories alive through stories families,” he wrote. “They earn most of
that continue to fascinate and inspire me. the money and boss the ranch.” He was
amazed that Filipina women invariably
The best documented among these stories held the purse strings and ran the
are those of Lola Emiliana Cruz. Her only businesses in an age when American men
daughter and my grandfather’s sister, the usually kept their wives in the dark about
late Dr. Juliana C. Pineda, wrote about her family finances.
in the latter’s published memoirs entitled
My Life and Times (Bookman, Inc.: Quezon According to ancient traditions, Filipina
City, 1998). My great aunt Juliana herself women didn’t need to be attached to any
was a pioneer Filipina educator, suffragette man, whether husband or father, to gain valued by their communities at a level only and honed for thousands of years.
and author whose textbooks were used by social stature, own property or exercise dreamt about in the West. Underneath All the members of FWN are heirs to this
generations of Filipino school children. political influence. The reverse was true. the layers of western colonization, we Filipina power. Seen from this context,
The wife gave her husband standing and instinctively follow patterns of behavior FWN and its goals make perfect sense.
From those memoirs I picture Lola credibility in the community. our foremothers have refined over the So does the story of its chair, Tessie
Emiliana as a strong woman who bravely centuries, adroitly balancing wisdom, Zaragoza, whose struggle and success in
carried on, single-handedly raising her In fact, historians say that pre-Hispanic leadership and power with nurture, humor carving out a place for herself in America
three children after Lolo died in 1920. In 16th century bachelors were easy to spot. and sacrifice. came not with inherited money and
time she became the matriarch of a clan They were the scruffiest-looking in a influence, but with the lakas ng loob
that produced the Philippines’ first community that valued sartorial elegance. Filipina women come from an ancient (courage) and kakayahan (abilities)
dietitian, the fifth Filipina woman to Without the benefit of a wife’s care and tradition of such high social standing that handed down through generations of
become a Supreme Court justice, the “matronage,” to coin a word, the single we joke about achieving equal rights as Filipina women. The skilled leadership
founder of development communications man occupied a less-than-stellar social equivalent to stepping down from our of the Tessie Guillermos, Mona Pasquils,
at the University of the Philippines, a position. After marriage, however, he pedestals. It is sad to see this lofty Kris Valderramas and Tani Gorre Cantil-
career diplomat who was once Philippine immediately gained considerable cachet. position being undermined daily by today’s Sakauyes of our community are among
consul general in New York, and a host of His wife, on the other hand, had to global media and pop culture with its the most recent expressions of this legacy.
other accomplished professionals including marshal all her talents and energy and get baldly negative portrayals of female power
my mother who blazed her own trails as down to the serious business of becoming and its incessant, desensitizing images of We hope that as you read this issue of
nutritionist-dietitian and educator in the the center and guiding light of her home violence against women. FWN Magazine you will be inspired by the
Philippines, the Northern Marianas and and family for the rest of her life. outcomes of the 2006 FWN Summit, the
California. Here in the U.S., traditional Filipina values Future Search that laid the groundwork
This is why traditional Filipino cultures inevitably clash with a male-dominant toward advancing Filipina women in the U.
Yet, it wasn’t until I discovered hidden expected the groom’s family to pick up the local culture resistant to the prospect of a S. workplace by 2012. As we act on these
parts of Philippine history that I under- entire wedding tab, provide a dowry and woman in the Oval Office. While this good intentions, we honor the memory of
stood my foremothers more fully. Books heed the wishes of both the bride and her raises the potential for conflict in the the heroic women who were our
like Manila Envelopes: Oregon Volunteer mother on everything from the traje de workplace and in many Filipino-American foremothers and set the stage for our
Lt. George F. Telfer’s Spanish-American boda (bridal trousseau) to the wedding homes, it also offers American women and daughters’ success and well-being.
War Letters (Oregon Historical Society feast menu, down to the smallest detail. girls a unique opportunity to see and learn
Press, 1987) and Barangay (Ateneo de from a secure kind of nothing-to-prove I think your Lolas and mine would have
Manila University Press, 1997) made me Today, Filipina women are still deeply feminine power that has been exercised approved.

X FILIPINA WOMEN’S NETWORK | w w w. f f w n . o r g

Nationwide Search for the benefits of their wealth, experience, and
rights, national sovereignty and
international law as she steadfastly

100 Most Influential Behind the Scenes Leaders,

recognize Filipina women who, though
they may not have the big title or corner
pursued justice against her rapists.
Ayala Foundation USA is the nominations
sponsor of the nationwide search.“I am

Filipina Women in the U.S. office, are a driving force behind the
success of their employer or organization
and who go beyond the call to devote
excited to be working with such a
distinguished group of Filipinas. This
program supports the mission of Ayala
time, energy, and resources to support Foundation USA. The entire community
A Filipina Power 2012 Initiative. A Search for the Filipinas their community. can learn from their considerable
Who Are Shaping the Image of Filipina Women in the U.S. Emerging Leaders & Builders knowledge, experience and talents,”
said Maya Escudero, Executive Director
are Filipina women making their mark
of Ayala Foundation USA. “Together we
in a large corporate environment, or
The Filipina Women’s Network (FWN) has “Filipinas have been praised as the ‘silent can shape the discussion on trends and
displaying high energy and skill in a
launched a groundbreaking endeavor to but talented minority group’ and at the implications that will affect the future of
leadership role at a nonprofit institution,
bring together a group of Filipina women same time perceived as ‘submissive the Filipino community in America and
government agency or organization in
recognized for their influence in shaping and exotic’, overlooking their leadership will greatly improve perceptions of
any field.
the Filipino American community and management skills. It is time that Filipinos worldwide.”
nationally, in their local communities, we actively promote Filipina women’s “Nicole” honors Filipina women whose
Nominations are accepted until Wednesday,
in their organizations and professional capacities to lead, innovate, and persuade. words, actions, and attitude, inspire
May 30, 2007. Online submissions only.
practices, and in public policy and FWN has a highly educated and others to act and revolutionize our
To request access to the nomination site,
industry. experienced talent pool: 63% of our society’s way of understanding traditional
and for corporate sponsorships, please
members have graduate and college beliefs and customs. This category is
The nationwide search for the 100 Most contact FWN by sending an email to
degrees and collectively represent hundreds inspired by “Nicole” who sparked an
Influential Filipina Women in the U.S. will
of years of significant management and international debate about women’s
identify Filipinas who have shifted the
industry experience. It is a shame that
course of events in their own areas of
many Filipina women are not recognized
influence through ideas, activities, or

in their positions of power and influence.
interactions using persuasion or advice or
We need to change that,“said Marily
street smarts. Recognizing these women
Mondejar, President of the Filipina
is a critical step in changing public F i l i p i n a W o m e n ’s N e t w o r k
Women’s Network. “This nationwide
perceptions of Filipina women’s capacities
search is a big part of the game plan

to lead, innovate, and influence society.
for Filipina Power 2012.”
An initiative of Filipina Power 2012, a
result of the Filipina Summit’s Future
Search last October, the search was born
with a powerful purpose: To create strong
leadership in the Filipina American Founders & Pioneers honor Filipina T H U, O C T 25 – S AT, O C T 27, 2007
community by 2012. women in their capacity as the chief W A S H I N G T O N D . C .
executive, president, executive director,
“As the Summit participants brainstormed A LEARNING JOURNEY TO SUMMIT HIGHLIGHTS:
or founder of a company, community
how to adapt and succeed in the future, THE CENTER OF POWER
» Conversations with
organization, or business venture that
it was clear that FWN’s mission and goals More than a field trip, women elected officials
they helped start, build or significantly
will take on an increasingly significant symposium or forum,
grow. » Navigating the halls of
role in changing biases against Filipina Learning Journeys
the Capitol
women’s leadership abilities,” said FWN Innovators and Thought Leaders immerse us in the
Board Chair, Tessie Zaragoza. ”The recognize Filipina women who have reality – and long-range » Merienda at The White
selection of the 100 Most Influential broken new ground through vibrant, implications – of the House
Filipina Women in the U.S. will allow FWN energetic presentations of critical ideas, politics of government. » Filipina Power 2012:
These experiences enable The Game Plan
to support these role models so they can transforming the way people think, such us to deepen, accelerate,
continue to create breakthroughs and as pop culture, arts and letters, or have and internalize our own » Recognition of the 100
‘womantor’ the next generation of improved the lives of others by helping learning about the business Most Influential Filipina
Filipina leaders, an effective form of develop a product or service in the fields of government, advocacy Women in the U.S.
succession planning.” of science, technology, biotechnology, or and policy-making. FILIPINAS OF THE FUTURE:
medicine. Learning Journeys
The 100 Most Influential Filipina Women reflect our conviction that Has the politics of
in the U.S. is a celebration of 100 years Policymakers & Visionaries ÓB!eftl!jt!b!ebohfspvt! the most powerful learning government changed, or is
of Filipino presence in America. They will recognize Filipina women leaders who qmbdf!gspn!xijdi! occurs through experience it our understanding of
be honored at a special awards event are making a difference in government up!wjfx!uif!xpsme/Ô and interaction, not from the politics of government
during the Fifth Annual Filipina Summit policies or laws that impact business, !Ñ!Kpio!MfDbssf books or speeches. that has changed?
scheduled for October 25 – 27, 2007 industry, and society and who enrich the
in Washington DC. lives and careers of others by sharing the For more information:


Filipina Women’s Network
P. O. Box 192143
San Francisco, CA 94119
Phone: 415. 278. 9410
Fax: 415. 840. 0655
Web site:
<?B?F?D7MEC;DÊID;JMEHA Fundraising Events, Corporate Sponsorships and Naming Opportunities
Mission Statement
Established in 2001, FWN’s Partner with the Filipina Women’s Network and support Filipina women, America’s
mission is to enhance public
perceptions of Filipina women’s untapped source for leadership and talent.
capacities to lead, change biases
against Filipina women’s
leadership abilities and promote
the entry of Filipina women into FILIPINA WOMEN AGAINST other succeed and cultivating Publication date: March 2007. Call
positions of leadership in VIOLENCE future community leaders. Sponsor (415) 278-9410 to place an ad or go
corporate, government, and Campaign to end violence against a womantoring circle. to
nonprofit sectors. Filipina women and girls in Call (415) 278-9410.
collaboration with Eve Ensler’s FILIPINA WOMEN WHO COULD
FWN achieves its mission through V-Day Organization. The V-Day 2007 FIFTH ANNUAL FILIPINA BE PRESIDENT
public education forums that Spotlight will be on Women in SUMMIT: FILIPINAS NOW! Emerging Leaders program for
heighten Filipina women’s Conflict Zones because war October 25 – 27, 2006 Filipina women. Building the Filipina
visibility, research on Filipina exponentially increases the crimes of Washington D.C. community’s pipeline of qualified
women’s issues, leadership, skill violence against women and girls. leaders, to increase the odds that
building and career development
programs for Filipina women, and Nationwide Search for the 100 Most some will rise to the president
influencing popular culture. All-Filipina women benefit production Influential Filipina Women in the U.S. position in all sectors. Sponsor a
of “The Vagina Monologues” (TVM) “presidential candidate.”Call
Goals 2007-08 performed in English and Tagalog Attention Corporations: (415) 278-9410.
Increase financial assistance (“Usaping Puki”). Presented in March Nominate outstanding Filipina
capabilities to ensure that FWN annually in celebration of Women’s women in your organization. Plan FILIPINA WOMEN’S NETWORK
educational programs and events History Month. Your Participation Now! Send your MAGAZINE
are accessible to Filipina women Filipina employees to the Summit. Annual publication about the nuances
of all socio-economic Two coast-to-coast shows Call (415) 278-9410. of Filipina culture, empowerment
backgrounds. (San Francisco and New York). articles, career strategies, and
The Filipina Summit is convened highlighting the accomplishments of
Increase FWN’s network of Filipina
women business owners and SAN FRANCISCO in October because the earliest Filipina women in the U. S. Publication
those employed in corporations, March 24, 2007 documented proof of Filipino date: Fall 2007. To place an ad,
government and nonprofit Herbst Theatre presence in the Continental United call (415) 278-9410 or go to
organizations and utilize the 401 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco States was in October 1587 in Morro
database as a leadership pipeline Bay, California.
for corporate visibility. NEW YORK “KAIBIGAN NG FWN”
Endow the Filipina Leadership The Philippine Center, NYC RESOURCE GUIDE Endow research projects and
Development and Womantoring 556 Fifth Avenue, New York Annual publication designed to educational programs about the
Program provide a voice for domestic violence Filipina American Experience.
COUNCIL OF REMARKABLE survivors and Filipina women and Call (415) 278-9410 for naming
Generate operating funds for the
establishment of a national FILIPINA WOMEN girls in abusive situations including a opportunities and for sponsorships.
headquarters and research library Womantoring Circles – creating a resource list of domestic violence
to house our historical collection community of Filipinas helping each agencies, shelters, legal and counseling
documenting the achievements of services and law enforcement offices.
Filipina women in the U.S.
How to reach the Filipina Women’s Network • P. O. Box 192143, San Francisco, CA 94119 • Phone: 415 / 278. 9410 • Fax: 415 / 840. 0655 •
The views and opinions of advertisers and contributors expressed in this publication do not necessarily state or reflect those of Filipina Women’s Network.
© 2007 Filipina Women’s Network. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be published without the expressed written permission of the publisher.

XII FILIPINA WOMEN’S NETWORK | w w w. f f w n . o r g

Filipina Women are Changing the Face of Politics
Voters gave Mae These women join a
Cendaña the highest growing group of
number of votes among Gertrude Gregorio
ten candidates vying
for three seats on the Hydra Mendoza
board of the Ambrose
Recreation and Park Joanne Del Rosario
District (ARPD) last
December. She had Kris Valderrama
previously served as
Gertrude Gregorio Hydra Mendoza Joanne Del Rosario Kris Valderrama appointed incumbent Mae Cendaña
won her bid for one is the first Filipina won a close race with won her bid for a seat board member. The
of two open posts for elected to public office long-term council in Maryland’s House of ARPD is in Contra Vilma Guinto Peoro
the New Haven Unified in San Francisco. She member Philip Lum for Delegates and took Costa County, northeast
School District placed second in her a seat on the Colma office on January 10, of the San Francisco Ruth Asmundson
Governing Board in bid for one of the three Town Council. Colma is 2007. Representing Bay.
recent elections. spots in the San located between Daly District 26 of Prince Rachel Puno Juliana
Francisco Board of City and South San George’s County, where Cendaña is executive
She is Dean of the Education, with 52,128 Francisco. Maryland adjoins secretary to the vice
Adaptive Learning votes or 13.02% of the Washington, DC, Kris president of student
Division (ALD) at total votes cast. Del Rosario is President ran on the platform, affairs, University of
Foothill College of the of the Filipino American “Advocating the Best California Office of
Foothill – De Anza Mendoza is former Association of Colma for our Children.” the President. It should be noted that
Community College Executive Director and and serves as a director She seeks to address Vilma Guinto Peoro
District, one of the a founding member on the board of the the issue of growing A civic leader in her ran an aggressive
largest community of Parents for Public Filipino American numbers of children community and a grassroots campaign
college districts in the Schools of San Coalition. with no medical fitness buff, Cendaña or San Francisco
United States serving Francisco, a national insurance. pledged to expand Supervisor in District 2
about 44,000 students organization that She is an Executive recreation services to against incumbent,
each quarter. engages parents and Assistant in a hedge Valderrama has had teens and seniors in her Michela Alioto-Pier
community members fund based in New York successful careers in area and to continue granddaughter of
Gregorio attended toward supporting, City with offices in San respiratory therapy, her efforts to improve former San Francisco
Harvard University’s promoting and Francisco. She has also communication and park and trail safety. Mayor Joseph Alioto.
Management improving public worked in various politics. She was active Guinto Peoro received
Development Program education. capacities at some of in the labor movement She attended high 17.25% of the total
in 1999. She earned the top law firms in for over a decade school at Saint Paul votes cast.
a Master of Arts In 2005, Mayor Gavin the Bay Area, at Xerox campaigning and College of Manila and
degree in Educational Newsom appointed Corporation and in the rallying in support of has a bachelor’s degree A Bay Area restaurateur,
Administration, Mendoza as his fields of banking and working family issues. in tourism management Guinto Peoro has a
Organization and Education Advisor and finance. She was Chair of the from the University of political heritage of her
Leadership at the Liaison to the San Asian Pacific American the Philippines. She own, being grand-
University of San Francisco Unified School Born in New York City Democratic Caucus of made her mark as a daughter of the late
Francisco. She obtained District. Hydra is married in 1953, Del Rosario Maryland from 1996 singer-recording artist Leon Guinto, former Elected Filipinas are
her Bachelor of Science to family physician lived in Yonkers, NY to 1997. and fashion industry governor of Tayabas trailblazers Ruth
degree in Foreign Ricardo Alvarez who until the age of 12. entrepreneur before (now Quezon) Province Asmundson, Mayor
Service and has a non-profit HIV / She studied in both the Kris was born in moving to the US in in the Philippines, and of Davis, California
International Relations AIDS clinic in San United States and the Washington, DC in 1988. She is proud of mayor of war-time and Rachel Puno
from the University Francisco’s Mission Philippines and came 1970 and obtained her her two grown children, Manila. Juliana, Trustee of the
of the Philippines. District. They live in to live in California in bachelor’s degree in Tallulah and Yves who Jefferson Union High
Bernal Heights with 1978, moving to Colma respiratory therapy in both support her civic School District. Both
their two children, in 2001. 1996 from the Salisbury efforts. won the first time they
Ashoka and Santiago. State University. She ran for office.
and husband Abraham
Lobo of Seattle, Asmundson was the
ÓPvs!effqftu!gfbs!jt!opu!uibu!xf!bsf!jobefrvbuf/!Pvs!effqftu! Washington have two top vote getter in the
daughters, Jordan age Davis City Council race
gfbs!jt!uibu!xf!bsf!qpxfsgvm!cfzpoe!nfbtvsf/!Ju!jt!pvs!mjhiu-!opu! 4 and Evan age 2. in June 2006. First
pvs!ebsloftt-!uibu!gsjhiufot!vt!nptu/!Xf!btl!pvstfmwft-!ÕXip! elected to the city
council in 2002, she is
bn!J!up!cf!csjmmjbou-!hpshfpvt-!ubmfoufe-!boe!gbnpvt@Ö!Bduvbmmz-! currently mayor pro tem
xip!bsf!zpv!opu!up!cf@Ô!!Ñ!Nbszboof!Xjmmjbntpo and will serve as mayor
in 2008 - 2010.


W O M E N ’ S N E T W O R K ( &&*YWijWdZYh[mm_j^[l[[dib[h





Game Plan for Filipina Power 2012.
Time Capsule 2012: A Pioneer Pinay’s Wish List The Five Action Projects:

for all Filipina Women BY MONA LISA YUCHENGCO

A time capsule is a way for us to deliver
important messages that we create today to
loved ones at some time in the future. You
can put whatever is meaningful in the capsule
and it will be returned and given to designated
heirs in the future. We are giving someone in
the future a sense of who we are today and
what life was like for us.

Marily also asked me to give some insights on Action 1: Capacity Building

what I thought Filipino American women
could achieve in the year 2012. Rather than
give general comments, I’d like to give you my
own personal wish list. This list contains what
I hope Filipino American women, and other
women at large, should achieve. We may not
have it completed by 2012, but at least if we
start working towards it now, we will be
ready to make and accept the changes then.
Maybe it will make the Catholic Church more » I wish women be allowed to wear what
Here’s my wish list to empower women, compassionate! they want without being labeled a slut or a
not necessarily in this order: loony and/or persecuted for cultural and
» I wish women equal pay with their male » I wish for more stories on women and religious beliefs. A mini skirt, a veil, a
counterparts. Women are still earning only their issues. White males are the storytellers plunging neckline, a burqa, a hijab or a Action 2: Support Systems
76 cents on the dollar compared to men and and the resource persons. Women stories Cossack – it doesn’t matter what we wear –
get very little recognition for the work that have declined by 41% despite making up it does not give people an excuse to kill us
they do. While we make 24% less than men, more than half of the population. Women in like what happened recently to an Afghan
we control 75% of household finances and news are likely features in stories about woman in Fremont.
85% of purchasing decisions. In other words, accidents, natural disasters and domestic
violence than in stories about their » I wish women as mothers, grandmothers,
vote with your dollars! We should support aunts, teachers and mentors would raise
women-owned businesses and corporations professional abilities or expertise. Women also
only account for 1/3 of the journalists across critical thinkers. Ask our children to think for
that promote women into management and themselves. Encourage them to ask “why”
executive positions. In the same token, the nation.
and question the status quo. After all, the
women should support organizations that » I wish that women be allowed to decide children are our future. On a personal level,
further women’s issues and equality. We need what to do with their own bodies and I wish my granddaughter Ashley will be
to give our time and money. reproductive rights. If men had the ability speaking to you in the year 2020 instead Action 3: Infrastructure
» I wish women would be free from poverty. to bear children, you can be sure this would of me.
Unfortunately, more and more women are the be a non-issue. Archaic and horrible practices
such as female genital mutilation should be I realize that this wish list looks like or sounds
ones who suffer the most poverty. As the like the Constitution, but even during the
saying goes, “Women do two-thirds of the outlawed immediately.
early years, the signers of the Constitution
world’s work, receive 10% of the world’s » I wish women to be free of rape, sexual had to dream of a world that they would be
income and own 1% of the means of assault, domestic violence and trafficking. happy to live in, and this is the kind of world
production.” In 2004, there were 210,000 victims over the I would like to live in for the remaining years
» I wish more women in politics and age of 12 of rape, attempted rape or sexual of my life.
government positions. In 2005, only 15% of assault while as many as 324,000 women
experience domestic violence every year The feminist author Barbara Ehrenreich wrote
the members of Congress were women, yet in “What Abu Graib Taught Me” the following
we make up half of the population. We need during their pregnancy. Let’s not forget that
50% to 70% of men who abuse women also quotes: “What we need is a tough new kind
to elect women into office so that we can of feminism with no illusions. Women do not
have more legislation passed to benefit us. abuse children. In the same vein, I wish that
we would be free of any war because war is change institutions simply by assimilating into Action 4: Forums and Panels
» I wish women to be free of discrimination. just another excuse for women to be raped. them, only by consciously deciding to fight
We need to abolish all discrimination, adopt for change. We need a feminism that teaches
laws to prohibit discrimination and establish » I wish women will treat their bodies with a woman to say no – not just to the date
institutions to protect women against respect, giving it enough rest, fueling it with rapist or overly insistent boyfriend but, when
discrimination. a variety of foods, exercising it moderately necessary, to the military or corporate
and listening to what it needs. There is no hierarchy within which she finds herself…
» I wish more women in the clergy. Currently need to adhere to society’s pressures of It is not enough to be equal to men, when
women only make up 15% of the nation’s “thinness.” We have to believe that self- the men are acting like beasts. It is not
clergy. I think it’s about time the Catholic esteem and identity come from within! enough to assimilate. We need to create a
Church accepts women priests and deacons. world worth assimilating into.”

02 FILIPINA WOMEN’S NETWORK | w w w. f f w n . o r g

Action 5: Shape the Filipina Image

Blown Away
at the FWN
Future Search

Coming together as a community on how to

‘Blown away’ puts it mildly. it wasn’t about competing with each other. advance Filipina Women in the U.S. workplace
There wasn’t a “crab” in the crowd. with special guest, Victoria Manalo Draves
I had no idea what I was in for when I
decided to join FWN’s 2006 Summit as one Perhaps it was FWN President Marily
of the Network’s newest members. Mondejar’s warmly welcoming, inclusive
mind-set. Maybe it’s because FWN
No idea that in one weekend I would members have seen the enemy and realized
meet an Olympic legend, be touched by it is not one another.
an author reading from her new book,
get tips for success from two of the most Whatever made it different, this year’s
accomplished women in the U.S. and get Summit, a Future Search, was one big,
to know a roomful of other prominent, sometimes mystifying, always thought-
competent, friendly, thoroughly interesting provoking and ultimately satisfying process
Filipina women (and a handful of very that moved everyone from identifying
supportive Filipino men) of many ages, problems to planning action steps, all in a
each ready to work together for everyone’s distinctly Pinay fashion.
benefit. Future Search Facilitation Experts (l to r) Drusilla Copeland (Ander & LIndstrom), Jane Weiss
The facilitators, three women from (Great Place to Work), Marjorie Singer (U.S. Dept. of Education)
Victoria Manalo Draves, the Filipina- backgrounds other than Filipina, said ours
American athlete who became the first was the prettiest Future Search setting
woman in the world ever to win two gold they’d ever seen. No one else had thought
medals in the Olympics, graced our opening to cover the center of the conference floor That’s how Filipina women have done Mindful of these challenges, we began
on the same day a park would be named with intricately hand-woven, Philippine- things through the ages – with panache, Future Search by examining our historical
after her in the San Francisco neighborhood made pandanus mats in red, green, yellow beauty and grace, making guests, friends context from global, national and personal
where she grew up. It seemed fitting that and beige; place a Tree of Hope in the and family feel honored by going the extra perspectives. In stakeholder or mixed
I should take a photo of a woman who middle, festoon it with pink and purple mile and offering the best. groups we mapped the complex world of
lived up to her name despite the racial cards tied with gossamer pink ribbons; the Filipina woman in the U.S.
segregation of her time, standing next artfully scrunch lengths of pink and green Their best is what Filipina women have
to Maria Lourdes, a young community sinamay around it, and dot the area with been pouring into all sectors of U.S. society Dreaming big with “Ate Ops”
organizer who was preparing for law school floor pillows that invited people to throw for generations. Yet, as with the rest of the
in post 9/11 America. formality aside and just sit and visit. Filipino-American community, the lack of Then it was time to dream. We
national recognition and visibility is at odds brainstormed with abandon, dramatizing
As I listened to Evangeline Canonizado They were again impressed when San with their considerable accomplishments. and crafting visions of what could and
Buell read moving passages from her Francisco-based Filipina designer and should be, with sometimes hilarious and
autobiographical Twenty-five Chickens and caterer Paule Tenchavez, another Future Domestic violence and various forms always inspiring results.
a Pig for a Bride (T’Boli Publishing, 2006), Search participant, set a Philippine- of discrimination in the workplace and
I had the strong sense that I would treasure themed table that delighted both eyes elsewhere, still plague Pinays in the US. A circa 2012 “TV show” hosted by
this jewel of a moment for the rest of and taste buds. “Bongga” was the Filipino And for all its benefits, the Information Age “Ate Ops” (Elena’s elegant Pinay send up
my life. word I shared with the facilitators as we has spawned an insidious new stumbling of Oprah) featured a guest list of illustrious
munched on artfully arranged fresh fruit, block – a pervasive online image of Filipina Filipina women who recounted their
The women who came to the conference “Lumpianitas” (SF Consul General Rowena women as being so poverty-stricken and groundbreaking achievements. Our group
had worked long and hard to achieve Sanchez’s apt term for tiny meat-filled desperate that they are forced into the built a model dream building that would
their goals. You couldn’t say they weren’t Lumpiang Shanghai) and Beef Caldereta mail-order bride industry or worse, into house FWN and its services in 2012, having
competitive. Yet everyone arrived at FWN’s over hot rice – for breakfast. prostitution. (Continued on page 10)
2006 Annual Summit seeming to know tha


Image Builds It is the mission of the Center to:

• Nurture, promote and propagate
Philippine culture

• Promote investments to the Philippines


The Institute for Image Management » Corporate Savvy Philippine products
has developed a unique approach to ’<j]kkaf_lgAfÛm]f[] • Encourage foreign tourists to visit the
helping indviduals and organizations » Seven Aspects of Image Philippines
\]Úf]l`]ek]dn]kYf\[geemfa[Yl]oal` » Career Management
• Enhance the image of the Philippines
relevance and credibility to important » Executive Coaching The Philippine Center in San Francisco
internal and external audiences. » Life Planning is composed of two adjoining buildings The Center is an intelligent building venue
» Culture Image 360 Assessment located on Sutter Street, a block away from that showcases the best in the Filipino.
prestigious Union Square and within a mile Improvements include a fully renovated and
The Institute for Doing Business in the of San Francisco’s financial district. modern Consulate lobby, a Business Center,
FOR ORGANIZATIONS Executive Suites for Lease, Art and Culture
understanding of the cultural nuances » Change Management Because of their extensive history, the City Exchange Galleries, A Movie and Screening
of San Francisco has defined the Philippine Room and ultimately the conversion of
affecting international executives » Scenario Planning Center Buildings as historical landmarks. The the 447 Lobby into the Cultural Center of
and teams operating in the U.S., and ’Ogjc^gj[];gfkmdlaf_Yf\ buildings were purchased by the Philippine the Philippines in San Francisco. Wealth
afl]jfYlagfYdZmkaf]kk]koYflaf_lg Outplacement government in 1974 and are managed by of information about the Center may be
the Philippine Center Management Board. accessed at
expand operations in the U.S. » Facilitation and Training
For more information about the center please contact: The Business Office, The Philippine Center
I F Institute for 447 Sutter Street, Suite 518, SF, CA 94108 | Tel: (415) 982-6153 | Fax: (415) 982 1232
Call for a career image consultation Image Email:
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Ihaw Ihaw Restaurant


04 FILIPINA WOMEN’S NETWORK | w w w. f f w n . o r g

Remarkable Filipina
Women of 2007
HYDRA MENDOZA, Mayor Newsom’s
Education Advisor and Board Member of
the San Francisco Unified School District,
is the first Filipina elected to public office
in San Francisco. (For more on Hydra, see
page 10).
Director of Ayala Foundation USA, and
is active with fundraising events in the
San Francisco Bay Area’s mid-peninsula
community and its schools.
In the ‘90s, she served as Executive
Director of two organizations: Physicians Clockwise from top left:
for Social Responsibility, Stanford- Hydra Mendoza, Maya Ong Escudero,
Silicon Valley Chapter, and Hesperian Nana Luz, Tani Gorre Cantil-Sakauye and
Foundation, Palo Alto, CA. In the ‘80s, Odette Alcazaren-Keeley.
Escudero did community philanthropy
work with the Vanguard Public
Foundation in San Francisco and the
United Way of Santa Clara County, CA.
of the youngest judges in the State of
She moved to the U.S. in the late ‘70s at California. (Please see page 13 for the
the height of efforts to depose Ferdinand full article on Justice Cantil-Sakauye).
Marcos. For her part, Escudero served as
National Coordinator of Friends of the FILIPINA VOICES Panelist and Moderator
Filipino People in Boston, MA, and ran ODETTE ALCAZAREN-KEELEY is
the San Francisco office of Alliance for Chief of Staff of New America Media.
Philippine Concerns. She also hosts and produces “Headlines
from the Ethnic Media” for a San
She has a B.A. and an M.A. in English, Francisco radio station and is a freelance
is married with two grown children, producer / contributor for “Pacific Time,”
and loves classical music, rock ‘n roll, a program airing on local PBS affiliate
crossword puzzles, hiking and M&M’s. KQED-FM.
NANA LUZ, President & CEO of After nearly a decade as a Philippine
Softype, Inc. co-founded the company in media professional, Keeley moved to
2000. She works with business owners the U.S. in 2000 and was doing an
and managers in US, Europe, Africa and internship at a local PBS station when
Asia, managing Softype’s professional the 9/11 tragedy struck. Her Philippine
staff toward making technological connections proved invaluable when the
solutions work for small and medium station needed Asian perspectives on the
businesses around the globe. global war on terrorism.
Luz calls herself a serial entrepreneur From 2002 to 2005, she served as News
with her sixteen years in the printing Executive Producer and Head Writer
business and four years in international of ABS-CBN International’s “Balitang
sourcing. She has a bachelor’s degree America.”
in International Relations from Stanford
University. Alcazaren-Keeley graduated cum laude
with a degree in BA Communication,
TANI GORRE CANTIL- SAKAUYE, major in Broadcast Communication and
Madam Justice of the Third District minor in Broadcast Journalism from the
Court of Appeal was the first woman University of the Philippines, Diliman. She
of Asian descent to serve as a judge in and her husband Patrick have a young
Sacramento County and, at 31, was one daughter, Zoe.


FWN’s Future Search:
Filipina Power 2012
Filipina Women’s Net work

For 2 ½ days last October 2006, FWN We generated a comprehensive set
members and representatives from of issues and opportunities, analyzed
our stakeholder groups gathered for data, and forged a common vision of C E L E B R AT I N G 100 Y E A R S O F F I L I P I N O S I N A M E R I C A
a Future Search Conference with one how we want Filipina women to be
task: Develop a Game Plan On How perceived in the next generation.
To Advance Filipina Women in the U.S.
Workplace. These action items set the groundwork
for the Filipina Women’s Network that
Working through a carefully-designed emerged out of our understanding of
format facilitated by future search where we’ve been, what’s happening
experts, we came together and found now, and the direction we wanted our
common ground, discovered strong organization to take. The conference
reasons to build community, made came at a point in FWN’s history when
commitments, and set a clear direction we were ready to explore, as well
and action items on how to grasp as reconfirm our basic values, and
opportunities available to us that will generate a shared vision among our
propel Filipina women to a place of stakeholders.
Pinay Power by 2012.


Focus on the Past

Participants listed notable milestones (before 1976 thru 2006) from three perspectives:
Personal – key life experiences from participants’ lives (what you did and what you

06 FILIPINA WOMEN’S NETWORK | w w w. f f w n . o r g

Friday, October 27 –
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Philippine Center
447 Sutter Street
San Francisco


Day One
Past: Where We’ve Been

Day Two
Present: Where We Are

Future: Where We Want to Be

Day Three
Action: How We Get There

The Filipina Summit’s Future

Search Conference was
guided by the Open Space
» Whoever comes are the
right people.
» Whatever happens is the
only thing that could have
» Whatever time it begins
is the right time.
» When it’s over, it’s over. On the second day, we discussed the present trends affecting Filipina women in the U.S. workplace so we can build a shared picture of
the world we live in, discover how we can deal with it and plan for 2012. We created a Mind Map of all trends affecting us today.


The World 2nd perspective: The World – We listed significant global events that have shaped our society (before 1976
thru 2006). We asked the questions “What happened?” and “Why are these events important?”

The Filipino American Community

3rd perspective: Filipino American Community – “Studying the past tells us about the present and the future” - Marily Mondejar

We looked back before

1976 thru 2006 and asked
“what has been done in our
community?” and “what has
been accomplished?”

08 FILIPINA WOMEN’S NETWORK | w w w. f f w n . o r g

“Prouds” and “Sorries” – we owned up to what we did and are doing now; taking
responsibility for our own actions. We listened to our stakeholders – “what’s working”
and “what’s not” in relation to Filipina Women and the Filipino American community.

The most important accomplishment

of the summit was our unanimous
adoption of our values that will guide
how we communicate with each other
and which will form the basis of our
operating principles:
- honesty - accountability
- integrity - inclusivity
- conviction - “bridging the
- compassion gap”
- competence - responsibility
- excellence - trust
- beauty - self-confidence
- honor - optimism
- magnanimity - effective
- education communication
- power - health
- leadership - wellness
- creativity - holistic (mind,
- inspiration body, spirit,
- humility culture / history)


Blown Away (from page 3)
the latest technologies and The Vagina
Monologues’ own theater. Another group
staged an awards program starring no
less than the first Filipina vice-president
of the U.S.

Finally, we chose the action areas we all

wanted to be involved based on what
sparked everyone’s imagination and
passion. Good ideas not everyone was
excited about were set aside for another
forum. This was a significant departure from
other planning conferences in which I had
taken part. The idea was to set ourselves up
for optimal follow-through increasing the
potential for success.

We formed action teams; listed goals

that we believe will make the greatest
impact by 2012, and scheduled the first
implementation meetings.

Having seen how FWN members operate

that weekend, it was easy for me to picture
this Future Search morphing into a Present
that we will be proud to hand over to
our daughters.

Fay Alvarez Olympia is a writer and editor

with over 20 years of experience in print
and broadcast media, public information,
corporate and community training. She has
a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the
University of the Philippines. After moving
to the US with her husband and daughter in
1999, she became passionate about Filipino
culture and Philippine-American history.
Having worked for a time as director of a
tutoring center in Stockton, CA, she has
since returned to writing and editing. She
currently serves on the board of the Little
Manila Foundation and joined the FWN
last fall.

10 FILIPINA WOMEN’S NETWORK | w w w. f f w n . o r g

STEERING COMMITTEE Franklin M. Ricarte Rowena Mendoza
Producer Sanchez
Agnes Briones Ubalde V-Day New York Philippine Consul General
Executive Director in San Francisco
Small Business Fay Olympia
Commission Communication Specialist Tessie Zaragoza
City and County of Board Secretary Chair, FWN Board
San Francisco Little Manila Foundation Filipino Research Project
Institute on Domestic
Al Perez Genevieve Dwyer Violence – APIAHF
President President
Filipino American Arts Genevieve’s Corporation
Lorna Lardizabal Dietz
Anna Mamon Strategy Consultant Drusilla Copeland
MBA Student Partner
University of Ander & Lindstrom
San Francisco Mae Brana
Ben Menor MBA Student University of Marjorie Singer
Filipino Community Activist San Francisco Organization Development
and Training Specialist
Blesilda Ocampo J.D. Maria Lourdes Nocedal
Child Support Officer Community Organizer Jane Weiss
SF Department of KmB Pro People Senior Consultant
Child Support Services Youth USA Great Place to Work
Edna Casteel Marily Mondejar
Fiscal Officer & President
Pre-Award Manager Filipina Women’s Network
California Pacific Medical Executive Director
Center Research Institute Institute for Image
On the third day, we imagined a future for Filipina Women in the U.S. We Management
Elena Mangahas
listened for images and hopes. We crafted significant ideas and ideal futures Co-Chair Nini Alvero
that give meaning, dignity and purpose for Filipina Women in 2012. Little Manila Foundation Philippine Trade Commissioner
U.S. Western Region


Remarkable Filipina Women
of 2006 2006
he FWN Council of Remarkable Filipina Having built strong relationships with key
Women introduced its newest members editors and reporters at top business and
last summer with “Celebrating Filipina VC (venture capitalist) media outlets, Ms. Pariña June Frances Pariña Jocelyn Vistan Linda Ordonio-Dixon
Women in America,” a lively and thought- has placed her clients in feature stories in
provoking dialogue on being Filipina in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal,
the American workplace. USA Today, Forbes and BusinessWeek,
among others. Before joining Sparkpr, she
One of a series of events honoring 100 years worked for six years at The Blueshirt Group,
of Filipino achievements and contributions an investor relations (IR) and financial
to American business and society, the FWN communications boutique where she ran
sponsored event moderated by Manila Bulletin financial media and investor relations for its
USA Editor Henni Espinosa featured discussions venture capital, private equity, investment

June Frances Pariña

on biculturalism, career barriers and opportunities. banking, and financial services clients. Marissa Aroy Nini Alvero Henni Jay Espinosa
Panelists shared personal insights into how they
have succeeded in their chosen fields and why Prior to Blueshirt Pariña spent two years at
Filipina women are leading the way. Financial Relations Board working with leading LINDA ORDONIO-DIXON is a Senior Her film, “Step Show: Portrait of a Black
Internet, e-commerce, and telecom companies. Trial Attorney with the Equal Employment Fraternity” screened at various film festivals
“Remarkable Filipina Women” are She also taught Business English in Augsburg, Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in San including the New York International Film and
entrepreneurs, organizational advocates, and Germany, having received a dual Bachelor of Francisco. Over the ten years she has been with Video Festival, The Black Hollywood Film Festival,

Jocelyn Vistan
thought leaders – some are prominent, some Arts in German and Sociology from the the Commission, Ms. Ordonio-Dixon has worked Black Harvest Film Festival in Chicago, and the
still to be discovered – in fields where the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. on a wide range of employment discrimination Film Arts Festival in San Francisco. Marissa holds
future is being created. cases, one of which was EEOC v. Stockton Steel a Bachelor of Arts degree from Boston College
JOCELYNE VISTAN began her career in the – a religious discrimination case which alleged and a Masters degree from the Graduate School
They bring to us key developments to watch health care field as a Reproductive Health that Muslim employees were prevented from of Journalism at University of California,
and issues they track in their respective fields. Specialist at Planned Parenthood, performing praying during their breaks and were subjected Berkeley.
They come from many areas of specialization – HIV and pregnancy options counseling for teens to offensive name calling such as “rag head”

Linda Ordonio-Dixon
science and technology, culture and civilization, and women. and “terrorist.” The case was settled for 1.1 NINI ALVERO has served with the Philippine
geopolitics and the environment. million dollars. Government for twenty-five years, in various
Her experience and passion for women’s health capacities at the Department of Trade and
“Remarkable Filipina Women” stretch our motivated Ms. Vistan to explore leadership roles She also worked to win EEOC v. Harris Farms – Industry in the fields of economic research,
thinking by pointing out issues that may be off as Center Manager for the Daly City clinic and a sexual harassment lawsuit on behalf of a industry and trade policy, export marketing
everyone’s radar screen, by reframing facts in eventually as the Planned Parenthood Regional Fresno farm worker that resulted in a unanimous and investment promotion, and bilateral and

Nini Alvero
surprising ways, and by finding connections Director for San Francisco and San Mateo one million dollar verdict, and EEOC v. Saipan multilateral government to government relations.
between divergent developments. Counties. Grand Hotel – a sexual harassment lawsuit on
behalf of Filipina contract workers in Saipan She is recognized for her ability to develop the
Let’s get to know these Remarkable After seven years in the nonprofit sector, which settled for $400,000. potential of Philippine export products in foreign
Filipina Women: Jocelyne moved on to Kaiser Permanente and markets by conceptualizing, planning, organizing
became Member Services Director. In this Linda worked for over a decade as a machinist and successfully implementing Philippine
HENNI JAY P. ESPINOSA has been in the capacity, she performed a variety of roles from prior to becoming an attorney. Her motivation participation in numerous trade promotion

Marissa Aroy
media industry for over 6 years. She has managing the dispute resolution process to to practice employment discrimination law was activities. Her outstanding diplomatic skills
worked as reporter and producer for GMA building an Interpreter Services program that sparked by her negative experiences as a woman have earned her high marks as a top negotiator,
Channel 7, The Filipino Channel and CNN provided language services for patients with in a nontraditional trade. achieving the smooth resolution of bilateral
International. She is now editor-in-chief of limited English proficiency. and multilateral trade issues affecting the market
the Kababayan Edition of Manila Bulletin USA, MARISSA AROY’s most recent work was access of Philippine products in the countries
the only weekly Filipino community magazine Now as the Health Care Ombudsman / producing and doing camera work for “Uneasy to which she is assigned.
published in the San Francisco Bay Area. Mediator (HCOM) at the Kaiser Permanente Peace,” a film about Northern Ireland’s peace

Henni Jay Espinosa

South San Francisco Medical Center, Vistan process for Frontline World. She was post- Before her posting as Special Trade
JUNE FRANCES PARIÑA has worked in performs mediations and ensures that production supervisor for the 2006 Oscar- Representative and Trade Commissioner for the
public relations for the past eight years communications continue between both nominated documentary short, “Mushroom US Western Region, her foreign assignments
specializing in media relations for venture patients and providers even after a Club,” and worked as associate producer for included stints in Washington D.C. and the
capital and financial services firms. Currently disappointing medical outcome. three years on the HBO America Undercover cities of Los Angeles, Toronto and Paris.
she heads the venture capital accounts at Series documentary, “Rehab,” which won
Spark Public Relations or Sparkpr, a San A first generation Filipina, Jocelyne is married the Nancy Dickerson Whitehead Award
Francisco-based boutique technology public to Pru. They are the doting parents of Taiko, for journalism.
relations group. a 6-year old Shih-Tzu.

12 FILIPINA WOMEN’S NETWORK | w w w. f f w n . o r g

Setting the tone... as Filipina women embarked on a search for their future.

The future is about the power of the Mona served on the Kerry Edwards
Filipina legacy, the power of telling our presidential campaign as Deputy Political

TESSIE community’s stories,” said Mona Pasquil

at FWN’s 2006 Summit and Future Search
Director for Constituency Outreach. She
was Political Director for Governor Gray

last October in San Francisco. Davis; California Political Director for Gore
Lieberman 2000; and Deputy CEO for the
“Our future is about the past. The past 2000 Democratic National Convention in
signals what is important, what we need to Los Angeles. In 1997, Mona was appointed
know and what we need to let go.” Western Political Director in the Clinton
White House.
Her listeners hung on to these words of
wisdom from this granddaughter of Filipino She also serves as Vice Chair of Planned
immigrants and daughter of a community Parenthood Advocates Mar Monte Board of
T leader and gifted jazz pianist. Mona grew
up listening and learning to love music and
Directors, the Women’s Leadership Forum in
Washington, DC, and as a Board Member
Filipino stories. A longtime leader in the for the California Youth in Government
Asian Pacific Islander American community, Model Legislature Program.

Pasquil knows of which she speaks.
For all her groundbreaking achievements,

She is currently Vice President and is Mona is proudest of her work with The
responsible for the California operations of Asian Pacific Youth Leadership Project, and
MHSC Partners, Inc., the leading Democratic My Sister’s House, a safe haven for Asian
persuasion mail, Internet advertising and Pacific Islander victims of domestic violence.
targeting firm in America.
In a fitting gesture, immediately after her
Prior to MSHC, Mona was an Executive speech, FWN leaders presented her with a

Consultant for IBM’s State and Local check for a donation to My Sister’s House.
Government and Education Division.

Tessie Guillermo, President and CEO of Ms. Guillermo also co-founded many “Clearing The Path To Your Future”
the Community Technology Foundation of nonprofit organizations, including the
California (CTFC), delivered the keynote California Pan Ethnic Health Network,
address entitled “Filipina Power 2012” on the Community Technology Policy Council
the opening day of the 2006 FWN Summit and the National Coalition of Asian Pacific Specializing In Financial Solutions:
on October 27. Americans. • Credit Enhancement
• Debt Management
Her talk set the tone for the future search She has received numerous community • Credit Rebuilding
process with her expert recommendations leadership awards and, in 2000, then
on how FWN can mobilize the community President Bill Clinton appointed her to serve
• Debt Settlement
and use emerging technologies to identify as an inaugural member of the President’s • Business Credit Building
plausible futures and develop strategies Advisory Commission on Asian Americans • Credit Coaching for Investors
to address future uncertainties. Guillermo and Pacific Islanders. • Credit Score Analysis
proposed ways to bring the Filipina voice
to the table of national leadership to Ms. Guillermo currently serves on the Community and Professional Training:
ensure that debates over policy-making are boards of The California Endowment, • Real Estate & Sales Professionals
equitable and inclusive. a $3-billion philanthropy, and Catholic
Healthcare West, the largest hospital • Students & Immigrants
Guillermo is a co-founder and former Chair system in the state. • Home Buyers Workshops
of the CTFC Board of Directors. Before • Professional Groups & Organizations
co-founding CTFC, she served for 15 years Ms. Guillermo is a published author and
as CEO of the Asian and Pacific Islander a frequent keynote speaker on non-profit Hazel B. Valera
American Health Forum, a leading national leadership and public policy issues. She is Proud to Serve and Empower the
health policy organization. Throughout an alumna of California State University, President
her career as an advocate for underserved Hayward, a graduate of the Gallup 1-888-222-1032 Filipino Community Nationwide
communities, she has promoted issues of Leadership Institute and was a 1997 Fellow
health and technology access, services and of the Asian Pacific American Women’s
equity. Leadership Institute. She is a native of
San Francisco where she lives with her
three children.


Shoulders to Stand On:



II f you happened to meet Tani Gorre

Cantil-Sakauye for the first time at
a Girl Scout meeting or a church
basketball game, you might be
pardoned for filing her under your
mind’s Attractive-Asian-American-
Soccer-Mom-with-Long-Name category.

Once you discover who she really is,

however, you could very well decide to
accept that pardon from the Honorable
Deukmejian, Wilson and Schwarzenegger.

Ten years ago, in 1997, she established

and presided over the first court in
Sacramento dedicated solely to domestic
violence issues.

In 2005, the Metropolitan News-

Enterprise reported on her appointment
to the Court of Appeal’s Third District
Appellate bench, noting that she was
“one of the first judges in the country
Associate Justice of the California Court
to uphold the validity of an indictment
of Appeal, Third Appellate District.
against a suspect
Without a doubt, her who could only be
involvement in the lives identified by his
of daughters Hana, 11, DNA profile.”
and Clair, 8, is extremely Cantil-Sakauye’s mother, one of eleven As a trial judge, she insisted on running
Today, she chairs a siblings, had a sporadic education a genteel courtroom. Lawyers on both
important to Justice
statewide taskforce because she and her family followed the sides learned quickly that power trips and
Cantil-Sakauye, 47. So is
responsible harvest, often having to pull out of school shouting especially at women lawyers
her 13-year marriage to
for developing in the middle of the term. Despite these were counterproductive in the Honorable
Police Lieutenant Mark
best practices difficulties, they were taught to value Cantil-Sakauye’s presence.
Sakauye. Yet, there is
for domestic education, to get as much learning as
much more to this barrier- She modeled respect and received it
violence cases in they could, and to appreciate this and
breaking, history-making in return. She gave people a graceful
California courts. other aspects of Filipino culture. In turn,
Filipina woman than the way out of potentially humiliating trial
She is a sought- she and her husband passed these values
tightly scheduled activities situations, creating a safe courtroom
after speaker in on to Tani and her siblings.
on her kids’ after-school calendar. environment in which justice could thrive.

Northern California events and serves
Currently one of only two women and the community in various volunteer here was a time, though, when Eventually, more and more people asked
one of only two persons of color in the capacities, including membership on the transplanted cultural values to be on her docket even if it sometimes
Court of Appeal’s Third District, Cantil- the boards of My Sister’s House and the she grew up with seemed like meant a delay in their cases with so many
Sakauye was the first woman of Asian Sacramento Asian Sports Foundation. weaknesses to the young Tani. wanting to get in.
(Filipina) ethnicity to serve as judge in Looking back, she now sees
This high-powered yet graciously No less important to her advancement,
Sacramento County and, at 31, was one that what seemed to be
accessible Filipina woman thanks her she believes, is the legendary Filipino
of the youngest judges in the state. cultural weaknesses have turned out to
second-generation Filipina mother for sense of humor. “That’s why we age
be strengths.
In the last two decades, she has her uncommon success and is grateful well,” she says with one of her brilliant
worked in Sacramento as a deputy for the legacy of her strong Cebuana “I was raised to be gracious and smiles, making it easy to imagine how she
district attorney, a member of Governor grandmother as well. respectful,” she relates, aware that must have brought humor into many a
Deukmejian’s senior staff, a trial judge these traits seem anachronistic in a situation that could have otherwise gone
Like other children of itinerant farm world where lawyers often win their badly.
and has been appointed to successively
workers in California’s Central Valley, cases by out-yelling the competition.
higher levels in the judiciary by Governors

14 FILIPINA WOMEN’S NETWORK | w w w. f f w n . o r g


SHOULDERS TO STAND ON women because of the groundwork laid Project yourself into your desired future.
esponding to the question of down by previous generations. “I stand
» Step out of your comfort zone,
how to create a better future on the shoulders of my grandmother and
step up to responsibility. You don’t
for Filipina women by 2012, my mother,” declares Justice Tani.
grow from successes but from losing,
Cantil-Sakauye says, “We need
Cantil-Sakauye expects no less of herself struggling, learning from experience and
a plan for empowerment.”
and her own generation. asserting your abilities. Your confidence
She calls attention to two ways will build as you go.
“I don’t want my daughters to repeat
Filipina women can contribute to
our struggles,” she insists. “I want my » Exposure is critical. Influential
this empowerment–by thoughtfully
children to have new and different people need to know who you are, how
and intentionally raising empowered
challenges, not the same ones we had.” well you get along with others, that
daughters, and by modeling through their
you are a team player, a competent
accomplishments the possibilities open to For this Filipina trailblazer, there are no
professional, one who is energetic and
all girls and women of color. buts about it: “I am here for someone to
willing to put in the time and effort. You
stand on my shoulders. I would love to
“We were taught to see ourselves as can do this by serving in the community,
hand over my knowledge to someone else
leaders,” she recalls of her mother’s chairing a committee, planning an event.
– fresh hands and legs, new shoulders to
lessons. “I was raised by her to believe Cantil-Sakauye says she even made her
continue the struggle.”
I could do anything. There were no long, hard-to-pronounce name work for
limitations on what I could be,” says SMELL THE FUTURE her. Because of her willingness to take on
this daughter of poor farm workers who “Do you smell that?” She asks a group responsibility and the quality of her work,
wielded the riches of their cultural legacy of young Filipino-Americans at UC Davis in time, she stood out as “the lawyer with “Leadership used to look different. The
to make the American dream a reality for about to enter medical school and thrilled the long name.” face of leadership was white, male and
their children. While her father tended to at the prospect. older. I was a Filipina, young-looking and
» Get your name “in play.” You may
be more cautious, advising her to play it young period, with a gracious manner.
They look around in confusion, not sure not get the first job you apply for, or the
safe and get a secretarial job, Mom kept It didn’t look like a recipe for success in
what their keynote speaker means. next, but if you keep putting yourself
urging her to “get your foot in the door. the legal world. But I kept at it. Now we
out there, eventually, someone will bring
Apply. Work hard.” “Do you smell that? She asks again, her [Filipina women] are redefining what
your name up when a new opportunity
mind dwelling on the untold sacrifices leadership looks like.”
In addition to the potent influence of arises because you’ve proven yourself and
good parents, Cantil-Sakauye emphasizes and hard work of generations of Filipino gotten your name in play. She points out how more and more
the need for mentors outside the home families like hers that all culminated in Filipina women and other women of color
the triumph of that moment in the lives of » Give up your time for something
who are willing to spend time with young are coming into their own, though she
those young doctors-to-be. bigger than the typical goal of
people and tell them what they could do wishes there were more Filipina women
wanting to be rich and famous.
well. Mentors, she says, can unleash the “It’s the torch being passed on!” she lawyers and judges.
When you give back to your community,
power of possibilities and help children exclaims. you begin to feel rich. As you do volunteer “We persevere by leading in our own
aim higher simply by showing that people
work and hone your skills in the process, style,” she asserts, confidently adding,
who look like them have done it. GET USED TO IT
ustice Cantil-Sakauye is serious your fame will spread. “People will eventually get used to us.”
“I got the impression from my mother,” about passing on the torch and is » Persevere even if you don’t look With a nod to the struggles of past
says Tani, “that if someone could do it, I generous with her tips for Filipina the part. They will get used to your face generations, Cantil-Sakauye looks ahead
could, too.” women of any age wanting to as the face of leadership and competence. with optimism and gives voice to a new
She is proud that Filipino-Americans succeed in the US workplace: refrain for all Filipina women
Cantil-Sakauye explains this last piece
have no shortage of good role models. » It’s important to have a goal. in the U.S. workplace…
of advice.
“Filipinas are talented across the board.” You need to see yourself in that position.
She sees a bright future for Filipina “Get used to me. I’m not going away!”


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