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MySQL Cluster

tips & tricks

Bogdan Kecman
MySQL Principal Technical Engineer
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Industry Leaders Rely on MySQL

Web & Enterprise OEM & ISVs

MySQL Powers The Web

Over 50 million Tweets/day. 143,200 Tweets/sec in Aug 2013

”Many petabytes” of data. 11.2 Million Row changes & 2.5 billion
rows read /sec handled in MySQL

6 billion hours of video watched each month

Globally-distributed database with 100 terabytes of user-related

data based on MySQL Cluster

The #1 Database in the Cloud


Hosting IaaS, PaaS

Architectural overview

MySQL Cluster Data Nodes InnoDB MyISAM SE s1 SE s2

Who’s Using MySQL Cluster?
MySQL Cluster Architecture

MySQL Cluster NODES (1/2)

• Data nodes (ndbd or ndbmtd)

• Stores data and indexes
• In memory
• Non-indexed data can be stored on disk
• Stores schema definition
• Check pointed to disk
• Transaction coordination
• Online backup
• All connect to each other
• Management nodes (ndb_mgmd)
• Distributing configuration
• Logging
• Monitoring
• Act as Arbitrator to prevent split-brain scenarios
• Not crucial for Cluster operation (if not working cluster still works properly,
only limit is that no new nodes can start if no mgm nodes are around)
• One is enough, two are perfect, three are too much
MySQL Cluster NODES (2/2)

• SQL nodes (mysqld)

• The NDBCLUSTER Storage Engine is actually API node
• Transparent for most applications
• Used to create tables
• Used for geo-replication
• Can act as arbitrator
• Connects to all Data Nodes
• API nodes (your own executable)
• Application written using NDB API
• C
• C++
• Java
• No SQL parsing
• No Optimizer
• Examples
• Ndbcluster storage engine, ndb_restore, memcached-ndbcluster plugin, ldap-ndbcluster…
High Availability

• Fragmentation
• Table data is split among data nodes

• Synchronous replication
• Each fragment is stored NoOfReplicas times

• Heartbeating

• Automatic failover

• Online backups

• Online Updates

High Performance

• Performance boost
• In-memory
• Shared IO load
• As many SQL/API nodes as you like (up to 200)
• Direct access trough NDB API

• Performance killers
• Network (latency creates big problem)
• With 1gbit nic up to 10 data nodes works without problem
• With modern 10gbit nic up to 40 data nodes can run ok
• Joins
• Huge improvements in 7.4 but still joins on distributed data are always
going to suffer performance, especially on slower network
• Blobs

• Up to 254 nodes

• Add data nodes on-line

• Note that adding data nodes does not only increase storage capacity
but also increase your IO capacity too.

• Geographical Replication
• Multi channel replication (note it is always idempotent)

Accessing NDBCLUSTER data
• SQL (via MySQL connector/php,java,ruby,python..., odbc, MySQL C-API..)
• MEMCACHED (add ndbcluster driver to memcached server)
• ndbAPI (C/C++ API)
• ClusterJ, JPA, ClusterJPA, LDAP
Apps Apps Apps Apps Apps Apps Apps Apps Apps Apps Apps Apps


PHP PERL Python Ruby JDBC ClusterJ JSON Apache Memcached

MySQL JNI Node.js mod-ndb ndb-eng


MySQL Cluster Data Nodes


• Domain Object Model Persistence API (ClusterJ):

• Java API
• High performance, low latency
• Feature rich
• JPA interface built upon this new Java layer:
• Java Persistence API compliant
• Implemented as an OpenJPA plugin
• Uses ClusterJ where possible, reverts to JDBC for some
• Higher performance than JDBC
• More natural for most Java designers
• Easier Cluster adoption for web applications

• Memcached is a distributed memory based hash-

key/value store with no persistence to disk
• NoSQL, simple API, popular with developers
• MySQL Cluster already provides scalable, in-memory
performance with NoSQL (hashed) access as well as
• Provide the Memcached API but map to NDB API calls
• Writes-in-place, so no need to invalidate cache
• Simplifies architecture as caching & database integrated
into 1 tier
• Access data from existing relational tables
Traditional Memcached Architecture

httpd memcached

hash key
PHP/Perl memcached
to find data
friends:12389 memcached
memcache key
NDB & Memcache Architecture: Memcache protocol + NDB storage

memcached Data Node

Memcache NDB Engine MySQL

Client Cluster
Data Node
Memcached/MySQL Cluster latency

memcachetest -t 2 -M 7000 -c 25000

Cluster & Memcached – Configured Schema

key value
Application view
SQL view prefix key value


Prefix Table Key-col Val-col policy town ... code ...

town: town code cluster maidenhead ... SL6 ...

Config tables

Node.js NoSQL API
• Native JavaScript access to MySQL Cluster
–End-to-End JavaScript: browser to the app and database
Clients –Storing and retrieving JavaScript objects directly in
MySQL Cluster
–Eliminate SQL transformation
• Implemented as a module for node.js
V8 JavaScript Engine –Integrates full Cluster API library within the web app
• Couple high performance, distributed apps, with high
MySQL Cluster Node.js Module performance distributed database

MySQL Cluster Data Nodes

MySQL Cluster NoSQL API for Node.js
Application Code
// Constructor // Create a tweet
function Tweet(user, message) { function newTweet( = UUID.generate(); err, dbSession, httpReq){
this.timestamp =; var tweet = new Tweet(
this.user = user; httpReq.user,
this.message = message; httpReq.message);
} dbSession.persist(tweet);
// Server Startup
var nosql = require('mysql-js'); function onNewTweetRequest(
err, httpReq){
var sessionFactory =
nosql.connectSync('ndb'); essionFactory.openSession(
null, newTweet, httpReq);
nosql.mapClass(Tweet, 'tweets');
Need for Speed?
•C++ programming interface
•Provides direct access to data nodes
•No MySQL server needed (still it is recommended to use
MySQL to manipulate schema)
•No SQL layer (no parser, no optimizer, no …)
•Query batching
•Async transactions
•NDB Events
Can’t all be that good?

•Portability (all requests are hardcoded into your application)

•Less flexibility
–schema changes need to be hardcoded into your app
–to change a simple query you have to change and recompile your c++ code
•No privileges (everyone have access to everything)
•No security (if you can telnet to a data node port you have
access to everything)
•No triggers, views, stored procedures
•No auditting
Life of a transaction
1. Start transaction
2. Define operations
3. Execute operations
4. Commit / Abort transaction
Starting a Transaction
•A transaction is started by getting an NdbTransaction object
•An Ndb object can have maximum of 1024 parallel transactions

NdbTransaction * t = ndb->startTransaction();
if (t == NULL){
printerr(“could not start transaction\n”);
return (-1);
Getting an NdbOperation Object
•An NdbOperation object is created with the getNdbOperation
•A table name or a NdbDictionary::Table* needs to be provided

NdbOperation * op = t->getNdbOperation(“tab1”);
if (op == NULL){
//handle error
Defining the operation type

NDB API EXAMPLE (pk access)
NdbTransaction * trans = ndb->startTransaction();
if (trans == NULL){ printerr(“could not start transaction\n”); return (-1); }
NdbOperation * op = trans->getNdbOperation(“City”);
if (op == NULL) return -1;

int idvalue = 3236;

op->equal(“ID”, idvalue);

int population = 0;
op->getValue(“Population”, (char*)&population);

char name[35];
op->getValue(“Name”, name);

if (trans->execute(NdbTransaction::Commit, NdbOperation::AbortOnError, 1)
== -1){
printerr(“transaction was not successful\n”);
return (-1);
printf(“The City %s has the population of %d\n”, name, population);
Joining tables
•Joining tables with NDB API is way more complex then with SQL
•The basic principle is easy – nested FOR loops
•The method for retrieving the rows depends on the tables
involved and possible indexes
•It is very difficult to do dynamic optimization
•In principle the join method has to be decided when creating
the program (coding time)
SQL vs NDB API speed comparison (reads/second – note logarithmic Y axes)
Thank You!


Bogdan Kecman
MySQL Principal Technical Engineer 32

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