About Finland: Aurora Borealis

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About Finland


One of the most remarkable features of Finland is light. When the endless
sunshine of summer gives way to dark winter, the Northern Lights appear like
magic and lighten up the sky.
The further north you go, the greater the chances of spotting the Aurora Borealis
in Finnish Lapland they can appear on 200 nights a year. In Helsinki and the south,
the Aurorae can be seen on roughly 20 nights a winter, away from city lights.
Seeing the Northern Lights requires sufficient darkness and clear skies, which
makes late autumn, the winter and early spring (September to March) the most
favourable times. The best time of day is an hour or two before and after midnight.
The display might last 20 seconds or go on for hours.
How do the Northern Lights come about? Sami legend says a Fox runs across the
Arctic fells and lights up the sky with sparks flying from its tail, whirling up the snow.
The modern Finnish term revontulet, the foxs fires, derives from this myth.A
scientists explanation to the phenomenon would be something like the solar wind
sends charged particles towards the Earth, and upon colliding with its atmosphere
they produce energy given off as light. We prefer the Sami myth.
The white summer nights are perhaps Finlands most iconic natural phenomena.
The nighttime sun is at its strongest during the months of June and July but the
further north you go, the longer and higher the sun stays above the horizon. In the
very northernmost parts you can experience a full Midnight Sun from May to
Over two thirds of the worlds people who experience the Midnight Sun live in
Finland. In the northernmost parts of Finnish Lapland, the sun stays above the
horizon for over 70 consecutive days.
Although the full Midnight Sun only shines above the Arctic Circle, nights are white
all over the country. Late at night, the sun briefly dips beyond the horizon before
rising again, blurring the boundaries between fading night and dawning day.
Sauna forms a great part of our countrys heritage and culture. It is estimated that
there are over two million saunas in Finland. For a population of 5.3 million, this
equals to an average of one per household theres even one inside parliament.

There are many traditions and practices concerning the sauna experience, but the
most important one for the Finns is to relax, purifying both body and mind.
Did you know the word sauna is Finnish? Whether an electric sauna in a modern
business environment or an old-fashioned wood-burning sauna by a lakeside
cottage, a sauna is always near you.
Finland is often called the Land of a Thousand Lakes. A modest name, considering
that there are, in fact, 188 000 lakes in the country. As many of these lakes are
very large in size, a great part of Finland is covered in water making Finland
distinguishably different from other European countries.
From the metropolitan area around Helsinki all the way up to the great Lake Inari in
Lapland, Finland is filled with oases of the clean blue. Where Inari is known for its
deep and crystal clear waters, Lake Saimaas ringed seal, one of the most
endangered species in the world, is the countrys largest lakes most memorable
A lakeside cottage is an essential part of Finnish summer and most summer
activities revolve around water, such as swimming and going to the sauna, fishing,
canoeing, rowing and sailing.
Finland is a country of vast green forests, beautiful Baltic Sea islands, windswept
arctic fells and thousands of blue lakes. These untouched and beautiful landscapes
provide habitat for thousands of wild animals and birds many of which can be
seen on arranged wildlife excursions and bird watching sanctuaries.
The King of the Finnish Forest Finlands vast forests are home to an estimated
1,500 brown bears. Though they may roam anywhere in mainland Finland, bears
usually try hard to avoid people. However, on the bear-watching trips run between
April and September in several localities in Finlands Wild East sightings can be
almost guaranteed.
In Finland you can find the worlds rarest seal, the Saimaa ringed seal. These
inland seals have adapted to their freshwater home since they were cut off from
the sea in Lake Saimaa Finlands largest lake after the Ice Age. They are found
only in Lake Saimaa. Thanks to conservation measures their numbers have
recently risen to over 300, but they are still seriously endangered.


There are around 75 ski resorts in Finland, most of them small spots near cities
and villages. The big ones, however, lie in the fells of Lapland and offer something

very different from the usual European ski resorts. The surrounding landscapes are
unspoilt, blanketed with pure snow from December to April. In the early winter the
slopes are lit, later on in the spring the sun shines until very late in the evening.
The round fells of Finlands main ski area, Lapland, offer varying terrain for skiers
and snowboarders of all skill levels. The largest ski resorts are all found in Lapland
with a skiing season lasting as long as six months the last snow usually melting
in early May.
The ski centres also offer activities like husky and reindeer rides, snowmobiling,
snowshoeing and ice-fishing.
Everyone knows that Santa the one and only comes from Finland. Although the
exact location of his private retreat in Korvatunturi, Lapland, is unknown, his official
hometown is Rovaniemi, where he greets visitors all year round.
Santa Claus may only visit children in their homes once a year, but he is also
delighted to welcome you into his own home and show you around his office. You
might meet Rudolph the Reindeer too!
One of Santas most important jobs is reading letters, and the Arctic Circle Post
Office receives more than half a million of them every year from all over the world.
Santa replies to each one of them, as long as you include a clearly written address!
1. When the endless sunshine of summer gives way to dark winter, the
Northern Lights appear like magic and lighten up the sky.
2. Seeing the Northern Lights requires sufficient darkness and clear skies, The
further north you go, the greater the chances of spotting the Aurora Borealis.
3. Sami legend says a Fox runs across the Arctic fells and lights up the sky
with sparks flying from its tail, whirling up the snow. A scientists explanation
to the phenomenon would be something like the solar wind sends charged
particles towards the Earth, and upon colliding with its atmosphere they
produce energy given off as light
4. The nighttime sun is at its strongest during the months of June and July but
the further north you go, the longer and higher the sun stays above the
5. Sauna forms a great part of our countrys heritage and culture
6. Did you know the word sauna is Finnish?
7. Finland is often called the Land of a Thousand Lakes
8. In Finland you can find the worlds rarest seal, the Saimaa ringed seal.

9. There are around 75 ski resorts in Finland, most of them small spots near
cities and villages,The largest ski resorts are all found in Lapland with a
skiing season lasting as long as six months, The ski centres also offer
activities like husky and reindeer rides, snowmobiling, snowshoeing and icefishing.
10. Santa Claus may only visit children in their homes once a year, but he is
also delighted to welcome you into his own home and show you around his
Whirling: to turn around, spin, or rotate rapidly
Household: the people of a house collectively; a family
Parliament:the legislature ofGreat Britain, historically the assembly of thethr
ee estates, now composed of Lords Spiritualand Lords Temporal, forming to
gether the Houseof Lords, and representatives of the counties,cities, borou
ghs, and universities, forming theHouse of Commons.
Windswept: open or exposed to the wind
Roam:to walk, go, or travel without a fixed purpose ordirection; ramble; wa
nder; rove:
Retreat: to treat again

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