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Br. J. clin. Pharmac.

(1980), 9, 453-459

The Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital and The Centre for Rheumatic Diseases, University Department of Medicine,
Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, Scotland

1 Twenty-three patients with rheumatoid arthritis on orthodox first-line anti-inflammatory

treatment plus homoeopathy were compared with a similar group of twenty-three patients on
orthodox first-line treatment plus an inert preparation.
2 There was a significant improvement in subjective pain, articular index, stiffness and grip strength
in those patients receiving homoeopathic remedies whereas there was no significant change in the
patients who received placebo.
3 Two physicians were involved in prescribing for the patients and there were no significant
differences in the results which they obtained.
4 No side effects were observed with the homoeopathic remedies.

A pilot study comparing the relative values of Rheumatic Diseases by the two physicians from the
homoeopathic treatment and salicylate therapy in Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital who were involved
rheumatoid arthritis has been previously described in the previous study (Gibson et al., 1978). Because
(Gibson, Gibson, MacNeill, Gray, Dick & in homoeopathic practice the selection of the
Buchanan, 1978). There were, however, two main appropriate remedy depends on the patient's
criticisms of this study. Firstly, the patients who symptoms and signs and his reaction to his total
received homoeopathic treatment were allowed to exterior and interior environment, the patients were
continue their previous orthodox anti-inflammatory divided into two groups: those with good prescribing
therapy whereas the patients who received salicylates symptoms, R patients, and those with poor
had to discontinue all other previous anti-inflam- prescribing symptoms, U patients, (Dhawale, 1976;
matory drugs. Secondly, since the patients who Mitchell, 1975; Clarke, 1978).
received homoeopathic treatment were seen by Good prescribing symptoms are onset of
different doctors from those being given salicylate, it symptoms following a sudden fright, bereavement,
could be argued that the better response of the physical injury or other profound emotional or
patients on homoeopathy was due to the doctor and physical trauma; complaint affected by climatic
not the drug. conditions, for instance damp or dry weather, heat,
In order to evaluate the importance of these two frost or wind; complaint markedly affected by other
points a second, more rigidly controlled trial was factors such as movement, rest or time of day;
designed and is reported in this paper. outstanding factors affecting the patient, not
necessarily associated with the disease, such as
marked craving or aversion for certain foods.
Methods In the case of a female patient, emotional, mental
and physical changes before, during or after the
Patients studied menstrual period may be of importance. Weighting is
given to marked mental or emotional peculiarities
All the patients selected for the trial satisfied the such as extreme tidyness, fear of heights or unusual
diagnostic criteria of the American Rheumatism reactions to sympathy. Any patient with three or
Association for definite rheumatoid arthritis (Ropes, more of these marked characteristics would be classed
Bennett, Cobb, Jacox & Jessar, 1959). They were seen as showing good prescribing symptoms, whereas a
in the outpatient department of the Centre for patient who showed less than three, or who was
0306-5251/80/050453-07 $01.00 34 Macmillan Journals Ltd 1980

Table 1 Clinical and laboratory features in 46 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (mean + range)

Clinical and laboratory

Jeature Homoeopathy Placebo
Number 23 23
Age (years) mean 54.0 52.1
range 32-76 24-77
Sex male 7 (30.4%) 8 (34.8%)
female 16 (69.6%) 15 (65.2%)
Duration of disease mean 7.2 8.8
(years) range 1-25 0.5-36
Articular index of mean 16.6 16.1
joint tenderness range 6-38 4 44
mean 7.9 8.4
Functional index range 0-19 0-26
mean 12.5 12.9
Haemoglobin (g%) range 10.0-16.4 9.4-17.8
Erythrocyte sedimentation mean 38.6 46.7
rate (mm/first hour) range 3-214 5-120
Rheumatoid factor mean 128 256
(reciprocal of titre) range 32-2048 16-2048
Antinuclear factor mean 64 64
(reciprocal of titre) range neg -256 neg- 1000

uncertain in his reactions, would be classed as having months it was considered ethically unjustifiable to
poor prescribing symptoms. discontinue their current non-steroidal anti-
This assessment into these two categories was made inflammatory drug therapy (El-Ghobarey,
by the two homoeopathic physicians. The patients Mavrikakis, MacLeod, Reynolds, Capell, Spencer,
were then assigned to two groups so that as far as Balint, Mathieu, McAllister, Cooney & Dick, 1978).
possible there were equal numbers of R and U Current therapy consisted of one or other
patients in each group. In addition an attempt was or the following:- salicylate, either soluble or
made to match patients for drug therapy so that enteric coated, dextropropoxyphene hydrochloride,
again, as far as possible, both groups contained the indomethacin, naproxen, ibuprofen, ketoprofen,
same proportion of patients receiving the different fenoprofen, flurbiprofen, benorylate and sulindac.
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. An attempt No patient was on more than one of these anti-
was also made to match the patients for clinical inflammatory agents and each was maintained on the
severity of disease, but this proved difficult. The maximum tolerated therapeutic dose. Treatment had
allocation into the two treatment groups was made
entirely independently by a third physician (SG) who Table 2 The homoeopathic remedies most commonly used
otherwise took no part in the clinical assessment. This in the trial
physician also dispensed the remedies: one group
receiving placebo and the other active homoeopathic
therapy. All the preparations were dispensed in Arnica Nux vomica
identical powder papers and were indistinguishable Arsenicum album Opium
from each other. Both the group receiving the Bryonia alba Pulsatilla*
placebo and the group receiving the active homoeo- Calcarea carbonica Rhododendron
Causticum Rhus toxicodendron*
pathic remedies continued their previous orthodox Ignatia Ruta
therapy unaltered. The patients were not told that Lachesis Sepia*
they were to be treated with homoeopathic remedies Lycopodium Sulphur*
but they were told that they were taking part in a Morgan Sycotic co
double-blind trial and might receive inactive Natrum muriaticum Thuja
substances. All were willing to take part. As half the *Remedies of wide action in rheumatoid arthritis used more
subjects were to receive placebo for a period of 3 often in patients with poor prescribing symptoms.

been administered for periods ranging from 2 to 6 asked to state whether he thought the patient had
months. Although in most cases there had been some been on active remedy or placebo. This assessment
initial benefit from these anti-inflammatory drugs, the was made after careful review of all the data on the
patients had either ceased to improve or were patient's progress over the preceding three months
deteriorating when they were admitted to the trial. and included the independent observer's data which
The clinical and laboratory features in the placebo was not available to the prescribing physicians until
and homoeopathic groups are summarized in Table 1. that time. The patients who had received placebo
A variety of homoeopathic remedies was were then put on to active therapy and assessed over a
prescribed (Table 2). Both the remedies and the further 3 month period. (The results of this part of the
placebo were manufactured and supplied by A. trial will be reported later.) It was not possible to
Nelson & Co., London. The patients in both the conduct a complete double-blind crossover because
placebo and homoeopathic groups were seen twice in homoeopathic remedies, once given, may continue to
the first month and monthly thereafter. The act in the body for several months. No clear-cut
physicians changed the homoeopathic treatment if information could therefore be gained by putting the
they felt that this was indicated, but no alteration was patients who had received active remedy first on to
made in conventional therapy. The doctors of course placebo for a further three month period.
did not know whether the patients were receiving
active homoeopathy or placebo. They therefore did
not know whether a failure of the patient to respond Statistics
to their prescription was due to their inability to select
the appropriate remedy or to the fact that the patient The results were analysed by the x2 test, the Wilcoxon
was on placebo. matched-pairs signed-ranks test (Wilcoxon, 1945),
All the patients were mobile and none had and the Mann-Whitney U-test (Mann & Whitney,
advanced or 'burnt out' rheumatoid arthritis. Apart 1947).
from one patient who had received gold several years
previously, none of them had received cortico- Results
steroids, chrysotherapy, D-penicillamine or
levamisole. The two prescribing physicians were AM and RG.
AM had 20 patients, 10 on active remedy and 10 on
placebo, while RG had 26 patients, 13 on active
Clinical and laboratory parameters remedy and 13 on placebo. The drop-out rate and the
patients' own assessment of how they felt at the end
The age and sex of the patients were recorded and the of the three month period compared with how they
length of time for which the disease had been present. felt at the start of it are summarised in Table 3. This
Their progress was assessed by means of the table shows that there were two drop-outs from the
following tests: pain on a visual analogue scale placebo group and one from the active group. One of
(Huskisson, 1974; Scott & Huskisson, 1976), these patients had moved to another part of the
articular index of joint tenderness (Ritchie, Boyle, country. The other two gave no reason. There was a
McInnes, Jasani, Dalakos, Grieveson & Buchanan, significant improvement in those patients on active
1968), grip strength in each hand (Deodhar, Dick, therapy over those on placebo (P = 0.001 on x2 test).
Hodgkinson & Buchanan, 1973; Lee, Baxter, Dick & AM made two errors in assessing his patients on
Webb, 1974), digital joint circumference (Webb, active homoeopathy and two in assessing his placebo
Downie, Dick & Lee, 1973), duration of morning patients, while RG made one error in assessing his
stiffness (limbering up time) and functional index patients on active therapy and four in assessing his
(Lee, Jasani, Dick & Buchanan, 1973). placebo patients. The patients on active therapy who
These assessments were made by an independent were assessed wrongly by both physicians had not
assessor (MM) who routinely did the assessments of all improved and had therefore been assessed as being on
patients at the Rheumatic Centre, and were made at
the initial visit and thereafter at monthly intervals for Table 3 Drop-out and improvement rates in patients on
the 3 months of the trial. In addition both the patient homoeopathy and placebo.
and the physician made their own assessments of
whether improvement had taken place or not. Patient's assessment Homoeopathy Placebo
Laboratory tests included full blood counts, serum Drop-out 1 2
biochemistries and serology. These parameters were Worse 1 3
measured at the initial visit and at the end of the 3 No change 2 13
month period. Slightly better 15 5
Much better 4 0
The codes were broken at the end of 3 months.
Before this was done each prescribing physician was Total 23 23

20r 10

x x
c c
10 c 5
: 0


1 2 3 1 2 3
Time (months) Time (months)
Figure 1 Comparison of articular index before and Figure 2 Comparison of limbering up time before and
after treatment in patients on first-line anti- after treatment in patients on first-line anti-
inflammatory therapy plus homoeopathy (0), and in inflammatory therapy plus homoeopathy (0), and in
patients on first-line anti-inflammatory therapy plus patients on first-line anti-inflammatory therapy plus
placebo (A). placebo (A).

placebo, while the placebo patients who were wrongly Table 5 compares the data for articular index,
assessed had shown clinical improvement. limbering up time, grip strength in each hand and
Table 4 summarises the data for articular index, pain as assessed by the visual analogue scale for the R
limbering up time, grip strength in each hand, pain on patients and the U patients. While it can be seen that
the visual analogue scale and functional index for the the R patients improved more than the U patients,
patients on both active remedy and placebo, at the the differences between these groups are not
beginning of the trial and at the end of the three statistically significant.
month period. All these measurements improved
significantly in the active group but not in the placebo Laboratory indices
group. The most obvious changes were in the various
assessments of pain and in the degree of stiffness. There were no obvious changes in haemoglobin,
Grip strengths and functional index, although white cell count, ESR, serum biochemistry or
significantly altered, improved less. The results for serology over the 3 month period of the trial in either
these parameters for the active and placebo groups the patients on active homoeopathy or in the patients
are presented diagrammatically in Figures 1, 2, 3, 4 on placebo.
and 5.
The results for the digital joint circumference have
not been tabulated as these showed no changes in Discussion
either group. No change was observed in this
parameter in the previous trial (Gibson et al., 1978) The results of this trial confirm the impression
and this has also been the experience of other workers obtained from the preliminary study that homoeo-
(Deodhar et al., 1973). pathic treatment is effective in the control of

Table 4 Mean indices before and after treatment

Limbering up Grip strength (mmHg) Visual analogue Functional
Articular index time (min) Right Left scale index
Before After Before After Before After Before After Before After Before After
Homoeopathy 17.3 10.9
114.6 73.8
104.3 121.2 96.7 112.7 45.6 31.1
7.9 5.4
Placebo 15.7 15.2 80.2 72.3 147.4 152.1 140.5 151.4 42.3 41.9 8.4 7.3
** Difference significant P < 0.005.
Difference significant P < 0.01.

200 - 60%
I) L :3 40%
I 150
-c -R c

c 100
* * ~~~~~~~~LiF


1 2 3
50 Time (months)
Figure 4 Comparison of pain on the visual analogue
scale before and after treatment in patients on orthodox
first-line anti-inflammatory therapy plus homoeopathy
1 2 3 (0), and in patients on first-line anti-inflammatory
Time (months) therapy plus placebo (A).
Figure 3 Comparison of grip strength in both hands
before and after treatment in patients on first-line anti- administered and not to any psychological inter-
inflammatory therapy plus homoeopathy (0), and in relationship between patient and physician or to
patients on first-line anti-inflammatory therapy plus placebo response to the homoeopathic substances.
placebo (A). The fact that neither placebo group improved
significantly is st'rong evidence that it is the drug and
patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The design of the not the doctor which is effective.
trial was such that differences in orthodox anti- It might be argued that the changes in the various
inflammatory therapy and in the doctor treating the parameters assessed, though statistically significant
patient were eliminated. Both AM and RG on rank testing, were small and of no clinical
obtained significant improvements in pain scores, importance. However, similar changes in articular
stiffness, grip strength and functional index in their index and smaller changes in grip strength were
patients on active homoeopathy whereas their obtained by Deodhar et al. (1973), when comparing
patients on placebo did not vary significantly. There the relative merits of four anti-inflammatory drugs.
were no statistical differences in the results obtained The improvements obtained in the present trial
by the two doctors. It would therefore seem that the were of a similar order of magnitude to those
differences observed were due to the remedies obtained in the pilot study (Gibson et al., 1978). The

Table 5 Mean indices for R and U groups before and after treatment
Articular index Limbering up time Grip strength Pain on visual
(min) (mm Hg) analogue scale
Right Left
R group before 18.9 110.9 122.5 110.1 41.6
after 11.7 58.8 142.4 130.3 26.4
difference -7.2 -52.1 + 19.9 +20.2 -15.2
U group before 16.2 118.5 86.2 82.4 47.5
after 9.9 88.9 102.2 95.3 34.9
difference -6.3 -29.6 +16.0 +12.9 -12.6
Placebo group
before 15.7 80.2 147.4 140.5 42.3
after 15.2 72.3 152.1 151.4 41.9
difference -0.5 -7.9 +4.7 +10.9 -0.4

Table 6. Comparison of drop-out rates and toxic effects in patients on gold and levamisole (El Ghobarey et al., 1978)
and homoeopathy, salicylate and placebo (Gibson et al., 1978)
Levamisole Gold Homoeopathy Salicylate Placebo
% Drop-out 60% 55% 26% 85% 100%
% Side effects 45% 35% 0% 39% 0%

likely that the difference in response in the R and U

groups would have become more obvious. The
present results are encouraging in that they indicate
that it may well be possible to predict which patients
180 are most likely to respond to this form of therapy.
Another important point in the discussion of
homoeopathic treatment is the lack of toxic effects
:2 observed. Out of 23 patients on active treatment, only
one dropped out. The reason for this is not known.
60 None of the other 22 patients reported any toxic side
effects over the 3 month period. In the previous
study, conducted over a year, no patient experienced
toxic side effects. In the present trial improvements in
pain scores, stiffness and grip strength produced with
1 2 3
homoeopathy over 3 months compare favourably
with those produced by gold and levamisole over 1
Time (months) year (El-Ghobarey et al., 1978).
Figure 5 Comparison of functional index before and It is noteworthy that more than one third of the
after treatment in patients on orthodox first-line anti- patients dropped out from both the gold and the
inflammatory therapy plus homoeopathy (-), and in levamisole series because of toxic side effects while no
patients on orthodox first-line anti-inflammatory toxic effects were reported with homoeopathy. A
therapy plus placebo (A). comparison of drop-out rates and toxic effects is
presented in Table 6. From the data it therefore
pilot study, however, was conducted over a period of appears that homoeopathy is a safer and probably no
a year, and it was possible to discontinue all orthodox less effective alternative to present-day second-line
therapy in 42% of the patients. In the present trial drugs. Since approximately half of all side effects
patients were on homoeopathic treatment for 3 reported annually are due to anti-rheumatic therapy
months only, and no attempt was made to reduce or (Girdwood, 1974), this in itself is a very important
discontinue orthodox therapy. All patients were consideration.
actively encouraged to continue their orthodox drugs It is not known at present how homoeopathic
unchanged as any alterations might have made remedies work in the body. However the efficacy
evaluation of the results misleading. of his form of therapy in reducing pain may suggest
The enhanced response of those on conventional that at least part of the effect might be endomorphin
therapy plus homoeopathy over those on con- mediated, and further research to investigate this
ventional therapy plus placebo is a measure of the possibility would be of value. The response of
value of this addition to therapy in the management patients given naloxone, to subsequent treatment
of the patient with rheumatoid arthritis. with homoeopathy, might help to elucidate this point.
Since the selection of a homoeopathic remedy The possibility that the use of homoeopathy might
depends on the patient's symptoms and on his become more widespread leads to the question of
reaction to his environment as a whole, treatment whether or not orthodox doctors would obtain such
should be more effective in patients with good good results as their homoeopathically trained
prescribing symptoms than in those with poor colleagues. To become an expert homoeopathic
prescribing symptoms. While the differences in the prescriber requires years of practice, and few
two groups are not statistically significant, Table 5 conventional physicians are willing to undertake the
shows that the R patients did improve more than the additional training.
U patients with respect to their pain indices, stiffness It therefore seems important to find some means of
and grip strength. Both groups of patients on making homoeopathic knowledge more accessible to
homoeopathic remedies improved and significant the medical profession, and work on this problem is
differences in degrees of improvement in a small currently in progress.
number of patients (23) over a short period of time (3
months) are difficult to demonstrate. With a larger The authors wish to thank Mrs Marion MacLeod for her
group of patients over a longer period of time, it is assistance with the patients' assessments.

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