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This poem is about celebration. It is a descriptive poem about the changing
scenes of the beautiful country of Jamaica. It talks about the different types of
produce in Jamaica and how alive and beautiful Nature is over there. Jamaica is a
country with a tropical climate and a lot of rain. Some days are bad, especially when
the rain is heavy and the wind blows strongly. But once it stops raining, the sun will
shine brightly again and the nature of Jamaica will be even more beautiful.



We have neither Summer nor Winter

In Jamaica, there is no summer or winter

Neither Autumn nor Spring

We also do not have autumn or spring

We have instead the days

But we have days

When the gold sun shines on the lush

green canefields

When the sun shines brightly on the fertile,

green sugar cane fields


It looks very beautiful.

The days when the rain beats like

bullets on the roofs

There are also days when we have heavy rain.

The raindrops on the roofs of houses sound
like bullets being fired from a gun

And there is no sound but the swish of

water in the gullies

We hear nothing except the sound of the

rainwater in the drains

And trees struggling in the high

Jamaican winds

Sometimes the wind blows very strongly, that

the tress are swaying

Also there are the days when leaves

fade from off guango trees

There are also times when the guango trees

shed their leaves and the trees are bare without
any leaves

And the reaped canefields lie bare and

fallow to the sun

The sugar cane fields are empty and is left

unplanted under the sun after being harvested

But best of all there are the days when

the mango and the logwood blossom

The best time in Jamaica is when the mango

trees bear fruits and the logwood trees have

Faridah Mod. Yasin

flowers blooming
The bushes are full of the sound of bees
and the scent of honey

The grass and bushes are full of bees and the

wonderful smell of honey

When the tall grass sways and shivers to When the wind blows softly, the tall grass will
the slightest breath of air
sway too
When the buttercups have paved the
earth with yellow stars

And the ground is covered with beautiful

yellow buttercups flowers that look like
yellow stars

And beauty comes suddenly and the

rains have gone.

The beauty of nature can be seen again after

the rain stops.

The persona is writing about the beauty of his country, Jamaica. He is feeling
proud and wants to share its beauty with all the readers.
Place Jamaica
A tropical island, famous for sugar cane fields and many other produce
Full of trees, bushes, flowers and fruits to show that nature is alive and
The weather is always sunny with flowers in full bloom, but it also had
heavy rain throughout the year
a) Admiration and happiness the feelings of being impressed by the islands
beautiful natural beauty and celebrates nature by using words like gold,
magnificent, stars and beauty.
b) Slightly subdued (serious) the knowledge that the weather can change from
being calm to violent, with heavy rain and strong wind, suddenly.

a) Celebrating nature and yet be humbled by it
The wonders of nature should be admired as its power is limitless and
unpredictable. The weather can change unexpectedly, being calm and soothing
one moment and becomes harmful the next. Nature can also make the Earth
beautiful and an amazing place to live in.

Faridah Mod. Yasin

b) Appreciating our own country

Every country has its ups and downs but we must be positive and appreciate
our own country. We must not lose hope or faith in our country, so be patient
and learn to love our motherland.
a) Respect nature
Nature is a powerful force as it can give life or death to every living being on
Earth. We can admire the beauty of nature and its wonders but we must also be
careful when nature becomes dangerous, for example when we have
earthquakes, floods and volcano eruptions
b) Do not want what do we do not have
Nature provides different countries with different physical features and natural
beauty that are distinctive and special. Not every country has four seasons and
not all countries have a tropical climate. Do not wish for the impossible and
learn to love and be proud of what we have, so other people will see the
uniqueness of our country.

a) Simile
the rain beats like bullets on the roofs
Compares the noisy sounds of the heavy rain falling on the roofs on
houses that sound like bullets being fired from a gun
b) Personification
the tall grass sways and shivers to the slightest breath of air
Shows the tall grass is moving gracefully like a human being
c) Onomatopoeia
full of the sound of bees
The buzzing sound of the bees as they fly around the flowers
d) Imagery
the scent of honey
The readers can imagine the delicious smell of honey
buttercups have paved the earth with yellow stars

Faridah Mod. Yasin

The readers can imagine the ground fully covered with beautiful
yellow flowers that look like stars
e) Contrast
The beauty of the sunshine and flowers which contrasts (is different) from the
dangerous heavy rain and strong wind

Faridah Mod. Yasin

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