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System solutions for oil | maritime | mining | energy | transport | production industries

Welcome and thank you for your interest in our products.

If you have any questions about our filters, please feel free to contact us.
We would be pleased to give you a personal, no-obligation, consultation on site.


page 01

micfil ultra-fine filters for oil and fuel

page 02

micfil ultra-fine filters for engine oil

page 03

Up to 20 x higher filtration performance than standard filters

page 04

Elimination of conventional oil changes

page 05

micfil ultra-fine filters for transmission oil

page 06

micfil ultra-fine filters for hydraulic oil

page 07

micfil ultra-fine filters for fuel

page 08

WS water separators and pre-filters

page 09

micfil fuel optimizing systems

page 10

Selecting the correct filter size for your application

page 11

Performance of micfil ultra-fine filtration

page 12-13

Examples of diverse installations

page 14-16


pages 17-21

Notes/ Contacts

pages 22-23

by micfil Filters and Fuel Optimizing Systems 2015

Ultra-fine filter for oils and fuels

ultra-fine filter housing van produced in either saltwater resistant aluminium or stainless
steel. Our stainless steel housings fulfill the shipping regulations of the IACS (International Association of
Classification Societies), which state that the material of any additionally installed filters in a commercial
ship must have a higher melting point then 925C.
ultra-fine filter housing and inserts can be supplied in different sizes: 90 mm, 150mm,
300mm and 600mm and in the FB Series for bulk filtration up to 900 mm.
The patented
ultra-fine filter insert consists of a tear-resistant fibre mesh with woven in
cellulose fibres of the highest quality. The filtration performance is down to 0.5m (microns). The
ultra-fine filter inserts possess a very high contamination absorption capacity, long life span,
lower differential pressure and are water absorbent.
ultra-fine filters are suited for the filtration of engine oil, gearbox oil, and hydraulic oil as well as
for fuel. With engine and gearbox oil the filter is placed in a bypass, for fuel it is in the main stream and
for hydraulic oil it is in the return. They can be installed in all engines and all machinery, as main filters
or as after-market filters reducing frictional wear, lengthening the life span and lowering maintenance

ultra-fine filters are suited for all engines and machinery e.g.

Engines and gear boxes of busses and trucks

Main engines, bow thrusters, generators and hydraulic systems, fishing boats, sail- and power boats

Wind generator gearboxes

Engines from combined heat and power units and Biogas plants

Engines, gear boxes and hydraulic systems of heavy machinery

and agricultural machinery etc.

Hydraulic systems in factories and assembly plants

Transformers and much more.

by micfil Filters and Fuel Optimizing Systems 2015

Ultra-fine filter for engine oil

Better Lubrication and less Wear without Oil Changes

Up to 20x better filter performance

than standard filters

Improved lubrication capability

Prolonged life span by reducing wear

Additives are not removed and fewer

are consumed

No conventional oil changes needed

Lower maintenance and repair costs

Active environmental protection by

reducing oil consumption and
elimination of waste oil disposal

No restriction of engine manufacturers

warranty by law

Regular oil analyses have shown that

ultra-fine filtration oil l
change intervals of 20,000 hours and
more are common.

by micfil Filters and Fuel Optimizing Systems 2015

Up to 20 times higher filter

performance than standard filters
Although the lubrication gaps in engines are between
approx. 1.5 to 10 m, standard oil filters do not filter
out particles smaller than approx. 10 m.
International studies show, abrasion caused by
particles in lubrication gap size (between 1.5 and 10
m) is three times higher than caused by particles
bigger than 10 m. Therefore, standard filtration is
not sufficient.
On average, about 15% of the contaminated used oil remains in the engine after an oil change and the
number of dirt and abrasion particles increase permanently during engine operation. As a result, the
engine operates continuously in contaminated oil and solid particles cause further abrasion. Moreover,
standard filters cannot absorb water which may cause acid formation.
ultra-fine filter possesses an approximately 20 times higher filtration performance than
standard filters. Dirt, combustion, oxidation, and abrasion particles greater than approx. 0.5 m in size
are continuously filtered out from the oil, minimizing abrasion. The remaining smaller particles in the oil
do not cause damage, but do increase the load bearing capacity (lubricity) and thermal resistance of the
oil. The
ultra-fine filter insert, manufactured from high quality materials, absorbs water and
prevents formation of acid in the oil.

Improvement to the lubrication properties of the oil

Abrasion with
fresh oil.

Abrasion with lube oil
used for 4000 hours.

The load bearing capacity (lubricity) and thermal resistance

ultra-fine filtered oil, which has not been renewed,
are markedly increased in comparison to fresh oil by
oil during operation with carbon and other
particles of a size that does not cause abrasion. The
particles of less than approx. 1 m remaining in the oil
ultra-fine filtration do not cause any damage,
but instead improve the load bearing capacity and thermal
resistance of the oil. These properties continue to improve
the longer oil is used.

by micfil Filters and Fuel Optimizing Systems 2015

Conventional oil change is eliminated

Oil is a mineral and minerals do not age. It does not wear out, breakdown or deteriorate. During its use
oil becomes contaminated with water, acids, carbon, dirt, metal particles and sludge. The OEM filter of a
standard engine only removes solid particles above a certain size (approximately > 10 m). In contrast,
ultra-fine filter absorbs water and continuously filters out particles > 0.5 m. This prevents
the formation of acids. Solid particles of less than approximately 0.5 m remaining in the oil actually
improve the lubrication properties and thermal stability of the oil.
The effects of the process become even more apparent the longer the oil is in use. An oil change is
therefore not necessary in engines which are technically sound, in fact, oil changes reduce the positive
effect of
filtration. REICHERT abrasion wear tests show improvement in the lubricating properties
of the used oil in comparison to fresh oil. We recommend oil analysis to extend lube oil and engine
component life.

The quality of the oil can be checked at any time directly at the engine with this mobile oil testing
device. Through the use of this device it can be shown that, in a technically sound engine, no oil change
is necessary after the installation of the
ultra-fine oil filter. The oil tester also detects any sudden
increase in mechanical wear and loss of the oils lubricating properties in the case of a defect in the
engine. This early detection of a defect can prevent a complete mechanical failure of the engine and
save high repair cost.

by micfil Filters and Fuel Optimizing Systems 2015

Ultra-fine filter for gearbox oil

Clean and water-free gearbox oil reduces wear and damage

Gear boxes are exposed to intense stress and the standard filtration is, in many cases, insufficient. An
ultra-fine filter, with its filter capability down to 0.5 microns (m) continually cleans
the oil similar to a recycling process and keeps it largely water free. Thereby minimizing frictional wear
and damage in difficult and extreme conditions, for example,
ultra-fine filters have been proven
to be very helpful in wind generator gear boxes and mining equipment.
Up to 92% of the abrasive particles and 90% of water are filtered out when using auxiliary
fine filters on gear box oil as compared to standard filtration alone.


Size of particles ISO 4406

pro 100 ml

pro 100 ml

> 4 m
> 6 m
> 10 m
> 14 m
Water ppm
ISO 4406



by micfil Filters and Fuel Optimizing Systems 2015

Ultra-fine filter for hydraulic oil

90% of breakdowns on hydraulic systems are shown to be

caused by contamination in the oil

Regular maintenance of oil is a crucial factor for faultless

operation. Maintenance of hydraulic oil is often neglected. The
components in a modern hydraulic units glide on an oil film of
less than 10 m. This fine oil film guarantees the smooth
operation of the system, however it requires clean oil. In practice,
fluids in hydraulic systems are often highly contaminated. This is
not always apparent as the visibility threshold for the human eye
is approximately 40 m.
ultra-fine filter in the bypass flow has a filter
performance of 0.5 m and provides a continuous cleaning
process of hydraulic oils and absorption of water. The filter
reduces wear on valves, cylinders and pistons and minimizes the
risk of breakdowns.
Up to 99% of the abrasive particles and 98% of water are filtered
out when using auxiliary
ultra-fine filters on hydraulic oil
as compared to standard filtration alone.

Size of particles ISO 4406

pro 100 ml

pro 100 ml

> 2 m
> 5 m
> 10 m
> 15 m
Water ppm
ISO 4406



by micfil Filters and Fuel Optimizing Systems 2015

Ultra-fine filter for fuel


The high pressure injection of modern diesel engines need clean and water free diesel, which is not
always available. A standard filter is not adequate. With the high filter performance of
down to 0.5 m and with the ability to absorb water the micfil ultra-fine filter offers a much better
filtration than standard fuel filter. Damage to injection pumps and nozzles can be avoided and service
life can be considerably lengthened.

A fuel analysis with a particle count shows the following results:

Size of particles ISO 4406

pro 100 ml

pro 100 ml

> 2 m
> 5 m
> 15 m
> 25 m
ISO 4406



Up to 98% more of the abrasive particles and water are filtered out of even heavily contaminated diesel
fuel when using auxiliary
ultra-fine filters when compared to standard filtration alone.

by micfil Filters and Fuel Optimizing Systems 2015

WS water separator / pre-filter in

conjunction with filter system

Water in diesel tanks can lead to bacteria growth

and cause blockages of the entire fuel system causing engine breakdowns.

Water in the tank (mainly condensation caused by temperature differences) creates the ideal breeding
ground for bacteria, fungus, yeast and algae at the interface between water and fuel. These
microorganisms and their excrements become a dark slimy deposit and create acids. Bacteria can form
quickly. In perfect conditions, they multiply every 20 minutes. Micro-organisms and their excrements
clog filters and fuel lines. In extreme cases, this will create blockages of the entire fuel system and can
be the cause of engine failures.
WS water separator together with the
ultra-fine filter has proven to be a successful
The advantages of the WS purifier are:

Removes 99% of the free water from the fuel

Filters out particles down to approximately 10 m- works as a pre filter
No maintenance no filter inserts need to be changed
Water and particles are drained off at the bottom

by micfil Filters and Fuel Optimizing Systems 2015

Fuel optimizer system

Fuel optimizer


Diesel fuel is composed of long chained hydrocarbon molecules and

is, due to its nature as a fluid, prone to changes. Chemical reactions
cause the hydrocarbon molecules to cluster and grow in size. The
fuel becomes cloudy. This results in bad combustion because the
individual molecules dont get enough oxygen during combustion.
Most of the tank sludge is caused by this clogging.
When fuel flows through the
fuel optimizer the hydrocarbon
molecules are electro statically charged which causes the dissolving
of clusters in the fuel. The fuel molecules repel each other. This
improves the atomization upon injection. The individual fuel
molecules receive more oxygen during the ignition process.
fuel optimizer disperses the clumping of the
hydrocarbon molecules and improves the combustion.

No combustion residues after the use of

filters and fuel optimizing
Cat 3412 - 4000 hrs.

Combustion residues without

filters and fuel
optimizing systems.

by micfil Filters and Fuel Optimizing Systems 2015


Choosing the right filter size and quantity for your application
Diesel fuel / Heating oil
Flow rate in Litres per hour

Filter Requirement

300 l/h
600 l/h
1.200 l/h
1.800 l/h

1 x AL/ST 150
1 x AL/ST 300
2 x AL/ST 300
3 x AL/ST 300

* Custom fabrication by arrangement

Engine oil
Volume in Litre

Filter Requirement

50 l
100 l
300 l
600 l

1 x AL/ST 150
1 x AL/ST 300
2 x AL/ST 300
3 x AL/ST 300

* Custom fabrication by arrangement

Gearbox oil
Volume in Litre

Filter Requirement

125 l

1 X AL/ST150

250 l

1 X AL/ST300

500 l

2 X AL/ST300

750 l

3X AL/ST300

* Custom fabrication by arrangement

Hydraulic oil
Volume in Litre

Filter Requirement

250 l
500 l
1.000 l
1.500 l

1 x AL/ST 150
1 x AL/ST 300
2 x AL/ST 300
3 x AL/ST 300

* Custom fabrication by arrangement

(Higher flow rates or oil volume are possible by adding additional filters)

by micfil Filters and Fuel Optimizing Systems 2015


Reduction of abrasive particles through ultra-fine filters

compared to standard filters
Hydraulic oil

Gearbox oil

by micfil Filters and Fuel Optimizing Systems 2015



Fuel transfer system

Oil and diesel filter setup

Bulk filtration system

by micfil Filters and Fuel Optimizing Systems 2015

Diesel filter setup on a dumper


Images of various installations

Installation on CroisiEurope ships

WS water separator +
AL 300
for diesel (filter insert change after 800-1500 hrs)

AL 300 for engine oil

by micfil Filters and Fuel Optimizing Systems 2015

fuel optimizer FO 16


Images of various installations

Installation on MS Breydel

More than 26,000 hours without

an oil change

Transmission filter

Pressure reduction valve for

gearbox filter

Corvette Patrol Boat P725 LAdroit

by micfil Filters and Fuel Optimizing Systems 2015

Fuel system for ABC engine


Images of various installations

CAT excavator

diesel filtration

John Deere diesel filtration

Hydraulic filtration

Fuel and engine oil filtration

by micfil Filters and Fuel Optimizing Systems 2015

Fuel filtration


J. . & Dero Prudhomme
M/S Breydel
Schouteerpark 19
B-9070 Destelbergen

Tel : B 0032 478486962

Tel Euro 0031631 967608
Fax : 00491749337722
MWSt.-BE 0643 434 751

To Micfil filters and Fuel optimizing systems.

Dear Alexander,

I am writing to let you know how successful your filters have been for me. I own/run a river cargo ship. My
main engine is an ABC - 8M D x C built in 2004 (April) I use FAMM Delo SHP 30 engine oil. The engine oil has
been in use since 06 Feb 2009, the engine hours were 14,130 at that time. I had your micfil filters installed on
02 Sept 2009 the engine hours were 15,750 at that time. I change the filter inserts every 800 hours. I have
not changed the oil since I have installed the filters, only topped it up when it needs it. The condition of my
engine is very good: No oil sludge or sediment. The upright walls inside the engine are clean The old carbon
residue is gone and the engine is much cleaner. The engine hours now are 22,300.Since I do not have to
change my oil now and my ABC takes between 500 and 550 liters of oil I am saving a lot of oil and a lot of
Euros! ! ! On my smaller generator (HATZ 30KW; 4cylinder) the oil cost saved is not so much but it is still
worth it for less wear and tear on the engine . On the Bow thrusters engine {GM 165 PS 2-stroke motor, Type
671 N) It is also good for the engine as it does not save me on oil here. Previously there was only a fine
mesh filter, this was not enough

Betreff:zu friede kunde

Datum:Fri, 10 Feb 2012 17:07:58 +0100
Von: W. Baars - Kilstroom B.V. <>
An: <>
beste Alexander
wir habe ab 2004/2005 filter von Horst und immer zufrieden,wir
machen jeder 3 monaten eine oilanalyse und dieze ist immer gut .wir haben 30.000 stunden mit unsere Deutz
hauptmachine ohne oilwechsel( unsere castrolbunkerstation ist nicht zo fro mit dieze filters). im 2011 habe ich
noch werbung gemacht fur Micfil filters im der scheepvaartkrant. ich wunsch weiterhin eine gute zusammenarbeit
im zukomst.
Met vriendelijke groet,Wim Baars
Kilstroom B.V.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Alexander,(Translation)
Since 2004/2005 we have filter from HW-micfil and are always satisfied, we make an oil analysis every 3 months
and these are always good. We have 30.000 hours with our Deutz main engine without an oil change ( our Castrol
oil bunker station is not so happy with these filters). In 2011 I have made advertising for micfil in "the
ScheepvaartKrant". (a shipping newspaper) I wish for a continuing collaboration in the future.

by micfil Filters and Fuel Optimizing Systems 2015



by micfil Filters and Fuel Optimizing Systems 2015


from 30.03.2012
An die Firma Micfil
Am Bahnhof 6
74862 Binau

VOF Stuut-Morsink
Robert & Janet Stuut- Morsink
M/S S Miryana
Verhulststraat 46
8031 EV Zwolle

Dear Mr. Proch, we are happy to Confirm to you the very good effect of your micfil filter. We have in our river
cargo ship M / S Miryana MTU 2000 Series Main Machine. With the MTU filters, normal supplied, we always had
significant problems. The standard filters were usually already after 120 -150 hr completely clogged so that they
then had to be changed which meant significant costs and disadvantages for us. In 2005, we then installed the
micfil ultrafine filter. Since that time we have to our complete satisfaction no problems with the diesel any more.
We change the micfil inserts now after 2000 hours In addition, the filter conserves our injectors to a considerable
extent and saves us high costs.
With kind Regards
Robert Stuut

by micfil Filters and Fuel Optimizing Systems 2015



by micfil Filters and Fuel Optimizing Systems 2015



by micfil Filters and Fuel Optimizing Systems 2015



by micfil Filters and Fuel Optimizing Systems 2015


micfil Filters and Fuel Optimizing Systems

Am Bahnhof 6
D-74862 Binau, Germany

by micfil Filters and Fuel Optimizing Systems 2015

0049 (0)6263 42 95 988

0049 (0)6263 42 79 960


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