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Finding Happiness

Before finding anything,you should know why you need it. Let it be success,power
,position,prestige or even happiness. We need something just because of benefits
it brings alongwith it.
Why Do You Need Happiness?
Happiness, just as I have understood from my life so far , seems to be the ultim
ate goal of human life. Because money,position,power,prestige are all futile if
you are not happy. They just don't make any sense. Do they?
Laugh in a louder voice & notice that everyone around you , will ask you the rea
son,because finally everyone wants to be happy. This applies to eveyone,let it b
e a small child,girl,boy,woman or man.
What is Happiness?
Happiness is something which gives a meaning to your life,making your life worth
How to find Happiness?
It varies from person to person & depends upon personal choice. Some find it by
watching a movie with friends,some by meeting old friends & remembering old yet
pleasing memories,some by reading a book,some by listening to music,some by hang
ing out & some by just not doing anything being idle!
But believe it or not, I have experienced that even though these all things give
you happiness, but they are all transient,deminishing with the flow of time & t
hat happens just because we expect the same things to happen frequently which le
ad us to happiness.
The easiest way to be happy is to find something funny in almost everything let
it be your work,assignment,classtest,lecture or anything. And the moment you fin
d it,start smiling & I assure you that everyone will start smiling with you afte
r knowing the reason.
Expessing That You Are Happy
Give a loud laugh, a sweet smile or just smirk! Everything will work,because tru
ly speaking ,a smile is the closest distance between two people,no matter where
do they come from, what are their religions & nationalities & what are their bac
Happiness has no religion , no reservations but a birth-right bestowed upon you
by the grace of God.
Find happiness in nature, find happiness in people around, find happiness in the
morning sky, find happiness in the setting sun & its colors,find happiness in a
chirping of a bird,find happiness in trees,plants,flowers.
This world is full of happiness. You just need to observe & point it out.
And ofcourse you have the happiness of being here alive on this immensely beauti
ful planet!
So gift a smile to everyone who you meet irrespective of whether you know her/hi
m & in response,you will also be greeted by the same sweet smile making your who
le day happy!
And finally, love everyone in the best way possible. It has the power of changin
g this whole world.
Just give as much as you can because it is in giving that we receive...

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