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: € \Scrauso DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, COLORADO _APD Case#é 15-22041 ‘AFFIDAVIT OF PROBABLE CAUSE FOR ARREST WARRANT I, Detective Chris Fanning #22561, of lawful age and being first duly sworn upon oath, depose and state that I have probable cause for believing that: Sean Travis Crumpler, W/M. Date of Birth: 11-12-1966 did commit the crimes of: 18-3-504 - Human trafficking for sexual servitude ~ human trafficking of a minor for sexual servitude, F2 18-3-405.3 - Sexual assault on a child by one in a position of trust - F3 18-6-701- Contributing to the delinquency of a minor - F4 om/between: April 15, 2015 to August 5, 2015, WITHIN THE County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, and as grounds therefore states as follows: ‘Your affiant is a commissioned police officer with the Aurora Police Department, currently assigned to the FBI Safe Streets Task Force Innocence Lost Task Force (ILTF) as a Task Force Officer (TFO). ‘The Innocence Lost Task Force investigates among other things the exploitation and commercial sex trafficking of children. Prior to my assignment with the ILTF, 1 was assigned to the Crimes Against Children Unit of the Aurora Police Department for over 10 years. ‘The information contained in this affidavit was personally obtained by your affiant by reviewing documents provided to the Aurora Police Department, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), Long Beach (CA) Police Department, and from the FBI. NCMEC ~ The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children was established in 1984 as a private, non-profit organization, NCMEC provides services nationwide to families and professionals relating to preventing the abduction and sexual exploitation of children. Pursuant to its mission and congressional authorization (see 42 U.S.C. 5773), NCMEC operates the CyberTipline and the Child Victim Identification Program to provide assistance to law enforcement in its efforts to identify victims of child pomography and child sexual exploitation. NCMEC also works with law enforcement, Blectronic Service Providers, electronic payment service providers and others in their efforts to reduce the distribution of child sexual exploitation images and videos on the Internet. NCMEC forwards reports of possible child exploitation to law enforcement for its independent review and analysis On August 5, 2015 the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) received an email from NCMEC. This email stated that NCMEC had received information that the| 1 Ss had previously been reported as a missing child was posting videos of himself on Instagram that depicted the child using drugs, and engaging in pornography. ‘According to the e-mail, on July 13, 2015 contacted his family via text message from a phone number of 720-757-2946, requested his Social Security number and birth certificate to get emancipated so that he could travel into Canada, In addition communicated with Social Services using the same phone number. On July 24, 2015 Long Beach Police Detective Peter Lackovic served a subpoena on T-Mobile who was the carrier for phone number 720-757-2946, and learned that this number resolved to Sean T Crumpler at 23958 E. Hinsdale Place, Aurora CO 80016. ‘This address is in the City of Aurora, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado. Long Beach Police Department (LBPD) Detective Terry Hubert did a clearance of Crumpler DOB: 11/12/1966 and found that Crumpler was a registered sex offender. Crumpler had recently been investigated in May of 2015 by the Long Beach Police Department under case 15-3188 for “Sodomy: Person under 18/ Defendant +21” , however that case was inactivated due to the victim not wanting to cooperate. Tread LBPD report 15-31888 and leamed the following: On May 24, 2015 LBPD Officer R. Ryan responded to a Days Inn Hotel in Long Beach CA ona report ofa sexual assault. Officer Ryan spoke with the (I victim fa told him the following: On May 15, 2015 believed his Facebook account had been hacked as there were numerous nude photographs on his page. (MJ stated that he was upset and did not want to be around his family or schoolmates. As a result Qi contacted 2 friends “Coddie” (Coddie Jesus Favela, DOB: 07-01-1995) and “Ricky” (Ricardo Barron, DOB: 06-29-1996) GBB expressed his desire to get away from things, and Favela and Barron told Mit he was serious he could go with them to Colorado. {jtold Favela and Barron that he would go with them, and was later picked up at his residence. As a result, ED ported him asa runaway, GB sated that over the next few days they traveled around California. During this time, leamed that the person who lives in Colorado makes a lot of money, and that he would give him alot of stuff. Favela and Barron told {J that the male likes to have sex with young men, and that he gives them a lot of stuff so they do what he tells them to do. (This male was later positively identified as Sean Travis Crumpler, DOB: 11-12-1966). ated that Favela and Barron were in contact with Crumpler, and they told Crumpler that Hwas 16 years old. {JJ lso stated that he had spoken with Crumpler on a video chat prior ‘to meeting him in person. On May 18, 2015 Barron, Favela andj met with Crumpler at the Days Inn Motel #229 (1500 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Long Beach CA). Once in the room fused the restroom. ‘When he exited the restroom he noticed Crumpler, Favela, and Barron were all naked and sitting on the beds. WBBBBstated that he began to “awkwardly” organizing his things when Crumpler told him to get naked. complied. then stated that Crumpler directed one of the friends (unknown which) to perform “head” ‘or oral sex on him (Crumpler). According to MP afier a few minutes Crumpler told J to give him “head” (oral sex). iJcomplied and described Crumpler as pulling his head hard towards his body causing him to gag on Crumpler’s penis. (EBB describes many sex acts occurring during this time to include Crumpler having anal and oral sex with the males. {also describes Crumpler eventually ejaculating int feos After Crumpler did this act, Crumpler directed one of the males to continue to have anal sex with a and describes Crumpler as pushing the back of the friend, essentially forcing the friend on According to J after theses sexual acts, they all went to dinner where {JJ personally told Crumpler that he was 16 years of age. ‘After dinner, they all returned back to the hotel room where ff describes many more sexual acts that occurred between he and Crumpler. After these acts were complete, Crumpler left for the evening and (J Favella and Barron stayed the night. ‘The following day at around noon, Crumpler arrived back at the room and again instructed everyone to get naked. According to| jore sexual acts occurred between all of the males to include oral and anal sex. ‘After these sexual acts, they left the room and Crumpler purchased numerous gas cards to be used for the upcoming car trip from California to Crumpler’s home in Colorado. While they were out Crumpler advised the group that he has found another “boy” on the “Grinder” application. Crumpler told the group that boy said he was 18 years old, and was kicked out of his house. Crumpler then directed Favella and Barron to drive to a McDonalds where they were going to meet the new male. ‘stated that while they were driving, Crumpler told him that, “This is what I like to call hunting”, and further oa 8 at the house is to “find young boys to bring back to the house.” stated that during other conversations with Crumpler, he stated that Crumpler had told him he had been with boys as young as 10 and 12 years of age. ‘The group then drove to a McDonalds where they picked up a young male named {i This group, to include{MEN then went back to the hotel and Crumpler directed everyone to get naked. After everyone was naked, Crumpler directed| Ho perform oral sex on him. After the oral sex, stated that Crumpler had anal sex wit jand eventually ejaculated into anus. ‘After these sex acts, Crumpler asked IM to join the group at his residence in Colorado. After Crumpler left, Favela and Barron told and bout Crumplers house in Colorado, Favela and Barron stated that Crumpler is gone most of the day for work, but when he retuns he likes to have a lot of sex. Favela and Barron stated that there are approximately 12 other boys who live in the residence between the ages of 18-21, and there is another 16 year old that lives in there. Favela and Barron stated that Crumpler can get fake ID's for anyone that is not 18 years old, and it is during this conversation that jj leaned that MB was 16 years old. ee: to go to Colorado, and the group drove through the night to get to florado, where they arrived early in the afternoon of May 20, 2015. Once in Colorado and at the residence of Crumpler, they Favela, Barron, QM and another 16 year old boy {NH are directed by Crumpler to go upstairs and get naked. After everyone is naked {tated that Crumpler had (jjperform oral sex on him, and Crumpler told {MBB to give him oral sex. Crumpler later has anal sex with both (ggand According tof later in the same evening he was directed by Crumpler to go upstairs Crumpler told “everyone” to go upstairs and “fuck the new boys”. Once upstairs numerous sex aots are performed to include Crumpler having anal sex with QIN. Once this is complete, (I stated they went back downstairs. Once they are downstairs, tated that Crumpler came back downstairs and asked he and —_ ‘which one of you is going to come upstairs when I piss (urinate)? Neither, GERREEE wented to, and according tof Crumpler told them that they were both going to do it at some point. According to both he and Pent upstairs to a bathtub where they got on their knees. {tated that Crumpler wanted the other males in the house to watch, and proceeded to urinate into the mouths of| while other watched. {added that Crumpler was telling them to swallow the urine. After describing another round of sexual activity involving Crumpler jstated that he no longer wanted to stay at the house and wanted to go home. The following morning Favella and Barron dove ERI ome o California ]was able to identify Crumpler as he had seen his name on some mail located within the 1ouse. {AMP also believes Crumpler is HIV positive, and stated that condoms were never used by anyone in the house during all of the sexual activities. WB tad a Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) exam performed in California. During Officer Ryan's investigation he collected clothing that {was wearing. This clothing was given to Officer Roberts, who later found a California ID card that belonged to Coddie Favela, DOB: 07-01-1995. GB provided Officer Ryan the phone numbers for Coddie and Ricky, and using department Tesources Officer Ryan was able to determine that the number for Ricky resolved to Ricardo Barron, DOB: 06-29-1996, and the listed address on Barron's card is the same address listed for Coddie Favela, DOB: 07-01-1995. ‘Due to some of the criminal acts occurring in Aurora Colorado, this case was assigned to Commissioned Aurora police Detective Larry Martinez to review. ‘On June 9, 2015 Detective Martinez was contacted by Detective Eric Fernandez of the Long Beach Police Department, Detective Fernandez informed Detective Martinez that he has not been able to locate jgiifin regards to this case On June 24, 2015 Detective Martinez received an email from Det. Fernandez that advised refused to cooperate further in this investigation. As a result Det. Martinez inactivated the investigation. On August 5, 2015 while acting on the NCMEC tip, I called LBPD Detective Lackovic and Jeamed that he was receiving “pings” from the phone ‘a believed to be using. ILTF Officer Jeff Himes prepared a search warrant for the residence of Crumpler, which was later signed by Magistrate Ben Leutwyer in Arapahoe County District Court. ‘As members of the Aurora Police Department SWAT team were preparing to execute the search warrant, Crumpler, and other males arrived at the house in Crumplers 2004 Lexus. }was taken into custody on a warrant as well as his runaway status out of California and transported to the police station, Members of the APD and ILTF contacted the following people in or around the house. - Ethan Archuleta, DOB: 08-03-1995 = Jason Miler, DOB: 06-23-1994 - Roxanne Gutierrez, DOB: 05-15-1996 - Drew Adkins, DOB: 06-20-1994 - Jonathan Vasquez: DOB: 08-29-1995 ‘Atthe Aurora Police District 3 station I spoke with Jay ae: Jeamed the following: 1 asked I where in California he was from. replied that he was from Hicom birth until the age of 12-13. When he was 12-13, he moved in with, who lives a :: he was fighting with his mother’s boyfriend “everyday”. This is where he has hived ever since, (BB st2ted he ran away from MAE in the end of April of 2015. , that he left and got a fake ID card, and changed his name to [> Jand was living off of that ID. asked where he went after obtaining the ID, and Btated he stayed at a “room” in Long Beach that he was renting from someone ‘not want to provide me with that person’s name.) BBB 12100 he only lived at this place for about a week, and was soon arrested using his real name, tated his fake ID was seized by police. {MM stated that he was taken back home where he stayed for about a week — and then ran away again. MBB toed that after he left this time he was gone for about a month. {MMM indicated that he got another fake ID with the same name (gaammggend DOB on it It was during this time he met Sean (Crumpler). When asked where he met Sean, (J stated on the “gay app” named Grinder. (MBM confirmed that he initially met Sean on-line and not in person. ‘When asked what Sean’s screen name was, {iistated that it was “daddy”. asked what the word “daddy” meant to him, and jjiMfanswered (Sean) was going to give money, like a “Sugar Daddy”. MB swered Tasked {QB what was expected in exchange for Sean giving him mon eee Lasked when he met up with Sean, {iJ stated that he first met Sean in Long Beach in the end of April T asked what Sean promised to him before they ever met, and MJ stated that Sean just wanted to meet him. (BBB sted that Sean took him out to lunch, and “01d” Elo come live with him in Denver. (BB eereed, ashe had nowhere else to go. Sean told him that he had a big house. When asked about the lunch {if stated that Sean was looking for “cute guys to support”, Lasked MBB ¢ he told Scan his age, and {Mstated that he showed Sean his fake ID, and Sean took a picture of it. (MBB 2ced that Sean told him that he was going to add him to the lease. Next BM stated that he came out to Denver for about a week in the end of April and liked it. He went back to California to let his friend know that he was moving to Denver. Once back in California the “Cops got me”, and they took him home, SBM rinks cither his family or the Long Beach PD took the other fake ID. When asked how he got back to California, {§i#Pstated that he took his friends car. clarified saying he drove his friend’s car out here from CA and drove it back. {gj would not disclose who his friend was. BIBI stated that when he was retumed to crmureaa tte told the police officers that he did mot want to be there, and the officers took him to “DCF”, which he describes as foster care. Gees that he was taken there, and he soon withdrew himself, and left to come back to ‘olorado. Tasked how he got back to Colorado the 2" time, and §iMfinitially did not want to say. asked if he came with other people, and| Janswered “yeah”. Mfstated that they had previously lived at Sean’s house, and, ‘not want to identify these males but stated that they were in their 20’s or 30s. asked {Mf ithe could ID some of the names if I asked him. HEBD stated that he would First, Lasked about “Coddie”. Mf knew Coddie and said that was one of the males he was with. Next, Lasked about a male by the name of MPMI answered “yeah”. When I asked about SND thought it may have been the “boy” from the house. When I asked about SEEEND stated that this was him, as that is what everyone knew him as ~ based on his ID. I confirmed that the second trip to Colorado he traveled with Coddie and Ricardo, an agreed. §MBBMstated that no one else was in the car, and this trip was around the beginning of June. (QB zted that he asked Coddie and Ricardo to drive him to Colorado. {UM stated that Coddie and Ricardo had lived in Colorado, and knew about Sean’s house: According to Phe was pretty sure Coddie and Ricardo had known Sean prior to he knowing Sean. MBB 2104 that at the time he was on the Grinder app, he did not know Coddie or Ricardo, but ‘was at some point introduced to them through Sean. When asked how Sean introduced him to Coddie and Ricardo, tated that Sean told him ‘that these will be the guys that you will be living with. ted this introduction was done in person- in CA, and that Coddie and Ricardo were present. (MBBeonsirmed that Coddie, Ricardo and he then left for Colorado via car, and IM believes that Sean may have flown home. When asked if anything happened during the drive from California to Colorado stated no. BEBE cries ever stopping at hotels, and stated that they drove the whole way. Once in Colorado,| /denied that 'was around, but stated that all of the people we (ILTE/APD) were in contact with at the house were there. I asked {Fo describe what was happening at that house, specifically why an older male had younger males in there. EM answered “we have sex and he gives us stuff”. asked if he had sex with Sean, janswered “yeah”, I asked if it was always with Sean, and Janswered that if they wanted to have sex with other guys, they could. ‘When asked about the sex with Sean IJ stated that they could tell him that they did not want to and that sex was not necessary upon request from Sean. asked if that was his understanding of being here — was that he was to be “a boy for him (Sean)”, and to have sex with Sean if that is something he wanted. (J replied “Yeah”. Tasked {MB tell me what the word sex meant to him, and he laughed. GBB stated that the word sex meant “normal”, asked if it “was like oral sex”, and {iM enswered “anal” asked if he did any oral sex with Sean, and IMP answered “yeah”. Tasked how many times he performed oral sex on Sean,§@iPenswered about 10 times, and all of these acts were at the house. IMB stated that all of these acts were he performing oral sex on Sean. asked how many times he had anal sex with Sean,{jfanswered about 20 times, and all of these acts were in the house. (BBB evitied that the anal sex was Sean performing = Tasked about the other males he had sex with and {iif identified “John” who also lives in the house. {BEM stated he bad sex with John twice, and described the sex as both oral and anal. MBB stated that this also happened in the house, and all of these sex acts were consensual ‘Next [asked about what kind of things he would get in exchange for performing on Sean. (a stated that he received clothes, food, “anything basically that we needed”. asked if it was his understanding that these items were in exchange for sex. clarified saying that they “exchanged words and planned it”. ‘When asked {INF agreed that in order to stay at the house, he would have to perform sex acts to stay, and to get items. MBB cenied anything ever happened in hotel rooms or other places in regards to sexual acts. When asked if he ever saw Sean force anyone to have sex acts {indicated that he did not. When asked if Sean ever directed anyone to have sex 90M indicated that he did and further stated that Sean would watch. When asked who this happened wi icated that Sean directed John and Jason to engage in sex acts. According t ean directed others “a couple” of times. (BIBI cenied ever being directed by Sean to get naked, sca that he was not working, but was going to get a job. Tasked when the first time he had sex with Sean, and {§Mfindicated that it was on his first trip here in late April or early May of 2015. stated that this was anal sex, with Sean performing on him. Bie that “orgies” also occurred in the house, but ijlfeencrally did not participate in em as hi When asked how the alcohol was distributed in the house, {4 stated he drank it but said Sean | discouraged bim due to his age, as well as it would mess up his body | When asked about marijuana indicated that there was marijuana in the house and it was there when he got there. (IBIB ete tae marijuana was available “whenever you ces that Sean does not | smoke or drink alcohol. When asked who bought the alcohol, stated that it was always there. {qjggiPassumed that Sean bought the alcohol. | “When asked who bought the “weed” {IIIMstated “obviously be (Sean) did”. T asked why he said obviously, an: ated that “he had the money”. | T asked MEER he ever saw Sean buy the weed or alcohol, andPciterated that it was always “stocked up”. added that Sean doesn’t like it (alcohol and marijuana) but gets it to keep them happy. never heard Sean say he was going to run to the dispensary, and never saw any other drugs| stated that if they did any other drugs it was stuff the others got on their own. reiterated that the only thing Sean provided was “liquor and weed” felt that we were going to put everyone in the house in jail, and felt it was not their fault as he lied to them about his age. In reviewing the reports written by APD and ILTF members in regards o the interviews T eared the following: Jonathan Vasquez told TFO Greg Slater that in June of 2014, he began searching for male partners who were HIV positive, by posting ad’s on craigslist. com. In November of 2014, Sean Crumpler responded to his ad and the two met for lunch. During this lunch he leamed that Crumpler was an independent computer engineering Contractor from Long Beach, CA who had recently moved to Colorado after securing a 2 year contract. ‘Vasquez stated that they immediately it it off, and began an intimate relationship, “Vasquez stated that Crumpler encouraged him to quit his job and fo move in with bim, Grampler stated that he (Vasquez) would not have to work, and that he (Crumpler) would support him. 10 In March of 2015 he and Crumpler moved into ‘the house at 23958 E. Hinsdale Place, and | several other individuals moved in as well. One of those ‘males was identified as neritic | Vasquez stated that EE w2s from California, and arrived at the house in June of | 2015 with a male named “Ricky” ‘Vasquez stated that Ricky is a friend of Crumplers whom be (Vasquez) originally met in | Paneer of 2014 when Ricky traveled from California to vist Crumpler | Vasquez stated that Ricky only stayed for a short time, and then traveled back to | California, returning in June of 2015 ‘with EEE 2nd another male who Vasquez | identified as Coddie Favela. After these 3 males arrived, Vasquez stated that Coddie and Ricky left around the middle of July of 2015. ‘Vasquez stated that Crumpler provided him with a corporate credit card that he used to food, and entertainment in the house Vresquer stated that be never saw Crumpler have sex with anyone 2f the house other than he, and his boyfiiend (Iason Miler). Vasquez stated that he is > polyamorous” wetationship or “open relationship” with Miler that allows multiple parines- When asked, Vasques stated that Crumpler did not demand sex from anyone in exchange for food or shelter. ‘Vasquez stated to his knowledge SE 22: 2s ober1e8 > California ID card that stated ‘Vasquez stated that he never saw, EBB 2c sex with anyone in the house, and described QB 2s keeping to "himself. “When asked who provided the drugs in the house, Vasquez stated that he had a medical marijuana card that he used to purchase and smoke rag ‘Vasquez. admitting to sharing marijuana with others in the house to oT ‘Vasquez denied ever knowing or ever hearing ofa person ane “When TRO Slater asked Vasquez as to bis whereabouts prior to bein contacted by police on this date, Vasquez. sta cdkins dropped Crumpler off at red that he, Crumpler, and Drew Ac work, Vasquez and Adkins then dropped at Denver General Hospital for a doctor's appointment, as, In reviewing the interview with Drew Adkins by TFO Jeff Himes, I leamed the following: [Adkins stated that he and Crumpler bad been intimate a couple of times. u When asked about minors living at the house, Adkins stated \ REE «2s 15-16 years old, and had heard that Crumpler an¢ fad been | intimate. -TFO Himes noted that Adkins did not appear to be telling the truth, and Himes and FBI Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) Todd Wileox advised him of the {legalities of lying to Federal | Agents. ‘Adkins admitted to lying about people in the house. ‘Adkins stated that Crumpler likes to have sex with young boys between the ages of 14-15 years old, ‘Adkins stated that MMIII had once told him that Crumpler had tried to “fist” him, “hich he understood to mean; Crumpler wanted to place his fist into the anus of ‘Adkins stated that QP iter, Vasquez, and Archuleta have told him that group sex happens inside Crumplers residence. ‘Adkins again admitted to lying after mentioning that 3-4 weeks prior a male by the name of| Jeame by the house. As a result, Adkins was placed into handcuffs and was. cae he was being detained for lying to a Federal Agent. TFO Himes advised Adkins that he did not have to speak anymore, to which Adkins apologized and agreed to keep talking. ‘Adkins stated that Crumpler “likes litle boys here”, and he likes “to fuck young boys” ‘Adkins added that he bas seen Crumpler give IM marijuana, and watched SE cit ‘Adkins recalled a time about a month ago when Crumpler directed EF 4 “Jason” to have sex together, and according to Adkins they did. ‘Adkins advises that he has seen numerous naked pictures a ‘Crumplers cell. jphone. Adkins stated that Crumpler will use some of these photos to Ine other young males on a cell phone application named “Grinder”. ‘Adkins stated that he knows Crumpler is HIV positive, and Crumpler has unprotected sex with people. ‘Adkins stated he has seen Crumpler and ggg@Phave sex twice. Once was the week tafore the 2015 “Gay Pride” parade in Denver, and the second time was a few days later ‘when he walked in on {IRRIeiving Crumpler a “blowjob”. In reviewing Aurora Police Detective Larry Martinez’s report of his interview with Tason Miler, Tlearned the following: 12 Miler reported that he has known Crumpler for about 3 months, and he met Crampler via his boyftiend (Jonathan Vasquez). Miler stated that he has had sex with Crumpler at Crumpler’s residence. ‘When asked if he had any knowledge about Crumpler having sex with, —— Miler reported that he had observ Jand Crumpler naked in a 2" floor bedroom identified as “Drew's room”, Miler stated that they were both on a bed, and Crumpler had his penis inside cE os Miler added that once Crumpler saw Miler watching them, Crumpler asked it he wanted a blow job. Miler answered yes, and became involved in the sex act by having {AI perform fellatio on him. Detective Martinez asked Miler to share how Crumpler meets new males. Miler stated that each time he met new males at his residence, he would take them to his bedroom for about a half hour where they would have sex. Miler went on to explain that 2 males from California who he identified as “Cody (Coddie) and Ricky” would bring males from California. Once the new person arrived, they had sex with Crumpler, and then earned their housing and food. In reviewing TFO Isaac Wall’s interview of Ethan Archuleta I learned the following: "Archuleta stated that he has been living at the Crumpler residence since April/May of 2015, and does not pay rent, Archuleta added that everyone at the residence is required to do chores in order to live there. ‘The chores included cleaning the house and taking care of the weeds outside. Mr. ‘Archuleta stated that John (unknown last name) makes the chore list for the people living at the house. Mr. Archuleta stated that John is on the lease for the residence. ‘When asked ox Archuleta denied knowing anyone named, ‘When asked if he knew of anyone from California living at the house, Archuleta stated that he knew 2 males named Cody and Ricky, but they have since moved back to California. When asked what goes on at the residence, Archuleta answered that “everyone in the house fucks”. Clarifying that everyone used to have sex with everyone. When asked if he had ever seen Crumpler have sex with anyone in the residence, Archuleta indicated that Crumpler was in an open relationship with Vasquez and Miler. Archuleta soon became confrontational, and the interview was concluded. On August 13, 2015, FBI Victim Specialist Anne Darr met with =: Arapahoe County to provide him with victim rights information, At this Darr that he would be willing to give the password for his phone, as well as a signed consent to search form to search his cell phone that was previously seized. Darr relayed this information to me. 3 On August 14, 2015 I — him with an APD Consent to Search Computer/Equipment / Electronic Data form. read the form and signed it in the appropriate location. I asked jvho paid for the phone, and stated that Crumpler did. I asked 10 paid the monthly ill on the phone. stated that Crumpler did. Based on the prior information I had from Long Beach Police Department, I knew that the phone {MEG vas using was also listed to Crumpler. On August 27, 2015 I spoke with Jonathan Vasquez via phone. I asked Vasquez more specifics as to the arrangements for taking| Vasquez stated that jisked him if he could give him aide ad a doctor's ‘appointinent for {AMY Vasquez. agreed and asked Crumpler if it would be ok if they dropped off (IEEE on the way into Crumplers work. According to Vasquez, Crumpler said “ok cool”, and they left. When asked who paid for the doctor’s appointment, Vasquez did not know and thought that the “county” was paying for it. Vasquez reiterated that he did not know who paid for the doctor visit, as he simply dropped {UP 'f, and went to a park. On August 27, 2015 I reviewed the photos that were taken during the search warrant of Crumplers residence. noted that in one of the pictures there is a magnetic board that is displayed inside the house that is titled: “Chores”. Under the title is alist of names to include: Jason, Jordon, Josh, Mikael, Fox, Roxy, Bryan, Drew, Attached next to each name is a magnet that is holding a piece of paper with individual chores listed. Next to (Ic following chores were listed: Trash, Clean Room, and other chores that were non-visible. Based on the foregoing facts and circumstances your affiant has probable cause to believe that the offense(s) of, have been committed and that, Sean Travis Crumpler, W/M. Date of Birth: 11-12-1966 did commit these offense(s). 18-3-504- Human trafficking for sexual servitude — human trafficking of a minor for sexual servitude. F2 18-3-405.3 Sexual assault on a child by one in a position of trust - F3 18-6-701- Contributing to the delinquency of a minor F4 Your affiant requests that an arrest warrant be issued for the arrest of the defendant above-named. ‘Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN/AFFIRMED to before me this 4th day of September 2015. Wa LESH Notary Public MICHELLE PATTON = \c 5 NOTARY PUBLIC 7 ae STATE OF COLORADO Conimiission Expires: NOTARY tp 20084000420 COMNRSBEN EXARES {AMIN 6720 wy 15

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