A - Fully Conjugated French Verbs Beginning With The Letter A

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A - Fully conjugated French verbs beginning with the letter A

abdiquer - to abdicate.
abhorrer - to abhor.
abmer - to damage.
abjurer - to renounce.
abominer - to loathe.
abriter - to shelter.
absorber - to absorb.
accentuer - to stress.
accepter - to accept.
acclimater - to acclimatize.
accoler - to put-side-by-side.
accompagner - to accompany.
accrditer - to susbtantiate.
acheter - to buy.
acquitter - to acquit.
adapter - to adapt.
admirer - to admire.
adresser - to address.
affamer - to starve.
affiler - to sharpen.
agrafer - to staple.
aider - to help.
aimer - to like, to love.
appliquer - to apply.
apporter - to bring.
apprivoiser - to tame e.g. person or animal.
approuver - to approve.
arbitrer - to arbitrate.
argumenter - to argue.
arnaquer - to swindle ... colloquial.
arriver - to arrive.
arroser - to water.
aseptiser - to asepticise.
aspirer - to aspire to.
assimiler - to assimilate.
astiquer - to polish.
attacher - to attach.
attaquer - to attack.
attirer - to attract.
attraper - to catch.
auditionner - to audition.
augmenter - to increase.

automatiser - to automate.
avaler - to swallow.
avorter - to abort.
bcler - to botch.
bafouiller - to splutter e.g. an apology.
baisser - to lower.
banaliser - to make common.
baragouiner - to jabber.
barricader - to barricade.
btonner - to cane.
bavarder - to chatter.
berner - to fool, deceive.
beurrer - to butter.
biser - to kiss.
bizuter - to rag.
blmer - to criticise.
blinder - to armour-plate (a vehicle).
bluffer - to bluf.
boiter - to limp.
bouder - to sulk, avoid.
bourgeonner - to bud, burgeon.
bourrer - to cram full.
bousculer - to jostle.
boycotter - to boycott.
bricoler - to do.
briller - to shine.
brosser - to brush.
brouter - to graze.
brler - to burn.
C - French Verbs List of Verbs beginning with 'C'
cbler - to wire, cable.
cabosser - to dent.
cacher - to hide.
cadenasser - to padlock.
canaliser - to channel.
canoniser - to canonize.
caoutchouter - to rubberise.
caramliser - to caramelise.

caricaturer - to caricature.
cataloguer - to list e.g. classify by order.
catalyser - to catalyse.
catapulter - to catapult.
catcher - to wrestle.
catchiser - to catechise.
cautriser - to cauterise.
centraliser - to centralize.
centrer - to center.
cesser - to stop (cease).
chahuter - to barrack.
chambouler - to upset.
chanter - to sing.
chercher - to look for.
chouchouter - to coddle.
chromer - to chrome.
chuchoter - to whisper.
circuler - to circulate.
civiliser - to civilize.
classer - to classify.
cligner - to blink.
clignoter - to twinkle.
climatiser - to air-condition.
cloisonner - to partition.
clturer - to enclose, fence in.
coaguler - to coagulate.
cocher - to tick.
coder - to code.
coexister - to coexist.
cogiter - to cogitate, to think about.
cohabiter - to cohabit.
concider - to coincide.
collecter - to collect.
collectiviser - to collectivise.
coller - to stick.
coloniser - to colonize.
commander - to order.
commmorer - to commemorate.
commercialiser - to market.
commuter - to commute.
comparer - to compare.
compiler - to compile.
compliquer - to complicate.
comploter - to plot.

composer - to dial.
compter - to count.
concentrer - to concentrate.
conceptualiser - to conceptualise.
concerter - to devise.
concocter - to concoct.
condenser - to condense.
conditionner - to condition.
confesser - to confess.
configurer - to shape.
confirmer - to confirm.
confisquer - to confiscate.
conformer - to conform, comply.
conforter - to strengthen, consolidate, reinforce.
congestionner - to congest.
connecter - to connect.
consacrer - to consecrate.
conseiller - to advise.
consolider - to consolidate.
consommer - to consume.
consterner - to dismay.
constiper - to constipate.
consulter - to consult.
contacter - to contact.
contaminer - to contaminate.
contenter - to satisfy.
continuer - to continue.
contorsionner - to contort.
contracter - to contract.
contraster - to contrast.
contre-attaquer - to counter-attack.
contre-indiquer - to counter-indicate.
contrer - to counter.
controverser - to debate.
convoiter - to covet.
coordonner - to coordinate.
coter - to quote, price, list.
cotiser - to pay contributions.
couiner - to squeak.
couronner - to crown.
court-circuiter - to short-circuit.
coter - to cost.
crditer - to credit.
cristalliser - to crystallize.

critiquer - to criticize.
culminer - to culminate.
cultiver - to cultivate, grow.
cumuler - to accumulate (draw salary).
D - French verbs listing, those beginning with D
damner - to damn.
danser - to dance.
dater - to date.
dballer - to unpack.
dbarrasser - to clear.
dbobiner - to unwind.
dbourser - to spend (pay).
dboussoler - to confuse.
dboutonner - to unbutton.
dbrancher - to disconnect, unplug.
dbrider - to unbridle.
dcadenasser - to unpadlock.
dcafiner - to decafeinate.
dcaisser - to unbox.
dcapiter - to decapitate, behead.
dcentraliser - to decentralize.
dchaner - to unleash.
dchirer - to tear.
dcimer - to decimate.
dcoder - to decode.
dcoller - to take of.
dcoloniser - to decolonise.
dcompter - to deduct.
dconcentrer - to distract.
dcongestionner - to decongest.
dconnecter - to disconnect.
dcontaminer - to decontaminate.
dcontracter - to relax e.g. oneself, muscles.
dcouler - to result, follow.
dcouper - to cut out.
dcrasser - to cleanse.
dcrisper - to relax e.g. somebody else.
dcrocher - to pick up e.g. the phone.
dcroiser - to uncross.
dcrypter - to decipher.
dfigurer - to disfigure.
dformer - to deform.

dgainer - to unsheathe.
dgivrer - to defrost, de-ice.
dglinguer - to dislocate.
dgonfler - to deflate.
dgoter - to disgust.
dgueuler - to puke.
dguster - to taste, savour.
djouer - to foil.
dlaisser - to forsake.
dlasser - to refresh.
dlimiter - to delimit.
dlirer - to rave.
dmagntiser - to demagnetise.
demander - to ask (demand).
dmasquer - to unmask.
dmatrialiser - to dematerialise.
dmler - to unravel.
dmembrer - to dismember.
demeurer - to remain.
dminraliser - to demineralise.
dmissionner - to resign.
dmocratiser - to democratise.
dmontrer - to demonstrate.
dmouler - to unmould.
dnationaliser - to denationalise.
dnaturaliser - to denaturalise.
dnuder - to strip.
dpanner - to repair e.g. car, machinery.
dpenser - to spend (money).
dpeupler - to depopulate.
dpiler - to depilate.
dplorer - to deplore.
dplumer - to pluck.
dpraver - to deprave.
dpurer - to purify.
draciner - to uproot.
draper - to skid.
dsactiver - to deactivate.
dsajuster - to unadjust.
dsapprouver - to disapprove.
dsarmer - to disarm.
dsassembler - to dismantle.
dsavouer - to disown.
dsembuer - to demist.

dsquilibrer - to unbalance.
dserter - to desert.
dshabiller - to undress.
dsherber - to weed.
dshriter - to disinherit.
dshumaniser - to dehumanize.
dshydrater - to dehydrate.
dsincruster - to descale e.g. to scrub.
dsinfecter - to disinfect.
dsintoxiquer - to detoxicate.
dsirer - to want.
dsodoriser - to deodorize.
dsoler - to distress.
dsorganiser - to disorganize.
dsosser - to bone.
dsoxyder - to deoxidize.
desserrer - to loosen.
dessiner - to draw.
dessouder - to unsolder.
destituer - to discharge.
dstructurer - to disorganise.
dtartrer - to descale e.g. decalcify limescale, also teeth.
dtecter - to detect.
dterrer - to unearth.
dtester - to hate.
dtremper - to soak (with water).
dtrner - to dethrone.
chouer - to fail.
clipser - to eclipse.
conomiser - to save (economise).
courter - to shorten.
couter - to listen.
crabouiller - to squash (animal).
duquer - to educate.
galer - to equal.
gratigner - to scratch.
jaculer - to ejaculate.
jecter - to eject.
lectrocuter - to electrocute.
liminer - to eliminate.
manciper - to emancipate.

embobiner - to hoodwink.
migrer - to emigrate.
emmurer - to immure.
empaler - to impale.
empcher - to prevent.
emplumer - to feather.
empocher - to pocket.
empoigner - to grasp.
emporter - to carry away.
emprisonner - to imprison.
emprunter - to borrow.
encastrer - to embed.
encercler - to encircle.
enchevtrer - to tangle.
encrer - to ink.
endoctriner - to indoctrinate.
enfariner - to flour.
enfourcher - to mount.
englober - to include.
enivrer - to intoxicate.
enjoliver - to embellish.
enquter - to investigate.
enregistrer - to record e.g. record a CD; also to check-in baggage .
enrober - to coat e.g. coat with sauce (cooking).
enseigner - to teach.
entartrer - to scale.
enthousiasmer - to enthuse.
entraver - to hinder.
entremler - to intermingle.
entreposer - to store.
entrer - to enter.
envenimer - to poison.
environner - to surround.
envoter - to bewitch.
pater - to amaze.
plucher - to peel.
pouser - to marry.
puiser - to exhaust.
quilibrer - to balance.
quivoquer - to quibble.
roder - to erode.
escalader - to climb (to scale e.g. a wall).
escorter - to escort.
escroquer - to swindle.

espionner - to spy.
ternuer - to sneeze.
tonner - to stun.
vader - to shirk.
valuer - to evaluate.
vaporer - to evaporate.
veiller - to awaken.
voluer - to evolve.
voquer - to evoke.
exacerber - to exacerbate.
exceller - to excel.
excepter - to except.
exister - to exist.
exorciser - to exorcize.
exprimenter - to test.
expertiser - to value.
expliquer - to explain.
explorer - to explore.
exploser - to explode.
exporter - to export.
exterminer - to exterminate.
extorquer - to extort.
extrapoler - to extrapolate.
F - Tables of French Verbs starting with F
faonner - to shape, manufacture, fashion.
fantasmer - to fantasise.
fasciner - to fascinate.
fauter - to sin.
favoriser - to favour.
feinter - to feint.
fliciter - to congratulate.
fminiser - to feminize.
fermenter - to ferment.
fermer - to close.
fertiliser - to fertilize.
fesser - to spank.
fter - to celebrate.
filmer - to film.
filtrer - to filter.
fixer - to fix.
flageller - to flog.
flairer - to snif.

flasher - to fall in love with.

flatter - to flatter.
flipper - to flip, freak out.
flirter - to flirt.
fluctuer - to fluctuate.
focaliser - to focus.
foisonner - to abound.
forer - to drill.
formaliser - to take ofence.
formuler - to formulate.
fossiliser - to fossilize.
fouetter - to whip, flog.
fouler - to press (ie.grapes).
franciser - to Frenchify.
frapper - to hit.
frauder - to defraud.
fredonner - to hum.
freiner - to brake.
frimer - to pretend.
frotter - to rub.
frustrer - to frustrate.
fuguer - to abscond.
fumer - to smoke.
fusiller - to shoot e.g. with a gun.
fusionner - to merge.
G - Learn French verbs from the listing of conjugated verbs beginning
with G
gaffer - to blunder.
gagner - to win.
galber - to curve.
galoper - to gallop.
gambader - to gambol, caper about.
ganter - to glove.
garer - to park e.g. a car.
gargouiller - to gurgle e.g. stomach.
gaver - to force-feed.
gner - to embarrass.
gnraliser - to generalize.
gesticuler - to gesticulate.
gicler - to spurt.
gifler - to slap.
givrer - to frost.

glisser - to slide.
globaliser - to globalize.
glousser - to chuckle.
goudronner - to tar.
goutter - to drip.
graver - to engrave.
graviter - to gravitate.
grelotter - to shiver.
gribouiller - to scribble.
griffonner - to scribble (scrawl).
grimper - to climb (e.g. a rope, a tree).
grouper - to group.
gueuler - to bawl.
guider - to guide.
guillotiner - to guillotine.
habiliter - to authorise.
habiller - to dress.
habiter - to live in.
habituer - to get used to.
hachurer - to hatch.
halluciner - to hallucinate.
handicaper - to handicap.
hanter - to haunt.
herboriser - to botanize.
hriter - to inherit.
hiberner - to hibernate.
hisser - to hoist.
hiverner - to winter.
hocher - to nod.
homogniser - to homogenize.
hospitaliser - to hospitalize.
hululer - to hoot.
humaniser - to humanize.
hurler - to scream.
hydrater - to hydrate.
hypnotiser - to hypnotize.

Listing of fully conjugated French verbs beginning with the letter I.

idaliser - to idealize.
idoltrer - to idolize.
ignorer - to not know.
illusionner - to delude.
illustrer - to illustrate.
imaginer - to imagine.
imiter - to imitate.
immatriculer - to register e.g. car.
immigrer - to immigrate.
immobiliser - to immobilize.
immortaliser - to immortalize.
immuniser - to immunize.
impermabiliser - to waterproof.
implorer - to implore.
imploser - to implode.
impressionner - to impress.
improviser - to improvise.
impulser - to impulse.
inaugurer - to inaugurate.
inciser - to incise.
incorporer - to integrate.
incruster - to inlay.
inculper - to charge.
indemniser - to indemnify.
indiquer - to point out.
individualiser - to individualize.
industrialiser - to industrialize.
infester - to infest.
infiltrer - to infiltrate.
informatiser - to computerize.
informer - to inform.
infuser - to infuse.
inhaler - to inhale.
inhiber - to inhibit.
inhumer - to inter.
initialiser - to initialize.
injecter - to inject.
innover - to innovate.
insminer - to inseminate.
insister - to insist.
insonoriser - to soundproof.
inspecter - to inspect.
instaurer - to institute.

institutionnaliser - to institutionalize.
instrumenter - to orchestrate.
insuffler - to inspire.
insulter - to insult.
intellectualiser - to intellectualize.
intercaler - to insert.
intercepter - to intercept.
intrioriser - to internalize.
interligner - to interline.
internationaliser - to internationalize.
interner - to intern.
interposer - to interpose.
interviewer - to interview.
intimider - to intimidate.
intriguer - to intrigue.
introniser - to enthrone.
invalider - to invalidate.
inventer - to invent.
inviter - to invite.
invoquer - to invoke.
irriguer - to irrigate.
islamiser - to islamize.
jardiner - to garden.
jener - to fast.
jongler - to juggle.
jouer - to play.
jubiler - to jubilate.
juxtaposer - to juxtapose.
K - Conjugated French verbs beginning with K
This French verbs list is free. Use it daily and recite the conjugated verbs aloud,
two, three, four times or more.
kidnapper - to kidnap.
labourer - to plough.
laisser - to leave.
laminer - to laminate.

lapider - to stone.
lasser - to weary.
laver - to wash.
lgaliser - to legalize.
libraliser - to liberalize.
ligaturer - to bind.
liguer - to unite.
limiter - to limit.
lisser - to smooth.
lister - to list.
livrer - to deliver.
lyncher - to lynch.
M - French Verbs List of conjugated verbs beginning with the letter M
maonner - to build.
magntiser - to magnetize.
majorer - to increase e.g. a fine.
malaxer - to knead.
maltraiter - to ill-treat.
mandater - to commission.
manipuler - to manipulate.
manuvrer - to manuvre.
manquer - to lack.
manufacturer - to manufacture.
manutentionner - to handle.
marcher - to walk.
mariner - to marinate.
masquer - to hide e.g. light, landscape.
massacrer - to massacre.
masturber - to masturbate.
mter - to mast.
materner - to mother.
matriculer - to register.
maximaliser - to maximize.
mcaniser - to mechanize.
mcontenter - to dissatisfy.
mdiatiser - to mediatize.
mmoriser - to memorize.
mentionner - to mention.
mriter - to deserve.
mesurer - to measure.
mtalliser - to plate.
mtamorphoser - to metamorphose.

meugler - to moo.
miauler - to mew.
moissonner - to harvest.
P - List of French verb conjugations, verbs beginning with the letter P
The best way to get the most out of the French verb tables in this French verbs
list is to do them daily, repeating them aloud ten times. You can even write
down the lists to consolidate that knowledge. Do this for a month and the
patterns will fast become second nature to you.
paniquer - to panic.
papoter - to gossip.
parachuter - to parachute.
paraphraser - to paraphrase.
pardonner - to forgive.
parler - to talk.
parrainer - to sponsor.
passer - to spend (time).
pasteuriser - to pasteurize.
patiner - to skate.
patrouiller - to patrol.
paver - to pave.
peaufiner - to perfect.
pdaler - to pedal.
pnaliser - to penalize.
penser - to think.
percher - to perch.
percuter - to strike.
perforer - to perforate.
perptuer - to perpetuate.
perquisitionner - to search.
perscuter - to persecute.
personnaliser - to personalize.
perturber - to perturb.
ptiller - to crackle.
philosopher - to philosophize.
pianoter - to strum.
picorer - to peck.
pitiner - to trample.
pigeonner - to dupe.
pigmenter - to pigment.
piller - to pillage.
pique-niquer - to picnic.
piquer - to sting.

pirater - to pirate.
pisser - to pee.
pister - to track.
plaider - to plead.
plaisanter - to joke.
pltrer - to plaster.
pleurer - to cry.
pleurnicher - to snivel.
poignarder - to stab.
pointiller - to dot.
poivrer - to pepper.
polluer - to pollute, foul.
pomper - to pump.
porter - to carry (by person).
poser - to ask a question.
positionner - to position.
poster - to post (guard).
poudrer - to powder.
pousser - to push.
prcher - to preach.
prdestiner - to predestinate.
prdterminer - to predetermine.
prdisposer - to predispose.
prexister - to pre-exist.
prmditer - to premeditate.
proccuper - to preoccupy.
prsenter - to introduce.
pressuriser - to pressurize.
prsumer - to presume.
prsupposer - to presuppose.
prter - to lead.
prtexter - to pretext.
privatiser - to privatize.
proclamer - to proclaim.
profaner - to profane.
profiter - to benefit.
programmer - to programme.
prohiber - to prohibit.
prner - to extol.
pronostiquer - to forecast.
prophtiser - to prophesy.
proportionner - to proportion.
proposer - to suggest.
propulser - to propel.

prospecter - to prospect.
prostituer - to prostitute.
protester - to protest.
prouver - to prove.
puer - to stink.
pulvriser - to grind.
questionner - to question.
quitter - to leave e.g. leave a country.
R - List of Conjugations of French verbs beginning with R
raccommoder - to mend.
raconter - to tell.
radiodiffuser - to broadcast.
raffiner - to refine.
raffoler - to adore.
ramasser - to pick up (from floor).
rper - to grate.
rassurer - to i.e. restore confidence.
rationaliser - to rationalize.
ratisser - to rake.
raviver - to revive e.g. restore a fire.
rayonner - to radiate.
rabsorber - to reabsorb.
ractiver - to reactivate.
radapter - to readjust.
raffirmer - to reaffirm.
ranimer - to revive e.g. a market.
rcapituler - to recapitulate.
rciter - to recite.
reclasser - to reclassify.
recoller - to restick.
recommander - to recommend.
rcompenser - to reward.
recomposer - to recompose.
recompter - to recount.
recondamner - to recondemn.
rconforter - to comfort.
reconnecter - to reconnect.
reconsolider - to reconsolidate.

reconstituer - to reconstitute.
recroiser - to recross.
recruter - to recruit.
rcurer - to scour.
recycler - to recycle.
redistribuer - to re-distribute.
redorer - to regild.
redouter - to fear.
rditer - to republish.
rduquer - to re-educate.
rembaucher - to re-engage.
rquilibrer - to rebalance.
rvaluer - to revalue.
rexaminer - to reexamine.
rexporter - to re-export.
refaonner - to refashion.
reformer - to re-shape.
reformuler - to reformulate.
rprimander - to reprimand.
T - Listing of Verbs in French Conjugated - those beginning with T
travailler - to work e.g. job.
This French Verbs List is provided free for all to learn from. Link your

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