Pathfinder RPG Class Questionnaire

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Classes Questionnaire

Do you want

to be really tough and do lots of damage in melee (hand-to-hand) combat? Go to A

to be really good at ranged weapons? Go to B
to be a leader on the battlefield and inspire others? Go to C
to blend magic with your physical fighting? Go to D
to get power from the gods and/or have the power to raise the dead? Go to E
to have a powerful connection with nature? Go to F
to be stealthy and use your quickness and agility to surprise and kill enemies? Go to G
to be good at convincing or intimidating people, and disguising yourself? Go to H
to be intelligent, insightful and have lots of knowledge? Go to I
to specialize in casting the most powerful offensive magic but be physically weak? Go to J
to wield witchcraft or primitive magic? Be a WITCH (APG) to hex your enemies and get access to a wide variety
of spells. Be a SHAMAN (ACG) to be better at fighting, have connection with a spirit, have access to only a
few spells but you are able to cast them multiple times in a day.
to throw bombs, brew potions, and experiment with weird science? Be an ALCHEMIST (APG).



Do you want to:

go into a wild rage while fighting? Be a
BARBARIAN (CRB) to get special fighting
abilities when you rage. Be a BLOODRAGER
(ACG) to cast magic derived from your blood
heritage when you rage you can only cast spells
starting at Level 4.
blend magic with your fighting? Go to D
be a holy warrior sworn to smite evil, have access to
healing and other magic, and maybe have a celestial
mount? Be a PALADIN (CRB). You can only cast
spells starting at Level 4. You can only have a
celestial mount starting at Level 5.
be good in the wilderness and at hunting certain
types of creatures, maybe have an animal
companion, and cast minor spells? Be a RANGER
(CRB). You can only have an animal companion
and cast spells starting at Level 4.
specialize in quickness and finesse, and fighting
with a fencing sword? Be a SWASHBUCKLER
study and make opportunistic attacks like backstabs
on enemies? Be a SLAYER (ACG).
have the very best formal training in combat
techniques, armor and weapons, and have Combat
Feats no one else can have? Be a FIGHTER
fight without weapons? Be a MONK (CRB) to
have some mystical abilities as well. Be a
BRAWLER (ACG) if you want to focus on pure

ACG Advanced Class Guide, APG Advanced Players Guide,

CRB Core Rulebook, UC Ultimate Combat, UM Ultimate Magic

Do you want to:

be good in the wilderness and at hunting certain
types of creatures, maybe have an animal
companion, and cast minor spells? Be a RANGER
(CRB). You can only have an animal companion
and cast spells starting at Level 4.
have the strongest armor and do the most damage,
and have Combat Feats no one else can have? Be a
to wield guns but not be the best up-close fighting?

Do you want to:
be tough and ride a mount into battle? Be a
CAVALIER (APG) to be a sergeant in battle,
inspiring and sharing combat techniques with
your allies. Be a SAMURAI (UC) if you want to
inspire allies and have an indomitable endurance
and will. If you want to be a holy warrior sworn
to smite evil and have access to healing and other
magic, be a PALADIN (CRB), but you can only
have a mount starting at Level 5 and can cast
spells starting at Level 4.
also be good at casting spells? Be a BARD (CRB)
to use performance to inspire allies to fight better
and to confuse enemies, and to be the best at
skills and persuading others in the game. Be a
SKALD (ACG) to be tougher in battle and
inspire rage and courage in allies.

specialize in fighting? Youre tough and able to

study and make sneak attacks on enemies? Be a
have insights into mysteries and enemies, make
precise, calculated blows in battle, and brew magical
extracts (potions)? Be an INVESTIGATOR

Do you want to:
cast some spells that a wizard might cast, and
combine magic with your weapons? Be a MAGUS
go into a wild rage while fighting, able to cast magic
that comes from your very blood? Be a
BLOODRAGER (ACG). You can only cast spells
starting at Level 4.

Do you want to:2
still be one of the toughest fighters? Be a PALADIN
(CRB) if you are a holy warrior pledged to
destroying evil, and maybe have a celestial mount
starting at Level 5. Be a WARPRIEST (ACG) if
you want to be a warrior for the gods that is
good, neutral, or evil.
be a ruthless enforcer of your gods will who uses
both fighting and magic? Be an INQUISITOR
have some of the most powerful magic in the game?
Be a CLERIC to draw power from the gods
themselves and access a wide variety of spells. Be
an ORACLE to draw a power from a mysterious
curse, and have access to only a few spells but you
are able to cast them multiple times in a day. Be a
SHAMAN to get power from spirits, cast hexes
on your enemies, and have access to only a few
spells but you are able to cast them multiple times
in a day.

Do you want to:
be one of the toughest fighters, specialize at fighting
certain types of creatures and in certain
environments, cast minor spells? BE A RANGER
(CRB). You have the option of an animal
companion starting at Level 4.
be specially trained in fighting in tandem with your
animal companion, and have some decent
spellcasting ability? Be a HUNTER (ACG).
have access to some of the most powerful magic in
the game, and have an animal companion? Be a

Do you want to:
be the best at disarming traps, infiltration, and have
devastating sneak attacks? Be a ROGUE (CRB) if
you want to be better at disarming traps. Be a
NINJA (UC) if you want to have mystical abilities
and be better at being unseen.

ACG Advanced Class Guide, APG Advanced Players Guide,

CRB Core Rulebook, UC Ultimate Combat, UM Ultimate Magic

Do you want to:
also be good at disarming traps and have devastating
sneak attacks? Be a ROGUE (CRB) if you want to
be better at disarming traps. Be a NINJA (UC) if
you want to have mystical abilities and be better
at being unseen.
be a dashing swordsman or pirate? Be a
use magic to create illusions and enchant creatures,
inspire your allies, and heal allies? Be a BARD
have insights into mysteries and enemies, make
precise, calculated blows in battle, and brew magical
extracts (potions)? Be an INVESTIGATOR

Do you want to:
inspire allies with performance, have a broad range
of knowledge, and cast spells? Be a BARD (CRB)
to use performance to inspire allies to fight better
and to /confuse enemies, and be the best at skills
and persuading others. Be a SKALD (ACG) to be
tougher in battle and inspire rage and courage in
also cast some of the most powerful magic in the
game? Be a WIZARD to specialize in a school of
magic and access more powerful magic earlier.
Be an ARCANIST if you want to boost the effects
of some spells and be able to cast a prepared spell
multiple times in the same day.
have insights into mysteries and enemies, make
precise, calculated blows in battle, and brew magical
extracts (potions)? Be an INVESTIGATOR

Do you want to:
learn magic through diligent study, specialize in a
school of magic, and access higher-level spells
earlier? Be a WIZARD (CRB).
draw magic and special powers from a powerful
heritage in your blood, and have only a few spells
but cast them multiple times in a day? Be a
prepare different spells each day that you can cast
multiple times, learn a variety of magical tricks, and
draw from your inner reserves to boost some spells
each day? Be an ARCANIST (ACG).

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