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Chapter 3

This chapter contains analysis of facts to address the various issues identified during the research
process. Each analysis explains the issue and provides a brief background. The organizations,
departments, and agencies responsible for initiating each action are identified. In most cases, other
stakeholders will be involved in the process as well, as solutions are found and issues resolved.
Actions have been given a priority ranking of 1, 2, or 3. All actions are important, but this ranking
will be used to decide which actions should be done first, or to help make choices among actions when
financial and human resources are limited. Priority 1 items are essential to implement the plan and, in some
cases, must be done first in order to enable other actions. Priority 2 items are important, but are not critical
to immediate plan implementation. Priority 3 items are desirable, but need not be done immediately, or may
need other actions done first.
1. Daraitan is rich in natural resources.
According to Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Daraitan is one of those
Barangay in Tanay that contributes a high number of Limes. And its water resources are considered to be
the cleanest water in Region IV.
2. Tourist Attractions in Daraitan
Tinipak River and Cave as well as Daraitan Mountain and River are well-known tourist attractions
in the Municipality of Tanay that offers tremendous activities for Trekking, Swimming, Kayaking and the like.
3. Tour Guides are always available.
Being a tourist attraction, it is an advantage for Daraitan for having a numerous number of welltrained Tour Guides anytime of the day 24/7.
4. It is 2-3hours away to the biggest Metropolis in the Country.
Many tourists can come for it was not so far from Manila. Cheap cost of fare required.
1. Rough roads infrastructures going to Daraitan.
Almost 90 % of the road is rough because it is not purely concrete.

Tourism Master Plan and Feasibility Report on the Tourism of Daraitan

Daraitan, Tanay, Rizal

58 | P a g e

Chapter 3
2. Lack of Public Transports
According to the survey, almost 83% of the tourists problem was the lack or unavailability of Public
Transports in the area. Public Utility Jeeps headed to Daraitan are only available at 1pm in the afternoon
making the tourists chose to ride on a tricycle that offers more expensive fare.
3. Tour Guides Training and First-Aid Trainings
For accidents cant be avoided, some of the tourist are afraid of accidents. Trekking on Tinipak
River and Cave and on Daraitan Mountain is tough thing to do. It is very steep in elevation and some of its
rock is slippery and thus the help of tour guide is highly needed most especially in times of crisis. So, the
tour guide must be well-trained not only on passing thru the trail but also in giving first-aid to someone who
needed it in any cases that occur.
1. Daraitan, Tanay is widely covered by the media nowadays.
As a developing area for tourism, it is quite important for a place to advertise on media. Media is a
powerful source of promoting Barangay Daraitans Tourism. Social Networking sites, T.V or on-screen
shows featuring Daraitan is a good source of promoting tourism. It is an opportunity for Daraitan to take
advantage of the influential media to tourists.
2. Developing tourist attraction in Tanay that starts last 2011
For it was a developing area for tourism, many tourists will plan to see the place.

1. NPA (New Peoples Army)
Many of the tourists are afraid to visit this kind of place for they believed that its not safe from the
NPAs or other militant group.
2. Bad Weather Conditions

Tourism Master Plan and Feasibility Report on the Tourism of Daraitan

Daraitan, Tanay, Rizal

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Chapter 3
As you can observed, every month of July and August, the number of tourists decreases due to
bad weather conditions.

Tourism Master Plan and Feasibility Report on the Tourism of Daraitan

Daraitan, Tanay, Rizal

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