Bikol Reporter September 6-12, 2015 Issue

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outstanding local newspaper

For Five Consecutive Years
St. Peter Baptist Catholic Mass Media Awards

vol. XXII, NO. 49

regional exponent for progress

Bicol, the philippines

september 6-12, 2015


( 473-8888

Over 1M eyed
In Fridays Traslacion

NAGA CITY This city

expects more than one million
devotees coming here from
the transfer-procession of the
Our Lady of Peafrancias
(revered here as Ina) image
n Sept. 11 to the fiestas
culmination in a colorful
fluvial procession along Naga
River on Sep. 19.
This significant annual
religious event is done in
celebration of the centuriesold indigenous devotion to
the Ina, with the citys fiesta
being held for nine days
beginning the second Friday
of September.
John Bongat has formally
reactivated the operation
InterAgency Task Group for
the Peafrancia fiesta and
asked representatives of
member-agencies, including

uniformed personnel, to help

maintain the religiosity and
encourage deeper devotion to
Ina during the nine-day fiesta.
Composed of government
agencies, civic groups and
the Catholic Church here,
the task group was created
to handle the celebration of
tercentenary devotion to Ina
for the devotion to thrive from
its original devotees of locals
called cimmarrones in 1710
to devotees outside of Bicol
and the country at present
Member agencies are the
regional disaster risk reduction
council, the 9th Infantry
Spear Division, Philippine
National Police, Philippine
Guard, Philippine Air Force,
Bureau of Fire Protection,
Land Transportation Office,
(Turn to page 7)

New highway to boost Partido economy

By Frank Peones Jr.

Highway Inauguration


Caramoan Mayor Constantino H. Cordial Jr. hands to Tigaon Mayor Arnie Fuentebella the cut
ceremonial ribbon signaling the completion of the Gov. Felix A. Fuentebella National Highway
which was inaugurated last September 5 marking the 100th birth anniversary of the former
Camarines Sur governor. The inauguration was attended by Partido mayors like Manghay
Delena of Presentacion, Ruel Velarde of Tinambac, UNEP President Peachie Alfelor Moraleda,
former House Speaker Noli Fuentebella and 4th District Representative Wimpy Fuentebella.

Caramoan, Cam. SurA total of 94.2 kilometers of

concrete road from Lagonoy to this fast-emerging
tourism town inaugurated
over the weekend is now
seen by its proponent to
propel the economic development of the Caramoan
Where before this area is
considered as puro, or dead
end, now it will be a new centro because of this highway,
Fourth District Representative
Wimpy Fuentebella told residents awaiting at the boundary marker of Lagonoy and
Presentacion towns during the
start of the Partido Caravan
2015 on September 5.

The caravan was held in

time to mark the 100th Birth
Anniversary of former Camarines Sur Governor Felix
A. Fuentebella whose dream
it was to link the Caramoan
Peninsula with a road network and after whom the new
highway was named.
Felix also served as the
Representative of the 2nd
District of Camarines Sur
from the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and
7th Congress, that is, from
Under R.A. 8968 approved
on October 4, 2000, the erstwhile Caramoan Peninsula
Road was renamed Governor
Felix A. Fuentebella National

It covers the 31.73 km.

road;, the 18.65 km. Presentacion-Maligaya road; the
31.748 Maligaya JunctionCaramoan-Guijalo
and the 12.075 km. Maligaya-Garchitorena road.
The history of this
highway has its beginning
in the dream of the late
governor, continued under
the time of Speaker Noli
Fuentebella and pursued to
its final realization by this
representation as a legacy
not to our family but to the
people of Partido, the late
governors grandson said.
With this highway, the
(Turn to page 7)

3rd Floor, GERONIMO BLDG., BARLIN ST., NAGA CITY TELEFAX: (054) 475-62-62 CP 0921-3183720 / 0919-2822901 / 0920-5337766


bikol reporter

For country
or the party?
At the inauguration of the Gov. Felix A.
Fuentebella National Highway over the
weekend, Fourth District Representative
Wimpy Fuentebella narrated the history
of the self-same road.
From his story, one sensed how the
fate of the said highway was inevitably
and sadly, linked to our countrys political
It got support and funding if the one
occupying Malacanang was their political
ally; and it remained on the sideline, if the
President was not.
So, we cannot blame the Fuentebellas
if at one time, they clamored for the
separation of the Partido area as a
separate province, a move which we think
they should continue to pursue. As the
title of the book of the British economist,
Schumacher, puts it: Small is Beautiful.
So, we cannot blame them if the road
system of the area had deteriorated or
been neglected for some time.
Times have changed and last weekend,
the local media was hown how the
Partido area is now all interconnected
with a network of good (read, well paved)
Thanks to the persistence and
commitment of the districts current
representative. Alls well that ends well.
Yet, what if ones representative is
one who can only stare at the ceiling
of Congress, counting the lizards, and
unconcerned about lawmaking or his
district? Or worse, not an ally of the
Malacanang occupant.
Clearly, this is what is wrong with a
representative government ruled by party
This is what is causing our slow train
to progress.
We cannot always rely on the
commitment of our representatives in
Congress. We also need a responsive
system that puts the welfare of the country
first before ones party affiliation.


september 6 - 12, 2015

Political Season, Soon

(Atty. APA chairs Acyatan & Co.,
CPAs-DFK International is past chair of
ASEAN Federation of CPAs, PICPA past
president and Hall-of-Famer, and ACPAPP
Lifetime Achievement Awardee).
NEWS HEADS: October (candidacy
filing deadline) will be reckoning month
for new and old politicians, whether part of
their political family dynasty or not. Let us
just read the news lines: Mar vows to be
the next Visayan president. Binay close to
choosing VP partner. LP should give up
offer to Poe and choose another VP bet shes not worth it! Bongbong Marcos has
no 2016 plans yet. Leni Robredo, Leila de
Lima not interested in VP post (but may go
for the Senate fight).
Meantime, Albay politics has taken a
shift towards hard-fighting. Gov. Salceda
has reiterated that he is now running for
Congress (second district) under the LP
banner to be led by presidential bet Mar
Roxas. He will be running against the Ako
Bikol candidate who revealed his anti-Mar
color by joining the caravan of not-yet a
candidate Grace Poe. With Salcedas
leaderships the LP stands a good chance
of cornering the Bikol vote majority.
SOME VIEWS: We strongly speculate
that the Grace Poe-Chiz Escudero friendship
will translate into a Pres-VP tandem for
2016. Without their supposed close ties,
Poe would have already accepted Roxas
keen invitation. In anticipation, anti-Chiz
stalwarts have started circulating in media
and social circles, saying that Chiz may be
popular nationally but evaluation of his
performance in his congressional district in
Sorsogon is below par.
Congw. Leni Robredo has many strong
points going for her possible fight for

the Senate. She has a revered lawyer
father (my Nu Kappa Phi frat brother
Tony Gerona), nationally honored late
husband (Sec. Jesse), a loving young
family, pleasing but simple and demure
personal aura on top of her professional
credentials, and her sincere ways of
making her thoughts known to listeners.
We trust Lenis radiant eyes much more
than the secretive expressions of Sen.
Philippine inflation
eased to record-low 0.6% last month
- amid declining food prices as well as
cheaper power rates and lower transport
fares. These were brought about by the
declining global oil prices (my average
cost of gasoline now is P37.00/liter).
The Philippine Statistics Office (PSA)
compared the present rate with 4.9% in
August last year. For the first eight months
of 2015, average inflation settled at 1.7%,
already below the governments 2% to 4%
target for the year.
According to the Dept. of Finance,
this record-low inflation has provided
the financial policy makers more space

to maneuver at a time when the El

Nino phenomenon in the Asia Pacific
threatens the local economy. El Nino is
expected to persist in the Philippines up
to middle of next year (2016). Already,
government has alerted all agencies
to make hay while the sun shines
moderately and the isolated rains
continue to fall. The citizenry should
study how to stock water well and with
sanitary systems.
INDUSTRY: Now the bad news
contra the low inflation! I n d u s t r i a l
production continued to struggle in this
country due to weak global demand
particularly from second world industrial
giant China. Analysts said in its latest
Asia Pacific preview that industrial
production in the Philippines likely
contracted 3.3% in July after shrinking
by 3.6% percent last year. Base effects
have exacerbated the slump from low
oil prices and weakened global demand
steaming from China.
The factory output is expecting upticks
in food production after recovering from
the series of typhoons that ravaged our
country. (Note that fruits, especially
bananas are now becoming cheaper
in the marketplace!). Despite the many
recent typhoons and LPAs passing by
agricultural and infrastructure damages
suffered by affected provinces are still
bearable. Let us strengthen our faith
that all the good things we enjoy and the
safeties we are provided with all come
from the Almighty!
WISDOM: Sufferings draw us apart
from our worldly ways even as they
bring us closer to our loving God.

Lets thank Divino Rostro and Our Lady of Peafrancia &

What INC meant by Separation of Church and State
We are now in the novena week of the
Divino Rostro and Feast of Our Regional
Patroness, Our Lady of Peafrancia, our
Beloved Ina. Lets pray and thank them for
the peace are enjoying in our region and
for saving us from destructive typhoons
and for their love and protection. Viva
el Divino Rostro! Viva Nuestra Sra. de
One week before the Iglesia ni Cristo
held its peaceful assembly in some streets
of Manila, Quezon City and Mandaluyong,
TV Net 25 reported the result of the INCs
survey among its members as to who their
preference for President is in the 2016
election. VP Jejomar Binay got ninety
three percent (93%) and DILG Sec. Mar
Roxas got six percent (6%). It seems this
has connection with the following excerpts
from the column of Daxim L. Lucas Biz
Buzz in the Philippine Daily Inquirer dated
September 2, 2015 entitled What is meant
by separation of state and church.
Im glad there were no violent incidences
and their protest assemblies ended
peacefully after a quiet dialogue with
government officials.

nenita fuentebella-peones
Biz Buzz spoke to sources both within
the INC and outside it to piece together the
series of events that led to last weekends
vehicular traffic-paralyzing street protest.
This all started with the rise to power of
INCs current executive minister Eduardo
Manalo, who succeeded his father, the late
Erao Manalo, in 2010.
As with most changes in leadership, the
younger Manalo had his own inner circle,
resulting in the exclusion of some formerly
influential senior members from this elite

group. The grumbling led to a full-blown

schism in recent weeks.
According to the INC source, some
officials of the ruling Liberal Party were
aware of this internal rift and decided to
exploit it in an effort to weaken the bloc
voting strength of the group.
Angel Manalo (Eduardos younger
brother) was out of the power loop,
along with a few others, the source
said. What some administration people
did was approach the disgruntled
members and urge them to go against
the leadership.
The goal of this move is supposed
to weaken the INC, which they knew
would never support Mar Roxas (the
administrations bet for the 2016 polls),
the source said. So how do you
neutralize INCs power? By breaking
it up.
The source said this move by the
administration or its allies was inspired
by a historical precedent, which he called
the greatest crisis in INCs history.
The INC insider said the
(Turn to page 4)

A devils pact?

Tel. No. (054) 475-6262

ed g. yu


Lee G. Dullesco II

Head, Advertising Associates


Has the Aquino government yielded

to the demand of the Iglesia ni Cristo?
The intriguing silence of both camps
after the President and the INC leaders
locked themselves in conference, has
kept everyone guessing.An apparently
unguarded remark made by an INC
official that victory was theirs has given
us some light.
The fearless guess is that the
government has given several inches of
its ground. The voluntary dispersal of the
protesters has conveyed the impression
that the government has softened. That is
how we look at it.
The INCs demand? The resignation
of Justice Sec. Leila de Lima whom it
accused of making a mountain out of a
molehill of the serious illegal detention
charge filed against its top people..
If you do not suspect anything, I smell
something fishy in the sudden withdrawal
of the mass protest.
Sec. De Lima, however, said that she
would resign upon her filing the certificate


salvador d. flor

of candidacy for senator. The date of

filing is October, this year, not too distant.
The INC can wait. What is a few weeks
of waiting?
Such things do not augur well for the
ordinary citizens.A powerful religious
group by its sheer numbers, appears
to have bullied the government into
swallowing its demand.It could result
in the serious illegal detention charge
pursued with deliberate delay.

There are countless ways of killing a

cat, streetwise people would say.
The accuser, dismissed INC Minister
Samson, has appealed to the Aquino
administration to be transparent,to
reveal the result of the meeting.He
probably feared a whitewash.
Like many of us, Samson knows
that he is fighting a very influential
organization. Its solid votes of several
millions can easily install in Malacanang
an ambitious politician.
It is election season. And every
dreamy-eyed politico is courting the
If my hunch is correct and the two
camps have entered into what can
be aptly described as a devilpact,the
ordinary citizen, the poor and
unconnected has much reason to go
sleepless.Who will take up the cudgels
for him if his rights are assaulted by
the powerful.
The state has a sworn duty, a very
(Turn to page 4)

september 6 - 12, 2015

bikol reporter

Agri-tourism up in Bicol Expo

By Ana-Liza S. Macatangay
NAGA CITY --- Tourism
and Agriculture take center
stage as the 4th Bicol Tourism and Food Expos (BITFEX) countdown starts to
build up the anticipation
and excitement of key players in tourism, food service
and Local Government
Units (LGUs).

Slated from September 16

to 19 at the SM City Grounds
here, the expo endeavors to
showcase the great potential
of Bicolano products, including its marketability and
competitiveness. Under its
Tabang sa Turismo, Tabang
sa Pagnenegosyo theme, the
activity also intends to high-

light the contribution of small

entrepreneurs in the growth
of the national economy.
The 4-day exhibit which
is being spearheaded by the
PBN Broadcasting Network,
Inc. for 4 years in a row now,
has lined up daily themed-activities to give visitors opportune chances to take a closer
look at the various industries
and business opportunities
that are up for grabs.
On September 16, tourism
key players, including those
in the field of Agriculture are
specifically enjoined to partake of the Agri-Tourism Day.

It will feature the impact, opportunities and challenges of

the ASEAN Integration in the
Agriculture and Tourism industries in the Bicol Region.
An agri-tourism forum will
shortly follow.
PBN Project Director and
Glenn J. Barcelon said that
they have also highlighted
the significance of the convergence between public-private partnership and come up
with an advocacy on how we
can brace up with the entry of
the ASEAN Economic Community.

The partnerships will be

between the SM City Naga,
Department of Agriculture,
Bureau of Fisheries and
Aquatic Resources, Department of Tourism, the City
Government of Naga, the Department of Trade and Industry, Technical Education and
Skills Development Authority, Rubert Games Exhibit
Masters Inc, and other private
and public institutions.
Dubbed Asenso Bicolano Day, the organizers will
highlight the coconut industry on its 2nd day, to promote
the potentials and oppor-

tunities of the said product

in the world market. It will
be recalled that in 2013, the
demand for coconut water
soared high, raising the challenge to the industry to meet
the burgeoning demand for
more production. Over the
recent years, demand for coconut and its by-products has
also become one of the most
sought after for health buffs.
For foodies whose palates
continue to look for new innovations, the 3rd day is just
a perfect time to attend the
Bicol Food Festival, a show-

the MGB was able to come

up with maps in hard copies
accompanied by soft or
digitized copies from where
local disaster authorities
could identify zones prone
to natural hazards such as
earthquake, storm surge, rain
or earthquake-triggered landslides, tsunami, flood and liquefaction, Gonzales said.
The maps, now in the
hands of local officials, de-

termine flood hazard susceptibility zones based on the

geomorphological analysis of
landforms and the fluvial system and carries information
on flood occurrences, flood
depths, duration of inundation as well as topographic
information supported the
Landslide hazard susceptibility zones, on the other

hand, were derived through

qualitative map combination
using lithology, geomorphology, slope gradient and fault
The Global Information
System (GIS) was used in the
map with combination and
subjective weights assigned
to each unit in the parameter
The maps, designed ac-

(Turn to page 6)

DENR zooms in on Geohazards

By Danny O. Calleja


Mayor John Bongat beams after he sat as the only Filipino

member of the 12-man steering committee which drafted
the White Paper on Mainstreaming Migration into Local
Development Planning in Geneva last week.


regional office for Bicol
here of the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has
intensified its information
and education campaign
to enhance the preparedness of local authorities
against geological hazards
confronting their respective
Being initiated through its
Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB), the initiative is
part of DENRs Geohazard
Mapping and Assessment
Program under the governments Ready Multi-hazard
Mapping and Assessment for
Effective Community-based
Disaster Risk Management
Since the MGB has already completed the mapping
and assessment activities,
DENR Regional Director
Gilbert Gonzales on Thursday said, the priority now is
the provision of information
to educate local authorities on
the geohazards being faced
by their respective places.
Through these mapping
and assessment activities,

Deputy Provincial Director Romeo Pillionar of the Camarines Sur Police Provincial Office,
a recognized UN Bomb expert shared his knowledge during the Bomb Awareness seminar
held by SM City Naga last August 24, 2015. The seminar was aimed at equipping personnel
with the needed skills in responding to bomb threats, enhance their awareness on explosive
devices and its impact to infrastructure. He also conducted live demonstration of detonation
of IED. Some 257 participants from the mall and affiliates, including security, janitorial and
engineering personnel, operations department, and tenants attended the seminar.

(Turn to page 6)

Book on Judges Judge launched

A biography of the first
City Fiscal of Iriga was
launched over the weekend
as part of the celebration
of the citys 47th Charter
Foundation Anniversary.
Appropriately titled At the
Birth of a City, it tells the life
story of Judge Angel S. Malaya, from his birth in 1928
to his appointment as the first
City Fiscal of Iriga in 1968,
the year when the old municipality of Iriga was converted
into a city; his appointment as
a Regional Trial Court Judge
in 1987; and his death in 1996
at the age of 67.
As one of the founding fathers of Iriga, Judge Malaya
is credited for having pushed
for the naming of most of the
streets of Iriga, as well as in
initially having the various
ordinances of the city codi-

fied. He also initiated the

composition of the citys official hymn; and as an active
Rotarian president, in having
one of the streets in the city
named Rotary Road.
The inauguration of the
same road as captured in a
photographed showing him
leading the representative of
the Rotary International president, Hari Harilela, the late
Mayor Jose C. Villanueva,
Fil-Chinese business leader
Benito S. Ngo towards its direction.
As a trial judge, the Vox
Bicol issue of January 2127, 1996 issue hailed him as
a judges judge, while his
decisions and rulings stand
out not only for being just yet
compassionate (and) mixed
with homespun wisdom, but
true to his name, angelic and

Malaya Bio Launch

free from partisan political interference and petty personal

In 1961, he married Corazon Enciso Malaya, a Civil
Service Commission Pag-asa
awardee and the founder of
the Camarines Sur Teachers
and Employees Multi-purpose Cooperative for which
the Cooperative Development Authority named her
the Most Outstanding Cooperative Leader in 2012 and an
Ulirang Ina award in 2010.
The couple are the parents
of current Philippine Ambassador to Malaysia, J. Eduardo
Malaya and former DepEd
Assistant Secretary, Jonathan
The book is written by
Melandrew T. Velasco, the
family biographer of former
President Fidel V. Ramos.


Iriga City Mayor Ronald Felix Gang-gang Alfelor receives from former Camarines Sur Schools
Division Superintendent Corazon E. Malaya copies of the biography of her late husband, Judge
Angel S. Malaya. They were joined by the books author and the Malaya children.

bikol reporter

Iriga City celebrates

47th Charter Anniversary
Highlights of this years
47th Charter Anniversary celebration of the City of Iriga
are the Majorettes-DLC (Drum
and Lyre Corps) and LEDDance Squad Cheerleading
and Military competitions with
practically all the schools in
the Rinconada area in participation. A Crack Platoon Silent
Fancy Drill competition will be
another attraction in this years
Recognition of Iriguenos
who have made the city proud
in the field of agriculture will
be recognized. Dubbed Galing Irigueno the award will be
its first.
The week-long celebration
opened with the Banchetto at
the city plaza. Other events
will be the Mt. Asog Mountain
Bike Xtreme Challenge, the
launching of the Go-4 Healthy,
a city-wide blood letting activity, the book launching of At
the Birth of a City, the JCI
Southern Luzon Area conference, the 10 Miler Solidarity
Run sponsored by the Philippine Nurses Association, Iriga
City-Rinconada Chapter, the
Financial Literacy OFW Extended Family Seminar sponsored by Beam and Go and the

Pag-ibig Loyalty Card Enrolment kiosk and application.

The executive committee is
headed by Mayor Ronald Felix
Y. Alfelor, with Vice-Mayor
Omar G. Ampongan, former
Mayor Madelaine AlfelorGazmen, Ruben de los Santos,
City Administrator and the
members of the Sangguniang
Panlungsod Santos Audal, Jr.,
Fatima Tino, Sonny Magistrado, Fernando Berina, Jr., Dante
Oliva, Jessie Abonite. Sr.,
Jose Grimaldo, Manvir Ignao,
Christian Emmanuel Alfelor,
Benjamin Epres and Vicente
Lagatic with the technical
working committees headed by
Peter Lagyap and the full support of Dr. Nenet Berina, Engr.
Nona Vanessa Santiago. Cyril
Borromeo, Louie Taduran, Romeo Abano, Gener Navales,
Noel Lopez, Ariel Abano and
Lordan Navales and the event
coordinators Jess Gonzales,
Romeo Lorenzana, Chito Rempillo, Shirlan Bonacua, Jessie
Abonite, Jr, Dominic Tino and
Maricres Abinal. .
The celebration as usual
expects thousands of spectators who are natives of the city
as well as domestic and foreign

DepEd Financial Management for a

More Efficient and Faster Service
Senior Bookkeeper
Sta. Lutgarda National High School
New Poblacion, Cabusao, Camarines Sur
Bounded by the Mission, Vision and Goals of the Department
of Education, this agency in our government upon whose shoulders is given the responsibility of educating its citizenry, it has
not stopped for formulate ways to provide the best service in
order to carry out its responsibility.
We have been privy to many innovations in the school system, from curriculum changes and varied strategies, all meant to
make education in the country highly responsive.
As part of its aim to move forward and meet its mission, vision and goals, the departments financial management is given
a lot of attention,
Financial management, as a common knowledge, is related
to the funds of any agency. It is specifically meant to guide the
agency make optimum position of funds. It is, likewise, meant to
minimize costs and control money in the agency in the same
manner that it makes faster and more efficient the operation of
the agency in terms of managing its finances.
In the highly digitalized world today where technology had
practically placed man almost in command of many things that
long before were not within his reach, it is a wonder that the flow
of education, business, even the medical profession is unthinkably faster and easier even by a mere touch. Many transactions
have become paperless. It is not also a wonder but something to
be happy over, is the enhanced financial reporting system in the
Department of Education. It now employs the budget monitoring
system. All these are programmed for a more efficient and faster
flow or documents, records and the likes..
To make things and transactions even easier and faster, the
department uses online submission of budget proposals thus
saving time and the result is even error-free.
Payroll is digitalized. This is a trend. DepEd is at level with
the whole modern world in terms of managing its finances. It
just calls for men and women in the office to be highly technical
literate. The computer has taken hold of man and this is another
wonder. Financial management calls for men and women who
are honest in managing their time as well and calls for professionalism in their line of work. This is of course given.
Financial management is a sure way how an agency or institution achieves its mission, vision and goal.
The wonderful thing about financial management is its secret words which are accountability and transparency. In short,
the management calls for persons who know their specific jobs
in the industry specifically in the management section and presumed accountable and transparent in their work.
Financial management encompasses all of the management,
process, and behavioral aspects of structuring efficient monitoring. With financial management now in its full operation, there is
not just one but many reasons to claim that the Department of
Education is continuously seeking new and better operation of
its finances with the right financial managers to meet the mission, vision and goals.
This is close to saying that DepEd is in the best of hands.


september 6 - 12, 2015

Kamundagan nin Syudad

An sarong syudad dai namumundag
sa sarong aldaw o kaya sa espwerso nin
sarong katawo sana. An sarong syudad,
siring sa sarong edificio napapatindog
huli sa sinasabi ni Rizal na mga sararadit
na gapo.
Kan Sabado, piglunsar an sarong
biograpiya kan enot na City Fiscal
kan Iriga, an depuntong Judge Angel
S. Malaya, esposo kan dati man na
superintendent kan DepEd Camarines
Sur, asin ama kan embahador kan
Pilipinas, si Eduardo Malaya.
Pigsurat kan biographer ni dating
Presidente Fidel V. Ramos, an At the
Birth of a City, pigsusog an buhay kan
dating huwes na inapod kan sarong lokal
na peryodiko na sarong judges judge.
Si Judge Malaya saro kan mga
sararadit na gapo na nakapatindog kan
Syudad nin Iriga na nagselebrar kan

frank peones jr.
Septyembre Tres kan ika-47ng taon kan
pagkatugdas kaini kan 1968 susog sa
R.A. 5261.
Bakong pagkakataon man na kan
nakaaging Sabado piginaguraran an
Gov. Felix A. Fuentebella National
Highway sa Partido. Si Gob. Fuentebella
iyo an nagpadrino kan ley na naggibo

from my window . . .
administrations template was a 1930s-era schism within the
then nascent church led by a minister, Teofilo Ora. This rebellion
obviously failed, but Ora was able to bring with him some
members and set up the Iglesia ng Dios kay Kristo Hesusa
small group that still exists today.
They thought that they could use the internal dissent in INC
to foster another rebellion like what happened in the 1930s, the
source said, explaining that this intrusion by the government
in the churchs internal affairs is what the group decried when
they urged the separation of church and state.
It wasnt communicated clearly to the public what INC meant
when they asked that the separation of church and state be
respected because we couldnt exactly reveal all that to the
public just like that, he said. But thats the background of this
whole thing.
The INC member said they suspected further intrusions
by the government into its internal affairs when they received
information that Angel Manalo and former minister Isias
Samson Jr. were being urged to speak out against the churchs
Angel Manalos life in danger from his own brother?
Nonsense, the source said, adding the kidnapping charges
against the members of the church hierarchy was yet another

Competencies of English
Communication Subject
By Victoria P. Vargas T-2,
Sta. Barbara Elem. School, Nabua East District

Serious questions have been asked about the appropriateness of teaching competencies in English as a medium of communication for a people searching for a clear-cut identity.
Much as our purist and nationalist wanted to erase all traces
of American colonial influence, they knew that the language,
rather than the dreams, was less difficult to delete. Or so, they
thought. There are some orders to require government offices
to communicate in our national language, and requiring all
schools to use it as a medium of instruction, the campaign to
Filipinize our information and communication highways and
network has not met with much enthusiasm or success.
Although most Filipino understands and is literate in the
national language, it is not their mother tongue. Many of us
have little use for it except when travelling to other areas in the
country, watching local movies made in Manila, reading comics
and tabloids published in Manila, watching local TV programs
produced in Manila, and listening to the pronouncement of national officials, most of who come from capital region.
The education system, long used to English textbooks and
instructions, had to scramble for Filipino books and qualified
teacher who could speak Filipino.
Perhaps, the best lesson we can learn from that experience
is that language grows slowly. It cannot be transplanted and
expected to blossom quickly by a mere presidential decree.
This is not to say that Filipino will never be able to feel a
sense of whom and what they are because they do not speak
the same indigenous language. They were united enough
when they came out in the streets. English and Filipino had
very little to do with it. It had to do with knowing they nurtured
a common dream in whatever language they happened to be
fluent in. Keep trying to find ways to increase their English
proficiency in the light of international relations, global cooperation and rapid development and computers and telecommunications, we have been engaged in finding a voice we can
truly call our own.
One day, we may find that voice and speak in unison, but
until then, I believe that English can do it for us, too. That is,
if we stop thinking of it as a colonial instrument that broke our
spirit, but as the code that helped us breaks through other
Language, they say, is the key to understanding others.
Teaching English subject for me as a teacher is quite challenging. You should be able to present different teaching strategies on how the pupils speak, write, learn and above all perform their comprehension in such a way a pupil can achieved,
after all, does English can be also be used as a key to understanding ourselves.

kan Iriga bilang ika-tolong syudad

kaidto sa Bikol. Tinabangan siya
sa Camara kaidto ni representante
Eddie Ilarde kan Pasay, na saro man
na Irigueno.
Sa pagtiripon kan Guy Jesters
International sa Manila kan nakaaging
bulan, mamundong sinabi niya na an
Iriga is a dying city.
Dai ta aram kun ano an basehan
kan dating host kan Student Canteen
na nagin Senador asin nakaiba sa
pambobomba sa Plaza Miranda
kaidto. Alagad, sigurado akong dai
siya mabutas nin tataramon na siring
kun mayo siyang basehan.
Saro si Ilarde sa mga saradit na
gapo kan pagkapatindog kan syudad
kan Iriga. Kun nagrururo o nagagadan
ini, siring sa saiyang sinabi, garo
sarong bagay na dapat pagatid-atidon
kan mga taga-Iriga.

attempt to sway INCs 1.2-million bloc voting members to support

the administration candidate.
Thus, last Wednesday night, the INCs Sanggunianits
highest policymaking bodydecided to order its members
out into the streets to protest this so-called intrusion by the

a question of privilege . . .
sacred one, to protect the poor and helpless from the oppression
of the rich and mighty.It has the resources to make the fight
even. But when it abandons that duty , what will happen to
you and me.
This is betrayal of the highest order, a treachery that Heaven
should not condone.
Politicians are politicians, whether new or veteran.All they
think of are their private interests. When the INC massed
infront of the DOJ,and other areas, Jejomar Binay lost no time
showing himself to the protesters and condemning the alleged
interference in the INC internal affairs .
Even Grace Poe who is eyeing the presidency came. The
INC was apparently grateful. That was equivalent to a million
votes. Bicolano Sen Chiz Escudero also showed up. What
was he doing there?
If a pact was ,indeed, entered into, Aquino probably did
it out of fear of the INC reprisal.His anointed successor, Mar
Roxas, would lose the INC votes. That would spell the demise
of his Matuwid na daan.
So what is wrong with delaying the investigation of the
serious illegal detention charge?Even if Samson would create
much noise, his voice would be ignored.The INC, with its
numbers can move anything with its massed voices.
Who among our honorable politicianscould stand in the way
of the INC?
The Philippines is notorious for its compartmentalized
justice, one justice for the poor, another justice for the rich.
Amen.Is there a visible change?

Teaching Strategies
in Mathematics


Que Gatos Elem. School
Nabua West District
Teaching strategies helps the teacher to go beyond their expectations that the learner should be a good performer. Strategies have values component when it comes to the subject
mathematics such as: Use of analogies, parallel, and object
The use of the story of mathematics to illustrate biographical values in the lives of mathematicians. Raise issues relayed
to the nature and the usefulness of mathematics through discussion, question or in challenges to pupils. Identify values
involved in problems and examples and the use cooperative
learning models.
The teaching strategies in mathematics focused on identifying values involved in problems and examples thru the use of
cooperative learning models, mathematics in this case focused
its problem to classify students according to their level of development.
Approaches in teaching mathematics are intended to bring
students closer to the core of said discipline. The use of flashcards, the use of powerpoint presentation, the use of software
for mathematics, silent reading, pep talk, outdoor mathematics, music, poetry, games, journal, puzzles, trivia, mathematics
connections and contents.
Teaching strategies in mathematics also deals with achieving
quality education. The formulation and validation of an achievement test in mathematics helps a lot when implementing the
knowledge they had experience in teaching mathematics in
grade school as a tool for measuring their level of learning.
There are sometimes premises or assumptions; what teachers should know and can do is the most important influence
on what a student learns. Recruiting, preparing and retaining
good teachers is the central strategy for improving schools.
School reforms cannot succeed unless it focus on the creating
the conditions in which the teachers can teach and teach well.

september 6 - 12, 2015

bikol reporter

september 6 - 12, 2015

bikol reporter

DENR zooms in on . . .
cording to geographic and
tectonic settings with emphasis on areas highly exposed to natural hazards, also
delineate areas of possible
ground settlement through
the analysis of the geomorphological lay of the study
area, the sub-surface soils
and the ground water levels,
Gonzales said.
The mapping project,
started two years ago, was
funded by the Australian
Aid Program through the
United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and
the National Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management
Council (NDRRMC).
It is being implemented
nationwide, particularly in
29 of the countrys 79 prov-

inces that include the six

provinces of Bicol, which
have been determined to be
of greatest risk to disasters,
especially those along the
eastern seaboard like Catanduanes, Gonzales said.
Its main objective, according to MGB Regional
Officer-in-Charge Guillermo
Molina Jr., is to identify areas
which are susceptible or vulnerable to various geohazards
and to provide information to
various stakeholders in order to mitigate the impact of
these events.
Through the mapping
project, MGB has identified
40 municipalities in Bicol
that are susceptible to natural
disasters with the provinces
of Camarines Sur and Cat-

anduanes, being on top of the

Based on the geo-hazard
mapping, almost half of Camarines Surs municipalities
are classified as high-risk
areas for flooding -- which
include the towns of Baao,
Bato, Bombon, Buhi, Bula,
Cabusao, Calabanga, Camaligan, Canaman, Gainza,
Libmanan, Magarao, Milaor,
Minalabac, Nabua and San
Fernando which are mostly
part of the Bicol River Basin.
The island-province of
Catanduanes has been identified as the most landslideprone province in the region
due to rock formations that
are already old and cracked
and many of its mountains
covered with thick soils
which erode during heavy
rains, according to Gonzales.
With these materials on
their hands, he said, it would
now be the responsibility of
the respective local disaster
risk reduction and management councils to deduce
from the multi-hazard maps,
particularly the digital version, the risks being faced
by each of their barangays
so that the vital information
could be properly communicated to village officials and
However, according to
Gonzales, it remained a responsibility of the DENRMGB to orient local offi-

cials on these to widen their

knowledge on geohazards
faced by their localities and
how mitigation could be
done at their level.
And while the MGB is
going around Bicols six
provinces for this information and education program,
Molina said, they have also
included in the orientation
activities responsible mining
with emphasis on the role of
the Provincial Mining Regulatory Board (PMRB) that
each province should create
under Republic Act 7076
or the Peoples Small-Scale
Mining Act of 1991.
Under RA 7076, he said,
the PMRB is tasked to implement the policy of the state to
promote, develop, protect and
rationalize viable small-scale
mining activities in order to
generate more employment
opportunities and provide
an equitable sharing of the
nations wealth and natural
This law aims to achieve
an orderly, systematic and
rational development of the
small-scale mining, Molina
He said his office has been
coordinating with Bicol chief
executives for the creation
and reorganization of PMRB,
including the establishment
of Minahang Bayan in each
province to end illegal smallscale mining operations.
So far, only the provinces

of Masbate and Sorsogon

have created their respective
PMRBs while Albay, Catanduanes, Camarines Norte
and Camarines Sur are expected to follow suit, Molina
Having this mining regulatory body activated, the
first two provinces, he said,
are one step ahead of the other four towards establishing
their Minahang Bayan but

still, no area has been established nor identified so far for

review of the DENR.
Molina explained that
under the new rules, only
the PMRB can identify and
determine an area within its
jurisdiction that is suitable
for small-scale mining operations, subject to the review of
the DENR secretary through
the regional director who will
put it under national government monitoring.

Agri-tourism up . . .
case of various delicacies
featuring Bicolanos favorite ingredients like sili, gata
and pili. Bicols best culinary
schools and individuals will
test their innovative and creative kitchen spell to bring
home the prize.
Not forgetting its religious
tradition, the 4th day will be
devoted to the Live coverage
of the Fluvial procession, one
of the highlights of the Penafrancia celebration. This is an
annual commitment of PBN
Broadcasting Network under
the stewardship of its President, Brenda Bayona-Locsin.
We are inviting everyone, especially our exhibitors
who had been with us for the
past years, to partake of these
opportunities to promote and

sell their products, showcase

events and our tourist attractions. We are also welcoming
all the visitors, especially the
Marian Devotees to celebrate
with us the Feast of Our Lady
of Penafrancia.
BITFEX proceeds will go
to the scholarship and social
development projects of PBN

for august
Name of Deceased

Date of Interment


August 1, 2015
August 1, 2015
August 2, 2015
August 1, 2015
August 5, 2015
August 4, 2015
August 11, 2015
August 16, 2015
August 13, 2015
August 14, 2015
August 17, 2015
August 18, 2015
August 19, 2015
August 22, 2015
August 24, 2015
August 26, 2015
August 26, 2015
August 18, 2015
August 30, 2015
August 29, 2015
August 28, 2015
August 29, 2015
August 31, 2015

september 6 - 12, 2015

New highway to boost . . .
samhod or brooms of Presentacion or the yellow fin
tuna caught in the gulf will
now be readily available in
the market for instance, in
Tigaon, in less than an hour;
or tourists coming from Naga
City will only take three hours
to be able to enjoy the beaches
of Caramoan, he added.
For his part, Former
Speaker Noli Fuentebella recalled that it was Hermogenes
Obias, his maternal grandfather, who first expressed the
need to construct the Lagonoy
to Caramoan road.
The inauguration of Gov.

Felix A. Fuentebella Highway

now completely links the road
network connecting the Partido area to the main highway
artery of the province, particularly with the Governor Jose
T. Fuentebella National Highway which begins at barangay
Anayan in Pili to Lagonoy.
This highway was named
after Felix brother, Jose, who
served as the Representative
of the 2nd District Camarines
Sur in the National Assembly
from 1909-1916 and 19351943 and as a Senator from

bikol reporter

The rationalization program

of DepEd division of Cam. Sur
Administrative Officer V Finance
DepED, Division of Camarines Sur

Under DepED Order No. 9, s. 2015 entitled School Calendar for School Year (SY) 2015-2016, the SY 2015-2016
shall begin on Monday, June 1, 2015 and shall end on Friday,
April 1, 2016. The SY will consist of 201 school days, inclusive of the five-day In-Service Training (INSET) break. In
DepED Camarines Sur, new sets of personnel and employees
shall administer the implementation of various administrative,
programs, projects, and activities owing to the full implementation of Rationalization Program (RP).
The DepED RP is a materialization of Executive Order No.
BRANCH, approved by then President Gloria MacapagalArroyo on October 4, 2004. Illustrated below is the staff distribution of different positions before and after the RP. Under
the Program, while key, technical, and support to technical positions experience considerable percent increase in the number of positions, the administrative group had decreased from
16,172 positions to 6,385 or 32%.

Over 1M eyed . . .
Department of Health, Bicol
Medical Center, Philippine
Red Cross, Camarines Sur
Department of Public Hi
KabalikatCivicom, the local
government of Naga City and
the Archidiocese of Caceres.
The Peafrancia fiesta
is also celebrated outside
of Naga City and several
countries around the world
where Bicolano communities
are present, Bongat said,
adding Peafrancia fiesta
is a unifying factor for us
Joselito del Rosario, chief
of Public Safety Office of
Naga City, aid the task group,
based inside the compound of
Bishops residence, will ensure
orderly and peaceful conduct
of the religious celebration,
including security, safety and
medical concerns.
Del Rosario said the task
will do extensive coordination
and complementation of
each others resources for
the achievement of activities
and enhancement of security

and safety of the Peafrancia

He said the task group will
specifically closely monitor
the fiesta events, anticipate
different contingencies and
eventualities, and be always
ready for speedy resolution of
all problems occurring in the
Archbishop of Caceres, who
will lead the celebration for
the third time since he was
installed in 2012, said he was
awed by the celebration
which is so organized in
the way Peafrancia fiesta is
The Church head said what
he witnessed here during the
religious fiesta shows the
magnitude and importance
of the fiesta of the Our Lady
of Peafrancia, like the
celebration of the feast of the
Black Nazarene in Quiapo,
Tirona said the task force
must offer to the devotees of
Ina the memorable experience
who come to Naga City with
the religious intention and
spirit, and some of them
carrying heavy loads in their
lives and petition for healing

The implementation of RP also requires an overhaul of the

structural framework of the School Division Office (SDO) in
such a way that offices are clustered to major strands of service objectives and key functions where the focus is support
to the schools:

References: DepED Order No. 9, s. 2015

Dir. Gilbert T. Sadsad Powerpoint presentation
Lectures of Ms Lanie Velasco

Daet gets Seal . . .

He added that the town
also met the requirements for
the Essential Components
like Business-friendliness
and Competitiveness, Environmental Management; and
Peace and Order.
According to Roxas, the
Seal entitles Daet to access
the Performance Challenge
Fund for 2015, secure Good
Financial Housekeeping Certification for loan purposes;
and avail of other national
program windows such as
the Bottoms-Up Budgeting
Program and the SALINTUBIG Program.
The SGLG replaced
the erstwhile Seal of Good
Housekeeping started in
2010. In 2012, at least 84%

became recipients of the

Seal. Failure to have been
given the Seal disqualifies
an LGU to access or secure
loans from available windows or facilities.
This year, Daet is joined
by Mercedes, Paracale, San
Lorenzo Ruiz and San Vicente among the towns in
Camarines Norte which were
given the Seal. In Camarines
Sur, the towns of Camaligan, Canaman, Del Gallego,
Ragay and San Fernando
made the list; as well as Bato
in Catanduanes;
Barcelona, Pilar, Bulan, in Sorsogon. Only Masbate made it
among the Bicol cities; also
Catanduanes and Sorsogon
for the provinces. -fpj


All unredeemed items/articles pawned at ROWENA ASPE
PAWNSHOP, P. Burgos St., corner J. Hernandez Avenue,
Naga City, pawned from April 1-30, 2015 whose terms have
expired will be sold to public auction sale on OCTOBER 01,
2015 from 9:00 A.M.-12:00 NOON.
Redemption/Renewals of all pledges covered by the
above-mentioned date will be honored until SEPTEMBER
28, 2015 only.

Published: SEPTEMBER 6 and 13, 2015





All unredeemed items/articles pawned at R. M. ASPE

PAWNSHOP, Cor. Panganiban & Elias Angeles Street, Naga
City, pawned from April 1-30, 2015 whose terms have expired
will be sold to public auction sale on OCTOBER 01, 2015 from
9:00 A.M.-12:00 NOON.
Redemption/Renewals of all pledges covered by the
above-mentioned date will be honored until SEPTEMBER
28, 2015 only.

Published: SEPTEMBER 6 and 13, 2015

All unredeemed items/articles pawned at ASPE EXPLORER PAWNSHOP, Ground Floor, Bichara Complex, Abella St.,
Igualdad, Naga City, pawned fromApril 1-30, 2015 whose
terms have expired will be sold to public auction sale on
OCTOBER 01, 2015 from 9:00 A.M.-12:00 NOON.
Redemption/Renewals of all pledges covered by the
above-mentioned date will be honored until SEPTEMBER
28, 2015 only.

Published: SEPTEMBER 6 and 13, 2015





All unredeemed items/articles pawned at ASPE CROWNJEWEL PAWNSHOP & JEWELRY STORE, Bichara Mall corner
J. Hernandez & Gen. Luna Sts., Naga City, pawned from
April 1-30, 2015 whose terms have expired will be sold to
public auction sale on OCTOBER 01, 2015 from 9:00 A.M.12:00 NOON.
Redemption/Renewals of all pledges covered by the
above-mentioned date will be honored until SEPTEMBER
28, 2015 only.

Published: SEPTEMBER 6 and 13, 2015

All unredeemed items/articles pawned at ASPE IGUALDAD PAWNSHOP, Cor. Igualdad Ext. & J. Hernandez Ave.,
Igualdad, Naga City, pawned from April 1-30, 2015 whose
terms have expired will be sold to public auction sale on
OCTOBER 01, 2015 from 9:00 A.M.-12:00 NOON.
Redemption/Renewals of all pledges covered by the
above-mentioned date will be honored until SEPTEMBER
28, 2015 only.

Published: SEPTEMBER 6 and 13, 2015

regional exponent for progress

outstanding local newspaper

For Five Consecutive Years by the St. Peter
Baptist Catholic Mass Media Awards

Daet gets Seal of Good Governance

Daet, Cam. Norte This

town, last years Most
Competitive Municipality
in the whole country, has
earned another distinction
after the DILG stamped it
with the 2015 Seal of Good
Local Governance (SGLG),
the only first class town in
Bicol to have been recognized as such this year.
The new recognition was
relayed to Mayor Tito S.
Sarion by DILG Secretary
Mar Roxas in a letter dated
July 21, 2015 but which the
mayors office only received
last week.
According to Sec. Roxas,
Daet met all the criteria for
the Core Components of the
Seal, like Good Financial
Housekeeping, Environmental Management; and Disaster Preparedness.


A rising shabu source in Rinconada?

SEPTEMBER 6-12, 2015

(Turn to page 7)


Daet Mayor Tito S. Sarion celebrated his birthday recently with a Mass officiated by Msgr.
Cezar Echano at the St. James Chapel. Among his well-wishers were Rep. Cathy Barcelona
-Reyes and Jojo Unico.

Sagrada, Baao, Cam.

Sur Eight suspected drug
pushers were arrested here
over the weekend, the second such kind of arrest in
the past two months in the
same barangay.
Nabbed by police in the recent raid of a suspected shabu
tiangge in Amparado Street
were Noli Pornillos, the suspected leader of the group, Alvin Repubio, Romeo Omanga,
Jeffrey Agna, Agnes Portacio,
Jenny Rose Portacio, Lea Repubio and Juliet Locay, all residents of the barangay.
The arrest was made by
virtue of a search warrant issued by Judge Alben Casimiro
Rabe of the Tabaco City Regional Trial Court Branch 15,
in Albay province. The team
seized 25 grams of metamphetamine
popularly called shabu; drug
paraphernalia, gun bullets and
a caliber 25 pistol.
Last month, police also
arrested four suspected drug
pushers in Zone 2 here by virtue of another search warrant
issued by Judge Timoteo Panga of the Iriga City Regional

Trial Court.
Arrested in the August
23 raid were Jerry Molina of
Iriga City, Jerry Monedero of
Malauag, Nabua, Camarines
Sur; Pablo Guanzon of Duran, Balatan, Camarines Sur;
and a certain Chanda of the
same barangay.
Earlier in July 2013, Panga
also issued a search warrant
for Jomar Portacio of the same
During this raid at Porta-

cios residence , operatives of

the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) Regional Office 5, recovered a cal. 45
pistol, several drug paraphernalia and 13 grams of shabu
worth at least PhP80,000.
The recent arrest of suspected shabu pushers here
has boosted speculations that
Sagrada has now emerged as
a main shabu source in the
Rinconada area.

Bagasbas Leg Jumpstarts

Bicol Surf Jam

Daet, Cam. Norte- This towns seaside Bagasbas barangay will host the first leg of the countrys first-ever
regional surf circuit competition, aptly and curtly called
Bicol Surf Jam.
The competition hopes to provide a venue for Bicolano
surfers to converge and compete as well as a springboard
towards excellence in the sport.
It will have three legs, starting on September 18-20 in
Bagasbas Beach, then in Barangay Buenavista in Gubat,
Sorsogon on October 16-18; and the final leg in Puraran
Beach in Baras, in Catanduanes on October 20-24.
The competition is open to surfers from all places in Bicol. The surfer who earns the highest accumulated points
from all the three legs will be declared the champion.
Interested surfers may follow Bicol Surf Jam on Facebook
and Instagram or email at -fpj

Ms. France Lanuzga of San Roque, Camaligan, Camarines Sur thanks SM Naga's Security
Guard Ryan Marco Laguitan who returned her pouch containing P45, 450 cash last August
17. The pouch was recovered by Laguitan while conducting his routine clearing inspection
at SM Cinema. He immediately turned over the said item to the mall's Customer Relation's
Office for safekeeping. After thorough verification of proof of ownership, the pouch was
handed over to the customer. SM highly commended the mall guard for showing good deed
and trustworthiness.

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