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Requirement for site approval

(1) No development shall be made in a site unless the Authority approves the site for the
(2) No piece of land shall be used as a site for the construction of a building for any development if
the Authority considers that:
(a) If the site is near a water body or a water course and the proposed development is likely to
contaminate the said water body or water course (or)
(b) If the site is likely to be inundated and satisfactory arrangement for proper drainage is not
(c) If the site is a filled up tank or low lying or of made up of soil by depositing rubbish or offensive
matters and the proposal is likely to be affected by dampness owing to the sub-soil water, unless
ameliorative measures to the satisfaction of the Authority are provided (or)
(d) If the site does not abut any existing public or private street forming part of a Lay-out sanctioned
under the provisions of the relevant Local Body Act, conforming to the minimum width prescribed
for various uses in these regulations.
(e) No site in Municipal and Panchayat areas which is within a distance of 30 metres from a place
declared and used as a burning or burial place/ground shall be used for layout or sub division for
human habitation (residential) shall be built including addition / alteration / reconstructions with in
30 metres of such declared burning or burial place/ground unless such burial/burning place/ground
was closed and remained closed for a period not less than 5 years certified by the local body
Layout and sub-division regulations:
This regulation seeks to ensure access to plots by way of roads and private passages, creating
hierarchy of roads depending on the road length and intensity of developments in the area and also
to provide adequate linkages to the existing roads and proposed roads in the Master Plan and
Detailed Development Plan and further to provide proper circulation pattern in the area, providing
required recreational spaces such as parks / playgrounds, and providing spaces for common
amenities such as schools, post and telegraph offices, fire stations, police stations etc.
Reservation of land for recreational purposes in a layout or sub-division for residential,
commercial, industrial or combination of such uses shall be based on the extent of layout
(1) For the first 3000 square metres No Reservation
(2) Between 3000 and 10,000 - Excluding the first 3000 square metres 10 per cent of the area
excluding roads or in the alternative he shall pay the market value of equivalent land as per
the valuation of the registration department.
(3) Above 10,000 - 10 per cent of the area excluding roads. It is obligatory to make the
square metres reservation and no equivalent land cost in lieu of the same is acceptable.

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