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Shifter Feats

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Shifter feats are only available to shifters and often only to

those with the appropriate shifter trait. Almost all of the shifter
feats also add rounds to the duration a shifter's shifting ability.
These additional rounds stack.

Beasthide Elite [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter with the Beasthide shifter trait
Benefit: The natural armor bonus provided by the Beasthide
shifter trait increases to a total of +4. Add 2 rounds to the
duration of your shifting ability. These additional rounds stack
with other increases to the duration of your shifting ability.
Source: ECB, pg. 51

Cliffwalk Elite [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter with the Cliffwalk shifter trait
Benefit: The climb speed provided by the Cliffwalk shifter

Item Creation Feats

trait increases by another +10'. Add 2 rounds to the duration of

Luck Feats

your shifting ability. These additional rounds stack with other

Metamagic Feats

increases to the duration of your shifting ability.

Mythic Feats
Psionic Feats
Racial Feats

Source: RoE, pg. 113

Dreamsight Elite [Shifter]

Changeling Feats

Prerequisite: Shifter with the Dreamsight shifter trait

Shifter Feats
Warforged Feats

Benefit: While shifting, you gain a +5 racial bonus to

Perception and can see invisible creatures and objects as if you


under the effect of the See Invisibility spell. This is considered

Traits & Drawbacks

part of your shifting and cannot be dispelled or suppressed

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unless your entire shifting is dispelled or suppressed. Add 2

Magical Items
Removed Material
The Epic Campaign
The Story So Far...
Important Items & Places

rounds to the duration of your shifting ability. These additional

rounds stack with other increases to the duration of your
shifting ability.
Source: RoE, pg. 113

Extended Shifting [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter, at least 1 other Shifter feat
Benefit: Add 6 rounds to the duration of your shifting ability.
These additional rounds stack with other increases to the
duration of your shifting ability.

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Special: This feat can taken multiple times. Each time it is

taken, it's effects stack.
Source: RoE, pg. 112

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Extra Shifter Trait [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter, at least 2 other Shifter feats
Benefit: Choose an additional shifter trait from the list
detailed in the shifter race description. When you shift, you take
on all shifter traits except the racial bonus to your attribute from
the shifter trait chosen by this feat. For example, if you took
Longstride as your primary shifter trait and choose Razorclaw
as your shifter trait granted by this feat, when you shift, you
would gain a +2 racial bonus to Dexterity, a +10' bonus to your
land movement, are always considered to have a running start
for jumping and would have two natural attacks (claws) for 1d4
damage. You would not gain the +2 racial bonus to
Strength. Add 2 rounds to the duration of your shifting ability.
These additional rounds stack with other increases to the
duration of your shifting ability. The swiftwing and truedive
shifter traits are mutually exclusive. You may not choose one if
you already possess the other.
Source: RoE, pg. 114

Gorebrute Elite [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter with the Gorebrute shifter trait
Benefit: You gain the powerful charge special ability, but
only for the gore attack provided by your Gorebrute shifter trait.
The total damage is your powerful charge ability is twice the
normal amount of damage from your gore attack. Add 2 rounds
to the duration of your shifting ability. These additional rounds
stack with other increases to the duration of your shifting ability.
Source: RoE, pg. 114

Great Bite [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter with the Longtooth shifter trait, +6 BAB
Benefit: The critical range on your bite attack from your
Longtooth shifter trait improves to x3. This does not stack with
other effects that increase the critical multiplier, but does stack
with other effects that increase the critical range. Add 2 rounds
to the duration of your shifting ability. These additional rounds
stack with other increases to the duration of your shifting ability.
Source: ECB, pg. 54

Great Rend [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter with the Razorclaw shifter trait, +4 BAB
Benefit: You gain the rend special ability, but only if you
successfully with both claw attacks granted by your Razorclaw
shifter trait. Calculate this damage as per the normal rend rules
(i.e. base: 1d4 + 1-1/2 Str modifier damage). Add 2 rounds to

the duration of your shifting ability. These additional rounds

stack with other increases to the duration of your shifting ability.
Source: ECB, pg. 54

Greater Shifter Defense [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter, Shifter Defense, three other shifter
Benefit: While shifting, the damage reduction provided by
the Shifter Defense feat improved to a total of DR: 5 /
silver. Add 2 rounds to the duration of your shifting ability.
These additional rounds stack with other increases to the
duration of your shifting ability.
Source: ECB, pg. 54

Healing Factor [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter, Con 13
Benefit: While shifting, you gain the regeneration
(1) special ability. Damage caused by silver overcomes this
regeneration. Since going unconscious causes any shifting to
prematurely end, this regeneration cannot help you if you go
below 0 hit points unless you are normally capable of acting in
such circumstances. Add 2 rounds to the duration of your
shifting ability. These additional rounds stack with other
increases to the duration of your shifting ability.
Source: ECB, pg. 55

Incremental Shifting [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter, at least 1 other Shifter feat
Benefit: You may use your shifting ability in 1-round
increments that do not have to be consecutive. Activating and
deactivating the ability is still the same kind of action.
Normal: Shifters can only use their shifting ability once per
day and the entire duration is used in that one shifting.
Special: Unlike other shifter feats, this feat does not
increase the duration of your shifting.
Source: Personally created

Longstride Elite [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter with the Longstride shifter trait
Benefit: The bonus to your movement rate granted by your
Longstride shifter trait increases to a total of +20'. Add 2 rounds
to the duration of your shifting ability. These additional rounds
stack with other increases to the duration of your shifting ability.
Source: RoE, pg. 114

Razorclaw Elite [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter with the Razorclaw shifter trait
Benefit: You gain the pounce special ability, but only when
using the two claw attacks provided by your Razorclaw shifter

trait. Both of these claw attacks use your full base attack bonus
and both gain the +2 benefit from charging. If you have the rend
special ability and successful hit with both claw attacks, the
rend damage is also applied. Add 2 rounds to the duration of
your shifting ability. These additional rounds stack with other
increases to the duration of your shifting ability.
Source: RoE, pg. 114

Reactive Shifting [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter, Improved Initiative
Benefit: You can use your shifting ability as an immediate
action, even when flat-footed or surprised. Add 2 rounds to the
duration of your shifting ability. These additional rounds stack
with other increases to the duration of your shifting ability.
Source: RoE, pg. 115

Shifter Acrobatics [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter with either the Cliffwalk, Longstride or
Swiftwing trait, 5 ranks in Acrobatics
Benefit: While shifting, you gain a racial bonus to your
Acrobatics skill equal to the number of Shifter feats that you
currently have, including this one. Add 2 rounds to the duration
of your shifting ability. These additional rounds stack with other
increases to the duration of your shifting ability.
Source: PGoE, pg. 135

Shifter Agility [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter with either the Cliffwalk, Longstride or
Swiftwing trait
Benefit: While shifting, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC
and a +1 untyped bonus to Reflex saves. Add 2 rounds to the
duration of your shifting ability. These additional rounds stack
with other increases to the duration of your shifting ability.
Source: RoE, pg. 115

Shifter Defense [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter, two other shifter feats
Benefit: While shifting, you gain damage reduction equal to
DR: 2 / silver. Add 2 rounds to the duration of your shifting
ability. These additional rounds stack with other increases to
the duration of your shifting ability.
Source: ECB, pg. 60

Shifter Ferocity [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter, Wisdom 13
Benefit: While shifting, you gain the ferocity special ability.
This will allow you to remain conscious if brought below 0 hit
points. Add 2 rounds to the duration of your shifting ability.
These additional rounds stack with other increases to the

duration of your shifting ability.

Source: RoE, pg. 115

Shifter Instincts [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter
Benefit: While shifting, you gain a +2 competence bonus to
Initiative and a +1 competence bonus to Perception and Sense
Motive checks. Add 2 rounds to the duration of your shifting
ability. These additional rounds stack with other increases to
the duration of your shifting ability.
Source: RoE, pg. 115

Shifter Magnetism [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter, wild empathy class feature
Benefit: You gain a racial bonus to your Handle Animal skill
and wild empathy checks equal to the number of Shifter feats
that you currently have, including this one. This bonus applies
even when you not shifting. Add 2 rounds to the duration of
your shifting ability. These additional rounds stack with other
increases to the duration of your shifting ability.
Source: PGoE, pg. 135

Shifter Multiattack [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter, longtooth or razorclaw trait, BAB +6
Benefit: While shifting, your secondary attacks with the
natural weapon you gain from your shifter traits only suffer a -2
penalty. Add 2 rounds to the duration of your shifting ability.
These additional rounds stack with other increases to the
duration of your shifting ability.
Source: ECB, pg. 60

Shifter Savagery [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter with either the Gorebrute, Longtooth or
Razorclaw shifter trait, +6 BAB, ability to rage
Benefit: While shifting and raging simultaneously, the critical
threat range of all of your natural attacks increase to 19-20 and
the base damage improved by two steps, as if your size had
increased by two size categories. This increase to the threat
range does not stack with any other effect (such as Improved
Critical), nor does the base damage increase stack with any
other source that does not actually increase your size category.
This leads to the following progression: 1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d6,
1d8, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, 6d6, 8d6, 12d6. Add 2 rounds to the
duration of your shifting ability. These additional rounds stack
with other increases to the duration of your shifting ability.
Source: RoE, pg. 115

Shifter Stamina [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter with either the beasthide, truedive or

wildhunt shifter trait, Endurance
Benefit: While shifting, you are immune to nonlethal damage
and any fatigue or exhaustion effect is suppressed. When your
shifting ends, any fatigue or exhaustion effect that has not
already expired during your shifting affect you normally. Add 2
rounds to the duration of your shifting ability. These additional
rounds stack with other increases to the duration of your
shifting ability.
Source: RoE, pg. 115

Shifter Stealth [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter with either the Cliffwalk, Longstride or
Swiftwing trait, 5 ranks in Stealth
Benefit: While shifting, you gain a racial bonus to your
Stealth skill equal to the number of Shifter feats that you
currently have, including this one. Add 2 rounds to the duration
of your shifting ability. These additional rounds stack with other
increases to the duration of your shifting ability.
Source: PGoE, pg. 135

Swiftwing Elite [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter with the Swiftwing shifter trait.
Benefit: The fly speed provided by your Swiftwing Elite
shifter trait improves to a total of 40' and the maneuverability
improves to good. Add 2 rounds to the duration of your shifting
ability. These additional rounds stack with other increases to
the duration of your shifting ability.
Source: RoE, pg. 116

Truedive Elite [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter with the Truedive shifter trait
Benefit: The swim speed provided by your Truedive shifter
trait improves to a total of 40'. Also, you do not take penalties
for fighting underwater. Add 2 rounds to the duration of your
shifting ability. These additional rounds stack with other
increases to the duration of your shifting ability.
Source: RoE, pg. 116

Wildhunt Elite [Shifter]

Prerequisite: Shifter with the Wildhunt shifter trait
Benefit: While shifting, you gain blindsense 30'. Add 2
rounds to the duration of your shifting ability. These additional
rounds stack with other increases to the duration of your
shifting ability.
Source: RoE, pg. 116

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