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Excel Treemap Add-In Documentation

Quick Links
Treemap Installation Excel 2007 and Later
Treemap Installation Excel 2003 and Earlier
Usage How to use the Treemap Utility
Adding Reference to Treemap Library From Other Functions in a VBA Project
Syntax for Calling the Treemap from Other Functions
Easy ways to Treemap Utility with VBA
Change Log
Treemap Examples

Installation Excel 2007 and Later

Here are the steps to set-up the treemap maker in Excel 2007 and later.

Step 1 Extract the contents of the zipped file to a permanent Folder Once you have
downloaded the excel treemap and the ribbon add-ins, extract both the files to a permanent
Step 2 Open a Blank Workbook and Attach the Add-In Click on the File tab on the

Step 3 Click on the Options under the File tab.

Step 4 Click on Add-Ins

Step 5 Click on the Go button

Step 6 Click on the Browse button Browse to the folder where the Treemap Add-In
was extracted.

Step 7 Select the file and click OK Enable the option that reads Treemap.

Step 8 Click Ok twice

Step 9 A new tab has been added to the ribbon

Installation Excel 2003 and Earlier

Here are the steps to set-up the treemap maker in Excel 2003 and earlier.

Step 1 Extract the contents of the zipped file to a permanent Folder Once you have
downloaded the excel treemap and the ribbon add-ins, extract both the files to a permanent
folder. If you are only going to use this add-in with the Excel 2003 or earlier versions, you
may ignore the ribbon add-in.)

Step 2 Open a Blank Workbook and Attach the Add-In Click on the Tools -> AddIns option on the toolbar.

Step 3 -Click on Browse and navigate to the folder where the add-in was extracted.

Step 4 Select the add-in and click OK twice

Step 5 A new menu option is added to the toolbar

Use the ribbon using Excel 2007 (and later versions) and the menu toolbar in Excel 2003 (and
earlier versions) and select from the two options: Simple Treemap or the Change Treemap

Simple Treemap
This option allows you to create treemaps where similar nodes will be shaded using the same
color for easy identification. You can also choose to color nodes at any level of the input data.
Bear in mind that the last column should contain numeric and positive values.

Here is a sample treemap created using the simple treemap option.

Change Treemap
This option allows you to create treemaps where nodes are colored based on the criteria
specified. The second last column specifies the size of the node while the last column
specifies the hue to use. Bear in mind that the last two columns should contain numeric values
and the second last column should only have positive values. The last column specifies the
color and it goes from dark Red to white and then to dark Green indicating a range from the
most positive to the most negative. The last column can be anything that you would like to
use rate of growth, per capita income or anything that can help you analyze the data better.

Here is a sample treemap created using the change treemap option.

Select the data range, choose the options that you prefer and click OK. The finished treemap
will be placed in a new worksheet. Using the options provided, you can choose to draw it
square or use best-fit, add names, color, suffix parent node identifier, add or remove headers
and modify the position & size of the treemap.

The last column of the data range has to contain numeric values. The area of each node in the
resulting treemap is proportional to the value of the node in the data range.

Call Treemap Function From Other Functions in a VBA

You can also call the treemap function from other modules in the project. To access the
treemap library, simply include a reference to the CHARTMAKER_TREEMAP library from
the VBA IDE.

Check the option box next to CHARTMAKER library. You can now freely use the objects in

Syntax for Calling the Treemap from Other Functions

(If you want to use the shortest form, skip over to the section immediately below)


Dim return_val As Shape

Set return_val = TREEMAP

The TREEMAP function has the following return value and aguments:
return_val As Shape The return value for the Treemap function. If the function executes
successfully, the return value will be a reference to the newly created Treemap object.
treemap_range As Range The data range to use
treemap_type As Long 1 (Simple Treemap), 2 (Change Treemap)
squarify_treemap As Boolean TRUE (Squarify) and FALSE (Best Fit)
treemap_range_has_headers As Boolean -Specify whether the data range has headers.
left_treemap As Double Distance from the leftmost edge of screen
top_treemap As Double Distance from the topmost edge of screen
treemap_size As Double Relative size of the treemap
add_color_to_treemap As Boolean -Specify whether you want to add color to nodes in the
color_at_depth As Long Specifies the level of hierarchy at which you would like to add
color to nodes
use_excel_palette As Boolean Specifies whether you want to use Excels inbuilt color
palette. If TRUE, the Excels default color palette will be used. In that case, you can assign
your own colors to to the palette (Goto Tools -> Options -> Color and edit the color
palette). If FALSE, a custom color palette will be used.
add_names_to_treemap As Boolean -Specify whether you want to add names to nodes in the
name_at_depth As Long Specifies the level of hierarchy at which you would like to add
names to nodes
treemap_font_size As Long Specifies the size of the font to use.
prefix_parent_name As Boolean Specifies whether you want to prefix the parent names to
nodes. In some cases, can aid information discovery.
use_zero_as_neutral As Boolean In the case of a change treemap, specifies whether to use
0 (zero) as the neutral color (white). The two extremes shares are Red and Green.

color_for_max_value As Double Specifies the color to use for representing the highest
value in a change Treemap. (Default Value = 9592886, Max Value = 16777215, Min Value =
color_for_min_value As Double Specifies the color to use for representing the lowest value
in a change Treemap. (Default Value = 192, Min Value = 0, Min Value = 0)

Easy Way to Use the TREEMAP Function

If the above looks daunting, dont worry. Only the first argument is mandatory and the rest are
optional. So you can create a treemap by writing something as simple as :
1 Set return_val = CHARTMAKER.TREEMAP(selection)
Set return_val = CHARTMAKER.TREEMAP(Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(50, 7)),
If you want to customize it further, you can add more parameters
Sub my_own_custom_treemap()
Dim return_val As Shape
Set return_val = CHARTMAKER.TREEMAP(Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(500, 4)),
2, True, True, 25, 25, 400, True, 2, False, True, 1, 8, True, False)
End Sub
You can even omit parameters that you dont want. So the following is good enough.
Sub my_own_custom_treemap()
Dim return_val As Shape
Set return_val = CHARTMAKER.TREEMAP(Selection, 2, True, True, , , , True,
, False, True, 1, , True, False)
End Sub
The treemap_type is either 1 (simple treemap) or 2 (change type treemap). If the function
executes successfully, the return value will be a reference to the newly created Treemap
object. This allows the developer to use the treemap object and further enhance the
functionality of his/her VBA code (such as copy-pasting it to a new workbook, powerpoint
slide, resizing the Treemap etc. etc.)

(Please note: In the previous versions, the Treemap returned a Boolean value indicating
success (or failure) of the function call. In the latest version, the TREEMAP function returns a
reference to the newly created treemap.)
Click here to buy the Treemap utility for Excel. It has been tested to work with Excel
versions 2000, 2003, 2007 and 2010 (windows versions).

Change Log
Customized Color Options for Change Treemap
The earlier version allowed for variation only between dark Red and Green values while
creating the Change Treemap. Changes made in this version allow the user to choose any
color to represent the maximum and minimum values. The default colors have also been
tweaked to represent deep Blue for maximum and Red for minimum.
TREEMAP Function returns a Shape Object
In the previous versions, the Treemap returned a Boolean value indicating success (or failure)
of the function call. In the present version, the TREEMAP function returns a reference to the
newly created treemap. This allows the developer to use the treemap object and further
enhance the functionality of his/her VBA code (such as copy-pasting it to a new workbook,
powerpoint slide etc.)
The function return value is now a Shape object. Hence the correct usage is:
1 Set my_treemap = treemap(selection, 1)
Important: Please note the use of the Set operator
Minor Improvements in Node Labels
Fixed a minor issue with node label placement left-offset in some version of Excel.

Sample Treemaps
Please refer to full size treemap examples

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