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Alteration in

Dissolution Characteristics of
Gelatin-Containing Formulations
A Review of the Problem, Test Methods, and Solutions
Saranjit Singh,* K.V. Rama Rao, K. Venugopal, and R. Manikandan

The authors review the

literature about the problem
of the alteration in dissolution
characteristics of gelatinbased formulations. This
article also includes a brief
introduction to gelatin as a
pharmaceutical ingredient and
describes examples of the
altered dissolution profile; the
established cause,
mechanisms, influencing
factors, and stress methods for
study of the behavior;
methods for determining the
nature and extent of the
change; and the reported
solutions to the problem.

anufacturers of pharmaceutical products have the

responsibility not only from marketing and ethical standpoints but also from a legal (regulatory)
perspective to ensure that their products meet
dissolution specifications during storage conditions described
on the label. This is necessary because dissolution per se is rate
determining in terms of the absorption and bioavailability of
a drug.
Unfortunately, a few dosage forms exist in which eventual
change in the dissolution characteristics is a common problem.
Formulations containing gelatin in the outer layer (i.e., hard and
soft gelatin capsules) as well as sugar-coated tablets are typical
examples. The problem has been ascribed to cross-linking of
gelatin, which occurs with time. Because of this tendency, the
very use of gelatin in pharmaceutical formulations has been put
to question. Nevertheless, the material is used widely despite
efforts to replace it with other substances.
This article reviews the literature describing the widespread
problem of a drop in dissolution rates of gelatin-containing
products and critical observations concerning their in vitro and
in vivo behavior. The discussion includes a brief introduction
to gelatin, some reported instances of altered dissolution profiles, the chemistry of change, responsible factors, suggested test
methods, and reported solutions to the problem.

Gelatin a brief introduction

Saranjit Singh is a professor and
department head, and K.V. Rama Rao is
a postgraduate student, at the Department of
Pharmaceutical Analysis of the National
Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and
Research, Sector 67, S.A.S. Nagar 160 062,
India, tel. 91 172 214 682, fax 91 172 214
682, K. Venugopal
and R. Manikandan are postgraduate
students from the same institute, presently
working at Ranbaxy Research Laboratories
(Gurgaon, India).
*To whom all correspondence should be addressed.


Pharmaceutical Technology

APRIL 2002

Gelatin is a mixture of water-soluble proteins derived from collagen by hydrolysis (1). The protein fractions consist almost entirely of amino acids (see Table I). These amino acids are joined
by amide linkage to form a linear polymer varying from 15,000
to 250,000 Mw.
Types of gelatins. The two types of gelatins are characterized
by their mode of manufacture. Type A gelatin (pH 3.86.0; isoelectric point 68) is derived by acidic hydrolysis of pork skin
and contributes plasticity and elasticity to the blend. Type B
gelatin (pH 5.07.4; isoelectric point 4.75.3) is derived by basic
hydrolysis of bones and animal skin and contributes high gel
strength to the blend. Gelatin used in the pharmaceutical industries is a blend of these two types (2), although sometimes

Table I: Amino acids and

their content in gelatin.

only Type A or Type B is used. Various grades of

rials in living tissues either as bioadhesives
gelatin with differing particle sizes and molecular
or as devices for sustained drug release
Amino Acid
weight are sold commercially in the form of translu(15). A novel system for gene delivery based
cent sheets, granules, or powders. Gelatin usually Proline
on the use of DNA-gelatin nanoparticles
is graded according to jelly strength, expressed as
(nanospheres) formed by salt-induced
bloom strength, which is the weight in grams that,
complex coacervation of gelatin and plasGlutamic acid
when applied with a 12.7 mmdiameter plunger,
mid DNA has been developed. It consists
will produce a depression exactly 4 mm deep in a
of spherical particles in sizes ranging from
matured jelly containing 6.66% w/w of gelatin in
200 to 700 nm containing 2530% (w/w)
Aspartic acid
DNA. The particles are stabilized by the
Properties. Gelatin is practically odorless and Leucine
cross-linking of gelatin (16).
tasteless. It is insoluble in acetone, chloroform, Valine
Therapeutically, gelatin has been used
ethanol (95%), ether, and methanol. It is soluble Phenylalanine
a plasma substitute and in the prepara2.2
in glycerin, acids, and alkalis, although strong acids
of wound dressings. Soft capsules
or alkalis cause its precipitation. It swells and softmade
of gelatin and containing a radioIsoleucine
ens in water, gradually absorbing 5 to 10 times its Methionine
drug have been used in radioactive
(17). Gelatin also is widely
own weight in water. It solubilizes in hot water. Histidine
and photographic
Upon cooling to 3540 C, it forms a jelly or gel. Tyrosine
At temperatures 40 C, the system exists as a sol. Serine
In general, when it is used in an oral forA gel of higher viscosity is formed in alkaline media
gelatin may be regarded as a
as compared with acid media (3).
nontoxic and nonirritant material. HowBecause it is a protein, gelatin exhibits chemical properties characteristic of those materials (e.g., gelatin is ever, rare reports exist of gelatin capsules adhering to the
hydrolyzed by most of the proteolytic systems to yield its amino esophageal lining (1820), which may cause local irritation.
components). Gelatin reacts with acids and bases, aldehydes Hypersensitivity reactions, including serious anaphylactoid reand aldehydic sugars, anionic and cationic polymers, electrolytes, actions, have been reported following the use of gelatin in parenteral products (21).
metal ions, plasticizers, preservatives, and surfactants.
Applications and uses. Gelatin is valuable to the pharmaceuOfficial status. Gelatin is included on the FDA list of inactive
tical industry because it can be incorporated into a variety of ingredients. In the United Kingdom, it appears on the list of liformulations. It is the only ingredient used to form hard and censed medicines. It also is described in most pharmacopeias.
soft elastic gelatin capsules (SEGCs). It is widely used in solutions, syrups, tablets, sugar-coated tablets, inhalants, and den- The problem of gelatin cross-linking and change in
tal, vaginal, and topical preparations and injections. Its other dissolution profiles
uses include the preparation of pastes, pastilles, pessaries, and A major problem with gelatin-based formulations is an apparsuppositories. In addition, it is used as a vehicle for parenteral ent fall in dissolution upon aging, which is attributed to the
formulations and as a tablet binder and coating agent. Low cross-linking of stressed gelatin-containing products. The crossmolecular weight gelatin has been investigated for its ability to linking causes the formation of a swollen, very thin, tough, rubenhance dissolution of orally ingested drugs.
bery, water-insoluble membrane, also known as a pellicle. The
Gelatin also is used for the microencapsulation of drugs, a pellicle acts as a barrier and restricts the release of the drug. It
process whereby the active drug is sealed inside a microsized is not disrupted easily by gentle agitation, and the dissolution
capsule that then may be handled as a powder. Gelatin forms values (Q values) drop often to the point of rejection (2,22).
simple coacervates at temperatures 40 C in the presence of
The altered dissolution behavior of gelatin is reported in sevdehydrating agents such as ethanol or 7% sodium sulfate solu- eral studies in the literature. This section discusses examples
tion. Peters et al. studied the properties of gelatin in complex for various categories of formulations.
coacervation processes (4). Gelatin capsules also can be coated
Sugar-coated tablets (SCTs). In SCTs, gelatin forms part of the
for any application (5). Soft gelatin capsules can be given a film subcoat, where it is used mainly as a binder, film-forming agent,
coat (6) and an enteric coat (7).
and coating agent. During the subcoating process, a coating soCross-linking of gelatin before or after drying the capsules lution and a dusting powder are applied alternately on the core,
allows for sustained release of the drug (8). Formaldehyde ex- interspersed with relevant drying periods. This procedure reposure has been exploited to produce enteric hard and soft cap- sults in the buildup of a laminated structure or a thick sandsules (2,9,10). Drilling pores in formaldehyde cross-linked gelatin wich of alternate layers of binder and powder. These layers give
capsules to design a controlled-release dosage form also has the tablet a smooth profile by covering the cores original sharp
been reported (11). A zero-order release of verapamil was ob- edges and facilitate the application of the final color coating,
served with this approach. Several other reports describe the which seals the tablet.
formation of gelatin microspheres and their cross-linking with
The problem of a reduced dissolution rate in SCTs was highglutaraldehyde with the objective of sustaining drug release lighted very early in a study by Khalil et al. (23). They devel(1214). Cross-linked gelatin gels have been used as biomate- oped a model subcoating system of SCT formulations consist38

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ing mainly of cast gelatin films containing sucrose, dextrose,

fructose, and calcium carbonate. The films were stored at 70,
80, 90, and 110 C for varying time intervals, and a significant
correlation was observed between an increase in the storage
temperature and the rate at which these films dissolved. The
disintegration and dissolution properties were adversely affected
by an increase in temperature.
Subsequently, Barrett and Fell reported the influence of age
on the dissolution of SCTs containing phenylbutazone (24).
The formulations were stored at 20, 37, and 50 C. The resulting progressive decrease in disintegration and also of dissolution was related to the adherence of the gelatin subcoat to the
tablet core. The breakup pattern of older tablets (5 years old)
was similar to that of the tablets stored at 50 C. The disintegration time of the SCTs stored at 20 and 37 C was not affected,
except for that of the tablets stored for 14 weeks at 37 C.
The retardation of dissolution in sugar-coated cyclothiazide
and reserpine tablets when stored for 1 year at various temperatures is reported by Warren and Rowe (25). Very poor dissolution rates also were observed in SCTs of propantheline bromide (26). El-Fattah and Khalil examined the dissolution rates
of 14 batches of sugar-coated chlorpromazine hydrochloride
tablets and found that all the batches passed USP disintegration tests in 0.1N hydrochloric acid, yet none passed the dissolution limit of not less than 80% dissolved in 30 min (27). Ondari et al. observed retardation in the dissolution of the marketed
products of sugar-coated chlorpromazine tablets stored at
isothermal temperature (30 C) and cyclic storage conditions
(12 h at 30 C, 12 h at room temperature, 12 h at 30 C and 90%
RH) for 4 weeks (28).
In another study, the dissolution behavior of eight commercially available brands of ibuprofen tablets was investigated after
storage at 37 C and 75% RH for 4 weeks (29). At the end of
the storage period, a significant reduction in the dissolution
rate of SCTs was noted, but film-coated tablets were unaffected.
The SCTs were associated with a loss of clinical efficacy. In a
study of SCTs of riboflavin, 10 batches of 2 brands were subjected to storage at temperatures ranging from 18 to 28 C in a
closed container and at 45 C outside the container. The brand
of tablets that contained gelatin in the subcoat exhibited poorer
dissolution profiles than did the other brand (30). Dahl et al.
found no change in the in vitro dissolution performance of
gelatin-coated acetaminophen tablets that had been stored 7
months at room temperature (31). However, when the tablets
were stored in the presence of high humidity for 3.5 and 7
months, a significant reduction in both the amounts of drug
released and standard deviation at each time point was observed.
Shah and Parsons compared the in vitro dissolution behavior of film-coated, sugar-coated, and plain tablets of valproic
acid (VPA) after subjecting them to accelerated storage conditions (32). The plain and film-coated tablets were not affected
adversely by the accelerated conditions of 40 C and 75% RH
for at least 3 months. The percent of VPA released from SCTs
after 1 month also was not significantly different. However, after
2- and 3-month storage periods, the percent of VPA released
during the first hour significantly decreased. The poor dissolution was ascribed to a disintegration problem in the sugar

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coating, but the fact that most of the core tablets still were dry
at the end of the dissolution test indicated adherence of the seal
coat or the subcoat to the tablet core.
In a recent study, Singh et al. studied the release rates of SCTs
of chloroquine phosphate when exposed to various storage conditions such as 25 C and 60% RH, 40 C and 75% RH, 25 C
and 60% RH/light, and 40 C and 75% RH/light (33). The storage of SCTs at 25 C and 60% RH/light conditions for 16 days
resulted in retardation of the dissolution rates. The storage of
SCTs for 8 days in 40 C and 75% RH/light conditions caused
a drastic retardation in dissolution. Storage in these conditions
for more than 8 days resulted in an even worse performance.
Hard gelatin capsules (HGCs). The shell of HGCs normally contains 1316% water, and HGCs can be safely stored at between 40 and 60% RH. Variations within the range of 1218%
moisture do not seriously impair the integrity of the shell. If an
HGC shell contains 12% water, then it can become brittle and
easily ruptured. If it contains 18% moisture, then the shell
becomes moist, soft, and distorted and has a propensity to transmit moisture to the capsule contents if the contents are hygroscopic (34). The dissolution stability of HGCs is determined
primarily by the moisture content of the shell, which in turn is
related to the storage conditions. The moisture in the capsule
gelatin shells will act as a plasticizer to impart flexibility to HGCs.
Variations in the moisture content of a capsule shell as the storage conditions change may lead to undesired physical properties such as brittleness and stickiness. Moisture also can be transferred from the contents to the shell, potentially resulting in
softening and stickiness problems. This problem is seen in efflorescent ingredients, for example. Conversely, moisture can
move from the shell to the capsule contents during storage, especially for deliquescent and hygroscopic ingredients. Moisture
transfer between shell and contents can be one of the reasons
for a change in the properties of gelatin when stored at 40 C,
50 C, and 40 C and 75% RH (35).
Langenbucher observed retardation of dissolution in capsule
formulations containing lactose after 28 weeks of storage at
1167% RH (36). Khalil et al. explored the effect of aging on
the disintegration and dissolution of four brands of chloramphenicol HGCs (23). The products were stored in an open container at 25 C in various humidity conditions for 32 weeks. No
change was observed in the dissolution profile of samples stored
at 49 and 66% RH. However, the capsules stored at 80% RH
showed practically no drug release 60 min. In another study,
marketed preparations of tetracycline and chloramphenicol
capsules stored at 30 C and 75% RH for 1 month in an open
container showed significantly slower in vitro release compared
with the initial values. The shell failed to disintegrate in the test
conditions (37). Mohamad et al. also observed partial insolubilization of the gelatin shell for tetracycline hydrochloride capsules stored for 48 months (38). Georgarakis et al. studied the
influence of storage conditions on the performance of ampicillin trihydrate capsules stored in varying humidities (5090%
RH), and significant retardation of the dissolution rate of the
capsule formulation was noted (39). This was attributed to the
agglomeration and subsequent caking of the capsule contents
as the result of moisture transfer from the shell.

Murthy et al. evaluated the effect of exaggerated storage conditions on the dissolution characteristics of hard-shell capsule
preparations using three drugs as the model systems (40,41).
In this study, the HGCs containing various dyes such as FD&C
Red No. 3, Red No. 40, Yellow No. 5, Red No. 28, and Blue No.
1 were tested. The influence of light, humidity, and a combination of these two factors was assessed using capsules containing certified colorants in both the cap and the body as well
as two-tone capsules containing dye only in the cap. The capsules containing FD&C Yellow No. 5, Red No. 3, and Blue No.
1 showed complete inhibition of drug release when stored for
2 weeks under fluorescent light at 80% RH. A marked decrease
in the total amount of drug released was seen after the products were stored for 2 weeks under ambient light and 80% RH
and for 2 days under UV light and 80% RH. When the same
formulation was deposited into clear capsules and stored for
4 weeks under high-intensity fluorescent or ambient light at
80% RH, no effect on the dissolution and disintegration characteristics of the capsule was seen. Thus it was assumed that
changes in the capsule shell were dye induced and were promoted by light and high humidity. The study underscored the
need for avoiding high-humidity environments and supported
the use of light-resistant containers during storage of capsule
products containing FD&C-certified dyes in the capsule shell.
Dey et al. showed that etodolac capsules (200 or 300 mg),
when stored at accelerated conditions (40 C and 75% RH) unpacked or packed in poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) or PVC
polychlorotrifluoroethylene blisters, failed to meet the dissolution specification of 80% Q in 30 min, but the capsules that
were stored in high-density polyethylene (HDPE) bottles continued to conform to the dissolution specification (42). In another study, dissolution studies were conducted on ibuprofen
HGCs stored in high temperature and high humidity, with and
without light. The drug release was retarded when light was included with two other accelerated conditions (33).
Soft gelatin capsules (SGCs). Dissolution problems also are common knowledge in regard to this dosage form, although only a
few reported studies exist. SGCs contain drugs either in a solution or a dispersion form. The shell contains a plasticizer, typically glycerine or sorbitol; polyethylene glycol (PEG); ethers
of polyethylenated glycosides; and gelatin and water. High humidities cause the capsules to become soft, tacky, and bloated
and create the likelihood of moisture migration from the shell
into the fill material. Such a transfer potentially causes chemical and dissolution instability (4345). The degree of pelliculation frequently differs between soft-shell capsules and hardshell capsules because of the larger mass of gelatin in the
soft-shell dosage form (46).
A typical reported case is the study by Chafetz et al., who found
a significant decrease in the dissolution rate of gemifibrozil from
SGCs (47). The capsules were stored at 37 C, 37 C and 80%
RH, and 45 C and were tested after 1, 2, and 3 months. All the
capsules containing polysorbate 80 showed film formation after
1 month at 37 C and 80% RH. A study by Bottom et al. showed
that two batches of nifedipine SGCs failed during dissolution
testing (48). In a recent study, dissolution testing was carried out
on marketed nimesulide SGCs after their storage at 40 C and

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75% RH and light for various time periods (33). The change in
dissolution behavior was drastic, and the drug was not released
at all in all samples withdrawn on the eighth day and afterward.
Tablets containing gelatin as binder. Differing reports exist about
formulations containing gelatin as a binder. In a study conducted by Asker et al., prednisone tablets containing gelatin as
a binder were stored at 50 C and 83% RH and 70 C and 96%
RH for 7 weeks (49). An increase in both disintegration and
dissolution time was observed. However, the problem was not
observed in a recent study of chloroquine tablets in which gelatin
was used for the same purpose. All tablets stored at 40 C and
75% RH under light 3 weeks exhibited complete disintegration and little retardation in the dissolution rate, unlike other
drug products containing gelatin in the outer layer (33).

Bioavailabilityclinical behavior of cross-linked gelatin

formulations and the role of gastrointestinal-tract (GIT)
Johnson et al. carried out bioavailability studies on soft-gel
digoxin capsules stored for 10 months at 37 C (50). Although
the dissolution rate decreased, the extent of absorption was not
reduced. Similarly, Chafetz et al. did not find a correlation between the results of in vitro and in vivo tests (47). Their study
showed film-forming gemfibrozil capsules to be bioequivalent
to the readily dissolving product. However, Martin et al. found
that exposure to high humidities destroyed the clinical efficacy
of phenytoin capsules (51). Later, Mohamad et al. also reported
no change in the in vivo bioavailability of tetracycline capsules
stored for 42 months, although in vitro dissolution decreased
The role of GIT enzymes. Because the adverse effect on dissolution was not observed in vivo for the formulations that failed
the in vitro tests, one could conclude that GIT enzymes were
responsible for the digestion of denatured gelatin. It was perhaps for the same reason that before the 1960s, when simulated
gastric and intestinal fluids were used as dissolution media to
test the role of GIT enzymes, almost no reports were made about
the failure of dissolution of gelatin-containing formulations
during storage. Rather, an early report indicated that pepsin in
the gastric fluid advanced the dissolution of slow-dissolving
capsules (53). Hence, an extensive study was conducted by
Murthy et al. to determine the influence of enzymes in the dissolution media on in vitro release characteristics of two formulations subjected to stressful storage conditions (40). Their
study confirmed that the adverse effects on dissolution resulting from exaggerated conditions of humidity and light were
virtually eliminated when the products were tested in dissolution media containing enzymes.
The same observation also was made by Dahl et al., who
showed that gelatin-coated acetaminophen tablets, when stored
in a humid chamber for 7 months and tested in 1% aqueous
pancreatin solution, exhibited the same dissolution profile as
the freshly prepared gelatin-coated tablets (31). Similarly, Dey
et al. demonstrated that stressed HGCs (40 C and 75% RH)
containing 200 and 300 mg of etodolac that failed in vitro dissolution tests in phosphate buffer (pH 7.5) met dissolution
specifications (not less than 80% drug release in 30 min) when

tested in phosphate buffer (pH 7.5) containing 1% w/v pancreatin (42). Furthermore, the rate and extent of absorption
of the drug from the stressed 200- and 300-mg etodolac capsules in dogs were equivalent to capsules stored at room temperature that passed in vitro dissolution tests. Also, the bioavailability of etodolac from 300-mg stressed capsules that failed
dissolution specifications was shown to be equivalent to that
of control capsules (freshly packed) in a study of 24 adult male
Recent studies. In one recent study, two batches of nifedipine
SGCs were treated with 1020 ppm formaldehyde and 80 ppm
formaldehyde (48). Although the SGCs in the first batch were
bioequivalent to fresh capsules after storage for 1.5 years, the
SGCs in the second batch were not bioequivalent after storage
for 1 year. In another study, the disintegration times of SGCs
of vitamins were studied after storage at 40 C and 75% RH for
6 months and at 25 C and 60% RH for 1 year (54). The products failed in the disintegration media lacking enzymes but
passed in media containing enzymes. Urine analysis showed
that the disintegration rate was normal in both cases.
Brown et al. compared the in vivo disintegration behavior of
unstressed and moderately stressed acetaminophen-containing
HGCs (stressed with formaldehyde) using gamma scintigraphy
(46). No difference was found in the disintegration properties
of either group. A similar but more extensive study was conducted by Digenis et al., who used gamma scintigraphy for the
study of in vivo capsule rupture and GI transit and also carried
out a six-way single-dose bioequivalence study on amoxicillin
from HGCs stressed with formaldehyde (55). The study showed
a delay in the in vivo capsule rupture of severely cross-linked
capsules, which then led to a delay in the onset of absorption
and Tmax. However, no effect was observed on AUC(0-) or Cmax.
In a more-recent study, an increase in Cmax parallel to Tmax was
observed for acetaminophen SGCs and HGCs subjected to various degrees of cross-linking using formaldehyde (56). Although
no difference was observed between the severely and moderately
stressed formulations based on AUC(0-), bioequivalence did not
exist on the basis of Cmax.

The USP two-tier dissolution test involving enzymes

On the basis of the findings that satisfactory dissolution is obtained for bioavailable products by adding GIT enzymes (pepsin
or pancreatin) to the dissolution medium, a call was made for
the inclusion of the enzymes in the USP test medium for the
specific evaluation of gelatin products (22). The recommendation was based on the logic that because enzymes would
eliminate the impeding barrier that is exerted upon the drug
molecule by a highly cross-linked gelatin capsule wall, a test of
such kind could alleviate the time and cost of bioequivalence
Accordingly, in July 1993 a USP subcommittee on dissolution and bioavailability (DBA) proposed to institute a second
dissolution test using a medium containing an enzyme for aged
capsules that failed to pass the first dissolution test. However,
the proposal included the condition that there should be no
evidence that the bioavailability of the capsules had changed
adversely. The proposal was put forward in Pharmacopeial

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Forum in early 1994. At about the same time, FDAs Industry

Gelatin Capsule Working Group was formed, in which USP
also became a participant. DBA decided to defer formalization
of its proposal until the working group completed its studies
of the bioavailabilitybioequivalence issue. Early in 1997, Pharmacopeial Forum introduced a two-tier test for HGCs for situations in which a formulation had failed the official dissolution
test. It initially was proposed that the requirement for the second dissolution test would be included in the individual monographs. In the SeptemberOctober 1997 issue of Pharmacopeial
Forum, however, the second dissolution-test medium was included in the General Chapter 711 Dissolution. This twotier dissolution test eventually appeared in the 25th edition of
USP (57).
The two-tier test. The two-tier test encompasses the initial dissolution study in the plain medium as specified in the individual monograph. The second dissolution is conducted in the
medium that contains enzymes. Two types of enzymes are recommended on the basis of the pH of the dissolution medium.
The recommendation is to use purified pepsin, resulting in an
activity of 750,000 units/1000 mL for conditions in which
water or a medium with 6.8 pH is specified in the monograph.
For the medium with
6.8 pH, pancreatin is added at not more
than 0.05 g/1000 mL (57).
Extending the test to insoluble drugs. Recent efforts are being
directed toward extending the USP two-tier test to include formulations containing insoluble drugs. The use of nonionic surfactants combined with pepsin has been considered for that
application (58).

The chemistry of the problem

An excellent review by Digenis et al. describes the mechanistic
rationalizations that explain gelatin cross-linking in stress conditions relevant to pharmaceutical situations (2). Therefore,
mechanisms are not discussed in detail in this article.
Postulated chemical events. The following chemical events are
postulated to be involved in the cross-linking process:
The reactivity of the gelatin arises from the trifunctional amino
acid lysine. The lysine residues, which are proximal to each
other, are oxidatively deaminated to yield terminal aldehyde
groups. One of the aldehyde groups is attacked by a free
-amino group of a neighboring lysine to yield an imine,
which subsequently undergoes a series of aldol-type condensation reactions to produce a cross-linked product containing pyridinium ring(s).
The lysyl -amino group reacts with aldehyde when it is present as an impurity. The reaction yields a hydroxymethylamino
derivative, which loses water to form a cationic imine. The
latter reacts with another hydroxymethylamino lysine residue
to form dimethylene ether, which eventually rearranges to
form a methylene link between two lysyl -amino groups, resulting in the development of a cross-link.
The third type of gelatin cross-linking is the formation of
aminal, the amine form of an acetal, which is produced by a
reaction of a cationic imine intermediate (see previous bullet) with a free amino group. The pH of the environment plays
an important role in this type of reaction.

A similar type of reaction can occur with

The interaction of gelatin
Table II: Chemical compounds reported
glucose or other aldose sugars that are comwith calcium carbonate and
monly used in pharmaceutical formulations. to induce gelatin cross-linking.
also with other waterThe imine formed during the interaction of
insoluble compounds such
an aldehydic functional group of these sacas calcium sulphate and
Aldehydes (furfural, acrolein,
charides reacts with the free amino group
formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde,
2, 47, 48, 52, magnesium carbonate has
and produces ketose sugar upon rearrangebeen reported by Rayglyceryl aldehyde)
65, 81, 86
ment. The ketose sugar then reacts with anJohnson and Jackson (68).
other amine through its carbonyl funcNo adverse effect, however,
tionality to form cross-linked gelatin.
was found with the soluble
In addition to lysinelysine cross-linking, Saccharides (glucose and aldose
salts (i.e., calcium chloride
lysinearginine and argininearginine cross- sugars)
and magnesium chloride).
linking also are reported. In general, cross- Dyes (FD&C Red No. 3 or 40
Thus it was proposed that
and Blue No. 1)
linking of the gelatin polypeptides can occur
the change in the behavior
in the following two ways:
of gelatin in the presence of
Calcium carbonate
27, 68
Bridging can take place within the same
insoluble calcium salts reHydrogen peroxide
41, 86
sulted from a physical
polypeptide strand (intrastrand, intramoleSulfonic acids and
change within the tablet subcular cross-linking).
p-toluene sulfonic acid
41, 86
coat and not the chemical re Amino acid residues from two neighboring
Carbodiimides (1-ethylene
action between cations and
peptide strands can form a bridge (inter3-(3-dimethylamino propyl)
strand, intermolecular cross-linking), a
carbodiimide hydrochloride,
Two other studies reprocess that increases the molecular weight
guanidine hydrochloride)
81, 86
ported a negative effect on
of gelatin (39).
the dissolution rate of gelaAs a result of cross-linking, the interpartin capsules as a result of the
ticulate bonds formed in the original comTerephthaloyl chloride
rayon coiler that fills the
pact are removed and replaced by new bonds,
culminating in a dosage form that has a different porosity and headspace of HDPE bottles containing capsules. The rayon propore structure and therefore a different in vitro release pattern duces furfural, which when present in a saturated vapor phase
rapidly insolubilizes gelatin capsules (65). Hartauer et al. (69)
as compared with the original (34).
reported a significant decrease in the dissolution profile of rayon
Causative factors for cross-linking
coilercontaining packaging for low count (10-count) capsules
The presence of some chemicals, high humidity, high tempera- after 2 and 3 months of storage at accelerated environmental
ture, and exposure to light has been found to play individual conditions.
or synergistic roles in increasing the in vitro dissolution time
Humidity. Humidity is another major factor that induces
of formulations containing gelatin in the outer layer. The re- cross-linking in gelatin preparations. Examples highlighting
ported examples are discussed in this section.
its detrimental influence include studies of chloramphenicol
Chemicals. The chemicals that commonly are known to in- (23), gemfibrozil (47), and phenytoin capsules (51) as well as
troduce modifications in gelatin are listed in Table II. Of all the gelatin-coated tablets of acetaminophen (31).
reagents, formaldehyde has been studied most extensively (9).
Humidity is proposed to act by
It is released in dosage forms from plasticizers and preserva- indirect catalysis of imine formation, which is the first intertives, fats, and polyethylenated compounds such as PEG, ethers
mediate in all cross-linking reactions
of PEG and aliphatic alcohols or phenols, polyethylenated glyc- catalysis of excipient decomposition, yielding products that
erides, nonionic surfactants (polysorbates, esters of unsaturated
cause cross-linking of gelatin. For example, corn starch at
fatty acids), and corn starch containing hexamethylene tetramine
times contains traces of the stabilizer hexamethyl tetramine,
as a stabilizer (9,38,47,52,59). Much work has been done to eswhich decomposes in humid conditions to form ammonia
tablish a correlation between the concentration of formaldeand formaldehyde (38).
hyde and the extent of reduction in dissolution of gelatin- influencing the rate of argininearginine cross-linking
containing preparations (6064). Conversely, the cross-linking providing a vehicle for the denaturation of gelatin.
of gelatin with formaldehyde has been used advantageously to
Temperature. Elevated temperatures increase the rate at which
produce enteric hard and soft capsules (2,911,65).
cross-linking occurs. Barrett and Fell found that storing SCTs
Colorants, especially FD&C Red No. 3 and FD&C Red No. 40, at 20 C and 37 C did not affect the disintegration time, with
also are known to play a crucial role in modifying the confor- the exception of those stored for 14 weeks at 37 C. However,
mational properties of gelatin and rendering it insoluble (66,67). a significant change occurred at 50 C (24). The breakup patThe dyes interact with gelatin by means of hydrophobic and hy- tern of five-year-old tablets was similar to the pattern of those
drogen bonding (9,66). Murthy et al. (41) observed a significant stored at 50 C. Hakata et al. reported a significant decrease in
decrease in the rate of dissolution in capsules containing FD&C the disintegration of SGCs upon storage at
40 C (7072).
Red No. 3 when they were stored in high humidity and light.
In other studies, a model system was developed consisting


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Table III: Reported examples of the use of formaldehyde for the induction of cross-linking in gelatin-containing
Dosage Form and Drug
Hard gelatin capsules:
Hard gelatin capsule shell

Soft gelatin capsules:

and Nifedipine

Formaldehyde Concentration

Storage Condition
and Time Period

Lactose contaminated
with 18 ppm

Effect on Dissolution


6 months at RT*,
40 C and 75% RH

Significant decrease


Lactose contaminated
with 0, 20, 120 ppm

40 C and 75% RH
followed by 25 C and
50% RH for 6 weeks

Significant decrease


0, 20, 80 ppm

25 C and 60% RH, and

40 C and 75% RH for
208 days

20 ppm or less were

tolerable, but significant
decrease with 80 ppm


Lactose contaminated
with 20 ppm

1 day at 40 C and 75% RH

followed by 6 days at RT

Significant decrease


* RT room temperature

mainly of cast gelatin films containing sucrose, dextrose, fructose, and calcium carbonate (30,73). These systems were stored
at 70, 80, 90, and 110 C for varying time intervals. During storage all the gelatin films showed a significant decrease in the
disintegration rate.
Light. Light or UVvis radiation also has been shown to influence the dissolution characteristics of formulations containing gelatin. Lengyel et al. observed that when gelatin had
been exposed to ionization radiation and was used as a binding agent in tablets and capsules, changes occurred in the tablet
stability and capsule characteristics (74). The influence of UVvis
radiation on gelatin cross-linking was observed by Murthy et
al. during a study of hydrochlorothiazide and diphenhydramine
hydrochloride capsules containing various dyes (41). They found
that intense UV or visible irradiation promoted changes in the
capsules, especially those containing FD&C Red No. 3. The result was decreased in vitro dissolution rates. They also observed
that the adverse influence of light was enhanced when irradiation was combined with high humidity. Recently, Singh et al.
(33) reported a further pronounced effect when the three environmental factors temperature, humidity, and light were
combined. The increased adverse effect was seen in all types of
preparations containing gelatin in the outer layer: SGCs, HGCs,
and SCTs.

Stress methods for the induction of gelatin cross-linking

to study polymerization behavior
To introduce cross-linking in gelatin preparations for the study
of polymerization behavior, either formaldehyde or environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, and light
(alone or a combination thereof) have been used as stress methods. The conditions and the duration of tests are listed in
Tables III and IV. The FDA Industry Gelatin Capsule Working
Group mainly uses formaldehyde for stressing (46,48,56).
Formaldehyde in various concentrations is added to the fill of
HGCs and SGCs, and the formulations are exposed to accelerated conditions of temperature (40 C) and humidity (75%
RH) for periods of 6 months (see Table III). Table IV shows
that a short or even an extended time period is used for stress48

Pharmaceutical Technology

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ing with humidity, temperature, and light either alone or in

A major disadvantage of these test methods is the prolonged
exposure period at accelerated conditions of temperature and
humidity that is required before a sufficient adverse effect is noticed. A waiting period of several months is unreasonably slow,
especially during formulation and packaging development when
repeated trials must be carried out. Therefore, a better and more
acceptable method is one whose duration is short and thereby
provides opportunities for repeated studies.
A rapid test method. Recently, Singh et al. (33) proposed a test
of much shorter duration that simultaneously uses all three environmental factors temperature, humidity, and light instead of only one or two factors at a time (Table IV). A mere 8
days exposure of samples in a photostability chamber at 40 C
and 75% RH with a total illumination of 2 million lux h visible light and UV light of >200 Wh/m2 causes pellicle formation
in all formulations containing gelatin in the outer layer. Unlike
the formaldehyde procedure used by the FDAUSP Industry
Gelatin Capsule Working Group (46,48,56), this test method
can simulate the conditions to which the product is exposed
during its manufacture, transportation, distribution, and storage. The test uses the same conditions as those recommended
in ICH guidelines for accelerated stability testing of pharmaceutical drug substances and products (75).
As described in an even more recent report, Venugopal and
Singh (64) extended the test to include the evaluation of gelatin
raw materials. The objective of the test was to predetermine
which of the gelatin materials, of those available from various
sources, would be least likely to create a decrease in dissolution
when used in the manufacture of formulations. The films made
from various raw materials were subjected to photostabilitychamber exposure as well as to various doses of formaldehyde.
The two stress methods revealed nearly the same results. On
the basis of the results, it was possible to systematize the various raw materials according to their potential to undergo crosslinking. That is, each material was identified by the extent that
it could show the problem of cross-linking when it was used in

Table IV: Literature reports about the influence of temperature, humidity, and light on the dissolution of gelatincontaining formulations.
Dosage Form
and Drug

Temp. (C)*

Storage conditions
UV and Vis

Sugar-coated tablets:

20, 37, 50

214 weeks

Valproic acid



1, 2, and 3 months Signficant decrease in

2- and 3-month samples





4 weeks

Significant decrease



Effect on


Decrease in those stored

at 50 C for 14 weeks




Significant decrease





7 months
No change
3, 5, and 7 months Significant decrease


Hard gelatin capsules:




32 weeks

No change
No change
No release till 1 h





2 and 10 weeks

Significant decrease in
10-week samples






Ambient light

1, 2, and 3 months
Significant decrease at 1 month

2 weeks
Significant decrease
2 weeks
Significant decrease
2 days
Significant decrease

Hydrophophic drug in
clear capsules


Ambient light

4 weeks
4 weeks

No change
No change





820 weeks

Significant decrease in all





4 weeks

Significant decrease for

both drugs


Poorly watersoluble drug



stability study

Significant decrease





55 days
52 weeks

Significant decrease
Significant decrease


Hard gelatin
capsule shells
Soft gelatin capsules:



1214 and
21 weeks

Significant decrease in all


5, 25, and 37

1, 3, 6, and 10

Significant decrease in
10-week samples



6 months

Significant decrease

71, 72

Acetaminophen and



226 weeks

Significant decrease
Significant decrease





6 and 24 months

Significant decrease in all





55 days
52 weeks

Significant decrease
Significant decrease


Hydrophobic drug in
various colored


*RT room temperature.

Techniques used to determine the nature and extent of

gelatin cross-linking
A few techniques have been described for the determination of
the nature and extent of gelatin cross-linking occurring in films
and formulations subjected to stress tests or marketed formu50

Pharmaceutical Technology

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lations during their shelf storage. The techniques are described

in this section.
Carbon 13nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. This
technique can be used to study the mechanism and the site of
development of cross-links (63,7678). The technique dewww.phar

termines the involvement of amino groups in lysinelysine,

lysinearginine, and argininearginine cross-links subsequent
to reaction with formaldehyde. Gold et al. used Carbon 13NMR
to establish that pancreatin, a proteolytic enzyme present in the
gastrointestinal tract, depolarized the cross-linked gelatin (76).
Fourier transform near-infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy. This technique is advantageous because it is rapid and nondestructive.
Gold et al. reported how it is used to monitor the migration of
formaldehyde from a PEG fill into the gelatin shell of SEGCs
(61,62). The capsules were filled with various solutions of
formaldehyde in PEG and stored at ambient conditions for 48
h. They then were emptied and scanned in a NIR spectrophotometer. A linear relationship was found between the NIR spectra and the amount of cross-linking induced by various concentrations of formaldehyde.
FT-IR spectroscopy. Salsa et al. reported the use of FT-IR spectroscopy for the determination of cross-linking of gelatin during a reaction with formaldehyde (79). The spectra were recorded
in a potassium bromide pellet at various times during the reaction of an aqueous solution of formaldehyde with gelatin. The interpretation of the results involved principal
componentregression analysis. It was established that the crosslinking reaction was initialized by the lysinemethylol formation, followed by the formation of an argininemethylol link
and the eventual origination of lysinearginine cross-links.
UV and fluorescence spectrophotometry. Ofner et al. reported the use of a chemical assay method that uses 2,4,6trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (TNBS) reagent and resulted in
the development of a UV chromophore that absorbs at 346 nm
(14,60,80,81). The reaction of TNBS with the primary amino
group of gelatin determines the un-cross-linked amino groups
and hence helps reveal the loss of -amino groups, which participate in the cross-linking process. Another recent study reported about the use of intrinsic fluorescence determination
for describing conformational changes in gels made as a result
of the interaction of gelatin with glutaraldehyde (82).
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The use of MRI for the study
of gelatin cross-linking was explored recently by a group led
by Professor J.H. Hornak at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York (
hornak/jph-part-2.htm). The group concluded that the technique can be used for the study of both the diffusion of ions
into a gelatinwater matrix and the setting of gelatin as a result of cross-linking.
Monitoring of solubility and dissolution. Other methods used to
determine gelatin cross-linking are the determination of the
solubility of gelatin films or the dissolution of formulations
(64,83). Although these procedures do not provide information about the mechanism or site of interaction and do not
quantify the extent of cross-linking at the molecular level, they
give a crude idea about the extent because the reduction in solubility or dissolution is linearly correlated to the extent of crosslinking (64). Some indirect methods to determine the amount
of gelatin remaining in the undissolved state also have been
used (e.g., gravimetric analysis, a protein assay method involving color reaction with bicinchoninic acid, and UV absorbance
measurements at 214 nm) (60,83).

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Inhibition of gelatin cross-linking

Much effort has been applied to identifying the means to protect gelatin-based formulations against changes in dissolution
characteristics. Many approaches exist such as using additives
and direct inhibitors (see Table V) and controlling humidity
and photostabilization.
Using Type B gelatin. Type B gelatin is mentioned in the literature to be associated with less cross-linking than is type A gelatin,
but unfortunately no details of the study are reported (84). Therefore, experiments can be conducted to evaluate the use of Type
B gelatin for the development of more-stable pharmaceutical
formulations (84).

Protecting against released aldehydes or preventing the formation of aldehydes. Compounds such as lysine, phenylamine, glutamine, hydroxylamine hydrochloride, p-amino benzoic acid,
glycine, and others function as carbonyl scavengers, preventing
the interaction of aldehydes with gelatin shells and thereby inhibiting cross-linking (85). It even is reported that if the
formaldehyde initially present in the capsule fill is scavenged
by the use of glycine, an amino acid, it prevents or reduces the
further introduction of aldehyde (86). Another approach is to
prevent the very formation of aldehydes, a process that can be
accomplished by controlling the degradation of the capsule contents through manipulation of pH. Carboxylic acids such as
benzoic acid, fumaric acid, maleic acid, and citric acid have been
found to be effective for this purpose. Trials have shown that
using a combination of an amino acid and a buffer significantly
prevents pellicle formation. A typical example is the synergistic use of glycine and citric acid.
Use of direct inhibitors. Some compounds act as direct inhibitors,
and they also have been found to help protect gelatin-based formulations against changes in dissolution characteristics. Examples include semicarbazide hydrochloride, hydroxylamine hydrochloride, piperazide hydrate, pyridine, piperidine, glycerine,
and p-aminobenzoic acid (85,86).
Control of humidity. The dissolution characteristics of capsules
become more seriously affected when they are stored in blister
packaging made of PVC, which affords minimal protection
against moisture. The best way to overcome this adverse effect
is to use water-impermeable packaging systems. An alternate
method is to add disintegrants to the HGC fill powder blend.
Capsule formulations containing
10% of disintegrant can
withstand the stress of high-humidity storage conditions presumably because of the more-porous nature of the capsule fill
Photostabilization. Thoma has reported photostabilization of
gelatin capsules using two distinct approaches: coloring or pigmentation of the gelatin shell and core and manipulation of the
thickness of the shell, size of granules or powder particles, and
the size and height of the core (88). It has been shown that titanium oxide, iron oxide, and color pigments offer good protection against cross-linking introduced by light. A curcumin content of 0.4% in the capsule shell resulted in a threefold or higher
increase in the half-life of the test compounds. Some dyes such
as FD&C Yellow No. 5, Blue No. 1, and Red No. 3 also were able
to protect dosage forms from light. The same was true of synthetic iron oxides, which are potent absorbers of wavelengths

400 nm. However, an excess iron content (>15 ppm) should not be used because it causes discoloration in SGCs (45).


Table V: Agents that inhibit cross-linking of gelatin.

Inhibiting Agent
Effect Observed
Semicarbazine hydrochloride, Not specified Cross-linking
hydroxylamine, hydrochloride,
inhibiting agents
piperazide hydrate, pyridine,
piperidine, glycine, p-amino
benzoic acid


In the past few decades an all-encompassing understanding has developed

about the problem of the decrease in the
extent of dissolution in dosage forms Sorbitol as a plasticizer
Gelatin films Showed increase
containing gelatin in the outer layer. It is
(Type B)
heartening that this problem is not so seSemicarbazide HCl (1%)
Decreased cross-linking
rious with respect to in vivo bioavail- L-Histidine (1%)
Decreased cross-linking
ability unless the preparations are seCitric acid (1%)
Decreased cross-linking
verely stressed or the drug has a narrow
Glycine (2.5% w/w)
Formulation Showed some improve86
window of absorption (46).
ment in dissolution but
The introduction of USPs two-tier
did not prevent gelatin
dissolution test is a welcome developcross-linking
ment because it can save the manufac- Citric acid (0.5% w/w),
Showed some improve
turer from difficulties associated with
ment in dissolution but
failed dissolution tests. Unfortunately the
did not prevent gelatin
two-tier test is not yet official in other
pharmacopeias. Therefore, gelatin prodGlycine (2.5% w/w), and
Cross-linking prevented
ucts prepared according to compendia
Citric acid (0.5% w/w)
other than USP stand a chance of being
recalled if they fail the standard dissolu9. B.E. Jones, in Hard Capsules Development and Technology, K. Ridgway, Ed. (The Pharmaceutical Press, London, UK, 1987), pp. 3948.
tion tests. In this context, the remaining pharmacopeial organizations in the world must be cognizant of current develop- 10. E.A. Swinyard and W. Lowenthal, Oral Solid Dosage Forms, in Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy, A.R. Gennaro, Ed. (Mack,
ments concerning the problem and thus introduce necessary
Easton, PA, 1995), pp.16151649.
modifications in dissolution tests for gelatin preparations.
11. G.-L. Chen and W.-H. Hao, Factors Affecting Zero-Order Release KiAt their level, manufacturers can protect their interests by
netics of Porous Gelatin Capsules, Drug Dev. Ind. Pharm. 24 (6),
557562 (1998).
selecting gelatin raw materials that show minimum crosslinking behavior, a process that can be carried out easily with a 12. Y. Tabata and Y. Ikada, Synthesis of Gelatin Microspheres Containing Interferon, Pharm. Res. 6 (5), 422427 (1989).
recently proposed test (64). Alternately, the use of inhibitors (see 13. M.A. Vandelli et al., Concentration of Cross-Linking Agent as a Tool
Table V) and other approaches such as the use of aldehyde-free
for the Control of Release and Swelling Properties of Gelatin Microexcipients can be explored to stabilize the preparations. Help
spheres, J. Pharm. Bel. 46, 381388 (1991).
also can be had from the recently reported rapid-test method 14. M.A. Vandelli et al., Gelatin Microspheres Cross-linked with D,LGlyceraldehyde as a Potential Drug Delivery System: Preparation, Charfor the study of the possibility of cross-linking in formulated
acterisation, In Vitro and In Vivo Studies, Int. J. Pharm. 215, 175184
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