AWS D1.1 Determining The Minimum Preheat - Blank

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Determining the alternate minimum preheat and inter-pass temperature

requirements in accordance with Annex XI Guideline on Alternative Methods

for Determining Preheat For Panyu Thick Material welding.


This write up is to determine the alternate minimum preheat and inter-pass

temperature requirements in accordance with Annex XI Guideline on Alternative
Methods for Determining Preheat For Panyu Thick Material welding. The methods of
Annex XI are based on laboratory cracking tests and may predict a more realistic preheat
temperatures with due consideration on many other factors that may reduces the tendency
for cold cracking.


The principle of applying heat until a certain temperature is reached and then
maintaining that temperature as a minimum is used to control the cooling rate of weld
metal and adjacent base metal. The higher temperature permits more rapid hydrogen
diffusion and reduces the tendency for cold cracking. The entire part or only the metal in
the vicinity of the joint to be welded may be preheated (see Table 3.2). For a given set of
welding conditions, cooling rates will be faster for a weld made without preheat than for
a weld made with preheat. The higher preheat temperatures result in slower cooling rates.
When cooling is sufficiently slow, it will effectively reduce hardening and cracking.
The minimum preheat or inter-pass temperature applied to a joint composed of base
metals with different minimum preheats from Table 3.2 (based on Category and
thickness) shall be the highest of these minimum preheats.
It should be emphasized that temperatures in Table 3.2 are minimum temperatures, and
preheat and inter-pass temperatures must be sufficiently high to ensure sound welds. The
amount of preheat required to slow down cooling rates so as to produce crack-free,
ductile joints will depend on:
(1) The ambient temperature
(2) Heat from the arc
(3) Heat dissipation of the joint
(4) Chemistry of the steel (weldability)
(5) Hydrogen content of deposited weld metal
(6) Degree of restraint in the joint
Point 1:
Point 2:
Point 3:

is considered above.
is not presently considered in the code.
is partly expressed in the thickness of material.

Point 4:
Point 5:
Point 6:

is expressed indirectly in grouping of steel designations.

is presently expressed either as non-low hydrogen welding process or a
low hydrogen welding process.
is least tangible and only the general condition is recognized in the
provisions of Table 3.2.

Based on these factors, the requirements of Table 3.2 should not be considered all
encompassing, and the emphasis on preheat and inter-pass temperatures as being
minimum temperatures assumes added validity.
Recognizing the above, optionally, minimum preheats and inter-pass temperature may be
established on the basis of steel composition. Accepted methods of prediction or
guidelines such as those provided in Annex XI, or other methods approved by the
Engineer, may be used. However, should the use of these guidelines result in preheat
temperatures lower than those of Table 3.2, WPS qualification in conformance with
section 4 shall be required.
The methods of Annex XI are based on laboratory cracking tests and may predict preheat
temperatures higher than the minimum temperature shown in Table 3.2. The guide may
be of value in identifying situations where the risk of cracking is increased due to
composition, restraint, hydrogen level or lower welding heat input where higher preheat
may be warranted. Alternatively, the guide may assist in defining conditions under which
hydrogen cracking is unlikely and where the minimum requirements of Table 3.2 may be
safely relaxed.

Welding of Panyu 4-2/5-1 Jackets.

Material: GB712-2000 D40

Thickness: 90mm


Two methods are used as the basis for estimating welding conditions to avoid cold
Heat-affected zone (HAZ) hardness control
Hydrogen control
Determining the type of control.
The following procedure is suggested as a guide for selection of either the hardness
control or hydrogen control method.
Determine carbon and carbon equivalent:

Carbon Content= 0.143

CE = 0.143+(1.440+0.270)/6+(0.060+0.022+0.061)/5+(0.220+0.140)/15
CE = 0.143+0.285+0.0286+0.024
CE= 0.4806

The material can be classified as Zone II Material.

Zone II. The hardness control method and selected hardness shall be used to determine
minimum energy input for single-pass fillet welds without preheat. If the energy input is
not practical, use hydrogen method to determine preheats.
For groove welds, the hydrogen control method shall be used to determine preheat. For
steels with high carbon, a minimum energy to control hardness and preheat to control
hydrogen may be required for both types of welds, i.e., fillet and groove welds.
Both control methods are considered.

Hardness Control. (Root pass/Tack Welding)

(The hardness control method and selected hardness shall be used to determine minimum
energy input for single-pass fillet welds without preheat.)
This method is based on the assumption that cracking will not occur if the hardness of the
HAZ is kept below some critical value. This is achieved by controlling the cooling rate
below a critical value dependent on the hardenability of the steel.
Determining the R450 Critical Cooling Rate. The critical cooling rate was determined for a
selected maximum HAZ hardness of between 400 Vh - 350 Vh from Figure XI-2.

The critical cooling rate R450 for HAZ hardness of 350HV-450HV is 30C/S

With the said cooling rate, the minimum energy input for single-pass SAW fillet welds
without preheats. (In practice equivalent to root pass) for various combination of WebFlange thickness are calculated as in following:

For the hardness control method, the calculated minimum heat input for SAW SinglePass Fillet weld welding is 1.85KJ/ mm.

Following may be used to determine fillet sizes as a function of energy input.

Therefore the required approximate Leg-Size for Single Pass SAW Fillet or equivalent
tack weld size is 10mm.
For other processes, minimum energy input for single-pass fillet welds can be estimated
by applying the following multiplication factors to the energy estimated for the
submerged arc welding (SAW) process in XI6.1.3:
Welding Process

Multiplication Factor

Therefore the required approximate Leg-Size for Single Pass SMAW Fillet or equivalent
tack weld size is 12mm.

Hydrogen Control.
(For groove welds, the hydrogen control method shall be used to determine preheat.)
The hydrogen control method is based on the assumption that cracking will not occur if
the average quantity of hydrogen remaining in the joint after it has cooled down to about
120F (50C) does not exceed a critical value dependent on the composition of the steel
and the restraint.


For the type of electrode and site control the electrode hydrogen level may be classified
as H2 Low Hydrogen, which is defined as:
H2-Low Hydrogen. These consumables give diffusible hydrogen content of less than 10
ml/100g deposited metal when measured using ISO 3690-1976, or moisture content of
electrode covering of 0.4% maximum in accordance with AWS A5.1. This may be
established by a test on each type, brand of consumable, or wire/flux combination used.
The following may be assumed to meet this requirement:
(a) Low-hydrogen electrodes taken from hermetically sealed containers conditioned
in accordance with of the code and used within four hours after removal
(b) (b) SAW with dry flux

Pcm Composition Parameter

Pcm = 0.143+0.270/30+(1.440+0.140+0.060)/20+(0.220)/60+(0.022)/15+(0.061)/10+5x0
Pcm = 0.143+0.009+0.0757+0.004+0.001+0.006
Pcm = 0.2387

The susceptibility index grouping from Table XI-1 can be determined to be D

From Table XI-2 for Hydrogen Control, it gives the minimum preheat and inter-pass
temperatures that shall be used. Assuming medium and high levels of restraint. The
required preheat and inte-rpass temperature shall be 145C.

Code recommended pre-qualified minimum preheat and inter-pass temperature. (150C)

1. For the hardness control method, the calculated minimum heat input for SAW
Single-Pass Fillet weld without preheat is 1.85KJ/ mm.
2. The required approximate Leg-Size for Single Pass SAW Fillet or equivalent tack
weld size without preheats is 10mm.
3. The required approximate Leg-Size for Single Pass SMAW Fillet or equivalent
tack weld size without preheats is 12mm
4. For Hydrogen Control, a minimum preheat and inter-pass temperatures assuming
medium and high levels of restraint the required preheat and inter-pass
temperature shall be 150C, higher of calculated and Table 3.2.



1. For Shield Metal Arc Welding tack welds without preheat, 12mm minimum effective
weld thickness should be specified.
2. For Submerge Arc Welding tack welds without preheat, 10mm minimum effective
weld thickness should be specified.
3. Minimum preheat and inter-pass temperature shall be 150C
4. The material may be concluded that it can be welded with little risk of cracking if (1),
(2) and (3) are strictly adhered.

Further discussion/investigation required:

1. Method of welding consumable control.
2. Pre-heating method and heat maintenance.

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