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For Immediate Release

October 3rd, 2015

Contact: Kevin Elkins
Law Enforcement Unions Denounce Joan Illuzzi-Orbons "Shameful Attacks"
Staten Island, NYToday, leaders of the Patrolmens Benevolent Association (PBA), the
Sergeants Benevolent Association (SBA), and the New York State Court Officers, denounced
Joan Illuzzi-Orbon following shameful attacks made by her campaign on Mike McMahon's
voting record in the aftermath of 9/11. Following the devastation of 9/11 and an economic
recession, the City Council worked with Republican Mayor Michael Bloomberg to cut spending
and temporarily increase property taxes in order to balance its budget after the Republican-led
federal and state governments failed to provide the City with enough funding to provide basic
and essential services. Once the City recovered financially, the City Council and the Mayor kept
their promise, cut taxes, and gave taxpayers a $400 rebate each year from 2004-2008.
The Staten Island Advance Editorial Board has called McMahon and Bloombergs leadership on
this vote smart, gutsy, and the right thing to do, adding that The Council would have been
hard-pressed -- and wrong -- to reject the plan. [Advance, 9.15.2014]
Moreover, despite Illuzzi-Orbons misleading attacks that McMahon was somehow responsible
for the current unequal funding that the Staten Island District Attorneys Office receives, over the
course of McMahons term in the City Council, the budget of the District Attorneys office actually
increased by over $1.2 million dollars.
When our city was on the verge of financial collapse in the aftermath of 9/11, Mike McMahon
put all political considerations to the side and showed real courage when he stood up for our
men and women in law enforcement, said Pat Lynch, President of the Police Benevolent
Association. Anyone who criticizes Mike McMahon and the citys leadership as they made
incredibly difficult decisions to save our city is playing politics of the worst kind by using a
national tragedy for their own political gain. Mike McMahon stood up for us and all of Staten
Island in 2002 just like he stood up for us as he fought against all odds to help pass the 9/11
Zadroga Bill for our first responders.
We need someone with integrity, character and leadership and as this campaign has dragged
on, it has become very clear that Mike McMahon is the only candidate that fits the bill. said Ed
Mullins, President of the Sergeants Benevolent Association. After 9/11 all of our elected officials
had to make tough decisions that required significant political courage, which is something Mike
McMahon showed time and time again as our Councilman. It was the same leadership on
display when he helped pass the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act while he
served in Congress. Joan Illuzzi- Orbon either doesnt understand what a terrible financial

situation New York City was in or she is willingly trying to deceive the people of Staten Island either one disqualifies her to be Staten Island's next District Attorney.
This kind of shameful, ignorant attack demonstrates for all of Staten Island why every major law
enforcement union endorsed Mike McMahon over Joan Illuzzi-Orbon, said Dennis Quirk,
President of the New York State Court Officers. Joan Illuzzi-Orbon, who was trying to rip
taxpayers off for millions of dollars with frivolous lawsuits, has no right to lecture anyone about
whats best for the finances of New York City. It is morally reprehensible for Joan Illuzzi-Orbon,
who continues to owe the IRS thousands of dollars, to attack Mike McMahon for his courageous
leadership with such a blatant and deceitful political attack. Joan Illuzzi-Orbon owes the people
of Staten Island and New York City an apology for treating the sacrifices and tough choices our
leaders made as political football.
McMahon has been a Staten Island trial lawyer for over 25 years, appearing in courts at all
levels throughout New York State. He previously served the people of Staten Island as a Civic
Association President, New York City Council Member, and Member of Congress, and currently
he is a Partner and Co-Chair of the Government Relations Practice Group at international law
firm Herrick Feinstein.
McMahon has announced endorsements previously from the New York State Court Officers
Association and the Association of Surrogates, Supreme Court Reporters, the Sergeants
Benevolent Association, the Uniformed Firefighters Association, the Uniformed Fire Officers
Association, the District Council of Carpenters, the Patrolmens Benevolent Association, the
Uniformed Sanitationmens Association, the Captains Endowment Association, the Lieutenants
Benevolent Association, the Detectives Endowment Association, the Amalgamated Transit
Union, and the United Federation of Teachers.

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