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Equation Writer Stack Display for the HP48
(c) 1995 by Mika Heiskanen & Claude-Nicolas Fiechter
EQSTK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but the
copyright holders provide the program "as is" without warranty of any
kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose. In no event will the copyright holders be liable to you for
damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential
damages arising out of the use or inability to use the program. So there.
EQSTK provides an alternative to the built-in stack displayer, with the
main advantages of being capable of displaying equations in similar form
as the built-in Equation Writer. The display also can handle symbolic arrays
in the form they are defined in most symbolic math packages, such as ALG48.
EQSTK library works in any port of a HP48G(X) or S(X), with no speed loss
when being run from a covered GX port.
To install EQSTK on your HP48 download the file 'eqstk.lib' to your
calculator and store in it a port of your choice. For example to store
the library to port 0, type in (or press suitable keys)
'eqstk.lib' DUP RCL SWAP PURGE 0 STO
and power-cycle the calculator. The library will autoattach itself to
the HOME directory.
Installing a universal font library containing a small font is recommended as
it makes displays using lower case characters much better. EQSTK uses the
library only if it is stored in a visible port though.
* EQSTK requires the universal font library *
* with small and medium fonts to be present. *
The package also includes a smaller version of the library named
'eqstkb.lib', which does not have the following functionality:
o All features documented in section "User Functions"
o Special symbols for identifiers Phi, phi etc listed in "Global name"
o Dot indicates subscript as explained in "Global name"

Enabling any single feature again from above is possible by editing and
recompiling the source code distributed with the package.
--------Stack: ( ob maxsize --> grob )
AGROB takes an object from stack, along with the desired maximum font size,
and converts the object into a grob. If the object is an algebraic expression
or of some other suitable type, equation writer form output is produced.
The size argument should be a real number in the range 1 to 3, where 3
specifies the maximum possible starting font size.
3.2 ASTK
-------Stack: ( --> )
ASTK command starts an alternative loop to provide the full functionality of
the HP48, with the exception of changed display.
ASTK displays the menu as usual, but the stack no longer has any size limit.
Most importantly, the status area is not shown at all unless the area is
flagged as frozen, for example when a keypress generates an error. How many
stack levels are shown depends only on the size of the objects being
displayed in their AGROB form.
When ASTK is started for the first time, it will use the medium font as the
maximum font size to use when calling the agrob subroutines. Any further
executions will only toggle an internal flag in the already running ASTK
to toggle the maximum font between the smallest and the medium fonts.
To exit ASTK simply press the CONT key (left-shift ON).
Note that ASTK does not modify any other keys than CONT, thus for example
the interactive stack still uses the regular display loop.
4.1 AGROB Parser
---------------AGROB uses the internal ->STR subroutines to decompile objects, with the
following exceptions:
Tagged Objects
-------------The tag is ignored, and thus the test defaults to testing for the following
list of exceptions.

----Grobs already are in the required form, so nothing is done.
Global name
----------Global names are displayed without the '' delimiters. Also subscripts
can be generated as follows:
- By having an embedded dot character in the identifier.
The first part of the name forms the actual displayed name.
The second part of the name forms the subscript which is
displayed in a smaller font. The second part can also have
further dots to generate a subscript for the subscript itself.
- By having trailing decimal digits in the name. The digits
will form the subscript in a smaller font.
In the following examples the decreasing font size is left to the
imagination of the reader:






Due to the restricted internal font, and for easy access to some symbols the
following names create special grobs:
Psi, Phi, phi, Gamma, GAMMA, Planck, Nabla, Blank, Cont
In addition the infinity and small omega symbols default to built-in grobs
due to the bad representation they have in the UFL small font. The user
should try typing above names when ASTK is active to see what the results
Local variable names
-------------------Local variable names are displayed without the '' delimiters.
----Units are shown as in the built-in Equation Writer. For example:



-----Arrays having more than two dimensions are shown using the internal ->STR.
For one or two dimensions the objects in the array are decompiled using
the general rules for AGROB, the results are then arranged in a grid and
are surrounded with brackets. One dimensional arrays are shown as column

----An empty list is displayed using the internal ->STR.

If the list contains no lists the list is shown as a column vector
with surrounding parenthesis.
A list of lists all of equal lenght is considered a two dimensional
array, and execution is similar as for arrays with the exception of
using surrounding parenthesis instead of brackets.
Otherwise the list is displayed using the internal ->STR.
---------All objects inside the algebraic are displayed using the regular rules. The
functions in the algebraic then cause the grobs to be merged as is proper for
the function. By default all functions simply display the name of the
function followed by the arguments in parenthesis, with the following

Arguments displayed with + in the middle

Arguments displayed with - in the middle
Argument displayed with - in the front
Arguments displayed with a dot in the middle
Arguments displayed on top of each other w/ a line in between
Second argument displayed as exponent
Argument displayed with "-1" exponent
Argument displayed with "2" exponent
Argument displayed as exponent for "e"
Argument displayed as exponent for "10"
Argument displayed with "*" exponent
Argument displayed with surrounding ||
Argument displayed with surrounding square root
Arguments displayed as written on paper
Argument displayed with following "!"
Arguments displayed with " MOD " in the middle
Argument displayed with a special NOT symbol in front
Arguments displayed with a special AND symbol in the middle
Arguments displayed with a special OR symbol in the middle
Arguments displayed with a special XOR symbol in the middle
Arguments displayed with "=" in the middle
Arguments displayed with "==" in the middle
Arguments displayed with "<>" in the middle
Arguments displayed with "<" in the middle
Arguments displayed with ">" in the middle
Arguments displayed with "<=" in the middle
Arguments displayed with ">=" in the middle

The following cases are a bit more complex:

---------A series of derivatives with respect to X is causes the argument
to be shown with the proper number of ticks (') as the 'exponent'.
A series of derivatives with respect to mixed variables is shown
as taking partial derivatives of the argument.

Examples: (d denotes the derivative function)

'' '
'dX(dX(Y))+a*dX(Y)+b=0' ==> Y +aY +b=0

==> ----(F(X,Y))=0

-------Integral function is displayed as written on paper. As a special
feature '?' as an integration limit is not displayed.
Examples: (S denotes the integral function, 00 infinity)


/ 2
| -x
| ---| 2
|e dX = |-/



||| 1
||| 2 2 2
|||X +Y +Z

--------Summation function is displayed as written on paper.
Example: (Z denotes the summation function)
-- 2
1 3 1 2 1
> (I ) = -n + -n + -n
| function
---------| is displayed as in the built-in Equation Writer.

User Functions
-------------The user can create own functions for example by typing 'F(X,Y)' directly
or executing { X Y } 'F' APPLY. The AGROB parser utilizes this feature for
executing various functions on the arguments as follows:


Multiplication with no mult. mark

nth derivative of expr (tick form)
nth derivative of expr (d/dx form)
nth partial derivatives of expr
Laplace transform
Fourier transform
Inverse Laplace transform
Inverse Fourier transfrom
expr1 x expr2
expr2 ,expr1
expr1 ==> expr2
expr1 <==> expr2
expr1 plus/minus expr2
expr1 minus/plus expr2
plus/minus expr
minus/plus expr

The following are more about formatting than actually providing some
mathematical functions:

==> Parenthesis are drawn around the argument

==> An arrow is drawn above the argument
==> The arguments are shown on top of each
other, aligned to left border.
==> The argument is given a left brace "{"
For multiple arguments Top is called 1st
==> The argument is given a right brace "}"
For multiple arguments Top is called 1st
==> Decrement font size for expr
==> Increment font size for expt

The user should note that all of above are just pseudo-functions, the only
thing they do is to arrange the arguments in a convenient way. Thus for
example true functions do not 'see' the pseudo-functions to have any special
priorities, and thus parenthesis may not be shown when needed. The 'Par'
pseudo-function is provided for use in such cases.
To support the common notation for special functions the following patterns
at the end of the function name are recognized:

==> First argument is shown

Remaining arguments, if
==> First argument is shown
Remaining arguments, if

as subindex.
any, are shown in parenthesis.
as subindex, second as topindex.
any, are shown in parenthesis.


==> J (x)

(Bessel function)

'P.nm(n-1,m,x)' ==> P


(Associated Legendre function)

For more examples please see the samples directory provided with the
4.2 ASTK Parser
--------------Calling AGROB blindly for all objects could be unbearably slow. Thus ASTK
calls AGROB subroutines to decompile an object only when:
- The object is one of the following:
Albebraic, global name, local name, unit, array, grob
- The object is a list containing less than 20 objects
The internal Agrob subroutine is unsafe if evaluated from a covered port.
Thus both AGROB and ASTK copy it to a variable named 'agrob' in the hidden
directory for evaluation if needed, both also purge it when they exit.
Should you happen to exit either program by ON-C though, the variable would
remain in the hidden directory and would take 10Kb of user memory. To make
sure it doesn't remain there simply start and exit ASTK.
The package provides a BZ-compressed sample directory of objects. To have a
look at them, simply download the file to your HP48, uncompress it with BZ,
store it to a variable and enter the directory. Then start ASTK and press
any variable name to see the object in it.
Note that some of the objects are invalid in regular HP48 operation, and
have been built with hacking tools just to see what AGROB can do. None of
the objects will cause an error in the normal HP48 display, but you should
not try to operate with them.
The source code is included in the package in GNU Tools format (new opcodes
and label generation are used).
Programmers of various alternative stack displays may wish to extract
XLIB 740 2 (AGrob in the source code) to be used in their own stack
display programs. Permission to use it is hereby granted, provided the
program is not commercial. For convenience some conditional flags are
provided in the source code to enable easy removal of some of the 'fancier'

EQSTK library is largely based on the AWV48 library
by Claude-Nicolas Fiechter.
---- Faster.
- Added integral, summation, derivative
- Implemented ASTK
---- Subscripts
- A couple bug fixes.
---- Faster.
- Implemented most of the missing internal functions.
- Implemented array decompilation
- Implemented unit decompilation
- Implemented dotted subscripts
- Allowed arrays and lists in ASTK display
- Fixed a bug in ASTK display loop
- Works from covered ports too (6.5K memory requirement)

Fixed MOD, XOR

Implemented XROOT
Implemented special grobs for AND, OR, NOT, XOR
Implemented special identifier names (Phi, Psi..)
Improved derivative output to be more compact when possible
Fixed the EXPLODE substitute
Fixed minus (-) to use proper priority setting for the rightmost argument
Allowed special identifiers in user function names
Allowed special identifiers in derivative variable names
Implemented special user functions
Modified samples to use new features, added more samples.

---- Speeded up in several places
- Implemented tagged objects
- Added more special identifiers
----- Fixed size 3 representation for NEG
- Validated DA1 always so that ON-key aborts editline properly.
- Fixed grob! substitute to work properly when called to bang
a grob of width 57 at the last pixel of a nibble.
---- Use "1; " or similar for displaying equations that do not fit on the line.

- Fixed matrix dimension tests to be absolutely valid

---- Implemented special grob for 'GAMMA'
- Allowed romptr function names to be special user functions (GAMMA etc)
- Implemented .n and .nm type function name formatting
- Implemented pm and mp user functions to complement PM and MP
- Implemented DER, Der and der user functions
- Allowed multiple arguments for Lt and Rt user functions, in which case
the Top user function is called first.
- Implemented user functions fm and fp for font size control
---- Fixed NOT priority (relative to AND and XOR)
---- Implemented array size checks to reduce hopeless tasks (out of memory)
- Added new samples, removed ALG48 tests as too trivial examples
- Compiled 2 versions:
- Full version
- Small version (all compiler flags cleared)
---- Added parenthesis if left argument of * is a unit object
---- Fixed WHERE function for multiple equates
---- Fixed { {} { A B } } not to crash AGROB
---- Fixed problem with the priority of negative real numbers
- Made the configuration object to automatically purge 'agrob' from hidden dir
---- Uses UFL small font instead of Jazz small font
---- Requires UFL with FNT1 and FNT2 to be present
---- Fixed integration variable to be parsed as a general identifier to
allow for example intergration with respect to phi
- Added stack decompile speedups. Whenever stack decompile is
requested and the topmost function is one of + - * = <= >= etc
the left hand side is decompiled first. If the result is wider
than the display the right hand side is ignored.

- Cache implemented for ASTK to provide great speedup for stack

display when the stack doesn't change much.
---- Implemented checks on changes in system flags affecting display
modes to force a cache clear and thus a redraw.
- Fixed exit from EQSTK to be as valid as possible for all
possible stack save modes.

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