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System for Total Control Of Women.

Independent Research Center Nanopsy.


System for Total Control Of Women.


By IRC Nanopsy

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System for Total Control Of Women.


~ Table of Contents ~
Part 1. Introduction.
Part 2. A concept of importance of Subconsciousness.
Part 3. Main influence.


Influence of a glance.
Influence of voice.
Influence of touch.

Part 4. Entrancement.

1: Concept of trance.
2: Concept of importance of common rhythm.
3: Tuning.
4: Concept of systems of perception.
5: Definition of the main system of perception.
6: Determination of a leading system.
7: Tuning of a second level.
8: Checking the effectiveness of tuning.
9: Sexual trance.
10: Hypnotizing speech.

Part 5. The matrix of the sexual subjection.

Part 6. Techniques.
Chapter 1: Anchor.
Chapter 2: Techniques of the speech.

The covering of the realities.
Threefold spiral.
Division of Consciousness and Subconsciousness.
Inserted information.
Influence via electronic messages.



Methods of speech.
Use of music for entrancement.
Use of information strain of Consciousness.
Break of the pattern.

Part 7. Language of the body.

The using in the sexual manipulation.

Part 8. Zombie programming.

Part 9. Conclusion.
Instrument 1.
Instrument 2.

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System for Total Control Of Women.


Part 1. Introduction.

This manual presents a System of Total Subjection of Woman.

It is a complex of extremely effective ways to quickly influence female mind.
This system will first of all teach You how to subject a woman. Having subjected her You
will be able to get anything You want from her.

This is a main difference of this course from others of such kind. All systems like Erickson
hypnosis, NLP, DHE, all methods of temptation, and pick up actually have very little
effect since they do not take into account the importance of instincts.
If all above mentioned methods are used in combination with the System then their
effectiveness will be much higher.
First of all a woman should be subjected. One should subject her Subconsciousness acting
through her instincts.
And then she will either tempt You or facilitate Your task so much that the only thing
which will be left just to take her.
Your race, age, appearance, social, and financial status have no importance what so ever.
In order to learn how to subject a woman You should train certain skills given in this
course and strictly follow psychological algorithm thoroughly described here.
These skills and this algorithm work on every woman.
The system is effective irrespective of not only womans age, status in society, and
nationality but even irrespective of her character and experience.
The systems secret is that it teaches you how to influence womens instincts first of all.
The main Human instinct is continuation of his/her biological type that is reproduction. In
womens case it is a desire to find a strong male, have intercourse with him, and to
At the same time she has to be sure that this male will be able to guarantee her and her

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System for Total Control Of Women.


descent security. This means that he should be at least stronger than her. A woman wants
to feel this strength and instinctively wants to deliver herself in possession of somebody
who is stronger than her.
Use of this instinct is the basis of the System.
Since the system is universal for all types of women and also for simplicity and clarity of
speech we will use one definition of a person whom is being influenced on an Object.
This manual gives practical methods of influence in a very condensed form. There is only
a necessary minimum of theory.
The influence has following effects:
Full psychological subjection of an Object.
A feeling of full psychological confidence and sympathy with you.
Sexual arousal oriented on you.
A highlight of the course is a method of hypnotic influence on a woman during her sleep.
Understanding and use of this method will allow you to fully control Objects behavior.
You will have a possibility to program any necessary for You movements and even
At the same time a woman will perceive all these reactions as her own. In fact she will
become you marionette.
An issue of how You can use the results of your influence is not considered in this course.

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Part 2. A concept of importance of Subconsciousness.

In early XXth century science came to a conclusion that a Human being is not as
intelligent as it had been thought before. These parts that are called conscience and
intellect do not take all that important part in humans mind. Quite to the contrary
Humans behavior is governed by some mysterious and elusive forces. These forces
belong to the world of Subconsciousness.
One psychoanalytical aphorism describes this situation in laconic and precise form
formula: Consciousness thinks Subconsciousness rules.
How does this formidable governing force proves itself?
Subconsciousness is space of human:
forbidden desires;
slips of tongue
and, this is the most important, it is a space of human instincts.
Subconsciousness is that that people really think and want but don not suspect it. Peoples
real thoughts are deeply hidden from them.
In everyday life there are no accidents, though, at first sight, it seems to be full of them
accidental meetings, accidental slips of tongue, etc. You can recall a lot of accidents of
this type in your life. Thats why you should memorize important statements:
there are no accidents;
everything is strictly predetermined and logical;
every accidental move in your behavior has hidden motive.
This is subconsciousness that gives consciousness an order to accidentally forget where
you have put your documents when you are about to leave the house. And as a result you
are late for the meeting, the meeting you are really don not want or afraid to have.
This is subconsciousness that gives consciousness an order to accidentally dial a wrong
number, and as a result you do not call a person you have intended to call but a person

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System for Total Control Of Women.


who you really want to hear.

A human being is fully governed by his/her Subconsciousness!
What important inference can be drawn from this statement?
The one who can give orders to Subconsciousness govern a person him/herself!
One just needs to put into somebodys Subconsciousness some knowledge and it will do
all the rest work for You.
A human being, in whose Subconsciousness you have put your thought, will sincerely
consider this desire to be his/her own and will do everything what is possible to fulfill
his/her desire.
But to posses anothers Subconsciousness is far not as easy as some people would want.
Yes, it has very gullible character. Yes, it is inclined to believe everything. But human
Consciousness guards it. It acts as a censor, critic, and watchdog.
How can you enter somebodys house without meeting a mean and suspicious watchdog?
you can treat it with something tasty and try to tame;
you can distract its attention and try to quickly get inside;
you can wait until it falls asleep and quietly pass by;
you can try to go around the dog and to enter a house at another door.
Of course, there are a lot of other options.
One should admit that people are more or less manageable mechanisms. As soon as you
posses the keys of the control board you can manage this mechanism quietly.
And at this point one should recognize the difference between a Man and a Woman.
What is the main difference between females and males mind? A man, as a rule, relies on
logic, calculations, and intellect while taking decisions.
What does a Woman rely on? On feelings, emotions, instincts.
It is them, and first of all instincts that are the keys of the control board of such a
mechanism as Woman.

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Part 3. Main influence.

Chapter 1: Introduction.
When you need to incline a woman to a certain thought (in this case to a thought of
subjecting to You and having sex), it is worthless trying to use persuasion and logical
Try to persuade a girl you like to have sex with You using logic. It is funny, is not it?
One can persuade to have sex a prostitute using money as an argument.
In other cases one has to work on feelings, emotions, and primordial instincts programmed
by Mother Nature itself.
Who does a Woman by her nature look for all her life?
A strong male. The one who is stronger than her. The one with whom she will feel safe.
Literally from the first seconds she instinctively senses who is in front of her, her Boss, her
Slave, or simply her friend.
Naturally in order to achieve Your goal it is necessary that she will perceive You as her
Boss, a person whom she not only should obey but whom she wants to obey.
Only that will make her unconsciously want to be Yours.
You in your turn should more and more enforce this reaction until You get everything you
need from her.

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Chapter 2: Influence of a glance.

Why does she perceive a companion as her Boss?
First of all because of his eyes. Eyes that penetrate and hypnotize her against her will.
Just after a simple eye contact she should already partially subject to you.
How can one obtain such a look?
In fact it is not extraordinary difficult. It is necessary to combine three moments.
The first moment is that Your look should be intent and unblinking.
In order to practice open Instrument 1.
Sit down approximately 3 feet away from your screen.
Place the page with Insteument 1 so that the point exposed on it is exactly in the middle of
your screen. Its preferable that the page occupies as much area on your screen as possible.
Practice at least three times a week for 15 minutes. One should make a pause. The
maximum amount of practice is five times a week.
You task is to learn to look at this spot continuously for at least fifteen minutes.
Of course, it seems very difficult in the beginning. Your eyes will hurt, water, and
involuntary blink. Here is some advise do not focus attention on your eyes.
It will take a little time for You to be able to do this exercise first for a minute then for
two, three, and so on. To continue this exercise more than fifteen minutes is useless.
The Instrument 1 is a means to obtain this skill. Use only it. The fact that it gives its own
light is very important.
Pay attention that background is black and a circle is red.
This is not accidental. The combination of these colors affects You automatically too.
Your blood pressure rises, pulse quickens. This is the reaction on certain hormones

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produced by your body and respectively on the change of whole hormone pattern of your
It is well known that, for instance, a green color calms down. Red especially in the
combination with black gives absolutely different result.
You become more aggressive, Your reaction speeds up, Your potency grows, You become
more masculine. Women feel it instinctively.
Second moment is in the secret of, what is called penetrating look.
A Woman will feel that You look right inside her, that you can see through her, that you
can read all her thoughts as if she is an open book.
The secret is that You really have to literally look inside her. You should focus not on her
eyes, but on some imagined spot behind them.
Try to pretend that You look through her head. If you are close to her try to look at Your
reflection in her eyes.
Try to use this simple knowledge and You will feel the difference at once.
An Instrument 2 is a device to practice this skill.
Just like in the previous exercise, open Instrument 2 so that the points are in the middle of
the screen. The distance between these two points should be equal to approximately 2
Sit down approximately 3 feet away from your screen just like you did before.
Try to defocus your look. Look at the monitor. You should reach a condition when you
can clearly see three dots.
You should do this exercise three five times a week for 15 minutes.
The third moment is that one should look into the leading eye of a woman. A division of
people into left-handed and right-handed people works with eyes too. Right-handed people
have leading right eye and left-handed people have left one.
It is the leading eye that receives information quicker and more precisely. (To understand
better try to remember which eye do you use when you shoot.)

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In case if You can not tell which eye is a leading one, rely on statistics, according to it
most people are right-handed.
You have to drill this skill to look into the leading eye of your companion. Any time you
speak with somebody try to look into the leading eye of this person. After a while You will
do it automatically.
Algorithm of a glance influence.
So, a precedence rule of influencing an Object through an eye contact is as follows:
1. On setting an eye contact with an Object You should make a woman to withdraw her
eyes. You should look into her leading eye.
2. On achieving it You can bring intensity down. You dont need to continue staring at
her. But during the first moment of an eye contact it is very important to make her
withdraw her eyes.
3. Then while communicating with her use the third moment, in order to intensify your
influence, look inside her.
1. You should know that women can tolerate extensive eye contact better. Men will
feel uncomfortable in three- four seconds but women will only in ten-twelve.
2. And one more important moment connected with difference between genders such
look unconsciously provokes women to obey and to feel sexually aroused.
But men perceive such look as aggressive with all the consequences. Thats why if You do
not want to have enemies don not use this technique with men.

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Chapter 3: Influence of voice.

By this way You have engaged the main perception channel of an Object vision. This
channel is the most important since, as it is well known that 80% of information about
outside world comes from eyes.
The next most important channel of perception is hearing. For a female
Subconsciousness it is not important what You says but how You say.
The pitch of your voice is very important. The lower it is the better. Low voice is
automatically associated with physical strength, strong will, intelligence, maturity, high
If You speak with a woman in such a voice she will subsequently perceive You as a
strong, intelligent, strong willed, mature, and sexual man.
As well as intent look, low voice makes women instinctively desire to subject to You.
Of course, only few have deep, full bass from birth. But on making some efforts one can
develop it using special exercises.
Practice as often as possible to pronounce different vowels. Try to sustain then as low as
possible one after another.
Your task is to feel vibration first in Your throat and then in Your chest.
A feeling of vibration in Your chest while pronouncing vowels indicates that pitch of Your
voice is low enough for making a subjecting influence on a woman.
Talk out loud with yourself, read, and sing experiencing such feeling.
It is better to do it constantly. But for simplicity, and even may be, for better organization
one can combine voice exercises with glance exercises.
You have to master Your voice completely. Glance and voice are Your two most powerful
instruments of influence on a female mind.

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Chapter 4: Influence of touch.

Now You have two powerful instruments of influencing a female mind.
These skills should become Your stereotypical behavior with women. Use them constantly
and You will be surprised at a change of womens attitude towards You.
It is also desirable to use the third channel of perception as well the channel of sensation.
While talking with a woman You lightly touch her from time to time.
Let Your touch be very light from the beginning. Then as the contact develops she should
feel strength in your touch.
However, try not to overdo. You should not hurt her. Strength is good in combination with
gentleness. It is very important not to frighten her on this stage. But later You will be able
to do anything you want with her.
It is extremely important which parts of womens body Your touch.
Points between fingers are connected meridionally with genitals.
Men do not feel this that distinct, but You can try to stroke with Your finger between
fingers in the point where they connect and You will enjoy it.
Women have this peculiarity very pronounced. She will have the same feeling as if You
stroke her between her legs.
At the same time this cannot be attributed to sexual harassment. You can even do this with
any woman.
It is not difficult to do You can do it while shaking hands.
Stoking her between fingers You should not do it harshly or rough. Do it as if You are
stroking her between her legs.
Complex influence by voice, look, and touch will give a fantastic effect.

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Chapter 5: Conclusion.
If you have done everything correctly then a woman is unconsciously ready to obey you.
She already perceives you as a desirable sexual partner.
In some cases this will be enough for her to take situation into her hands and make
everything to get in bed with You.
If you make womens unconsciousness to perceive You as her Master then it will give
orders to Consciousness to become closer to You.
A woman will herself create a romantic image of You that will be attractive to her. She
will turn all Your disadvantages into Your advantages.
For example, if You are too athletic she will decide that You are very sensitive and
intelligent. If You are untidily dressed for her it will mean that You are different and not
inclined to keep up with crowd and fashion.
She will like everything in You. A saying Love is blind suits this condition of womens
mind perfectly.
Impact through eye-contact and voice along with the appropriate touch are the basis of the
System. This is a unique and incredibly effective technique that serves as the corner stone
for all other methods.
Dont hesitate to go ahead and try using it and you will understand it. You can do it!
If you know neuro-lingvistic programming or other similar methods then using the System
as the basis of influence You will multiply its strength.

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Part 4. Entrancement.
Chapter 1: Concept of trance.
In psychology there is such term as trance. Many people mix it with hypnosis and
probably there is some reason. Lets talk a little bit more about theory.
If we simplify everything and wont use any terms then hypnosis is a condition when a
person is quasi asleep and only one part of him/her is awake to receive orders of
Since sleeping mind can not critically weigh these orders a person under hypnosis forgets
all the things he/she has done.
More over one can hypnotize the other without his/her conscious permission.
By analogy with such definition of hypnosis trance is a condition when person is awake
but one part of him/her is so to say super awake.
Orders (one can call them suggestions) enter ones mind through this super awaken part.
And all this happens without hypnotic sleep. And despite this some orders go directly to
Our consciousness, our critic and censor, is deceived.
Now you understand why You need trance?
Trance is a condition of Your Object when You can govern her Subconsciousness.
Condition of trance is a door to Subconsciousness.

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Chapter 2: Concept of importance of common rhythm.

In order to entrance a woman and to plant something in her mind You should be in the
same psychophysical rhythm and to learn how to tune with her.
If You have the same rhythm she understands You better and agrees with you more often
even if You say some very controversial things.
This condition makes her Subconsciousness feel sympathy and trust. And it is
Subconsciousness that, as you already know, governs all her mental processes.
It is especially true for women because their mentality in contrast with mens is more
oriented towards emotions and feelings than towards logic and intellect.
In order to get in the same rhythm with an Object one needs to tune to her, that means
create a constant feedback, totally fit Your behavior to the Objects.
Two people being in the same psychophysical rhythm look like mirror reflection of each
They have the same postures, gestures, facial expressions. They even breathe in the same
rhythm and speak using the same word combinations.
Thus they are physically, intellectually, and emotionally interconnected in this moment.
Subconsciously they are tuned to each other.

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Chapter 3: Tuning.
Beginning to tune You should follow certain sequence of actions.
In the beginning You can experience discomfort, unease, some difficulty, but You skills
will become automatic after sometime of practice and You will apply them easily,
naturally, and freely.
Sequence of tuning:
1. Try to be in the same postures as an Object.
2. Study rhythm of her movements and gestures. You should act in the same rhythm
repeating her movements and gestures.
3. Study speech peculiarities of an Object.
voice volume;
You should also use in Your speech the same:
You should not obviously copy it can cause negative reaction a woman will think that
You are mocking her and You will loose a contact with her. You should stand by the spirit
and not by the book.
If You see that she is sitting with her arms crossed You shouldnt do the same thing it is
enough to connect Your fingers.
It is better to reflect small movements of hands, mimics, etc. Small movements are more
automatic and in this way the Object will not notice your imitation.
This will help You when You face difficulties connected with difference in behavior of
men and women. For example, there are typical male and female postures.
For instance, if a woman plays with her long hair it will be very difficult for you to copy
this movement because You do not have long hair.
In this case You should simply show the direction of her movement to rub Your ear lobe,

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for example.
It is especially convenient to choose blinking for tuning Your movements because nobody
realizes it.
Blink with the same speed as Your Object and then You can stop blinking in order to
make the Object to stop blinking too or you can close Your eyes to make the Object do the
same. This helps to entrance the Object.
As for speech, You should follow the same principles here. Look for peculiarities and
some fine nuances, but do not copy details.
You can train tuning anytime and everywhere, during lectures, meetings, in any company,
and even in front of TV You can try to tune to the heroes of the film or TV show.
This sequence of tuning is called a sequence of the first level, since there are more subtle
and therefore more effective methods of joining. You should acquire this method first.
Visualize it in the following scheme:

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Chapter 4: Concept of systems of perception.

Before You start learning next techniques of tuning You need to know such an important
concept as the system of conceptualization.
If not to concentrate on learned theoretical definitions, which only specialists can
understand, then the system of conceptualization explains how a human being percepts the
surrounding world. And in this case there is no serious difference between genders.
It is generally accepted in the scientific world that there are three systems of
conceptualization, three ways of human perception of the surrounding world.
visual (perception through vision and visual images);
auditory (perception through hearing and correspondingly, through auditory impressions)
kinesthetic (perception through body impressions such as touch, for instance)
Each individual, having command of all three systems, prefers to use only one at the full
stretch. A preferable system can be called main.

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Chapter 5: Definition of the main system of perception.

Definition of the main system of conceptualization of an Object is very important for a
complete tuning. At the same time it is rather easy. One uses word keys of access that are
the words he/she uses.
Carefully listen to a woman! Following her speech try to detect which nouns, verbs, and
adjectives she uses more often.
Study the table of words characteristic of each system of perception.
If you hear these or similar words in the speech of the Object relating to one of the groups
then you can be sure that this Object possesses exactly this system.
Table 1.


Comment, opinion

Think over
Show persistence

Watch, spy




Emanate something

Sound, resonate


Shine, beam,
Be empty, pure

Common, habitual


Noticeable, catchy

Bright, colorful,
flashy, salient
Look about, keep
an eye on
Loose sight of
Show, exhibit

Be attentive


Listen, overhear

Be stunned,
Loud, thunderous

Tell, announce

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Tendency, bias,
Achieve, persist,
Scatter, sort, take
Tremble, vibrate
Fall dumb, freeze
Listless, tasteless,
Sticky, persistent,
Worry, care

Do not feel, miss

Move forward,

System for Total Control Of Women.

salient, attractive
Duplicate, repeat
Come up
Remind about
Attract attention to
Lets think over

Review, look
through, revise
Look familiar

Point out
Lets view the

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Listen carefully
Discuss, talk over
Recall a sound
Correspond with
something, tally
Lets talk over

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Feel out
Walk along, kick
Catch, embrace
Connect, meet

Lets gauge

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Chapter 6: Determination of a leading system.

Thus a main system of perception is a system which is being used more often by a certain
Besides main system there is a leading system of perception. It reflects brain activity for
the certain moment and in the situation here and now.
In order to determine this system one should use a method which teaches us how to watch
movements of the eyes.
You have probably noticed more than once that when you ask somebody a question which
requires a serious thinking Your companion stops looking at you.
A person either shrinks into his/her shell; or looks through you (unfocused look); or
looks up as if he/she is trying to find an answer on the ceiling; or looks aside as if he/she is
expecting that his/her ear will hear an answer to the question; or looks at his feet
Such shrinking into ones shell means that this person is either remembering something
or inventing something.
Direction of his/her look at this moment shows exactly which system of perception is
being engaged now.
Correlation between the direction of a look and the system of perception is shown in the
following table.
Table 2.
Eyes movements
Vertically up
Upper left corner
Upper right corner
Unfocused eyes
Bottom left corner
Bottom right corner

Leading representative system

Visual (recollection of an image)
Visual (recollection of an image)
Visual (constructing an image)
Visual (image)
Auditory (inner listening)
Auditory (inner listening)
Kinesthetic (recollection of feelings)

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This table shows reactions of a typical right handed person. Naturally, that everything
works in an opposite way for a left handed person.
In order to receive certain practical skills in determining a system of perception You need
to practice. Try to ask people You know well several questions about their past.
Do you remember when you were in the forest last time?
Can you remember;
your front door;
your first teacher;
your first kiss;
your first salary or honorarium.
While doing this watch movements of the eyes of you companion.
If, before answering your question, he/she looked up or up to the left that means he/she
saw a picture inside his/her head.
If You noticed that his/her eyes moved horizontally or to the bottom left corner then
he/she first heard that you were talking about inside his/her head.
If his/her eyes looked at the bottom right corner then he/she tried to recall feelings
Remember that the very first movement of eyes is very important for You.
This first move can last only a split second, but You should note it anyway.
If, for example, his/her eyes first moved horizontally to the right and then stopped in the
upper right corner then it means that first he/she heard and than saw an answer to Your
question. It means accordingly that this person is audile.
Now knowing about systems of perception as of meaningful information channels You can
find out about one of the reasons for so wide spread ineffective communication.
Quite often people distort psychophysiologic rhythm by literally speaking different
languages. This happens because they do not take each others individual systems of
perception into consideration.
For instance, a man of a visual type offers a woman of kinesthetic type, - Lets view all
sides of the question. How do you see it? And doing this he puzzles her since she prefers
not to see, but to feel.

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If You want to get a maximum benefit of the conversation use her main and leading
systems of conceptualization.
In the given case it is better to ask, How shell we approach this subject? That way You
will receive such a stream of productive information that You will be rather surprised.

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Chapter 7: Tuning of a second level.

Now You are ready for the sequence of the tuning of the second level where You

Determine the main system conceptualization of the Object;

Determine the leading system of the Object;
Use the words typical to her/his main system of conceptualization;
Mimic her/his eyes movements.

X Object, Y You (You are visual)
X: I feel that today our communication will be productive. (Eyes move to the bottom right
Y: Well, lets try to overcome some constraint and try to approach a subject more easily.
(Eyes move to the bottom left corner as if mirroring movements of his/her eyes.)
X: Do you think that one of us is constrained?
Y: In any case nothing stops us from grabbing one more opportunity to try.
X: Well, lets try. (Eyes move to the bottom right corner.)
Given example shows how using tuning words concordant with the system of perception
of your companion and eyes movements You can tune to and correct a situation, which
was so unpromising from the very beginning.
The same example, but without addition, can fall through.
X Object, Y You (You are visual).
X: I feel that today our communication will be productive. (Eyes move to the bottom right
Y: I do not see any obstacles! (Eyes move to the upper right corner.) It seems to me we
can come to some conclusion.

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X: I believe that today it is not the most suitable time to discuss it.
Y: But this is a very perspective deal. (Eyes move to the upper right corner.)
X: I am not quite sure. (Eyes move to the bottom right corner.)
The difference between the first and second dialogues shows the difference of results.
In order to completely join Your companion pay attention to the Object s breathing her
rhythm, depth, frequency and try to breathe in the same way as she does it.
Doing this You should remember about psychophysical difference between genders.
Men generally have abdominal type of breathing we breathe with our stomach. And
women because of their physiological characteristics breathe mostly with chest.
Thats why trying to follow womens breathing rhythm You should watch her chest
movements for the most part.
And there is one more peculiarity which concerns tuning to breathing.
Let us assume that a woman you are trying to influence breathes very often or maybe she
is a sportsman with a very rare breathing.
You can not breathe that way but You have at least two options for tuning.
First You can apply indirect tuning, that is, speak with the same frequency as she breathes,
speak when she exhales.
This is a very important moment human beings always speak when they exhale. And if
You speak when an Object exhales she/he always perceives it as an illusion of her/his own
inner speech, as her/his own thoughts.
Second if there is a very big difference between the Objects rhythm and depth of
breathing and Yours, You can follow her/his breath by doing next but one breath. For
instance, in case the Object has frequent breathing You mimic inhaling skip exhaling and
second inhaling and mimic second exhaling.
Maybe it is easier to understand through a metaphor: when You walk frequent ties You
dont step on each tie You step on every second one but You do follow the rhythm of
their location anyway and tune to it.

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Third and final option You can accompany Objects breathing rhythm with gestures.
For example, You can tap at the table in the rhythm of the Objects breathing.
Though You will not need these skills for the most part. Most people have approximately
the same frequency of breathing.
All above mentioned information concerning tuning can be summarized in the next
algorithm of tuning.
Algorithm of a full tuning:

The main system of conceptualization
The leading system of conceptualization
Word keys of access
Eyes movements

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Chapter 8: Checking the effectiveness of tuning.

Tuning allows You to set the same psychophysiologic rhythm with the Object and to
increase effectiveness of contact in this way. But it is not only this.
Thanks to tuning You take stronger and more beneficial position which will give You an
opportunity to control the situation completely.
In this case You are able to get desirable results and expected reactions from the Object
the ones You could not have even thought of before.
However, this achievement works only upon one condition full connection.
After a while You will develop psychological intuition along with obtained skills and You
will be able to distinguish subtle nuances in personalitys changings. But for now
memorize two signs which will help You to know what to do in any situation.
Connection is successful if:
1. You change Your posture and the Object unconsciously tuning to You does the
2. The Object begins imitating Your gestures and speech.
If You see that both these signs are present then You should know that Subconsciousness
of the Object is tuned to You. A woman changes her behavior in accordance with Yours.
You lead her.
Try to keep this leading position. You should remember a rule: if a woman unconsciously
imitates (mirrors) Your postures, gestures, speech peculiarities that means that she
unconsciously emphasizes her agreement with Your behavior.
Accepting Your behavior she will always agree with Your thoughts, words, suggestions,
and conditions.
Without realizing it she is ready to accept Your conditions with no critic or resistance.
That means You can induce her to do almost anything You want.
Her subconsciousness is ready to accept Your suggestions and is ready to fulfill Your

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It is the exact time for You to try to realize Your intentions connected with this person.
Your task now is to make suggestions with conditions to subjection and sexual arousal.

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Chapter 9: Sexual trance.

You have to lead Your object to the realization of desire:
1. to subject to You;
2. to make love with You;
In order to do this You should continue using tuning techniques, describe to her a
condition in which You want to bring her.
You should create bodily feelings.
Even if she could object to You (it is impossible because You are already leading her) she
cannot resist to her body.
If she feels something in her body than it will become a reality for her. And if she feels
sexual desire
Note, there is a double trap for her! Her subconsciousness reaches out towards You and
now her body will want sex with You.
In order to better understand try to think what You feel when You hear a word lemon?
What do You feel when You hear a word sour? You month fills with saliva. This is a
natural reaction of a healthy body to lemon acid in Your mouth.
For Your body there is no difference that this lemon and this sourness are just words. The
reaction on them is very real, salivary glands began their work.
Psychophysical mechanisms work the same way they make womens body react to Your
words with sexual arousal. And she cannot resist it as You can not order Your salivary
glands to stop producing saliva.
Thus on being sure that You have made connection and that You are leading a woman
You should, starting somewhat from a distance, describe to her the physiological reactions
which accompany sexual arousal and probably those certain actions which would be
desirable for You during Your conversation.
Your monolog could be like the one given below:
You: By the way, have I told you about my friend Peter?

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She: No, why?

You: Well, it is just interesting. You know, he had a girl friend. And that girl friend
noticed that something unusual happened to her when she was listening to somebody
telling something. For example, she could realize not the words but sounds of the voice..
and when she heard sounds of the voice she began to hear other sounds and conversations
in the room very distinctly she heard music felt its rhythm and melody and the
more distinctly she felt the melody of the music the quicker she began to realize how
her breast moves up and down while she was breathing how her head moves up and
down as if nodding during breathing nodding with tact of the voice she was listening to
she hears depth and nuances of the voice and begins to realize all these she
feels her hand which is lying on the table she feels the back of the chair she feels her
feet on the floor she sees the features of the face of the person she is listening to more
distinctly her attention suddenly narrows and she sees only one feature of his face
the feature that has caught her attention she looks into his eyes and the longer she looks
the more distinctly she feels that she is absorbed by them that she sinks and dissolves
into them and in this person and she is bigger and it is more and more interesting to
her what he will say next she becomes fully absorbed by perception of this person
whom she is listening to into whoes eyes she is looking and she allows herself to
realize all these and she feels some deep sensual reciprocal understanding with this
person she feels desire to obey this person and this desire gradually grows in her
she wants to fulfill all his desires she wants to make him happy to afford him
pleasure and satisfaction she feels his touches how he gently touches her face
(extend Your hand to her and gently touch her cheek with the back of the hand or stroke
her between her fingers), and when she feels this touch her eyes start closing from
delight . Her breath becomes deep and slow her heart beats with the tact of his voice
her heart fills in with warmth and it begins to radiate warmth which spreads all
over her breast then lower and warmth fills her stomach and even lower at the
bottom of the stomach between legs and she feels warmth and she becomes wet at
the bottom of her stomach she feels pulsation at the bottom of her stomach pleasant
pulsation very pleasant pulsation emptiness fills in with pleasant warmth the
feelings at the bottom of the stomach become stronger and she feels all this exiting
touch on her hips (it is possible to stroke a hip of the woman lightly) his stimulating
touch on the bottom of her stomach she understands that she has to open to this person
completely give herself to him give herself to him fully then when he will want
her Now
It does not matter what exactly You are saying. You can choose any topic You want in
order to bring her to a desirable condition.

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After an ordinary social gabbing You can start asking her about her emotions, feelings,
memories. You can begin Your attack gently and elegantly with asking her a nave
question: Have you ever had, and then You continue this topic in the direction You
feel necessary to move.
You can start talking about beach, about first kiss, about emotions she experiences while
swinging, about pleasant feelings she has while resting, about nervousness she feels when
she comes across unknown, and so on, and so forth.
Now You have all the opportunities to use Your creativity and imagination. For example,
You can ask her to recall what she felt when she was swinging.

Has it ever happened to you that you close your eyes and you are somewhere where you
would love to be at this moment. For instance, in the cold autumn evening it is so pleasant
to find yourself in a swing on a sunny summer dayyou can hear squeaking of a swing
and you can hear wind whistling in your ears and you can feel this wind on your face
when your are dashing forward you can feel warm sun rays touching your face (it is
a suitable moment to touch her face or to stroke between fingers. She is already in a trance
because when You have moved her to another reality she sank into her feelings which
became a reality for her she couldnt resist) and you feel that you are in the grasp of the
person who swings you you can feel him and your breath stops in tact with his
desires and every time you when your are swinging downwards by his push you feel
pleasant feeling at the bottom of your stomach and you want him to swing you harder
and harder and you know that then you will feel more pleasantly you want to give
yourself into his hands you want to obey him and to enjoy it you want it right here
and right now
From this moment on continue to lead her in the same way as it is described above. A
powerful final is very important to make all these really work.
Note, the like monologues serve two consequent purposes.
First part of the monologue moves an Object to some other reality. It makes her/him to
remember and imagine something.
Consciousness of an Object is taken by her/his memories and assumptions. An Object is
taken away from the reality and is gradually entranced.
You can see the following signs:

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Wide pupils
Fixed look
Still posture
Relaxed muscles;
Slowdown of breathing
Rare pulse and heart beats;
Relaxed facial muscles (a face smoothens especially chicks, forehead, and lips);
Weak reaction to outside noise;
Spontaneous muscle movements (trembling of hands, trembling eye leads, etc.)
Even some of these sings mean that a door to Subconsciousness of an Object is open and
You can make suggestions with orders necessary for You.
You description moves her into the condition You describe (because there is no difference
between real actions and masterful word description).
Suggestion in the condition of trance in combination with an influence by look and voice
gets around any conscious resistance of a woman to subject to you and to make sex with
It does not matter what is the ground for her possible conscious resistance.
Maybe You are not a man of her type or she is in close relations with the other man.
Maybe she is afraid to be perceived as a woman of pleasure if she agrees to get in bed with
You too quickly.
Maybe she has recently suffered because of the relations with some other guy and is afraid
to feel pain again.
It does not matter why she resists because at this moment You get around any objections
of her Consciousness and address her Subconsciousness directly.
But in order to learn how to provoke such conditions in other people You first can try to
generate some of these in Yourself. After that you will be able to use Your own feelings as
a guidance for generating a necessary condition for you.
That, in other words, means that the System requires You to realize all spectrum of
emotionally sensual conditions in the first instance.
Write down on the piece of paper all the words You know that describe different emotions,
feelings, conditions and make several sentences using these words.

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Just only Your ability to describe pleasant erotic emotions, sensations of gentle strokes
will make many women to get in bed with You.
In order to provoke such desire in a woman first You should bring her into a suitable
condition for that. It will happen if you describe to her her own feelings correctly. While
doing this do not forget to include in Your suggestion directives to subjection.
Stroking of a woman is no less important one should do it towards the climax of
description. This requires a separate study we will talk about it later.
Be sure that a correct use of the System influence by look, by voice, tuning,
entrancement and suggestion will result in You subjecting this woman and making sex
with her.
And if You are in a suitable situation at the moment of influencing or if you are at least
tete-a-tete with each other then it is most likely that she herself will jump on You.
If not then later in a more suitable situation, for example, in the evening or at night repeat
the same strokes You did when You were telling her Your story. Do not startle when You
see how hot she will suddenly become.
You will understand it by seeing her blooming chicks, sparkles in her eyes, and quickened
That is it. She is Yours. She sees a strong male in You a male whom she is ready to obey
completely, on whom she is fully unconsciously rely. She wants You.
She becomes wet when she simply looks into Your eyes and listens to Your voice. She is
ready to do everything for You. If You want she will give You not only her body but also
the money from her purse.
She is horny and wants to have sex with You right here and right now. If she is not still
pulling You on herself then it means that last thing that stops her is her cultural
Maybe her grandmother always told her that a girl should never begin first. (Or that one
can not make sex at the table in the crowded caf.)
And that means that the last barrier You need to overcome is her cultural perceptions.
Make a first move. Now You are the master. You can do anything You want.

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Simply take her by the hand, if You havent done it yet. Pull her to Yourself and kiss.
Let the first kiss be on her chick. The kiss should be very light almost a touch. If you have
done everything correctly she will not move away but it will happen to the contrary.
Next kiss her on her lips.
Description of what to do next You will find in multiple manuals about art of love.
Only one advice do not emphasize too much on kisses. Of course one can not do without
them they are pleasant and necessary. But too long kisses smell of romantic and school
Here we talk about subjection of a woman. Move down to her neck. Kiss her neck and
start stroking her breast

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Chapter 10: Hypnotizing speech.

Some very important remarks concerning your speech.
First, don't forget you should use the words corresponding to the system of the perception
of the Object. The importance of this moment has already been noticed above.
If you are not sure you precisely determined the system of the perception of the Object,
you should use the words, which don't correspond to one of them.
Some of such neutral words are presented in the Table 1. They are very convenient by
there universality.
Look for such words and such descriptions, use them, they necessarily correspond to the
system of the perception of the Object.
Will you agree, your rest and his rest are different concepts, but saying once the word
"rest", you said the thing that the Object can understand and accept.
Directing a trance, don't force the Object to be more flexible in dialogue than you, don't
make him to be arranged to you.

Secondly, when, directing or using the trance, you descript some experience, speak about
this experience (especially firstly) by enough general phrases. By this way, you leave to
the Object a free space, which he can fill by concrete details.
For the example, in the moment of directing the trance, you can do this description: "You
feel heat of your right hand laying on the table".
This thing works always and on any place, it can coincide for 99% with real experience of
the Object, but what will you do if he feels the cold of the right hand?
For the beginning, you should better say: "You feel the temperature of the right hand".
"The temperature" is more general word, more general characteristics than the heat.
Anyway, there is a temperature of the hand".
It is possible to do without generally a mention of this characteristic and to say: "You feel
your right hand laying on the table".

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Thirdly, when you do the suggestion, you should speak the more smoothly, without halts
and sharp pushes. Your words should flow easily and gently.
A similar effect is given thanks to the using of the transitive worlds: "if", "when",
"ifthat", "and" etc.
Use the conjunctions and conjunctive worlds. Only them will give to your speech the
inflection of roundedness and flexibility, what will let to the Object to entry enough fast in
the state of the biggest susceptibility to your influence.
Such fact is explained by that when you don't sudden pauses between the phrases, the
Object consciousness has not a time to control your information and it reduces its critical
By this way, your speech itself will do hypnotizing influence.
For more presentation, we can take an example of the psychotherapeutic practice. During
the hypnotizing sance, the doctor can use the following formulas of suggestion:
"You are sitting at the armchair. You are looking at me. Listen attentively my voice! Only
my voice. It soothes quietly on you. You are relaxing. You are relaxed. You have
These formulas work at any cases, but much more effective is other text, which acts
without a hitch and causes a positive effect independently of whatever personal features of
the patient:
"You are sitting in the armchair, and you listen to me, and your are looking at me, and you
can feel you beguine to relax"

Fourthly, exclude all the negations from your speech. The negations have one interesting
quality they exist in the speech, but not in the Subconsciousness. Therefore, say to the
Object what do you whish from him but not what it should not do.
If you say to the child: "How you are noisy today, don't make a noise!" he will not be
quiet. On the contrary, he will make noise more.
It is rather general rule: if you are describing to the person what are you observing now, it
will be fixed.

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When they say to the child: "You are a hooligan, you are a ruffian" by this way they fix
the right quality of what they would like to get rid.
In this context, we can draw an analogy with what you do when you describe to the Object
the states you need. You fix them to the Object describing these states in the positive.

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Part 5: The matrix of the sexual subjection.

So, there is the matrix of the sexual subjection of the women what you are interested
in. You can use it at any time and in any place with different variations in
dependence of circumstances.
The essence is that you should:
1. With help of the look and the voice to make feel Your force to her
Subconsciousness. The woman in the instinctive level must feel in you her mister. The
appeal of this feeling in the woman in the first seconds of the contact is the corner
stone of all the System.
2. Be arranged to the woman, entry with her in the unique psycho-physiological
3. Being convinced of the arrangement is full, to entry her in the trance.
4. Make the suggestion with the purpose on the complete subjection and sexual
excitement oriented on you.
5. Make use the taken results with pleasure.

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Part 6: Techniques.
Now, let's consider some auxiliary techniques which can be used as in the presented
matrix limits as separately of it.

Chapter 1: Anchor.
More than once or twice in your life, you used to notice one interesting effect. During to
do some your everyday affairs, you suddenly, unexpectedly for you, you began to feel a
flow of very pleasant emotions and you were puzzled apropos of its appearance.
A little later, you understood that near of you sounded a music that you heard whenever
might be several years ago.
The memory involuntarily returns you in the situation when you felt happy. Just at that
moment, you heard exactly this melody.
The time gone. Your feeling stayed in the pass, and it's possible they are even forgotten
but at current minutes of the present, you involuntarily extracted from the pantry of your
memory and experienced again. The mechanism named "anchor" worked.
The anchor may be determined as a possibility of one of elements of emotion to excite all
the emotion in complete.
This means that when the person feel some emotion, everything going on at the moment of
this emotion, is associated and is connected with this emotion and later, anyone element of
the situation in which the emotion took place can excite all this emotion.
Everybody has many unintentional anchors controlling his states and emotions.
They can be used as an intentional mode, which can make a powerful psychic effect. This
is a delicate and dainty technique, which requires determined skills but it's worth to spend
a time for acquiring them.
You need of the capacity for observing and using of a suitable moment.

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If you learn to catch smooth and natural changes in the states of persons, in particular of
women, owing to their psychological originality, you will be able to make the anchor
imprinting or, in other words, "come to anchor".
This method is often used by psychotherapists.
If on some sance when the client goes to the contact especially easily and voluntarily or
relaxed, a determined music sounded, than on the next reception with him it's enough to
him to switch on the same record for become in the same state.
As you remember, there are three systems of perception. Through the sight, the hearing
and the corporal feeling. Accordingly, the kinesthetic, auditory and visual anchors take
How it works. There is an example.
You are sitting with a woman in a restaurant. A low music is sounding, a candle is burning
on the table. You do exactly in accordance with the matrix given above and you fulfill a
successful sexual suggestion. It can't be failure if you did everything correctly.
Your woman is exited, she wants you. In principle, of course, you can do the sex just on
place, more, your woman will not have nothing against. However, let admit that by one or
another reason the sex today and now is impossible.
Are all the troubles wasted?
Not at all.
For return this woman in a moment in the state of excitement attained earlier, it's enough
to use the anchor during the next meeting.
The same melody, which was sounding it is an auditory anchor. Put the disk with this
The candle on the table it is a visual anchor. Let it be on the table again where you are
sitting this time.
Your tender touches what was described above, it's a kinesthetic anchors.
Use the everything in complete or separately and this woman will feel again the same what
in that evening in the restaurant. Only now, you needn't spend such time and efforts for it.

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Chapter 2: Techniques of the speech.

It exists also some simple but very effective techniques of putting of the sexual trance. All
of them have one particular: your intention is the attracting of the attention of
consciousness not to the filling of the speech, not to the meaning but to the exterior design.
It may be attached by different ways.
Firstly, you can tell from the first person than the attention will be attracted to You, to
Your person.
Secondly, you can satiate your story with many details in which the consciousness of the
Object will stick.

In fact, there is nothing of new in it for you. If you like to bring to the Object the sense of
the information "Y", communicated to you by a certain "X", you will tell simply "X told
If you have to veil this sense, you will beguine by this way: "I saw lately X May be, you
know him? He lives on the M street, he drives the BMW of 3rd model You know, he is
not tall, he also stoops a few, and he is dark man, with rich haircut. So, we met each other
near the McDonalds, we told about the life, about the common acquaintances His
younger brother will be married and, by the way, he told Y".
If you continue after that by the same way, the information Y will go past the
consciousness of the Object to her Subconsciousness and the command to enter to the
trance and to do something may be the filling of the information.

The covering of the realities.

A more difficult technique of the prompting of the trance is the "covering of the realities.

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It consists in that, in the conversation with the woman You plait all the time one history
into the other, into the third, the fourth And in one of these histories you put in a
formula of the sexual subjection.
It is easier to demonstrate than to explain. Imagine you hear the history of a friend of
"Last year, in the winter, I was to the seminar of hypnoses in New-York. When the
instructor was busy with us, we understood not at once that we entered in trance just
during the studies. He didn't tell directly: "Enter in the trance", he described us different
histories. One of these histories was how himself had studies in such seminar in the
California and during the studies, the instructor said them: "Relax and calm down I will
tell you a history about us, how we studied the hypnoses from our professor, which was a
master to tell such histories, hearing that the people immerse in the trance" For immerse
the person in the trance he could simply say: "Imagine that you fall asleep And as you
imagined it you can see a dreamAnd in the dream you see you go in the forest
moreover, you are very tired. You want to relax and to calm down And you see a cosy
lawn and you fall asleep on it quickly and deeply"
Try to understand in that, what it passes: who and to whom does tell the history?
Your friend - to you, now and here, or the instructor of his seminar - to his group in the
winter last year, or the teacher - to the instructor, or the professor - to the teacher?
The present situation, this reality is gone and you went from this reality.
The consciousness doesn't percepts the instruction ("to calm down, to relax, to asleep") as
an instruction because it can't understand who tell in fact.
All the commands taken by you, pass straight in the Subconsciousness that reacts on it
very successfully.
Generally, to tell the histories (parables, metaphors, citations) can help you much in the
subjection of the woman. All of it is a very good help with the prompting and using of the
sexual trance.
When you tell a history, you pass a possible resistance of the woman by what you don't
give her any orders, you just tell the history how the people immerse in the trance!

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If imagine, something isn't a success, you are not to blame in something. You are only
describing some case of the life!
The story let you use different methods of speech for ensure a smooth transition from the
state of the wakefulness to the state of trance (conjunctions and turns of type "when, in
measure of, in time when"), because such means are easy to include in the text of the

Threefold spiral.
The next technique is phenomenal by its simplicity and effectiveness. In textbooks of
psychology, it is met at times under the title "Threefold spiral".
This technique is very near by its structure to the technique of covering or the realities.
Here, a history also is plaited into a history, but by other rules:
You beguine to describe to the Object a certain history # 1, approximately in the middle
you interrupt it and you beguine to tell the history # 2, which you also interrupt in the
middle. After what you tell the history # 3 in complete. Than you finish the history # 2,
after what you complete the history # 1.
The histories # 1 and 2 are completely realized and remembered by the Object and the
history # 3 is forgotten (and besides, very quickly), and in it you include the instructions
for the Subconsciousness of the Object. For not to become involved in the following of the
histories, make to you the schema.
Table 3
"Threefold spiral"
History # 2
History # 2
History # 1
The beginning of all
the story

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History # 1 (end)
The end of all
the story

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Listen to the example of the history, formed in the threefold spiral:

"It happened with me, when I had studies in the last class of the school. My uncle
invited my to his place, in country during summer vacations. With new acquaintances, my
coevals, I usually went to local evening-parties. In one of such parties, I met a tremendous
beautiful girl. Her name was Helen. She was a hostess of this party and she was
surrounded by such admirers that comparatively with them I felt a beggar or an ugly
creature, or the both simultaneously.
One year approximately before, in my natal city, I run into a person who had a knife in the
hand. He was five years elder than me and much stronger. If I was be able, I tried to run,
but it happened, I had anywhere to run, all ways of deviation had been cut off. This man
stroked me with the knife but I placed instinctively the hand and the edge has unstitched it,
the blood has rushed.
From the earl childhood, my brother had a very important influence on me. He is more
elder than I. In time when I just went to the school, he studied in the University. I think, it
was he who put in pawn in me the essential principles of life, in accordance with them I
live. One of them is that it always should be ready to prove oneself. Though I am far not a
young man, my brother takes me valuable advice to which I always listen.
When the blood gushed from the wound hand, my legs became weaker and I fell on one
knee. In addition, the assaulting smirking was standing over me, savoring each moment of
his superiority over the defenseless adversary and preparing to do the last stab. Under the
palm, I felt the sand, squeezed it in the fist and threw it suddenly in the eyes of the
adversary. He was blinded for several moments and it was enough for me to kick him by
the leg in a heavy boot of all the force directly on the groin. He fell, as if the ground went
away from his feet.
Moreover, on that party I asked one of new friend of mine to offer to Helen to organize a
quiz. I was always strong in it and I shown my erudition and quick wits.
After what, Helen went to me herself and gave her wish to get to know me better. We
spent with her all the next day and soon she became my first girl. Sometimes, we call up
with her now. There is such history."
Don't forget that the perception of the threefold spiral "by eye", it means by reading the
text, is much different from the perception "by ear" and practically doesn't give an idea of
the impression that this technique makes on the listener.

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In the house conditions You can take a notion of the "threefold spiral", if you register on
any audio carrier a history formed by a conforming way and listen to it about two weeks
later after the recording.
The efficiency of this method, elementary in the use, in the practice just shakes!

Division of Consciousness and Subconsciousness.

The division of Consciousness and Subconsciousness is a very strong method, which will
let you to enter in contact with deep parts of the mentality of the Object and to use them as
an ally for attaining of your intention.
For making a division efficiently, realize each woman with whom you contact, as a
creature, made of two subpersons.
One of subpersons is the Subconsciousness and it is disposed to intimate interaction with
you after You made an Influence.
The second subperson reflects the Consciousness that can call the situation in questions, in
analysis and it is powerful to show resistance.
Let know to the woman by your behavior that you percept her in two these hypostasis and
you appeal, first of all, to the first one, that which is yet reaching to you.
Aspire for that the woman self also realizes in herself two these subpersons. In that case,
you will achieve of her quicker and more evident reactions.
The method of the division is particularly useful in cases, when you feel a resistance or an
anxiety of the part of the Object.
As a rule, it becomes in case of her education too puritan or of the complexis.
Let regard to the schema, what you should take as a basis and to use in one or any
variations, depending of the situation.
This method may be presented by the following model:
Your consciousness Transition Your subconsciousness.

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Table 4
Your consciousness
More and more listens to
what I say
May be, want to know,
what it will be happened
May be concentrated on
some idea
Can doubt


Can observe the event with

the alert
Try too much to control
Is preoccupied by what is
happened in this moment


and at the same time


Your subconsciousness
can to beguine the immersing inside,
in the more and more depth
in fact knows yet to what it is given a
shove and wish to try it
can beguine its journey in the world
of own experiences
at this time acquires a positive
experience of this communicate and
feel more and more of trust
uncovers its creative potential and
desires to try something of new
free, represents some images that are
desired to put into practice
desires simply to confide in and easy
to go down stream

Exempli gratia, when you have to contact with a woman, too strained which shows a
displayed resistance, you can say:
"Your consciousness must be strained now and shows the guard, while your
subconsciousness as the more creative part of the person, receives new information with
pleasure and that aids to your intern weakening."
Some time later, you will note that this woman takes yet less harsh position and she
relaxes soon. After what, the intercourse happens more easily, relaxedly and it ends
enough productively.
It is important to accentuate that using the Division, it's not obligatory to deal out by the
words "Your consciousness" and "Your subconsciousness".
The essential here is to conform the principle what you use demonstrating your
comprehension of that you wait for the just the part of the person of Object which is
capable of beginning of the sexual interaction with you.

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Inserted information.
There is a way in the psychoanalysis named "Technique of free associations".
The client is offered to think about his problem and then to tell all he has on the mind in
the connection with it (any remembers, dreams, any indirect ideas, not connected, it would
seem, with this problem logically).
It is found that in the received flow of disjointed, it would like, ideas there are words
important for the comprehension of the this person problem, and these important words the
person is sure to mark by any way (by a pause, a change of the intonation, gestures).
The marked words may be composed in a quite coherent story about what presents the
problem in fact.
A good investigator knows, that it is not the matter to interrupt and to stop the person who
lies with passion, let him to continue to lie and he will tell you all the truth.
The technique of the inserted information consists in that, for use this process upsidedown: to compose the text of the suggestion and then to "dissolve" it in any story of
neutral contents, marking by certain way the important words (making the text of the
The marking, accentuating of the information is not of something of supernatural. It is a
usual, "everyday" skill.
When you want Your interlocutor to concerns with a particular attention to that you now
speak, what do you do?
You can speak loudly, you can do a pause for mark the importance of the told
What can you do else?
Firstly, you can change the characters of your enunciation (loudness, intonation, pause).
The auditory system of the perception is involved.
Secondly, you can mark your saying by a gesture. The visual system of the perception is
Thirdly, it can be made by a touch. The kinesthetic system of the perception is involved.

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It may be else, certainly, different mixed ways.

For example, if you saying a phrase bend forward to the Object, that changes acoustic
characters of the speech and at the same time is a gesture.
The same happens when You while the conversation turn the head to the right or to the
left, for the Object it is a gesture and a change of the speech (on the near distance the
changes of the attitude of the speech source is percept easily).
For better acquiring, some of possible ways to distinguish or to mark information are
resulted below:
Speech (auditory) ways:
change of loudness of the speech (louder-lower);
change of the tempo of speech (faster - more slowly, pauses);
change of the intonation (rising falling);
sounds, attendant to the speech (clasp on hands, snap by fingers, knocking at the table);
change of the localization of the sound source (on the right on the left, in front behind);
change of the voice timbre (hard, "metallic" tender, "ingratiating").
Visual ways (gestures, facial expression, pantomimic).
change of the body position (inclination, turn);
gesticulation by hands, fingers;
character following of the gestures (pantomimic);
change of the facial expression.
Kinesthetic ways:
simple touch;
taping on the shoulder, on the back;
shaking by hand.
The mixed ways:
change of the distance to the interlocutor (approach removal, the body inclination to the
interlocutor from the interlocutor);
speech combined with turn of the head;
movements combined with sounds (demonstrated knocking at the table by fingers, snap by
fingers during the gesticulation).
In principle, you can invent a lot of other ways of the information distinguishing, but the
essential ways become the same: characters of the speech, gesture, touch.
How it is used on the practice?

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For example, you need to evoke in a woman the physiological reaction of the sexual
excitement. What feeling this reaction is accompanied by?
The woman feels the warmth in the bottom of the belly.
This feeling may be expressed in the formula of three words: " feel warmth in belly". It
means, relating some history or reading an article in a newspaper, you should distinguish
by ways you know three words: "feeling", "warmth", "belly".
Each time when in the text or in the history these words will be met, you will change the
loudness and the intonation of speech, representing by the way any certain gesture.

Influence via electronic messages.

In any writing or electronic message you can by using the technique of the dispersing
insert a veiled instruction.
In this case, it is possible to distinguish the instruction words: by other size print, by other
color, by other type of print, by a paragraph (an analogue of the pause in the conversation),
by a particular sign

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Chapter 3: Methods of speech.

There are certain methods of speech which simplify influencing on an Object. They are
not all that effective by themselves but they are powerful accelerators of basic methods of
personality suppression.
Unfortunately the use of direct instructions and orders is not always possible. Sometimes it
is much better to use more subtle techniques.
For another person it seems as if you are either commenting what is going on or asking
about something or asking for advice
In that way You receive all answers You need and do not get any resistance of
Consciousness of an Object.

The first of these methods is Truism. A word truism has the following meaning:
1. a statement which is in strong accordance with the reality.
2. banal truth.
If during Your conversation with an Object You say: People can fall into trance
sometimes People can receive a lot in the condition of trance People can feel better
when they return from trance. You are masking certain instruction with arguments. And
this works!
Here is an example of truism one can use while working with an Object:
People can get pleasure.
People can get acquainted.
People can trust each other.

The second method is Illusion of choice.

There are phrases where the presence of some object, event, or behavior is masterfully

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For instance, if You hear a question: Are Martians blue or green? then by asking this
question a person presupposes the existence of Martians.
If following the logic of the question You would answer: Martians are neither blue nor
green. the Martians themselves still remain.
Supposition is constructed by turns of speech pointing to time or sequence of actions.
When psychotherapist tells his/her patient: Please, draw a deep inhale before falling in
trance. Consciousness of the patient is concentrating on the inhale and
Subconsciousness is falling into trance.
Sometimes parents say to their children: Wash your hands before you go to sleep. It is
very difficult to resist this proposition.
What can one say against it? I do not want to sleep? or I do not want to brush my
teeth? But the sentence is complete, and a child often swallows it completely, fulfilling
both instructions.
Typical turns of speech used in the same technique are before you , after you,
during, while, until, when, at the time when etc.
Will we go to your place or mine?, Will we see each other tomorrow or today?, and
As soon as you get to know me you will want more and more to trust me completely.

Orders hidden in questions.

There are yes and no questions but at the same time they presuppose action or more
complete answer.
For example if You ask Your buddy: Do you know what time it is now? he actually
can repeat either know or I don not know but more likely he will give You the exact
The words likeknow, understand are really traps for consciousness.
I wonder do you already understand that you like to talk with me.
You know we really suit each other?

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The method of connecting opposites.

You connect the current situation with what You need with the help of a turn of speech
the more is something the more
For example:
The longer you sit on this chair the deeper you fall in trance;
The louder the outside noise the more relaxed you become;
The longer you compare me with the other men the easier it is for you to choose me;
The more attentively you look at me the more you like me.
This method might be very useful when You are influencing a person in some disturbing
circumstances. For instance, You are in a noisy club.
In this case You can use the following turn of speech: You notice, dont you, that the
louder is the music the better you understand me/
Note this is not a question this is a statement.
And yet questions are less preferable since they inevitably make an Object to think, to use
her/his intellect.
And an intellect is a device of Consciousness and this is it that You need to block.

The method - Last statement. Here skills and techniques of inserted statements are used.
If using a method Illusions of choice You artificially limit a number of possible options
of behavior then in this method You name all options but in this there is some peculiarity:
You emphasize nonverbally the option You need.
For instance a phrase: Do you want to fall in trance slowly, quickly or you do not want to
fall in trance at all? will sound the following way:
Do you want to fall in trance slowly (with light smile, in a slow voice, very distinctly and
impressively) or quickly (plattering, indistinctly, Your mimics is neutral) or you do
not want to fall in trance at all? (You mimics is contemptuous, You speak through You

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In conformity with the memory mechanisms one memorizes the beginning and the end of
the statement. The middle is forgotten. And that is why, by the way, it is necessary to
know how to begin the conversation and how to stop it
You can emphasize the first or the last option but never the middle one.
Example: You are accompanying a woman to the car, she gets into the car and You say: I
don not know when you will be able to come to me, maybe you will do it in a week or in a
month, perhaps, you will not do it at all, but, most likely, you will come to me tomorrow.
These are the last words before the door is closed and the car goes away, but Your last
instruction gets stuck in the Subconsciousness of the Object.
In order to successfully imply all these methods of speech prepare phrases with many
statements concerning the behavior of an Object you need in advance.
Use combination of different methods in one phrase. It is necessary to take into account
and include in Your speech the context of the statement and everything that is going on
around You.
There is no use to include many definite examples in this case since people studying this
course may belong to completely different social layers and groups which posses their
own culture and special slang.
It is very important to understand the principle. One needs to develop in his/her thinking a
special stereotype of behavior. And other actions will go on their own accord, naturally.

Psychological strokes.
It is rather a recommendation but not a method of speech.
While talking with a woman do not argue with her. Even if she says something You can
not agree with, give only neutral comments for this time.
Getting into argument will make tuning more difficult.
But later You will program this woman the way You want. Instead of arguing - praise her.

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Praise her hair style, her voice, her taste anything You want. Each Your compliment will
bring her inner agreement about.
She will say to herself Yes, I am so classy! If she says Yes five times than she will
say Yes the sixth time just by inertia.
Which statement to make the sixth time is for You to decide

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Chapter 4: Use of music for entrancement.

One of the factors which makes an Object to go into her/his shell is rhythm.
Psychotherapist use metronome for their work (it does not matter whether it is mechanical
with swinging pendulum or electric with blinking electricity bulb). Its rhythm is taken by
the patient.
The text of suggestion is applied over this rhythm and a patient soaks the text much better
than when the doctor sets the rhythm of speech him/herself.
When there is an outside rhythm a conscious attention is taken away from a person who
speaks as if he/she does not participate in it. A text which is said over any outside
rhythm (over somebody elses speech, over music) goes directly to Subconsciousness.
But natural rhythm is a rather rare thing in life, usually music is a supplier of rhythm. Your
Object simply listens to music and only You know that You are corresponding Your
speech to this music pursuing You own goals.
Naturally You have to know the music You use to entrance an Object very well in order to
do everything smoothly and not to be perplexed by any changes of rhythm.
It is preferable to have records of quiet music in Your possession. It may help when You
are influencinf an Object on Your territory.
Of course, at home even walls help but it is much better to think over and organize
everything that will help You to entrance in the context of conversation in advance.
Note that if You entranced an Object with the help of certain music once then next time
just only this music by itself will cause trance in Your Object (lets remember about
An electronic music without certain melody is very convenient for entrancement.

This kind of music attracts attention even more than the one with pronounced melody it
leaves more space for an Object to fill ambiguity with her/his content and her/his

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Chapter 5: Use of information strain of Consciousness.

There is one more very interesting set of methods of quick entrancement. They work on
men very badly but one can try to use them on women because of some peculiarities of
female intellect.
It should be stressed right away that these methods will not affect highly intellectual
persons. Nevertheless let this weapon be in Your possession.
These methods are connected with some specialties of information perception by human
Firstly, every person can assimilate incoming information with certain speed and if this
speed is exceeded then Consciousness does not have time to process new information and
this information goes directly to Subconsciousness.
Secondly, a person can consciously hold in his/her short-term memory only certain
amount of items of information and everything that exceeds that volume is not processed
by Consciousness as well.
In that way You can entrance a woman and get in contact with her Subconsciousness by
informational overstrain of consciousness.
When a speed of information processing is rather individual then the size of short-term
memory is approximately the same for all human beings and it amounts to seven items of
Everything that comes into Consciousness above this number goes to Subconsciousness
without any critical processing.
One can use accelerated supply of information. That is that You should tune and then after
giving in advance instruction Listen to me attentively! gradually accelerate Your tempo
of speech, that might look like this:
Perhaps sooner or later you will want to be in a hypnotic trance, perhaps you either do or
not to do it right now or you will do it a little later (at this moment Your speech becomes
very rapid) and you will become entranced at the very moment when you realize that you
can not understand what I am talking about more quickly , more quickly, more quickly,
even more quickly (and the text of Your suggestion follows in the same tempo), you want
to obey me completely and will do anything I ask with great pleasure.

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Double aiming.
In the frames of the method of information strain of Consciousness there is a technique
which can be used while working in company with Your friends. It is called Double
The crux of this system is very simple in order to strain an Object with information two
people talk with her/him simultaneously from both sides (one to the left ear, the other to
the right).
For instance, two people come to an Object from both sides and roughly following the
tuning to breathing simultaneously say simple formulas for entrancement.
you are getting calmer, you are gradually becoming more and more concentrating and
peaceful, you can stay relaxed and this posture for entrancement is pleasant for you, you
enjoy this communication, your confidence is growing and so on and so forth.
At this moment the third participant comes up to an Object from behind and randomly
touches different parts of her back.
The success of double aiming is guaranteed by the fact that You are straining all three
systems of perception of an Object.
You strain her vision she sees You, she should watch Your gestures (You should use it
in order to attract attention even more).
You strain her hearing and You disorient her body feelings with the help of strokes.

Information strain in the ordinary life.

Several examples can be given of situations where information strain happens in an
ordinary life and You simply can use them.
For example, some party with music and dancing. In this situation all there systems of
perception of partying people are involved too.
The same thing happens on the dance floor in a club.
The same situation You can observe at the concerts of most modern music bands.

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Just watch teenagers during the concert of their favorite band. The band plays very loudly
and flashes bright lights on them. Then You will understand that a condition of their
consciousness is obviously changed.
One can use it.
If to get off the situations connected with immediate communication then television is
suitable for entrancement through straining of Consciousness.
Try to analyze carefully in what condition You are when You watch changing quickly
sequence of images on the screen one of this images has some movement the other only
text that You have no time to read
Television involves two out of three systems of perception (vision and hearing) and this
gives good results in entrancement procedure.

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Chapter 6: Break of the pattern.

The following very powerful technique allows You to entrance a woman almost
Just think that many everyday acts of each person are done according to a certain program
which is repeated over and over again without any changes: greetings, smoking, and etc.
When You meet Your acquaintance and she asks You: How are You, she is not really
interested in Your situation she simply acts according to a program which is called
Greeting and which calls for a routine answer Fine to a routine question.
Try to a question: How are you? give an answer:Terribly, I will die soon; or start
telling about your life in details.
Such behavior of Yours does not suit the common program and causes bewilderment in a
woman she freezes.
And You can use this situation of bewilderment if an old program of behavior, womans
old routine situation is broken then You can impose a new program on her.
The thing is that activity humans consciousness is very stereotypic.
When everything is quiet Consciousness is also quiet it works in its own usual regime. But
as soon as any event, which does not fit usual everyday routine, happens and
Consciousness is bewildered and plunges for advice into a deeper layers of psychiatric
devices which are in charge of intuition, experience, memory.
And while it is looking for an answer on a question how to react on this unexpected
situation, an Object automatically goes into trance. (Lets remember what is trance this is
a condition when Consciousness is deep inside).
This condition lasts only about a second but this time is enough for influencing by
suggestion. If You are trained enough in observation and reaction then You will have
enough time to install necessary suggestion.
It should be stressed once more that womens mentality is sensitive to such methods of
There are many different techniques of behavior but the more banal is the technique the

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more effectively it works as a rule.

All techniques of Your actions are based on paradox that is, You act or talk not the way
expected from You breaking logic of developing situation. This way You break a
Influencing women try to make sure that Your acts cause pleasant emotions.
Let it better be pleasant surprises then those that can cause a sudden alarm and make
fragile womens mentality build defence lines and to choose estrangement and vigilance
tactics in Your regard.
Use such tools:
pleasant news;
small presents;
changes in Your appearance.
All represented techniques really work.
Choose and use the ones which fit You the best. If You want You can combine them. Do
not be afraid to exercise creativity and flexibility in this case.
Life is too complex for trying to describe all possible situations and to fit them to certain

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Part 7. Language of the body.

Practically each person speak on two languages just since the childhood, one of which is
realized and constructed as the speech, while the another transmits the information of the
Subconciousness, latent inducements and motives.
In this part you will get the knowledge in the concentrated form of this second language,
the language of the body and you will learn to use effectively the new knowledge.
Each involuntary movement of your interlocutor may be decoded and to you will be able
to read the message of her Subconciousness. The woman can disguise her thinks and
desires, she can even not realize them, but the Subconciousness will give herself away.
At the same moment, knowing the sense of each gesture and using it consciously, You can
signal to the Subconciousness of the woman about your intentions and by this way to
render a latent influence on her, which will let you to have an extra trump for taking the
situation and a successful Influence.
As the learning of any language is impossible without vocabulary, the most sensible form
of the learning of the language of gesture will the compiling of a similar brief referencebook in that you can find without any difficulty determined conformities.
In the basic of the reference-book is lied the principle of the psycho-physical conformity
that consists in that what all the mental processes are reflected in the physiology and vice
versa the physiological changes mean the psychic movements.

Opened positions.
Open positions are an evidence of the psychological opening, of the desire to the
communion and to the productive contacts. They are displayed by not folded and not
closed positions of the hands and of the legs.

Opened palm - is the honesty, frankness.

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The palm turned upwards is an asking gesture. With such position, it's easier to obtain the
fulfilling of the demand because it doesn't demonstrate the pressure from the part of the
The palm turned downwards (it looks at the floor) it is imperiousness. Of the part of who
uses such position, the psychological pressure is felt.

The palm turned upwards (the palm is down, under the interlocutor palm) is the readiness
to obey, an unconscious signal to who's the domination is own.
The palm turned downwards (the palm is up, on the interlocutor palm) is the aspiration to
the domination, an attempt to take the situation under the control.
The palm is with rib downward (the vertical position) is the position of the equality.
The handshake "glove" (two palms clasp one palm of the interlocutor) it's an aspiration
to show one's sincerity, the kindness, the reliance.

The toe of the foot is the index of the interesting in, by its direction it show in whom the
person is interested in or who he finds attracting.
The feet moved wide apart.
- in the position stand: the aggression including the sexual one. The confidence. Readiness
to the actions. The activity.
- In the sitting position: the confidence. The inward weakness. The demonstration of the

The closed positions.

The fact that the person is in a closed position shows his psychological closeness, the
aspiration to being fenced off, from the situation. Such positions are demonstrated by
hands and feet crossed.

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The arms fold across on the chest is an attempt to hide, to be fenced of the situation. This
is a negative reaction.
The arms fold across on the chest with squeezed palms in fists is a forced gesture of the
arms fold. This is a hostile attitude. There is a possibility of a psychic attack.
The arms fold across with fingers, embracing the forearms (arms clasping) is a negative
crushed attitude to the situation.
The arms fold with position of the thumbs directed vertically upwards is the feeling of
the defense (arms crossed), the confidence (demonstration of the thumbs).
One hand grasps the other arm vertically met along the body near the forearm, the elbow
or the shoulder: is the easier form of the fold arms.
The arms are let down freely, but one of them likes to shake another one is a trial to keep
an emotional tranquility. By one hand, the person does a gesture as if he readjusts a button
on the sleeve of the other arm, the bracelet of the watch, the ruffle this is a hidden
The person holds by the both hands a bunch of flowers, a bag (the women), a cup of tea
etc. is a trial to disguise an intern strain, nervousness.
The interlaced fingers, hooked arms is a negative attitude.
The pyramid (the palms are directed to each other, the points of fingers are closed) is the
sure attitude to something.
The arms are behind the back: the one is embracing another near the palm this is the selfconfidence, power, the feeling of the superiority.
One hand embraces the wrist of another is a trial of the self-control.
One hand grasps the upper zone of the forearm of the other arm this is a trial of the selfcontrol expressed stronger than in the case above.
The role of the thumb is the demonstration of the aggressiveness (including the sexual
aggressiveness), power, pressure, feeling of the superiority.

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The hands are in the pockets, the thumbs are on the outside is the confidence, the selfconceit, an attacking gesture. In the women, this is an aggression (including the sexual
one), a dominating character.
The thumbs stick out from the back pockets this is a dominating character.

The legs:
Folding of legs (the gesture: the leg behind the leg) is a defense, an aspiration to the
On the whole, the gesture is deciphered depending of the context of the situation. For
example, during a long lection the auditor in the auditorium can use a similar position for
the commodity.
Folded legs and folded hands this is a disapproval, a hostility, augmented defense.
An American position "four" (the ankle of one leg is on the knee of another leg) this is
the activity, confidence, self-confidence.
Folded legs and interlaced fingers of hands on the knees is the self-concentrating, the
The folded ankles this is the defense, strain, a negative attitude, the nervousness, the

Dynamic positions.
Dynamic are named such positions what cannot be estimated as closed or opened, because
they show other psychic states.

The head.
The head is taken right or a little raised this is a neutral position.
The head is a few raised, the eyelids are a few closed or the eyes corners are screw up, the
look is directed down is the haughtiness, disregard, superiority.

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The head is inclined in one side this is a demonstration of the interest.

The head is a few hanged, the look is sullen is a disapproving attitude to the situation, on
the alert.
The hands are behind the head in the combination with the legs position in the form of the
"four" is the aspiration to show the possession of the situation, the self-confidence, the
feeling of the superiority.

The pupils:
The widen pupils this is an emotion, pleasure, demonstration of the interest, including
the sexual.
The narrowed pupils a negative reaction, disapproval.

The look:
The look is directed in the center of the forehead and doesn't put down than the eyes of the
interlocutor this is a business look.
The look is distributed among the eyes and the mouth this is a worldly look.
The look slides from the eyes down to the breast and returns back this is an intimate
The look askance:
- in combination with the smile the interesting in,
- in combination with eyebrows slackened is the hostility.
A frequent blinking is a sign of the defense, the embarrassment.

The hands and the face:

Stratching of the chin is the cogitation and the appraisement.

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Catching of the nose in pinch a little lower the bridge of the nose in combination with
closed eyes it the concentration.
The hand near the cheek the cheek leans on the tight-fisted fingers and the forefinger is
straighten in direction to the temple this is the cogitation, thoughtfulness.
The forefinger touches the nose, the rest cover the mouth is the suspiciousness,
dissimulation, distrust.
The touching or rubbing of the nose the disposition for the lying for the part of who does
The forefinger touches the cheek, the rest are placed under the chin this is a critical
The hand strokes the neck this is the discontent, negation, and anger. A defensive
The rubbing of the ear is the impatience, the desire to interrupt. The nervousness.
The face is inclined on one side and leans on the palm or the tight-fisted, the "telephone
pose" an intern monologue. The boredom.

The body:
The sitting down on the chair on horseback is the demonstration of the superiority or the
aggression (including the sexual).
One foot is a little raised and leans on something, the body is a few bent and draws
forward is the gesture of the owner, conqueror.
The hand leans on the small of the back, the legs are widely moved apart this is a
demonstration of the aggression (including the sexual).

The twin interactions:

The closed formations:
The bodies of two interlocutors are situated vis--vis to each other, their looks are directed
to each other this is a demonstration of the reciprocal interest, the desire to be only both.

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The opened formations:

Two interlocutors are standing under a certain angle with reference to each other, like they
form a certain space in which a third person can entry unimpeded, - this is a position
allowing a presence another one or several interlocutors.
Including a partner in the conversation and excluding him of the conversation:
The including: in case of the joining of the third partner to the closed position, the
interlocutors situated in it, turn theirs bodies under an angle in reference to the each other
and to him, without words inviting himself to join the conversation.
Excluding: in case of the trial of a third partner to join the close position the interlocutors
situated in it turns only the heads in reference to him. However, the position of the bodies
stays the previous, which testifies that the third partner is undesirable in that conversation.

Sexual gestures.
The sexual gestures represent a demonstration of a sexual interesting in the reference to
somebody and an unconscious (and sometimes enough conscious) trial to demonstrate an
interesting of somebody to her or to him.

Masculine sexual gestures:

- A hand readjusts a tie, a collar, touches the throat or touches the hair.
- The thumbs are pushed behind the strap.
- The toe of the foot is turned in direction of the woman which excides a sexual interest.
- An intimate look.
- The hands are on the thighs.
- The legs are moved wide apart independently of the man is sitting or standing.

Feminine sexual gestures:

- The throwing up of the head.
- The sleeking or touching of the hair (the hair is rather clear sexual symbol).
- The baring of the wrists.

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- The legs moved apart (sitting or standing).

- The mouth slightly opened and the moist lips.
- The intimate look.
- The crossed legs.
- The touching of an object of the cylindrical form (a cigarette, a goblet, a fountain-pen).

Positions at the table.

Sitting at the table with the woman, you shouldn't dispose yourself at the opposite sides. In
this case you both will involuntary be in defensive positions, because your hands will
forcedly be in front of you on the table. Defensive poses will certainly enslave the
Try to sit of the way that you will be on one side of the table with her or on the adjacent.
The pose will be freer and as a consequent, the communication will be more uninhibited.
Moreover, being in the direct nearness of the woman you can touch her of a more natural

Let remember, as any language, the language of the body consists of the words,
sentences and punctuation marks.
Each gesture like a word and the word can have several different significances.
You will be able to completely understand the significance of this word only when
you will put this word in the sentence side by side with the other words.
Only considering different gestures in their total, you can do right conclusions about
a real state of the person.

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The using in the sexual manipulation.

It is worth to remember once again that the gestures, being a projection of unconscious
movements, are able to exert the same unconscious influence.
Therefore, if you like to show an aspiration of yours you can use a gesture for it but quite
realizably yet. The woman will properly percept it and will accordingly react to.
For example, sexual gestures not only reflect a sexual interesting in, but they indicate good
means for attracting the attention to oneself and for excitation a reciprocal interest.
If you beguine to apply thinly and gracefully these gestures, they will tell about you that
you have a "sexual magnetism", without suspecting of veritable reasons of your "thought"
If you beguine to show sexual gestures and you see the woman to react to it by a similar
show, that means she is evidently sexually interested in you. And you can continue with
confidence to influence in her.
Moreover, a similar method can be used with a great success on parties, where many
women present.
The essence is that you should start to show sexual gestures.
You can be unknown. You can tell nothing. However, your sexual gestures signal silently
to the Subconsciousness of each of present women about your spirit.
Those of them, who will react to your acts by an analogue way, will fall an extremely easy
prey for you! Their Subconsciousness received your sexual signal and passed a positive
reply to you.
Go ahead! You are pleasant!

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Part 8. Zombie programming.

Everything that You have learned so far is very useful.
You can already suppress a woman, break her psychologically, even if she is Your boss or
teacher. You can turn her on without even touching her.
But all these methods do not give You an absolute, complete power over her over her
Such effect can be obtained by using hypnosis where conscious is completely switched
off. Unfortunately, in order to hypnotize an Object this way You need to fulfill certain
One should posses an art of hypnosis and it is not that easy to acquire it as many authors
One needs an experienced teacher.
One needs time to acquire it.
One needs to practice.
A lot depends on a susceptibility of an Object to hypnotic influence.
And the main thing is to receive a hundred percent conscious agreement of an Object to
this procedure and even agreement to be put into hypnotic sleep is a must.
Shortly, it is almost unreal.
Nevertheless there is a technique allowing changing life values of an Object completely.
For example, You can make her to become a bisexual person or even to inflict in her a
desire to become a prostitute to Your benefit.
Anything You want.
And she will become even more than Your slave. Master possesses only slaves body but
not his/her soul. Master cannot make his/her slave want something.
You can!

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You can program any desire You choose. She will wish everything You want her to wish.
For example, Your wife herself can offer You to invite a young girl in bed. And she
herself will want to have sex with You and Your girlfriend at the same time.

This is real!
How You can do it?
It is really not difficult! Use Your Objects sleep.
In this condition a total, direct influence on Subconsciousness is possible. Human censor
his/her Consciousness is absent from its duty. It sleeps. Subconsciousness never sleeps.
Our dreams prove this.
Lets get to the point. You have to follow the given algorithm:
1. to transform natural sleep of an Object into hypnotic one.
2. to program an Object.
3. to transform a hypnotic sleep of an Object into natural one.
To transform natural sleep into hypnotic is rather simple since Consciousness of an Object
is already changed and he/she is not awake already.
You need only to tune. While tuning to a sleeping person use the same methods You use
for tuning to an awake person with exclusion of movements.
You do not necessarily need to lie down next to an Object it is more important to tune to
her/his breathing. Wait until a woman is asleep sit or continue to lie next to her and do a
direct tuning to her breathing for a necessary time.
You can use an indirect tuning to the breathing by touching a sleeping person in time with
the breathing movements of her chest.
Then check if You can lead this person: change rhythm of Your breath slowly. Do the
checking really slowly, softly, and carefully sharp changes, in the situation of good
tuning can wake her up.
If you are leading a person then begin whispering or speaking in a low voice simple

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phrases: Continue to sleep Sleep tight You will sleep and hear my voice After
this, begin a direct suggestion of the things You want from her.
On finishing suggestion, lead her out of hypnosis and give her instruction to deep, healthy
sleep: Sleep tight and peacefully your body and mind are resting now you will wake
up full of strength and happiness.
It is natural that You speech should correspond with all conditions mentioned above.
Before leading an Object out of hypnotic sleep You can hedge Yourself by giving a
special instruction to forget what You have said. Although, in any case, a sleeping person
is not aware of You and therefore she will not remember Your suggestion consciously.
That is why do not be afraid that she can wake up. If You havent finished yet wait until
she falls asleep again and repeat everything from the very beginning.
Also having tuned to an Object You can talk with a sleeping person but do not expect that
a person being in a strongly transformed state of Consciousness will give You detailed
Speech of entranced people is very laconic that is why ask Yes and No questions.
If You insist on detailed answers she will wake up. Before You start asking questions give
her a instruction to be sincere and these answers will be the most sincere ones in her life.
To begin learning this technique of zombie programming in the sleep is feasible only when
You have already acquired preceding chapters of the course thoroughly, and especially the
tuning technique.
So with the help of this method You can give an Object any instructions.
The only exception is a straight instruction to kill. The reason is that this instruction
conflicts with the main human instinct of preserving the human kin.
It is impossible to program an Object to kill, commit suicide or have an abortion. Such
straight instructions as: Take a gun and shoot somebody, or jump out of the window on
the tenth floor will not be fulfilled.
But it is possible to deceive Consciousness. An indirect instruction can be fulfilled. For
example, one has to push such and such button at a certain time...

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With only one exception a direct order to kill absolutely all Your instructions will be
A woman will do and want anything You order her!
An acquisition of this method will give You power over womens soul.
It will make You similar to a God in some ways.
Or similar to a Devil

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Part 9. Conclusion.
Let us repeat repeat the course briefly and summarize it.
Operation of human mentality is based on cooperation of Consciousness and
Subconsciousness. But for all that Consciousness reasons and Subconsciousness rules.
The system teaches how to influence womens instincts the main of which is reproduction.
In womens case this instinct is shown in a desire to have sexual intercourse with strong
male and conceive by him.
At the same time she has to be sure that this male will be able to guarantee her and her
descendants security. This means that he should be at least stronger than her.
A woman wants to feel this strength and instinctively wants to deliver herself in
possession of somebody who is stronger than her.
This concept is the basis of the system.
A suppressing influence on a woman should begin from the first seconds of the contact.
One uses a special glance for this (to stare without blinking, first look into a leading eye,
then inside) low voice.
Using given in the course instruments train Your glance and voice regularly.
If You have absolutely no opportunity to practice with the use of the monitor then You can
make some imitation of instruments 1 and 2 of paper.
But it is more preferable to work with the screen since it gives its own and not reflected
light. Training is more effective then.
In any case the result of such training will be higher than all Your expectations.
You will see how simple it will become for You to communicate with women. Speaking in
images, they will hang upon Your lips, trying to predict Your every wish.
How You will use this condition of womens psychology is for You to decide.
If You want and feel that this is not enough for You, You can use entrancement and

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suggestion to intensify Your influence.

Sequence of actions for entrancement is as follows:

the main system of conceptualization.
the leading system of conceptualization.
word keys of an access.
eyes movements

Correct use of trimming results in the fact that Consciousness of on Object is tuned to You
and receives all Your instructions which are given in a way of suggestion with obligatory
use of hypnotizing speech.
Additional techniques:

Break of pattern;
Information strain;
Talking away;
Overlapping of realities
Triple spiral;
Inserted statements;

Methods of speech:
Illusion of choice;
Orders in questions;
Last statement;
Connection of opposites;
Music can be of great help in entrancement.

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Glory of the system is a method of zombie programming or programming during the sleep
while using the following algorithm:
1. to transform natural sleep of an Object into hypnotic one.
2. to program an Object.
3. to transform a hypnotic sleep of an Object into natural
Remember that it is feasible to begin learning this technique only when You have already
acquired all preceding material, and especially the tuning technique.
It is necessary to use influence by glance and voice and also to use tuning for all
techniques. (It is natural that influence of glance on a sleeping person is an exception.)
Acquisition of these methods is not that easy as one can think. One needs time and
intension in order to do it.
But this is not more difficult than to learn how to drive, to memorize traffic regulations
and to receive driving license.
The more You practice afterwards the better You will master it.
When You experience the results of the first successful Influence then You will not need
further explanations.
It is the same as to learn how to swim or ride a bicycle. As soon as You do it correctly the
first time You will retain these skills for the rest of Your life.
Acquisition of the System will fully and forever change Your life!
Good luck!

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The Instrument 1
The Instrument 1

Instrument 1

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The Instrument 2
The Instrument 2

Instrument 2

Instrument 3

Instrument 4

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