Inglés Guía Preparación Prueba de Síntesis

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Colegio Antil Mawida

English Department
2nd grade
Teacher: Natalia Carrasco Vera

Name: __________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________ Level:2 nd grade _____
Unit N 0 1 - 2

Review about all units of the 1st semester

Sub Unit
Class contents

Present Simple; adverbs of manner; used to; past progressive;

present perfect.
Sts. Will be able to identify the correct grammar structure about
the last contents.


Choose the correct alternative according to the context in these

sentences in Present Simple Tense.
Elegir la alternativa correcta de acuerdo al contexto en estos ejercicios que
estn en Presente Simple.
1. I _______ apples. (like)
a) like
b) likes
c) liked

2. We often ________ pizza. (eat)

a) eat
b) eats
c) ate

3. They ______ in the pool.(swim)

a) swims
b) swim
c) swam

4. The Children ______ in the

5. John ______ well. (not/ cook)

a) dont cook
b) doesnt cook
c) do cook not

6. You _______ a lot books. (read)

a) reads
b) read
c) readed

7. Mary _____ live in England. (live)

a) lived
b) lives
c) live

8. My mother and I ____ a lot.

9. The students _____ hard. (study)

a) studies
b) study
c) studys

10. He _____ TV all nights.

11. We _____ English very well. (speak)

a) speaks

12. Pete and John _____ to the

a) playes
b) plays
c) play

a) doesnt talk
b) dont talk
c) not do talk

a) not watches
b) dont watch
c) doesnt watch

a) goes

b) speak
c) spoke

13. The dog _____ water every day.(drink)

a) drinks
b) drink
c) dranks

b) go
c) went

14. The student ______ his

a) do
b) does
c) did

Choose the correct alternative according to the Pronoun or Noun of the sentence.
Elegir la alternativa correcta de acuerdo del Pronombre o Sujeto de las oraciones.

1. He do not / does not live in Mexico.

2. She do not/ does not work in a bank.
3. I do not / does not play golf once a week.
4. Ron do not / does not listen to the radio.
5. We do not / does not speak French.
6. You do not / does not drink coffee in the morning.
7. My cat do not / does not sleep at night.

Complete these sentences with the correct grammar structure about

Present Simple Affirmative Form.
Completar estas oraciones con la estructura gramatical acerca del Presente
Simple forma Afirmativa.
1) The children ____________ (play) the piano very well.
2) The cow _____________ (eat) vegetables every day.
3) The horses _____________ (run) very fast every competition.
4) He ____________ (sit) on that chair every day.
5) In the zoo, the animals ___________ (sleep) very well.
6) She ___________ (do) her homework every afternoon.
7) Thomas __________ (read) a magazine every Friday.
8) Sheila __________________ (go) to school every day.
9) You _________________ (read) a lot of books.

10) The child ___________________ (drink) milk in the morning.

11) My pet __________________ (like) the milk.
12) My mother __________________ (play) with her sister and brother.
13) I and my friend __________________ (go) to the cinema a lot.
14) A real friends ___________________ (help) you if you need it.
15) John, Mandy and Peter _________________ (clean) the kitchen.
16) I _________________ (write) a book every year.
17) Cousin Helen ___________________ (feed) the ducks every day.
18) Our friends ____________________ (pack) their clothes.
19) We ___________________ (do) our homework every afternoon.
20)My father and I __________________ (sleep) now on the carpet.
21) He ___________________ (sing) a new song every Friday.

Complete these sentences with the correct grammar structure about

Present Simple Negative form.
Completar estas oraciones con la estructura gramatical acerca del Presente
Simple forma Negativa.

1. I ______________ (not/go) shopping with my brother.

2. My friend and I ______________ (not/use) a dictionary in class.
3. My friends ______________ (not/study) Italian at their school.
4. School _________________ (not/finish) at three oclock.
5. You _________________ (not/live) near me.
6. Pete and John _______________ (not/like) rap music.
7. Susie ________________ (not/do) her homework before dinner.
8. I ______________ (not/go) shopping with my brother.
9. We sometimes ______________ (not/use) a dictionary in class.
10. My friends ______________ (not/study) Italian at their school.
11. Schools _________________ (not/star) at three oclock.

12. My best friend _________________ (not/live) near me.

13. He _______________ (not/like) rap music.
14. She ________________ (not/do) her homework before dinner.
15. We ________________ (not/play) tennis in school on Wednesday
16. I ________________ (not/watch) TV in the evening.
17. My mother _________________ (not/teach) art.

Choose the correct words to complete each sentence. (Elegir las palabras
correctas de acuerdo al contexto.)

200years ago

people used to / didnt use to make their own clothes.

2 people used to / didnt use to have mobile phones.

3 people used to / didnt use to read books.
4 people used to / didnt use to watch TV.
5 people used to / didnt use to drive cars.
6 people used to / didnt use to walk everywhere.
III. Complete these sentences with used to or didnt use to. (Completar
estas oraciones con used to or didnt use to)

I _______________ play the guitar, but I do now.

2 I _______________ ride a bike, but I dont any more.

3 I _______________ collect stamps, but I dont any more.
4 I _______________ enjoy getting up early, but I do now.
5 I _______________ be worried about the environment, but I am now.
6 I _______________ be afraid of flying, but Im not anymore.
7 I _______________ know how to use a computer, but I do now.
IV. Fill the gaps using the verb in brackets in the Past Progressive tense.
(Completar las oraciones usando la estructura del Pasado Progresivo)
1. I _______________________ letters all day yesterday. (write)
2. You _______________________ very slow about it. (be)
3. You _______________________ on the phone for hours and hours. (talk)
4. They ________________________ much business before lunch. (not/do)
5. She ________________________ to me all week. Silly cow. (not/speak)

6. It _________________________ for long. (not/rain)

7. What _________ you ______________ when I phoned yesterday? (do)
8. _________ you ________ TV when it happened? (watch)
9. What __________ you __________ at the party? (wear)
10. He _________________ horrible to everyone, the nasty pig! (be)
11. I __________________ computer games all morning. (not/play)
12. We __________________ all afternoon in the library. (revise)

Complete these sentences with for or since according to the context.

Completar estas oraciones con for o since de acuerdo al contexto.

I have been a teacher _______ 30 years.

2. Bob has worked in that import export company _______ he was thirty.
3. I have studied English ______ four years.
4. Jenny has eaten five hamburgers ______ 7 pm.
5. My parents have been married _______ twenty years.
6. I have known my best friend ______ I met him at high school.
7. They have travelled in the USA ______ one month.
8. The boys have played tennis _______ two hours.


Choose the correct answer into the follow sentences. (Elegir la palabra correcta
en las siguientes oraciones)

I has visited / have visited Spain in 2007.

2. They has played / have played tennis.

3. Peter have sailed / has sailed around the world in 2001.
4. Grandpa have skied / has skied down Mont Blanc.
5. Monica have ate / has eaten Chinese food.
6. Clare have flew / has flown around the world last year.
7. Have you ever been /went to the desert?
8. Yes, I been / went two years ago.
9. Have you ever written / wrote a story?

10. Yes, I written / wrote one last week.

11. Have you ever eaten / ate chickens feet?
12. Yes, I eaten / ate them in Peru.
13. Have you ever swum / swam in a river?
14. Yes, I swum / swam in the Danube last summer.


Write the positive or negative sentences, using the Present Perfect tense.
Escribir las oraciones positivas o negativas usando el tiempo Presente Perfecto.


When I arrived at the cinema, the film _______________________ (start)

2. She ___________________ (live) in China before she went to Thailand.

3. After they ________________________ (eat) the shellfish, they began to feel
4. If you _________________________ (listen) to me, you would have got the job.
5. When we ____________________________ (finish) dinner, we went out.
6. He _______________________ (meet) her somewhere before.
7. We were late for the plane because we _____________________ (forget) our
8. The children ______________________ (not/do) their homework, so they were in
9. They ______________________ (not/eat) so we went to a restaurant.
10. She said that she ____________________ (not/visit) the UK before.
11. Julie and Anne _____________________ (not/meet) before the party.
12. You _____________________ (not/study) for the test, so you were very nervous.

Nota: Todos los alumnos deben desarrollar gua de repaso para poder rendir Prueba de
Sntesis, sta debe ser entregada el Lunes 06 de Julio a las 08:00 am, si no la entregan
a esa hora y ese da, los alumnos no podrn rendir prueba. Se les citar en la tarde,
contra su horario de clases y podrn rendir la evaluacin siempre y cuando hagan entrega
de la gua.

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