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What is the size of the element body force vector, fe of a 2D element 6X1
what is the stiffness matrix for a 2D element BTDBAete
3. What is the size of the element strain displacement matrix, of a 2D
element 3X6
4. From the knowledge of area of triangle, what is the value of detJ in terms
of area of the triangle twice the area of the triangle
5. What is the Jacobian matrix size of a basic linear 2D element 2X2
6. 6.what is the size of the shape function matrix N of a 2D element 2X6
7. In a 2D element, the shape functions can be physically represented by
area coordinates. A point in a triangle divides it into three areas. The
shape N1 is represented as A1/A
8. in a 2D element, what is the value of summation of all the shape functions
at every point inside the triangle is One
9. In a 2D element, the value of shape function N2 at node 1 is zero
10. In a 2D element, the value of shape function N1 at node 1 is One
11. the number of shape functions in a 2D element is 3
12. the number of nodes present in a basic 2D linear elements is 3
13. In a 2D element, what is the dof of each node 1 is two
14. In a 2D element, the basic 2D element is triangle
15.In a 2D element, the stress-strain relationship represented as
16.In a 2D problem, the shear strain in XY direction is given as
17.In a 2D element, the elemental volume (dv) is given as tdA
18.In a 2D problem, the strain and its components are given as
19.In a 2D problem, the stress and its components are given as
20.In a 2D problem, the displacement vector is given as
21.In a plane strain condition: strains in Z-direction are zero
22.In a planar body is said to be in plane stress condition: Stresses in Zdirection are zero
23.When do you say that a problem is plane-strain problem: if a long body of
uniform cross section is subjected to transverse loading along its length
24.When do you say that a problem is plane-stress problem: if a thin planar
body is subjected to transverse loading on its wedge surface.
25.What are the three shear stresses in a 3D ELEMENT?
26.In a 3D body what are the three normal stresses along the coordinate axis
27.A composite wall consisting of these material layers is modeled by 1-D, 2
noded element. The size of the stiffness matrix is (minimum size) is 4X4
28.The stiffness matrix of a beam is (6><6) and the beam is fixed at left end.
The numbers of Eigen values are 4
29.The stifness matrix of a stepped bar is of size (6><6) The bar is fixed at
left end The number of eigen values are :->5
30.A uniform beam is made up of different materials for the two halves. The
minimum size of mass matrix is :->6X6
31.A beam is made up of two elements. The size of the mass matrix is :->6X6
32.In case of lumped mass matices the total mass is distributed as follows
:->Equally in all translational DOF
33.The mass matrix of a beam element is of size :->4X4
34.A uniform bar of length is made of copper of half the length and Aluminum
over the other half. The minimum size of the mass matrix is :->3X3
35.Lengths of longest side and shortest side of a 2-D or 3-D element decide
the :-> aspect ratio
36.Number of nodes along the side of a 2-D or 3-D element decide the
:->order of displacement polynomial

37.The process of reducing number of mid-side or internal nodes before

assembling element stiffness matrices is called :->Static condensation
38.Consistent loads for a LST element with uniform pressure p, along an edge
of length L, at the two end nodes and mid-node are :->pL/6, pL/6, 2pL/3
39.A singly stepped bar is made of diferent materials for the two steps. The
minimum size of the mass matrix is :->3*3
40. 40. Symmetry boundary condition about an edge is applicable when
>>normal loads & normal
41. displacements at nodes on cither side of the edge are equal & opposite
42.A symmetric structure can be analysed by modeling one symmetric part
:->depending on applied loads & boundary conditions.
43. Determinant of assembled stiffness matrix before applying boundary
conditions is :->= 0
44.One possible load in structural analysis is the speciied :->nodal
45.Sector symmetry boundary condition implies same circumferential
displacements in cylindrical coordinate system along two radial edges of
the sector
46.An octagonal section chimney with hot gases inside can be analysed
using_model :->1/8th of section
47.Anti-symmetric boundary condition along an edge of a 2-D structure
implies, applied loads are____ on either side of the edge :->equal
48.A concrete pedestal is represented by :->3-D solid elements
49.48. Combination of plane stress element behaviour and plate bending
behaviour forms :->Thin shell element
50.An element with internal nodes is classified as :->Lagrange element
51.An element with no internal nodes is classified as :->Serendipity element
52.Wrong sequencing of nodal connectivity in 2-D & 3-D problems leads to :->
-ve Jacobian
53.Transformation matrix relates_in element coordinate system with
structural coordinate system>material properties
54.Transformation matix____for all elements :->depends on element axes
55.Structural damping is a function of >>mass & stiffness
56.A 3-noded simply supported beam gives_number of frequencies :->one
57.A 4-noded cantilever gives_number of frequencies :->6
58.An unconstrained 2-D frame with 4 nodes has_number of zero
frequencies :->3
59.Principal modes of vibration of a multi-dof system are :->orthogonal
60.A frequency of value_indicates rigid body motion along one dof :->zero
61.Normalising eigenvector w.r.t. mass matix is useful in :->mode
62.A natural mode of vibration represents_at each node :->relative
63.With consistent mass matrix, the differential equation of vibration refers to
:->inertia coupling
64.With lumped mass matrix, the differential equation of vibration refers to
:->elastic coupling
65.No. ofd.o.f. per node in a triangular thermal element is :->1
66. No. of d.o.f. for a 8-noded quadrilateral thermal element is :->8
67.No. of d.o.f. for a 4-noded tetrahedron thermal element is :->4
68.No. of d.o.f. for a 6-noded triangular thermal element is :->6

69.No. of d.o.f. for a 3-noded triangular thermal element is :->3

70.No. of d.o.f. for a 4-noded quadrilateral thermal element is >>4
71.No. of d.o.f. per node in a quadrilateral thermal element is :->1
72.Conductance matix is the equivalent of stiffness matrix in :->thermal
73._problem is solved through iterative method :->transient thermal
74.Critical buckling load is :-> dependent on mode
75.Plate bending element is an extension of :-> beam element
76.Plane stress element is an extension of :-> truss element
77.Shape functions for a triangular plane stress element are also called
:->area coordinates
78.Number of shape functions for a 8-noded quadrilateral plane stress
element is :->8
79.Number of shape functions for a quadrilateral plane stress element are
80.Number of stress components per node calculated for a triangular
axisymmetric element is :->4
81.Number of stress components per node calculated for a plane stress
quadrilateral element is :->3
82. Order of stiffness matrix for an axisymmetric model with 20 nodes is
83.Order of stiffness matrix for a plane stress model with 20 nodes is :->40
84.A plate of 1cm thickness with in-plane loads is modeled by >>plane stress
85.Axisymmetric structures are usually modeled in global cartesian

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