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Get out and

VOTE it's really IMPORTANT

Democracy cannot work properly without you voting

We're actually promoting that [as a new voter on campus]
that the 40,000+ students at UBC [in our case] really
can make a huge difference, because students are by
a country mile the largest voting block in this District

Frankly once this notion is accepted

that youth will vote will result where
there would be about 40 new Electoral
Districts next election, where each student
body would have direct representation in
Parliament AND that would make a huge
difference on how students are mistreated
by politicians, because they do not hold a
voice to protect the students' best interests
As to these new Elections Canada rules any student
can go to the campus polling station and have your
vote counted where they live with just a student ID
and something like a receipt showing where you live
[OR] a student can vote for any candidate running in
Vancouver Quadra Electoral District [in this case].
Elections Canada suggests that you vote at the advanced poles if you want
your vote counted where your parents live in order so that it can be included
in the results posted on election night. But regardless your vote is counted.
We also suggest that students take advantage of these advance
polling dates just to avoid the line ups created by heavy voter turnout
REGARDLESS it's a lot easier to vote on campus, because most advance
poles and election day happen on a school day - EITHER WAY - it's a lot
faster to get thru the poles if you preregister by going to
It's called strategic voting, and this propaganda is probably the
single biggest reason the disenfranchised and youth don't vote
As far as we're concerned voting for the lesser of
2 or 3 evils still, ends up by voting for a bad politician.
Ask any expert: anyone who can get the disenfranchised
and the youth to VOTE FOR a just cause /reason could win by a landslide,
and that's exactly what we're offering to especially any College student body.
OF JAIL CARD FOR FREE - whether we get elected or not

FACT: The SCC [Supreme Court in Canada] just ruled on a R v

Smith decision that [when applied to our case] our Marijuana
Party agents and members simply cannot be charged for
violating the CDSA [Controlled Drugs and Substance Act] because
those Maritime rules cannot be enforced on us because they
hold 'no jurisdiction' to proceed to take these charges to their
Federal [Maritime jurisdiction] Court, because they are directly
prohibited from controlling any member in our fully recognized
Federal common law Party called: The Radical Marijuana Party
because we hold Constitutional guarantees to be protected by SCC rulings
Sceptics are correct in claiming that SCC decisions
are somehow ignored by police, who get around
this by acting on a dissenting judge that permitted
this exception - BUT this Smith case ruling was
unanimous, and to show how important this is,
we point that the Morgantiler case was also one
of the few times the SCC voted unanimously on.
IN THIS CASE: Abortion is still hotly contested, but at no time
has a cop or court allowed any clinic or it's patients to not be
protected by this SCC ruling, because it was unanimous.
AND this is exactly what we can expect authority to respect
when it comes to protecting our political guarantees under
Freedom of Expression in our Free and Democratic society
We actually expect a lot of conservative thinking people to object to this
BUT frankly they'll get over it BECAUSE it's 'prescribed by law' BECAUSE
every one in authority is duty bound to obey /protect Sec 1 of the Charter.
We actually can thank Harper for being so seditious because in
so doing he gave us this GET OUT OF JAIL FOR FREE option.
There are literally 100's of provincial case law rulings that are
no longer suppressed by Federal Court rulings that ruled that
these cases can't be upheld, because they are contrary to our
international /NATO obligations to enforce their DRUG WAR.
Judge Chan did his swan song to his retirement by making this
truly honest ruling a few years ago. He had a university student
in his court and he refused to destroy this young adult's career by convicting
him, so he totally expunged all the charges, in order to clear his record.
With this precedent now being recognized means no student
can be charged with violating any CDSA regulation, because
no one in authority can object to our 'no jurisdiction' defence
BOTTOM LINE: Vote with your heart and subscribe to our EDA
/party to be landed & protect yourself from federal prosecution.
Contact: & /VQMP420 & /VOTE Marijuana Party in Canada

[call] (778) 714-3689 [or] (778) 707-7461 [email]

You can skeptically ask: Why vote for any Marijuana Party
candidate when we cannot win in the election?
BUT with our strategy in Van-Quadra to get the UBC student
vote out, really does give us a chance to win in this riding.
In all cases, just getting the youth and disenfranchised to vote will
assure that over 5% of the votes cast will create a huge benefit to
all members, because by passing this threshold we get a recognized Voice.
What is important about our campaign message is to get all
marijuana advocates to register to be a member of our party
BECAUSE this membership is a perfectly legal ways and
THAT's RIGHT: Please accept that the new rules Harper just
implemented on ordinary residents will mean that the days of
where you can go to jail for simple possession are back,
just like they still do in those Federal Courts in the USA
IMPORTANT: By being a Marijuana Party member you simply
cannot be prosecuted under these new Federal Court rules
and regulations, because the Supreme Court of Canada said
so about 6 months ago in a unanimous SCC ruling [R v Smith]
Our 'no jurisdiction' defence in law is called 'an enshrined right'
NOTE: R v Smith is all about legalizing the sale & growing
of marijuana for a medical dispensary in Victoria. So our 'no jurisdiction'
defence is really important to all the dispensaries and growers in Canada


The only way to get rid of your 'ordinary resident'
status is to be a member of the Marijuana Party.
FURTHERMORE The only way for any member to be
legally protected to grow or sell marijuana with our get
'out of jail for free defence' is by being an agent or
officer of a properly structured EDA [like we have]
We ask: Why has this 'no jurisdiction' defence not been done before?
BECAUSE: the rules to make this defence now possible
only changed about 6 months ago, AND this sounds crazy
BUT we really have to thank Harper for making this possible.
BUT this trap he created can only be implemented if you don't
lose this ordinary resident status, or you will be a victim of this trap
We have only had the chance to use it twice & it worked both times.


Regardless of who gets elected, all ordinary residents are
going to be subjected this new American-style injustice
system, where there are these expensive 'pretrials' where
you have to defend why you hold a medical application,
in order to appear in Federal Court on Federal charges

If you really insist on not being covered by our 'no jurisdiction defence'
then all you ordinary residents are insisting that you want to
fight and pay big bucks to go for this pretrial route to prove
THAT you hold a medical defence, in order to not appear in
Federal Court on Federal /CDSA charges, and if you lose,
THEN: you go to Federal Court and pay really big bucks.
With our 'no jurisdiction defence' it's directly forbidden
for anyone in our party to be subjected to proceed to this
costly pretrial procedure. The Crown has no choice but
to send us to a BC court room, where in most cases the charges will be
dropped, because all these case law precedents in BC finally protect us.
Frankly if you insist on wanting to continue to
fight NATO's dirty WAR on DRUGS, then keep
fighting in their Maritime jurisdiction Courts.
Make lawyers rich, see if we care. All we can do
is watch, while you insist on not using our defence.
If you really want to risk going to jail, then you really are
accepting that you like being just an ordinary resident
BOTTOM LINE: Our defence simply cannot work after you're charged.

We offer the absolute best Charter defence possible:

NAMELY: Every oath holder like a judge, prosecutor, cop
are held by oath to obey Sec 1 of the Charter. This trust,
when applied to our 'no jurisdiction defence' is defined as:
As upholding what is 'prescribed by law' [R v Therens]
in order to demonstrably protect our 'free and democratic
society' [R v Oakes] under our Party's Sec 1 [of the Charter]
guarantee to have these issues and matters be ruled under
our common law application of these SCC landmark case law precedents.
PLEASE NOTE: this is not a Charter Challenge, when you
really get into the case law application of our 'no jurisdiction
defence', you realize that no oath holder can challenge it
BECAUSE it's been a given all along. The very function of
our court system is protect this founding principle; NAMELY:
'law and order are essential elements of civilized life.'
IN FORM: when Harper attacked order, we inherit these great defences
Order in Canada means our territorial jurisdiction issues must
be respected. We, as a recognized Federal Party [simply put]
We don't have to ask for something, they cannot take away.
So until some 'resident' wins this landmark Charter Challenge
for residents means: it's a really good idea to join our Party
PLEASE NOTE: Marijuana Party Memberships are FREE.
Contact: & /VQMP420 & /VOTE Marijuana Party in Canada

[call] (778) 714-3689 [or] (778) 707-7461 [email]

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