Computer Fundamentals (Midterm)

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Software, Programs, and Support Modules
Software - comprises of computer programs, support modules,
and data modules.
- provides a computer with the instructions and data to carry out
a specific type of task.
Program - a set of instructions that solves a problem or carries
out a task.
Support Module - provides an auxiliary set of instructions used in
conjunction with the main software program
not designed to be run by the computer user.

How Software Works?

How does a high-level language relate to the microprocessors
instruction set?
- use of translators
- convert instructions from a high-level language into machine
- the only language that can be understood by a computers

Operating System
What does an operating system do?
- interacts with application software, device drivers, and
hardware to manage a computers resources.
- Examples of Computers Resources:
- Processor
- Storage Space
- Peripherals
How does operating system affect the appearance of application
- provides user interface tools, such as menus and toolbar
- uses of graphical user interface (GUI) concept.
- provides a way to point and click a mouse to select menu
options and manipulate graphical objects that are displayed on
the screen.
Where is the operating system?
- can be small enough to be stored in ROM for handheld
computers and video game consoles.
- can be quite large to be stored on a hard disk for personal
computers, servers, workstations, mainframes, and
When do I directly interact with the operating system?
- Launch programs
- Customize the user interface
- Manage files
- Configure equipment
- Get help

Types of Operating Systems

Singleuser operating system
- deals with one set of input devices.
Multiuser operating system
- deals with input, output, and processing requests from many

Network operating system

- provides communications and routing services that allow
computers to share data, programs and peripheral devices.
Multitasking operating system
- provides process and memory management services that
permit two or more programs to run simultaneously.
Desktop operating system
- designed for a personal computer, either a desktop or
notebook computer.
- designed to accommodate a single user, but may also provide
networking and multitasking capabilities.

Windows, Mac OS, UNIX, Linux, and DOS

Windows and Mac OS
- both operating systems base their user interfaces on the
graphical model originated at Xerox, PARC.
- Mac OS was developed several years before Windows.
- Mac and Windows interfaces use a mouse to point and click
various icons and menus.

UNIX and Linux

- was developed in 1969 at AT&Ts Bell Labs
- gained a good reputation for its dependability in multi-user
- was developed in 1991, based on a version of the UNIX kernel
called Minix.
- considered to be a popular operating system for e-mail, webservers, and local area networks.

- stands for Disk Operating System.
- provides part of the operating system kernel for Windows
versions 3.1, 95, 98, and ME.
- users rarely interact with DOS, because it is well hidden by the
Windows graphical user interface.


Software, Programs, and Support Modules

Application Software

Categories of Software
- Systems software or System programs
- Application software or Application programs

Word Processor
a term used in manipulating text or words in a file
Basic Features:
- insert text
- delete text
- cut and paste
- copy
- page size and margins
- search and replace
- word wrap
- print

Types of Computer Software

Structure of Operating System

Advanced Features:
- file management
- font specifications
- footnotes and cross-references
- graphics
- headers, footers, and page numbering
- layout
- merges
- spell checker
- tables of contents and indexes
- thesaurus
- windows
- computer programs especially designed to display information
graphically and allow files and data to be manipulated easily
- an electronic ledger sheet on which data are entered
Database Management System
application software packages that automate the everyday task of
recording, processing, filing, and manipulation of information in the
- Database is a collection of information organized in such a way
that a computer program can quickly select desired pieces of
Example: electronic filing system

Operating System Programs

Control Programs
manage the overall system operations
- Supervisor Program
- Input/Output Control System
Service Programs
subprograms or routines that are frequently used by the
- Language Translator Programs
- Librarian Programs
- Utility Programs
- Diagnostic Programs

Basic Features:
- add or delete information within a file
- search a file for some information based on some criteria
- update information from within a file
- sort information into some order
- generate a printout or reports
Graphic Software Packages
designed to allow the user to display images on a computer monitor
or to print the images on a printer
- paint programs
- illustration/design programs
- presentation graphics software
- animation software
- CAD software
- desktop publishing




Software Copyrights

Program Planning and Development

- a form of legal protection that grants the author of an original
- an exclusive right to copy, distribute, sell, and edit that work,
except under special circumstances described by copyright laws

Five Stages in Program Development

- Defining the problem
- Designing a solution
- Writing the program
- Compiling, Debugging, and Testing the program
- Documenting the program

- can make a backup or extra copy of the software for erased or
damaged original copy
- allowed to copy and distribute parts of a software program for
reviews and teaching
- has the right to copy software from a distribution disk or Web
site for installation

Software Licenses
License Agreement
a legal contract that defines the way in which a computer program
may be used
Techniques Validating Software License
- shrink-wrap licenses
- installation agreements
Public Domain Software
may be freely copied, distributed, and resold
not protected by copyright
Commercial Software
sold in computer stores or at Web sites
adheres closely to the limitations provided by copyright law
a copyrighted software that is available for free
allows you to use, copy, and distribute the software
a copyrighted software marketed under a try before you buy
allows you to copy and distribute the software
provide a low-cost marketing and distribution channel
Open Source Software
may be sold or distributed free of charge
uncompiled program instructions are available to programmers
who want to alter and improve the software
Examples: Linux, FreeBSD

1st Stage: Defining the Problem

recognize the need for information
define what outputs are required from the program
2nd Stage: Designing a Solution
breaking the problem into discrete steps known as algorithm
use flowchart to illustrate the sequence of steps
- flowchart a graphical representation of the sequence of
operations a computer is to perform
- Terminal
- General Input/Output Operation
- Process
- Comparison
- Connector
- Predefined Process
- Document
- Manual Input
- a version of the instructions describing each step the
computer must follow
- Example: Payroll Pseudocode
Read employee's hours worked and hourly
Do until end of items
Multiply hours worked by hourly
wage to get gross pay
If gross pay is greater than 70K
Then tax rate is 20%
Else tax rate is 15%
Multiply tax rate by gross pay to give
Subtract tax and union dues from
gross to get net pay
Print check
Read next employee's hours worked
and hourly wage
End loop (no more data)
Print reports
3rd Stage: Writing a Program
write the program in a specific programming language
Types of Programming Statements
- comments
- declarations
- input/output statements
- computations
- transfer of control
- comparison
Qualities of a Program
- easy to read and understand
- efficient
- reliable
- robust
- maintainable

4th Stage: Compiling, Debugging, and Testing the Program

a compiler is a special program for each programming
language loaded into the computer when that language is
5th Stage: Documentation of the Program
consists of written descriptions and explanations of programs
and other materials associated with an organizations data
processing system
serves as a guide to programmers and analysts who must
modify or update existing programs and system procedures

Basic Principles of Networking
- the process of delivering a message from a source to a destination
- the process of giving meaning to these messages received
Computer Network
It is a bunch of computers linked together.
It is cost efficient and reliable.
It serves as a good communication medium.
Network for People
- Access to remote information
- Person-to-person communication
- Interactive entertainment
Communication Channels
- a pathway over which information can be transferred
- information sent over a channel has a source (transmitter), from
which the information originates, and destination (receiver), to
which the information is delivered

Network Topologies
Bus Network

Tree Network

Mesh Network

Ring Network
Star Network

Distributed Systems
Centralized Data Processing (CDP)
- the conventional way of doing all the processing and control on
centralized computers
Distributed Data Processing (DDP)
- refers to the manipulation of data using distributed systems
- an extension of distributed data processing wherein it provides the
best of both centralized and distributed data processing
Local Area Network (LAN)
- connects network devices over relatively short distances
- usually owned by an individual or corporation
Wide Area Network (WAN)
- spans a large physical distance (geographically-dispersed
collections of LANs)
- not owned by any one organization but rather exist under collective
or distributed ownership and management

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